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  • what is the procedure for terminating parental rights and then adopting in the state of Oklahoma?

    We have a foster child currently in our care. The CW worker has pettitioned for the termination of bio mom's rights. What happens next. What are the steps between here and adoption? Thanks

    1 AnswerAdoption10 years ago
  • What will it take for a mother to regain custody of her son born with meth exposure in Oklahoma?

    I am foster mother to a little boy who was born with meth exposure. He was placed with us on an emeregency basis right after his birth and then put in a kinship placement which fell through and now his placement has reverted to us. We haven't been foster parents for too long so this is the first time that has happened. We know that the mother has a treatment program that she must complete, are there other requirements for her to regain custody or is that it? My concern is her relapsing and him bouncing around the system. If she can get it together, and stay clean and provide him with a good life, then more power to her that is our ultimate goal, but I we want to make sure he goes to a safe environment if we can (not that we are really given much say in the matter)

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • how often do you have to put your three year old in time out?

    It seems like I put my girl in time out a lot. Does that mean I'm doing it wrong or its not working, or is that just common for a three year old?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Neighbor's barking dog?

    My next door neighbor has a dog that they tie up in their yard every single morning around 6 am and it barks ALL DAY LONG. It wakes my daughter up in the morning. It makes it hard for me to put her down for her nap. I wake up around six anyway, so its not that it keeps me awake much but it is super annoying and I am irritated that it keeps my daughter awake. I really try to be a good neighbor and I am not at all looking to cause problems for them. I was wondering though is there a standard time that is considered too early or too late to leave your dog barking in the yard, or a length of time. I haven't been able to find that information. Also their other dog that they don't tie up digs under our fence and gets into our yard. They don't have a fence around their yard and didn't help pay for the section of the fence that divides our yards. What would you do in my situation?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can you get an approved home study if you admit you spank your kids?

    This is not a question of whether or not yo approve of spanking, and it is not a statement that I do either. The question is simply can you get an approved home study if you admit to spanking your children (this is occasional and not severe).

    13 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Trying to teach my two year old to say her name.?

    The funny thing is when you ask her, " what is your name," She says, "Me" That is not something we actively tried to teach her. She does know her name because she sometimes refers to herself in the third person. Also something we didn't try to teach her. Did anyone have a two year old that did this? Its not that I'm worried about it or anything. I just think its kind of unusual and I was wondering if it was more common than I realized.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I was reading an article that said not to give chicken broth to children diarrhea. But it didn't say why?

    Do you know why? My daughter has been sick and my mother in law has made her chicken soup almost every day. If she needs to quit I need to know but I would like be be able to give her a reason why.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My daughter will be 25 months in a week, and when you ask her, "How old are you?" (2) she doesn't answer.?

    If you hold up two fingers, sometimes she will say two, but not without. She isn't a huge talker, but I was wondering if this was normal. I don't really care if your kid could count to 25 by 18 months. I just want to know if I should be concerned.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What should I used to clean my base boards?

    I usually use pledge. They don't get extra grimy or anything so this seems to work, but I am worried that if the pledge gets on my wall it won't be good for the them. Its a flat paint and I don't want it to leave a spot. What do you think?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • At what age do children generally begin revering to themselves by name?

    My daughter is almost two and doesn't do this yet and my in laws seem very concerned by this. She uses I and mine so she has a concept of self. She has been a little slow in her language development for her age, but certianly not to an extreme. And her motor skills were usually ahead of others her age so I didn't think much of it but nowthey have made such a big deal out of it that I'm wondering if I should talk to her dr.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • If I have my Merina IUD removed, is it safe to start trying right away?

    Or do we need to wait for the hormones to leave my body?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How long before trying to concieve, should I start taking prenatals and stop my birth control?

    I know, I need to see an doctor, and I will. But my husband and I have just started talking about it and arent sure exactly when we want to start trying again. We know at least not for three more months (this would make our children at least three years apart which we want). I just got to the bottom of my regular vitamin bottle this morning and was thinking maybe I need to start taking prenatals. And I have a merina IUD if that makes a difference on the birth control question.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • So this is pretty normal right?

    I am on the merina IUD. And was having some pregnancy symptoms, which I know it can cause, but I took a test just to be on the safe side. It came out negative, and I was actually dissapointed, even though I know this would not be a good time for us to have a baby at all. Money is tight, and we have a daughter who is not yet two and I don't want them that close together. It just wouldn't be at all what we want or had planed. But still I was sad.

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I've been reading and have also been told, that children should us spontaneous two word phrases by two?

    Do these count? Hi dada and poo poo no (she had just pooped her pants and wasn't happy about it.) These are the only two that I know for sure she has used. She says a lot of other things, but they are not 100 percent understandable. The reason I am concerned is I was told it is an autism indicator if they are not doing it by two. I have taken her to her pediatrician and she didn't seem overly concerned, but I still am a little bit. She does have an appointment with an audiologist and a speech therapist for evaluation, but hasn't been yet.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What animals and colors and such could your child identify at 22-23 months?

    My daughter is 23 months today, and she only really readily identifies dog, fish, frog and bird and the color yellow. Which I actually think is pretty good. But just out of curiosity, what things was your child able to identify at this age. By identify, I mean able to point it out when asked? My daughter doesn't say much, but can find this things in a picture.

    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Working on getting my 23 month old to talk?

    For little while now, I have been concerned about my daughter not talking quite as much as some other children her age. I have been working with her trying to get her to say 2 to 3 word phrases, and hadn't had much luck, but over the past couple of days she has said several things that sounded like full sentences. I E Dada, where are you? What you doing? I want my ball. They are not all that clear, but it sounded an awful lot like that's what she said and it was appropriate for the situation. Do you think its possible she skipped over 2-3 word phrases and went to short sentences, or do you think we are hearing that because we want her to talk so badly?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • If a child has one of the red flags for autism, what are the chances they actually have it.?

    My daughter is almost two and talks very little. Her vocabulary that she uses is around 30 words, and she has not started puting together meaningful two word phrases, except for I pee pee, but thats the only one. Also if you ask her where is the ________ (insert whatever noun you want) She doesn't usually point to it. What do you think?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My daughter is 22 months and is not putting two words together yet?

    She also has not really had what I would consider a vocabulary explosion. She seems to understand ok, she just doesn't talk much. How concerned should I be?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 22 month old still has trouble with her body parts.?

    She knows eye nose and teeth pretty well, but sometimes she still points to the wrong place when you ask her even on the ones she has "known" for a while. Should I be concerned? I've been reading that at this age they should know body parts.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Which route would give us a better chance of adopting and infant out of foster care?

    I've heard that if you sign up as a fost/ adopt parent, the chance that an infant will be placed with you is rather slim (I don't mind waiting even a few years, but not if its never going to happen) But I have heard some "regular " foster parents say they had infants placed with them at only days old, and when the parents rights were terminated, they adopted. So what I am asking is if we are interested in an infant, would it be better not to sign up for fost/ adopt?

    9 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago