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  • Can someone help me with my logo?

    I drew a logo for my photography business, but drew it by hand and scanned it into my computer so the edges are not perfect or smooth. I was wondering if anyone could help me to do it digitally so that everything will be perfect. All the widths of the black parts have to be even throughout the logo and the scale is perfect how it is now, I just can't make the edges straight.

    is where the drawing can be found.

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Where is the best place to watch fireworks on Merritt Island in Florida?

    We are looking for the best fireworks show on Merritt Island. Preferably a coastal beach town with a good long show. Do they do any near KSC? We were hoping to catch the show right off the bridge over the St. Johns river, but we don't know which towns do them or if that is even a good place to watch. Any insight?!

    1 AnswerOrlando1 decade ago
  • I know this might sound dumb, but I need to know...?

    Are there cameras out there with the manual settings (A P S M) that are NOT DSLRs?

    5 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Nikon D90. Help using AE/AF lock?

    I can't use my camera without having to hold down the AE/AF button! WHY?!?! I press the shutter button down and nothing! UNLESS I hold the AE/AF button down then press the shutter button, it will work then. How do I fix that?!?! Also, I can't seem to get my SB800 to work separately (like when I want to use it NOT attached to the camera, but as a slave). I'm clueless...any help?

    4 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Runny nose and watery eye...but only on right side of head! What the heck?!?

    I came down with sniffles yesterday, nothing serious. I then wake up today with a runny (but at the same time stuffy) right side of my nose and my right won't quit watering! I don't have allergies, and I'm not sneezy, so what is the deal here?

    Anyone else ever had this problem? How do I fix it homepathically?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • My cats USED to get along. What happened?! Why does one want to kill the other? They're friends!?

    I have two cats: Click and Kuma. I've have Click for 2 years now and got him when he was 4 months old he has never been fixed. A year later we got Kuma when he was 1 month old (abandoned by his mother/stray)and he also is not fixed. For a whole year they have been friends. They always play together, sleep together, watch out for each other, etc.

    A month and a half ago we got a 10 week old female Yorkshire Terrier. (Cute little thing!) anyways, Click (the older cat) always has a hard time warming up, but he was fine with her. Kuma was the same, only after awhile he quit hiding from her and they even play together.

    Recently though, for the past week maybe (week and a half perhaps) Kuma has been viciously attacking Click. I'm talking globs of fur ripped out, claws being lost, loud, brutal fighting. I have had to keep them seperated so that Click doesn't get hurt anymore! He has scabs and scratches all over his body and face, which is sad because he's such a peaceful cat! Kuma has also been less tolerant of the puppy, though not attacking her, just not playing with her as they did before. He has no problem loving on us, but is down right MEAN to Click!

    What is going on?! Why is Kuma suddenly out for blood with Click? It has gotten to a point that my beds are covered with pee/spray everyday (which is getting to be expensive with all that laundry soap being used) and I'm not sure if it's because Click is just far too scared to come out (which it's obvious that he is, but I take turns confining them in the room with their litter/food/water).

    I'm just at a loss and really debating getting rid of Kuma. He's a great cat (AWESOME with my kids, loves to sit on the ledge when we take baths, always there laying by us, etc) but this recent behavior is disturbing! And dangerous for Click!!! Will they ever be friends again or is it best to get rid of him now to avoid any further injury to Click?

    PS-we got the puppy from a strictly puppy store with no cats, none of them have recently been to a vet so it's not that one got another cat's scent and the other thinks it's a different cat, neither of them are sick, and no serious trauma has occurred. They were fine for 3 weeks with the addition of the puppy, so why now?

    PLEASE! Any help?!?!?!

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My 8 month old baby won't/can't sit up by himself?

    He's is developing normally in every other aspect: he is a crawler (doesn't have it mastered yet, but he's getting there), he uses his pointer finger and thumb to grab things, his focus and attention are good, and he rolls around like he's supposed to, but he won't sit up! He can...I've seen him do it (granted, not for too terribly long, but he still CAN). So what's the deal? Should I be worried?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why does firefox AND internet explorer keep crashing?!?!?! GRRRR!?

    I can't do anything on the internet (okay, so I exagerate, I can do things, but when I really want to do something it always crashes)! It keeps encountering "errors" especially when I go to It won't let me click to the schools to view their stats...and that's not the only website either. I's so frustrating! It just crashes then closes. I need help or my mouse is going to end up through my monitor when I get so mad and throw it through.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Lost my whole tank! What the heck happened?!?!?

    I have a small (5 gallon) freshwater aquarium for my daughter and have had it for 4 years now (original fish-2 small goldfish, a very small water frog to help with bottom feeding and an algae eater). They have survived many water changes, and even a move from Michigan to Florida.

    However, one of the gold fish died while we were visiting Michigan for Christmas (my friend was feeding them for us while we were gone), then when we got back to Florida (9 days later) the others were fine until 2 days after that when the remaining goldfish's fin started getting ragged and looked like there were streaks of blood running the length of his tail. His eyes were pretty cloudy too. Then the next morning he wsa belly up. A week later my from was dead and 2 days after that my algae eater had a large red open lesion on his underside. Freaking out, I changed the water and hoped his sore would get better since he was the remaining fish. I cleaned everything, disinfected it all, and put him in a quarentine take with Jungle Bacteria Clear in it for a week.

    His would healed up nicely and he is now at 90% his original health so I put him back in the normal tank. I treated the water with a dose of the bacteria cleaner and water conditioner. Everything seemed fine. I then added a new fancy tail goldfish and it's been in there for 4 days now and he too has developed ragged/ripped tail, bloody streaks, and he's hovering near the top a lot vertically with his mouth near the surface (always in the same spot). Though I do often see him laying on the bottom with his fins all tucked in tight close to him. Sometimes it looks as though he's gasping for air and others look as though he isn't breathing or cycling air through his gills at all, but he follows you with his eyes. I feed them (the goldfish and the one algae eater) once a day and only a very tiny amount so I know it's not overfeeding. I check the pH balance and it was at 7.6 (which is what goldfish prefer, right?) and have put in two treatments of Jungle Ammonia Clear. Airated the water really well like it said too, waited a day a replaced the filter. I put all new stones in as well. I also added a pH corrector to bring the pH down just a little bit. The water is room temperature.

    It's not tail and fin rot, as the fins aren't rotting, just tearing, anyways I treated twice for that. The pH balance isn't completely out of whack so that can't be it. I did notice when we returned from our trip that the water had a film on the top of it, but I always do 25% water changes every 3 weeks or so, so it's not like the water quality was just left there to fester in filth. I'm at a loss here! I don't have a tester kit for ammonia, so it could have been high, but I treated for that (also twice) so could it have been ammonia poisoning? Especially that quickly since I JUST cleaned the tank and practically started over 4 days ago and my new fish is sick?

    I'm confused about what is going on! Why am I losing all my fish?! My daughter is devastated!!!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Starting my 7 mo old son on foods and not sure how. Any advice?

    He has been formula feed thus far and it is time to start him on some foods. He's hungry ALL the time and the bottles alone just aren't cuttin' it any more. I started to give him some rice cereal, first just a little in his bottles, then a little more, and now it's pretty thick and fed with a spoon. I know I can start him on baby foods (veggies first in lieu of fruits to avoid him preferring the sweetness of the fruits) and keep on the cereal twice a day for the minerals they provide. I guess what I wonder about is how much formula should he be getting a day? Should I be mixing the cereal with formula and for how long. I currently do 2 scoops of formula, 4 oz water, and enough cereal to make it thick. How long should I do this for? Also, since the formula I use (Enfamil with Lipils) has DHA and ARA in it so should I be using a cereal with DHA and ARA in it or no? I mean how much is safe? Can too much be harmful? Also, when I start him on the veggies and fruits (one new food a week in case allergies arise I know what caused it) how should I adjust the formula and cereal usages then? I just want to do it right and I'm confused. It's been 8 years since I had a baby and things are a little different now! Also, is it okay to give my baby small amounts of plain water? I'm scared to give him more than 2 ounces in a day. I just heard a story on the news of a woman using extra water in her daughter's bottles because she wanted to make it last longer due to financial issues and her baby got water intoxication and nearly died in the hospital. I'd hate for that to happen to my son because I don't know how much is okay. He just acts so thirsty while and after I give him the cereal mixture and I'd hate for him to get constipated, I just feel like the extra water might keep his insides working a little smoother. Just in case it matters, he is 7 months old, 17 pounds 8 ounces in weight, and tall for his age and he hasn't cut any teeth yet (his sister was a late tooth bloomer too. She was almost a year old when her first popped through). Currently, he takes 6 or 7 ounce bottles every 2 hours (sometimes three) with one or two feedings of the cereal/formula mixture at 5 ounces each time followed by a little water to wash it down.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do I start my 7 month old son on foods and not a liquid diet?

    He has been formula feed thus far and it is time to start him on some foods. He's hungry ALL the time and the bottles alone just aren't cuttin' it any more. I started to give him some rice cereal, first just a little in his bottles, then a little more, and now it's pretty thick and fed with a spoon. I know I can start him on baby foods (veggies first in lieu of fruits to avoid him preferring the sweetness of the fruits) and keep on the cereal twice a day for the minerals they provide. I guess what I wonder about is how much formula should he be getting a day? Should I be mixing the cereal with formula and for how long. I currently do 2 scoops of formula, 4 oz water, and enough cereal to make it thick. How long should I do this for? Also, since the formula I use (Enfamil with Lipils) has DHA and ARA in it so should I be using a cereal with DHA and ARA in it or no? I mean how much is safe? Can too much be harmful? Also, when I start him on the veggies and fruits (one new food a week in case allergies arise I know what caused it) how should I adjust the formula and cereal usages then? I just want to do it right and I'm confused. It's been 8 years since I had a baby and things are a little different now! Also, is it okay to give my baby small amounts of plain water? I'm scared to give him more than 2 ounces in a day. I just heard a story on the news of a woman using extra water in her daughter's bottles because she wanted to make it last longer due to financial issues and her baby got water intoxication and nearly died in the hospital. I'd hate for that to happen to my son because I don't know how much is okay. He just acts so thirsty while and after I give him the cereal mixture and I'd hate for him to get constipated, I just feel like the extra water might keep his insides working a little smoother. Just in case it matters, he is 7 months old, 17 pounds 8 ounces in weight, and tall for his age and he hasn't cut any teeth yet (his sister was a late tooth bloomer too. She was almost a year old when her first popped through). Currently, he takes 6 or 7 ounce bottles every 2 hours (sometimes three) with one or two feedings of the cereal/formula mixture at 5 ounces each time followed by a little water to wash it down.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • To vaccinate or not? and why?! Let's have a good debate, people (with up to date references)...?

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue with vaccinating my 5 month old son. He had his first set, but after doing my research I am not so sure I should continue on with the other sets. I know there are many out there who strongly believe that vaccines are connected with autism (as well as other defects and sicknesses), and many who strongly repute that statement.

    After days and days of researching I am still on the fence about whether or not to do it. I need some help.

    Please include references (CURRENT ONLY...nothing before 2001 unless it is to show the rise and fall throughout the years of certain things) and make sure they are from credible sources as well. I'd be curious to see anyone knowing of graphs and charts of statistics on the fluctuation of cases of these diseases long before immunizations were created up to the present (cases of people with the diseases who were infected, lived, died, how many cases of each, etc).

    I am also curious to see the mathematics of what the chances are that my child could get measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and everything else they vaccinate for.

    I am tired of opinions...I need the facts! Both sides of the argument are greatly appreciated please! Also, please keep hateful comments to yourself. I am not trying to injure my child or endanger him in any way by keeping my option to NOT vaccinate open...some would argue that by vaccinating a child is taking a gamble with their lives. So please do not bash on me. I am seriously at odds and need facts to help me make a more informed decision. Thank you for understanding!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • To vaccinate or not? and why?! Let's have a good debate, people (with up to date references)...?

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue with vaccinating my 5 month old son. He had his first set, but after doing my research I am not so sure I should continue on with the other sets. I know there are many out there who strongly believe that vaccines are connected with autism (as well as other defects and sicknesses), and many who strongly repute that statement.

    After days and days of researching I am still on the fence about whether or not to do it. I need some help.

    Please include references (CURRENT ONLY...nothing before 2001 unless it is to show the rise and fall throughout the years of certain things) and make sure they are from credible sources as well. I'd be curious to see anyone knowing of graphs and charts of statistics on the fluctuation of cases of these diseases long before immunizations were created up to the present (cases of people with the diseases who were infected, lived, died, how many cases of each, etc).

    I am also curious to see the mathematics of what the chances are that my child could get measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and everything else they vaccinate for.

    I am tired of opinions...I need the facts! Both sides of the argument are greatly appreciated please! Also, please keep hateful comments to yourself. I am not trying to injure my child or endanger him in any way by keeping my option to NOT vaccinate open...some would argue that by vaccinating a child is taking a gamble with their lives. So please do not bash on me. I am seriously at odds and need facts to help me make a more informed decision. Thank you for understanding!

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • To vaccinate or not? and why?! Let's have a good debate, people (with up to date references)...?

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue with vaccinating my 5 month old son. He had his first set, but after doing my research I am not so sure I should continue on with the other sets. I know there are many out there who strongly believe that vaccines are connected with autism (as well as other defects and sicknesses), and many who strongly repute that statement.

    After days and days of researching I am still on the fence about whether or not to do it. I need some help.

    Please include references (CURRENT ONLY...nothing before 2001 unless it is to show the rise and fall throughout the years of certain things) and make sure they are from credible sources as well. I'd be curious to see anyone knowing of graphs and charts of statistics on the fluctuation of cases of these diseases long before immunizations were created up to the present (cases of people with the diseases who were infected, lived, died, how many cases of each, etc).

    I am also curious to see the mathematics of what the chances are that my child could get measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and everything else they vaccinate for.

    I am tired of opinions...I need the facts! Both sides of the argument are greatly appreciated please! Also, please keep hateful comments to yourself. I am not trying to injure my child or endanger him in any way by keeping my option to NOT vaccinate open...some would argue that by vaccinating a child is taking a gamble with their lives. So please do not bash on me. I am seriously at odds and need facts to help me make a more informed decision. Thank you for understanding!

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • To vaccinate or not? and why?! Let's have a good debate, people (with up to date references)...?

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue with vaccinating my 5 month old son. He had his first set, but after doing my research I am not so sure I should continue on with the other sets. I know there are many out there who strongly believe that vaccines are connected with autism (as well as other defects and sicknesses), and many who strongly repute that statement.

    After days and days of researching I am still on the fence about whether or not to do it. I need some help.

    Please include references (CURRENT ONLY...nothing before 2001 unless it is to show the rise and fall throughout the years of certain things) and make sure they are from credible sources as well. I'd be curious to see anyone knowing of graphs and charts of statistics on the fluctuation of cases of these diseases long before immunizations were created up to the present (cases of people with the diseases who were infected, lived, died, how many cases of each, etc).

    I am also curious to see the mathematics of what the chances are that my child could get measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and everything else they vaccinate for.

    I am tired of opinions...I need the facts! Both sides of the argument are greatly appreciated please! Also, please keep hateful comments to yourself. I am not trying to injure my child or endanger him in any way by keeping my option to NOT vaccinate open...some would argue that by vaccinating a child is taking a gamble with their lives. So please do not bash on me. I am seriously at odds and need facts to help me make a more informed decision. Thank you for understanding!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • To vaccinate or not? and why?! Let's have a good debate, people (with up to date references)...?

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to continue with vaccinating my 5 month old son. He had his first set, but after doing my research I am not so sure I should continue on with the other sets. I know there are many out there who strongly believe that vaccines are connected with autism (as well as other defects and sicknesses), and many who strongly repute that statement.

    After days and days of researching I am still on the fence about whether or not to do it. I need some help.

    Please include references (CURRENT ONLY...nothing before 2001 unless it is to show the rise and fall throughout the years of certain things) and make sure they are from credible sources as well. I'd be curious to see anyone knowing of graphs and charts of statistics on the fluctuation of cases of these diseases long before immunizations were created up to the present (cases of people with the diseases who were infected, lived, died, how many cases of each, etc).

    I am also curious to see the mathematics of what the chances are that my child could get measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and everything else they vaccinate for.

    I am tired of opinions...I need the facts! Both sides of the argument are greatly appreciated please! Also, please keep hateful comments to yourself. I am not trying to injure my child or endanger him in any way by keeping my option to NOT vaccinate open...some would argue that by vaccinating a child is taking a gamble with their lives. So please do not bash on me. I am seriously at odds and need facts to help me make a more informed decision. Thank you for understanding!

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Where does Graco purchase their fabric from?

    I recently purchased a whole matching set of baby gear from Graco in their "DARIUS" fabric and since I keep all my son's gear in his bedroom I want to coordinate it to his crib bedding. I have been unsuccessful in finding a pattern that doesn't clash with the darius pattern and to do just solid colors is boring (btw, did I mention I am sewing my own crib bedding, as I haven't found anything that I really like, so I will create my own...I did this for my daughter too). Anyways, I would love to know where Graco purchases their fabrics from so that I too may buy some of it and use it in my little 'project'. If anyone knows, please let me know! I have tried to contact their customer service department, but have gotten no response yet. My son is now a month and one week old and needs to have crib bedding now. Thanks in advance!!!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What months are REO houses typically winterized in Michigan?

    I'm looking at buying a house that a bank currently owns. I want to do a home inspection so I can know what exactly I'm getting into on this one, as I am aware that it needs many cosmetic repairs. Though to be sure it is sturdy by means of plumbing and electrical I need the inspector to assess it. The home has been winterized and I am aware that a proper inspection requires the home to be de-winterized and re-winterized after the inspection is complete during the cold months. What puzzles me is this: do the banks usually de-winterize the houses for the summertime or do they leave them winterized? If they leave them winterized, would I be required to pay for re-winterization after an inspection even though it is spring time? I'm confused. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago