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  • What is the best laptop to give our son for high school graduation?

    Our son graduates from high school on Sunday. We want to give him a laptop, but my husband says it will be obsolete before fall. Anyone have a good answer?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Any doctors out there? Question about death.?

    My Mom is 88 years old and in intensive care. She weighs about 88 pounds. She has sepsis, renal failure, not eating, high heart rate and is having dificulty breathing. They also think that she is bleeding internally. They are treating her to save her - but she is suffering SO much. She is DNR. It is morbid, but the person who is in charge of everything is going on vacation for a week, and thinks she will still be alive when he gets back. The doctors say her death is not eminent. I don't believe it. Anyone have a clue ( I know that God knows...) how long she can last. She is suffering so much, I am hardly able to take it. Serious question - I am 55 and exhausted from being up there every day. Doctors won't be straight with me. Please guys, this isn't a joke. Serious answers only please, have some respect. Thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I don't feel close to anyone in our church and we have been members 5 years?

    My family and I attend this church and don't really have any friends there after five years. Recently we have missed for months, and they know that I am ill, but no one calls or sends cards. I don't think they even have noticed or cared that we aren't there!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you had this same experience with a church? What did you do?

    My family and I have been attending this church for about four years. We have not made any close friends, but thought it would take time because we were newcomers. Well I have been really sick and we haven't been to church in over a month. I was in the choir, and no one, not one person, has called me, sent me a card - nothing. Yes, before you ask, they knew I was ill. I feel like not going back, but my two sons need a church, and if we attended another church it would be the third they have attended in their lives. I am so hurt and I feel like an outcast. One couple has been nice to us, but they have adopted twins and are just too busy to check on us. Even the lady who sends cards to EVERYONE hasn't sent me one. I feel like never going back to any church again. I probably won't.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I get my son to stay at home after he turns 18 (he will still be in high school - a senior)?

    My adopted son (he says that's part of it) keeps saying that the day after his 18th birthday, he is moving out. He gives many reasons that all boil down to he doesn't like anyone in the house, and therefore, he doesn't want to live with us anymore. He says there are no blood relatives, etc. He will be about three months into his senior year when he turns 18. Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • When is the best time to have a Garage Sale in the next month (August 2010)?

    We have lived in this house for three years. Our garage is FULL of things that never made it into the house. I also wanted to go through closets, etc., - but here's the deal.

    We live in Houston, Texas, where it is HOT in August, but I feel that this is the last month we could really have a sale. So here is the problem. This weekend is obviously out because we have done NOTHING to prepare. Next weekend is No Tax weekend in Texas, and everyone will be back to school shopping. The NEXT weekend, school has already started. I wait until September, knowing that the traffic won't be nearly as good, or do I break my back and do it before school starts - or what? HELP!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What do I do because water got under my laminated flooring when the sink overflowed and now it is buckled?

    My son ran the sink over a couple of weeks ago. I don't know what kind of professional to call in. We have some flooring from when the floor was put in before we moved in. Who do we call? I think there is mildew under there because my asthma is worse and I am getting migraines every week.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are wallpaper borders without wallpapers in style?

    I have a pretty plain kitchen, and I was thinking about putting up a border around with roosters on it to liven it up. Is this in style any more?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How do older adults make friends? (Not that old, I am 53)?

    I am a 53 year old stay at home Mom with two teenagers. I have four debilitating diseases that keep me in pain and at home a lot. One of my teenagers is mentally and emotionally handicapped and is home schooled. We go to church when I am able, and I participate in church things when I can. To make a long story short, I have no friends, no one to talk to or do fun things with. My husband has interests (volunteer, work) outside the home, so he doesn't understand. I'm even thinking about calling Dr.Laura to get her help on this, but thought this would be easier. Any advice at all???

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I have suffered with left sided and pubic muscle pain since 7/2/09.?

    It is now 1/7/10. I have had urinary tract infections (they say now I have none), diverticulitis, (taking medication for that again now) and had a car scan that showed only diverticulitis in November. I can't see a gynecologist until the 28th of this month and I am tired of being in pain. I am scared. Anyone have an answer for this? By the way, I have had a hysterectomy. I am 53. Thanks.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is the Reverend Schnorr on Jerry Springer the actor Pauly Shore?

    He looks like him 100%. Is he or isn't he?

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What Choices Do I Have Concerning my family?

    I have two teenagers. I've been remarried for 6 years. I have been in constant pain for 5 months, and there is no relief in sight. Ex can't pay child support so he is taking me to court to get his amount reduced. No money for court, no one gets along, current husband wants divorce. I see one huge glaring choice, sounding better by the moment. Anyone got anything better? I don't think you do.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • I need help selecting a phone and my provider is TMobile?

    I am the mother of two teenagers, one with horrific mental and emotional problems. Once again, my phone got wet, and now I am working with one that won't hold a phone book. I need the phone to have the following:

    QWERTY keyboard, texting and internet capabilities It needs to have an alarm, notes and other organizing tools. I don't think I need any of the touch screens, but I don't know. I don't have a lot of money to devote to this. I have tried to look on TMobiles web site, but frankly, it's really bad. Please help me. I need to go get or order my phone tomorrow.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What do you do when your 15 year old son steals from his 16 year old brother?

    I have two sons, adopted, birth brothers, that I have had since birth. My 16 year old's only problem is a little depression. My 15 year old was a crack baby (remember, I adopted him, I didn't give birth to him), and has many emotional and mental problems.

    Here's what happened. My 15 year old stole a ring that my 16 year old bought for his girlfriend. My 15 year old claims that he gave it to his friend (who used to be his girlfriend). They are both in special ed classes.

    My 15 year old now states that he wants to go live with his adopted Dad. This man molested him when he was 3 1/2, and I divorced him. I am now remarried to a wonderful man. We have spent our entire marriage trying to get help for this child. I have sole custody of him at this time. In my state, he is physically able to decide where he wants to go live, but I could challenge it, because, mentally, he is 9 years old.

    What should we do? By the way, he stole $1500 from us about 3 years ago. When we discovered it, he was in the mental hospital, so we talked to him about it, but his doctor told us just to leave it alone.

    I guess I am looking for answers about what to do about the theft, as well as what to do about him wanting to go live with his Dad.

    By the way, he has been violent with me, my husband and my other son. He is also a habitual liar, and tells people that we attack him constantly, which just isn't true. The only time we have touched him was to try to get him off of us when he attacked us, and, believe me, we tried very hard just to get loose, and to not cause him any harm.

    He was in the mental hospital because he came after all 3 of us with a steak knife.

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I have had left arm weakness and shaking off and on?

    It will be weak some mornings, then shake uncontrollably at night. I have injured my neck and shoulder before, from carrying a heavy purse. I got a new purse for Christmas, and it is really heavy. I am sort of scared, but talked to a nurse tonight (she scared me) and my chiropractor (he didn't) and just don't want to go to sleep if it is something really bad. Please help.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I discourage my 16 year old from wanting a lip piercing, tattoos and a motorcycle?

    My 16 year old son and his brother are adopted since birth (and they are birth brothers). They want things I just don't understand - being an older parent. My first husband and I divorced, and I have been remarried for almost 5 years. We both love our sons very much, but our oldest is always wanting something. In order it has been: dirt bike, go-cart, car, lip piercing, tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, living on his own at 18 before graduation, tattoos (sleeve), computer, and now a motorcycle. He says that he will not give up on the motorcycle, piercings, and tattoos. He has $2500 inheritance that he will spend (with our permission) on what he ends up getting. The thing is, he wants a new thing every week. Help!

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Have Severed relationship with mother and her doctor called?

    She has to go to the hospital with a bladder infection. Nothing life threatening. I called my husband, my therapist, everyone I knew to try to decide what to do. The doctor wants me to take her to the hospital. Well, Mom called and left a message saying that the doctor shouldn't have called me, since she knows of our severed relationship - and she will get someone to take her to the hospital and take care of her pets (my old job). She ended the message by saying that she wanted us to have a good Easter and wanted to give us some money.

    I don't want money.

    Anyway, I feel like the devil's daughter - but the abuse I have endured at her hands for 51 years is too much to take. Should I feel as bad as I do?

    20 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • When there is no choice but to disown a family member?

    How do you live with yourself? My 83 year old mother is manipulative, hateful, mean spirited (and her doctor said that) but has nothing wrong with her mentally that would cause her behavior. I am an only child - she hates my husband (2nd husband) and tries to split our family apart. My two adopted children can't stand her - don't want to see her, She's hurt them too much by saying things about my current husband. She talks to my ex-husband on a daily basis, to see if she can talk him into trying to get custody.

    My Dad died in 2000 - he was the buffer between us. We never got along. My youngest son is bi-polar, and he was just released from the mental ward a week ago today. They haven't seen her since New Year's Day. I went over once when she fell - and then I remembered that she told me tht the next time she fell he would accuse me of it. There is so much more to the story than I have characters to work with. She is an alcoholic, addicted to prescription meds.

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do you handle someone who makes a rude comment about you out loud - but not directly to you?

    I was in the emergency room with my son, who was very ill, and this person was talking about me to anyone who would listen. My feelings were hurt. Should I have said thomething?

    12 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago