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I am a 33yr old female in Washington state. My son is 17 and an aspiring artist. He makes me feel very proud and grateful. I am a political hothead because I am passionate about what I believe. I don't like the new regime in power in the US and I stand against it's policies. I want change but not the kind Obama promises. I want a return to the old ways. I want the old values back. I want more money in my because because I earn it. I want to pay for my own medical and not yours. I want to be able to trust my government. I love my country but am apalled at what is has become. I came to Christ March 24, 2007 and I'm interested in meeting fellow believers.

  • What do these murder dreams mean?

    First dream:

    We put our house up for sale so people were coming to see it. They would come in but they would not go back out. While I can't remember my motive or plan I remember I was expecting a lady to show up and was hiding and waiting for my moment but when she got there she had her two kids and one of my friends showed up. I was so frustrated. My plan was foiled. I had to chat with my friend but once she left, the task was at hand. Aaron whispered angrily through his teeth at me, "don't f*ck this up!" He was pissed the lady brought her kids. I couldn't figure out how I was gonna do it. Gina appeared and became my shadow. I headed back to our room (I'm guessing to get a weapon) but gina followed me. Dammit. Then the door burst open and Aaron came in and wrestled the boy to the ground. The poor kid, probably 8 years old, had peed himself. He was crying asking Aaron why he was killing him. Aaron worked swiftly. He held the boy down and pulled out a rattle snake and laid it on top of the boy. The snake bit down and the boy cried out. I cringed, gina shrank into the bed where she had been sitting. Aaron said again, "don't f*ck this up!"

    I woke up gasping.

    Dream two:

    Aaron and I were on a trip with other people. We didn't know these other people it was a group trip you can sign up for. People kept getting picked off. I had chatted with a woman on the trip who had brought her son. He died. She went on anyway. (Weird) I just watched people getting dropped one after another.

    6 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Why does my fridge stink?

    There is NOTHING rotten in my fridge! Every time I open the door, the whole house wreaks! WHAT THE F***K?! I can't figure it out. Any suggestions? Is it internal? Can I take it apart? It's an old fridge probably 90s. Anyone else ever have this issue? It is embarrassing and I would like to figure it out!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Why is my 12 yr old daughter always so dang tired?

    Everyday she mopes around. She has no desire to play with friends and just wants to sleep. When she does anything physical, she poops out. She has no stamina. She is also terribly cranky and fussy. I am not a happy momma right now. What the heck is going on?

    14 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • Can you suggest a good title for this story?

    Twelve year old Lucas Jones lives down an old service road in West Virginia with his sister, Lacy and his Ma and drunk Pops. Luke has lived his entire life in fear of his abusive, alcoholic Pops, watching him beat on his Ma and sometimes even taking some of the brunt of his temper tantrums. One day, battered and bloodied from fighting his Pops off, Luke gets his Pops' gun and blows him away. The state removed him and his sister from the home and he was found guilty of premeditated murder and sent to prison. His miserable life is chronicled in this book and will continue in the third book.

    The second book I am writing is about his sister's life when he couldn't be there for her. She has her own twisted, screwed up story to tell about her life without her brother.

    Book three will be the reunion and the next ten or so years.

    I just need to come up with a title for book 1. I already know what I am going to call book 2 and not yet concerned with the title for book 3.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • What antibiotic can I take for walking pneumonia?

    I'm pretty sure that is what it is. Doctors are expensive and the feed stores sell antibiotics over the counter. I just wonder what to get and how much to take?

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Ladies only....feminine hygiene question?

    I am 37 years old and douche quite regularly but this morning my honey told me I am a bit smelly. So, since I just douched yesterday and we didn't have sex til today, why would I be smelly? Am I douching too much? Is there such a thing? I do it nearly every time I take a shower and I only use tap water.AM I doing something wrong? Is there maybe something going on down there? I don't have any symptoms of infection. But this other weird thing has been going on. I have a throb. It's like all day and its in my clitoris so I am pretty much a walking erection when this happens and it started yesterday but isn't quite as bad today. What can I do about the smelliness? That is my main concern.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What options are there other than hysterectomy?

    The IUD can be dangerous though I haven't scratched that off of my list. The Depo shot is good for about 2 yrs. I want something far more permanent than that. I am not trying to prevent birth. I am trying to prevent periods and all the pain and misery that goes with it and that seems to increase every month.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • I want a full hysterectomy. What criteria must one fit to be a candidate?

    I am 37 years old and planning on no more kids. My body every month is breaking down. Each period that arrives hurts more and flows harder. My boobs hurt all the time. I am not using my woman parts and they give me so much grief I can't stand it. In Cali, in order for a woman to get a hysterectomy, there has to be problems. Does anyone know what they are? I feel like I am a candidate but I don't know if the bureaucrats who wrote the conditions will agree with me.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Question about teenager who is displaying some very disappointing behavior?

    I was married to her dad a few years ago. We split I moved. She is visiting for the summer. That is a little background on the relationship and why she is here with me. Over the past year she has dealt with bullies and awful horrible girls in her school (junior high) also has battled an eating disorder and it was revealed someone her mom calls a friend defiled her. She is a survivor to say the least. Her dad has custody because her mom is an idiot and can't get it together for her kids. So that is the why I am sure.

    The behavior I am referring to is as follows: On her Facebook there are thousands of friends and she doesn't know even half of them. It is some sort of status symbol to have a ton of friends or something. I check the history on my computer almost everyday and almost everyday around 1 am there is history of someone going to a porn site. Recently I let her use my cam for skyping. I think this might have been a mistake because when I logged onto my computer today her Facebook was open and there were messages from boys; one from a boy talking to her about skyping him. He wanted her to do things for him. I checked the computer with the skype account and sure enough the last page open was skype.

    She never blocks the bullies or the boys who ask things of her. She cries when the bullies attack and obliges the boys. I don't know what to do about this behavior other than deny her access to the computers but that won't stop the behavior. She will use someone else's to behave badly.

    The parents of the bully girls know what's going on and praise their awful daughters for sticking up for themselves when really they are not even being attacked. Good grief what is this world coming to? Parents! If you have teenagers and you care about how they are treated or how they are treating others please for God's sake check up on them. So what I am asking is what shall I do about this? What if you were in this position with your step kid whose father has all but given up? He hasn't given up for lack of trying, though. He truly doesn't know what to do.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Friends on the right, would you be in favor of gay civil unions?

    As conservatives can we please be mature and calm about this. I put this up for debate not for argument. This is a seriously hot topic right now despite the rest of the world falling apart around us. It is my belief that the Christian right wing group in this country has the mindset that because it is wrong, it should not be supported. But my mindset is different. I think that we all all protected by the constitution regardless if it is traditional or not and that many want to believe that God clearly says in the Bible that... Doesn't matter. We are all governed by and protected by the same laws and rights. The constitution does not say anything about what's condemned in the Bible. It in fact says nothing about the Bible or God or religion except that we ALL have the right to our own beliefs and to practice those beliefs. I think marriage certificates are not state certificates and should not be used for legal purposes. I think civil union licenses should be standard and universal and for those who wish to have a traditional religious ceremony should receive a marriage certificate from their church. Thus, a true separation between church and state.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • 35 years old with a very unusual period. Not pregnant. What may be a possible cause for this?

    I will attempt to spare some of the more graphic details but basically, I am experiencing far more and far worse cramping than with a normal period. The flow is really heavy. I'm changing tampons every hour or two. I am clotting. And something came out of me last night I could not identify. Someone told me it sounds like they might have been "flat" clots. I tested for pregnancy thinking possible miscarriage. Also, this period came 8 days late. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • how to acquire access to a safe deposit box that belonged to an ex spouse who has passed?

    I am not even sure where to start. My bf works all day so I have more time to research this stuff. He has 90 days to get the stuff out of the box but it is in his ex wife's name. They were divorced when she died but he has the kids so the box has become his. He is not sure where to start to get the box turned over to him. Is there a document he needs to fill out? Is there anything in particular he needs to do to begin the process?

    Are there any probate lawyers out there or law students who can help us with this one?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Unconventional parenting tips?

    Hi all. I have a 10 yr old daughter who has been quite difficult displaying behaviors prompting discipline far more than her siblings. She is the oldest of three girls. Let me give you some background on her before I talk about the things I am dealing with. I am her step mom. Her mom is no longer with us. She passed last June so for obvious reasons I have had some troubles with her. Her mom and she had a rough relationship while she was alive and her life ended on a really bad note. Her mom also had mental illness. All that being said it is clear my oldest is in serious need of a lot of love right now. However discipline does not work for her. A while ago at parent teacher conferences we learned about how she has been lying and hiding and working the system. Also while doing laundry I went to her room to get her dirty clothes and her clothes were everywhere so I had to pick them up from all over and in the process I found things in her room that are inappropriate for a girl her age.

    So, with all the dishonesty, the failure of the 5th grade and bad things I found in her room, much more has come to light. Her dad and I have been trying to be very proactive in getting her back on track but it has been a serious battle. She has lost everything but her clothes from her room and has been grounded to it. She has more chores than normal. Despite the new structure with all the checks for school work and cleaning her room nothing is really working. We are still having a lot of bold face big lies not just little ones but in your face lies even when the truth is staring her in the face and hiding messes and such. She has been very disrespectful to me as well. Her dad and I really want her to have a happy life. She has been through so much and we want to help her overcome it all and we don't want to keep grounding her and taking things away. We want to start rewarding her and positively reinforcing her good behaviors but it seems like there isn't anything to reward.

    I am thinking conventional discipline will never work for her. We need to ignite a passion in her for something. We need to find her currency. So My question is what can we do to help her? I don't want her in trouble anymore. Help me come up with some ideas to encourage her to start doing the right things. I have a few ideas but if your ideas are better than mine or if I can use your ideas in addition to mine that would be great. Thank you in advance!

    6 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • My step daughter just took a bite of really moldy bread and swallowed it before she realized... will she be ok?

    She just took a bite of a moldy english muffin and she showed it to me when she realized and it was seriously green. Oh my. It is really bad. What do you think? I told her lots of water but I mean its mold not just something that dilutes.

    4 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • I am paying for I being scammed?

    My internet provider has offered a package of 15mbps and I can't stream a thing. We have Netflix and it has to stop to buffer constantly. Even Hulu on my computer same thing. So I have done some research and found other compteing companies in the area DO NOT offer such speeds, in fact, not even anywhere near what my provider offers. 6mbps is the highest near me and in my neighborhood it is 3mbps. So if 15mbps is not enough to stream why would I want to go with 3mbps? Are they lying to me? Am I not actually getting 15mbps? Am I even getting 3mbps? At&t just told me their 3mbps would be great for streaming. Can anyone please put this into English for me and help me understand how it all works? Also, our router is a rental from the provider and it is their top of the line router and it is a cable service. At&t is a DSL. Please explain to me how At&t can offer me streaming on 3mbps and Charter's 15mbps isn't enough mbps for streaming.

    8 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Ideas for spicing up our bedroom life?

    I am Christian and conservative and my hubby wants me to be spontaneous and naughty. So, I am having trouble coming with things to do that I know will entice him because of my conservative values. One thing he has always wanted since the shop was built was to christen it lol. I know I could set something up romantic and naughty there but I need more ideas. Please keep it clean. I want real ideas from couples who have had good success from their own ventures in the bedroom.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Who knows about thyroid disease?

    I want to start using weight loss aids because I have gained 4 sizes in 3 years. I have exercised and worked out but still I gain. I need help. Please tell me why people who have thyroid disease result in the removal of the thyroid is reason for not using weight loss aids.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • can someone please tell me how to prepare an Avon book for mailing?

    I have tried to get a sample book from several fellow Avon reps but still haven't gotten on. Would love to mail my campaign 18s

    2 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • Female pastors, isn't there something Biblical about women not pastoring?

    a church? Seems weird to me to here "Pastor Barbara" or "Pastor Monie" Can someone explain to me why Pastoring isn't the man's job anymore? Sorry to sound sexist but I just always thought the Bible instructed women to be the helper of the men (usually wife and husband) but doesn't that apply to the church as well?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago