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why did Canada not join the american colonies?
Why was Quebec, Ontario, etc, not involved with the lower "13" colonies during the run up to the revolution? Were they governed differently?
6 AnswersHistory8 years agoI have a 6 MBps cable connection to the internet, is it worth upgrading from Wireless G to Wireless N?
Is the Cable modem the bottleneck in my connection? I see that G can connect up to 54 MBps, so why should I upgrade to 300MBps when my internet can never rise above 6?.
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoMy Mazda 6s automatic windows aren't working.?
After a day and a half of not using my car, I went to start it but it took about 5 minutes to get it to start. I didn't notice that I left anything on. It was turning over but didn't seem to have the power to start, while trying the lights on the dash would flicker. After I got it started, the power windows wouldn't work. I drove the car about 15 minutes away, parked for an hour then started it again, worked fine, drove 15 minutes home and parked for another 24 hours. Again it had a hard time starting, this time once I got it started I drove for 1 hour.... since then I have not had a problem starting the car but the automatic up and down on the windows still does not work. Is my battery bad? Or is there a way to reset the windows? Thanks.
1 AnswerMazda1 decade agohow much does it cost to refinance in closing costs?
My mortgage currently has my name, my wife's name and my father-in-laws name on it. I would like to know how much should it cost to refinance in oder to get only my father-in-laws name on the mortgage and title. It is an FHA loan with about 6.3% and 167000 outstanding.
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoAnyone else wish pennsylvania was wiped off the face of the earth??
Why do so many low lives live there? Why do they drive so slow? Why do they take pride in being white trash? Can anyone help me out in understanding what is wrong with Pennsylvanians?
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoA house I am looking to purchase has Asbestos siding, what should I do?
The siding looks to be in great shape, but how much will this end up costing me down the road? I have read that the siding is actually much less dangerous than other forms. Please give me an idea of what I am getting myself into. Thanks.
P.S. I live in Hunterdon County New Jersey USA
9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI need a no money down mortgage in NJ. I am 26 married with a combined income of around 140,000.?
We also have two car payments which add up to 950 a month and student loans that add up to 1000 dollars a month. In addition we have to pay about 500 dollars a month in credit cards. I believe our credit scores are about 650 and 690 respectively. We are looking at houses in the 380,000 range. Is this possible? Thanks.
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoI have a Mazda 6 with a stock radio. It has a "Sat" button, does?
this mean it is satellite ready? How do I get Sirius radio for it? Can it work through the already installed radio?
1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade agoI read a book and can't remember the title or author can you help?
The book was about a city where people went after they died, they stayed there till they were forgotten. Then there is a plague and the world ends, the city shrinks till there are only a few left, since there is only one person left (a woman in antarctic) when she dies the city ends.
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHow can a reasonable person believe in god through faith?
Faith is the belief without reason. Why would you believe in something without a reason to. It seems odd to me. Please explain. Hopefully I will get an answer that satisfies my reason.
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhen you lose weight, do you lose the weight through your breath and CO2 or through your urine?
I know the outcome of cellular respiration is CO2, so I would guess through your breath, but does anyone know for sure?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHow many trees are in the USA?
I heard that since the native americans used massive amounts of slash and burn farming techniques and also cleared massive amounts of forest to live on that there are actually more trees in the USA now than when europeans first arrived on these shores? Could this be true?
5 AnswersEnvironment1 decade agoThe most harsh answers to a question I have seen came in a question asking why people can't spell, why?
People on this website can not spell and they certainly can not construct a sentence, so why do they get so defensive? The ignorance of a large chunk of people here is disgusting.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhy are people scared of Genetically modified foods?
I don't understand. The food is still coming from a living creature and the genetics altered are just taken from another plant or animal. This technology could greatly increase world production, help feed the starving, and increase our natural vitamin and mineral intake. Explain why some people will not eat it.
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoDoes anybody actually understand how much money it costs to get a drug approved in the USA?
The drug companies charge so much because of this insane amount of money they pump into a drug before they can even sell it..... on top of that about 80% of drugs don't make it through development and the company loses all the money..... How then do we drop the price of drugs without dropping the price to develop them?
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoes anyone claim to be a time Traveler?
I have heard of John titor but are there any others?
5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoWhat is the oldest civilization found in the Americas?
13 AnswersAnthropology1 decade agoHas anyone ever been to Clinton, NJ?
Its my hometown and doesn't seem like anyone knows it exists, even people from NJ.
5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago