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  • IS IT CHILD ABUSE? or am I exaggerating?

    My neighbors have a son with Asbergers Syndrome. He is 14 yrs old and lost his biological father about 2 years ago. His mother has been verbally abusive (foul language) to him since he was a small child. She now has a new man in her life (who does not work) and has older children who visit often. Whenever they have an argument her son breaks out with foul language towards his mother and her new man has his older son's hold him down while they put liquid soap in his mouth. His mother talks to him in a very calm and rational voice (instead of her usual foul mouth technique in front of the new man). When her son lashes out physically (fighting off being forced to swallow soap) he will do alot of damage to the house and hit the new man and his sons. They end up calling the police and have him thrown in juvenille detention. I stepped out yesterday, while the police were there, and asked his mother if he could come to my house to chill out for awhile and try to diffuse the situation. She said he could not be 50 yards away from here because of a court order and told me "NO". Instead, the police took him away. I feel this kid is getting a bad shake and I feel powerless to do anything. Any suggestions? By the way, the new man weighs 300 pounds and does nothing but sponge off the mother and his grown sons dress goth and I know they are not angels (even though their father seems to think so). Hope you can help with some words of wisdom, I feel badly for this child who will be spending Christmas locked up.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why are Atheists in this forum?

    I'm just curious. However, it seems ironic that atheists rebuttal so much in a forum for Religion and Spirituality. If you have no belief in a higher authority, why are you so concerned what Christians believe? I have often heard atheists state that they don't like Christians attempting to shove their theology down their throats. It would appear that atheists find some type of enjoyment in harassing Christians. I can respect the fact that an atheist does not believe in a higher authority, that is your prerogative. However, why are you doing what you claim you hate the Christians for doing by slandering someone else's belief system? If you don't believe in a higher authority, why are you even in this forum? If there were a forum entitled "Atheists" I must admit I might be curious but would more then likely go to another form that was more appealing and meaningful for me. If someone could explain why there is an attraction to attack Christians, please explain.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is Yahoo Comments disabled?

    I am able to read the articles on My Yahoo Homepage and I can read some of the comments (I do not have the option of viewing all comments). The thumbs up and down are not visible and I do not have an option to reply. Is there something I can or need to do to bring it back up to speed, or is Yahoo Comments disabled? It is obvious that others are using this feature successfully.

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • Why I am I unable to access Yahoo Comments?

    I have been unable to access Yahoo Comments after reading articles. The wheels spin on the top of the screen and at the base. I can read the comments, however, I am unable to thumb up or down and I am unable to comment. Can you advise if there is something I can do or are they running maintenance? This has been going on for about a week.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • Need help with a Husky I need to leave outside in Summer?

    I live in the Southwest, USA and I own a Husky. Lola is presently 1 1/2 yrs old and I have kept her in the house (particularly during last summer) because it does get extremely hot (presently around 100 degrees). My problem is, the family works during the day and there is no one to monitor her destructive behavior. She has demolished furniture and eaten walls and is working on the wood Coffee table. I have given up my garden (as of last year) because she has destroyed all of my plants and killed a couple of trees by tearing off the bark. I have no problem with her digging outside but, she does enjoy digging in the house as well. I feel I have no choice but to keep her outside while we are at work. Besides the usual, plenty of water, adequate shade, kiddie wading pool; can anyone offer me any other pointers on how to try to keep her cool? I have heard of cooling blankets/pads but I am certain she will tear that to shreds (and will probably tear up the plastic kiddie swimming pool). Help! I do love her but she is driving me crazy!!!! She has no concept of the word "No" and does not respond to any form of discipline. She is highly destructive and is driving every family member crazy. We do offer her plenty of chew toys and raw hide bones and attention. What to do?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Christians / Origins of the Easter Egg Hunt?

    How many Christians participate in the Easter Egg Hunt? You may want to rethink it this year! Back during the time of the ancient Celts, the rabbit (as well as the egg) were considered signs of fertility. They practiced a tradition with the rites of Spring (when all things became anew) to give colored eggs to friends and neighbors as a sign of love. The red egg represented the most precious of gifts (red indicating passion). The early Church of the Holy Roman Empire considered this to be an abomination and ordered that the pagan's cease and desist this activity. The pagans decided to continue their tradition and began to hide the eggs in the thickets and brambles. The Church being wise to this incorporated young children, who had the ability to crawl and climb through the thick brush to retrieve the eggs (for a fee) and to report where the eggs were located. Let's just say the "Iron Maiden" came in handy as did other means of torture or death for such an unpardonable act. Whether Christian or Atheist, please take an active stance not to participate in what was such a barbaric act.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How many atheists does it take to.....?

    How many atheists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • YAHOO SCAM or is this valid?

    I was sent an e-mail supposedly from Yahoo as a Yahoo Mail Alert. It said due to to the congestion of Yahoo server, there would be a removal of all unused Accounts. The e-mail instructed me to provide my Username/Password/Date of Birth/Country. I was warned that if I did not update my account would be permanently deleted. Is this just scam or is it valid. How do I contact Yahoo if it is a scam?

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How do you get candle wax out of carpeting?

    I had a candle fall over onto the living room carpeting (large three wick with plenty of hot wax pooling up) before it hit the rug. Any easy, safe methods to remove?

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How long does menopause last?

    I have been having hot flashes and night sweats for a little over 6 years. The only suggestion the gyno offered was taking Black Co-hash (no help there) and soy supplements (no help either). Any suggestions (besides hormone therapy)? How long does it last?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I had an unexplained episode and would like to know if someone can assist me with a diagnoses?

    I am in my mid-fifties. In relatively good health. Take no medications. Visted the Dr one week prior. Bloodpressure 130/80.

    Last Tuesday I experienced the following:

    Sitting position - all energy fell instantaneously out of my body.

    Decided to move around and experienced severe vertigo.

    Sat immediately back down and began to experience light headedness.

    Rapidly ears began to muffle and ears were ringing simultaneously (both sensations increased rapidly).

    Vision began to rapidly dim.

    Blacked out. My son stated I continued to speak in a drunken slurred speech. He proceeded to call 911 when I jumped up suddenly (in black out) and ran in a staggered drunken fashion out of the room and directly slammed into a wall. At this point I collapsed and he carried me to room and placed me on my bed. I began to regain conscienciousness however remained unfocused. Spent two days in bed (sleeping) due to continued weakenss. I returned to work today but still feel exhausted and slightly unfocused. What type of episode did I have?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago