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  • My boyfriend's ex lives with's causing a problem. Help from men & women?

    We are in our 40s, so we are not silly teenagers. He is very kind-hearted and has offered to share his home with his ex because she is financially strapped. She lived with him before I met him, by the way. I am certain there is no romantic relationship going on. Certain. The problem is that she is doing hurtful things to sabotage our relationship. She hacked his email and Facebook accounts in order to send me insulting messages that I would think were from him. She also posts insulting remarks on my Facebook page. He and I have no privacy when we are at his home, she doesn't want me there.

    I have told him how much her behavior hurts me, and he has changed his passwords and asked her to stop. He also demanded that she move out, but gave her until November to do so. He is also funding her move. On one hand he is to be commended for his generosity, but on the other hand....shouldn't he put me first? Her behavior will not improve before November, and it may not improve then either.

    Am I wrong to want her gone now? Am I being unreasonable? He is a practical-minded business owner and an intelligent person. But has a soft-spot for strong women. She definitely knows how to manipulate him.

    I hope to hear from both men and women....I'd like to see both sides of this problem. Thanks for reading.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • His ex lives with him.....we have a problem. Men's & women's advice wanted.?

    We are in our 40s, so we are not silly teenagers. He is very kind-hearted and has offered to share his home with his ex because she is financially strapped. She lived with him before I met him, by the way. I am certain there is no romantic relationship going on. Certain. The problem is that she is doing hurtful things to sabotage our relationship. She hacked his email and Facebook accounts in order to send me insulting messages that I would think were from him. She also posts insulting remarks on my Facebook page. He and I have no privacy when we are at his home, she doesn't want me there.

    I have told him how much her behavior hurts me, and he has changed his passwords and asked her to stop. He also demanded that she move out, but gave her until November to do so. He is also funding her move. On one hand he is to be commended for his generosity, but on the other hand....shouldn't he put me first? Her behavior will not improve before November, and it may not improve then either.

    Am I wrong to want her gone now? Am I being unreasonable? He is a practical-minded business owner and an intelligent person. But has a soft-spot for strong women. She definitely knows how to manipulate him.

    I hope to hear from both men and women....I'd like to see both sides of this problem. Thanks for reading.

  • What do you think of online dating for the "over 40" crowd?

    Have you or anyone you know (in the over 40 age group) had good or bad luck with online dating? What sights do you recommend or NOT recommend? I know it's popular and acceptable for young people, but many in my age group are a little leary of these things. I welcome all advice, but hope for answers from those in their 40s or 50s. Thanks.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where would the closest Army Transportation Center be to Bloomington, IN?

    To resolve an issue with payment for moving a military family.

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • PC problem - USB driver not showing icon?

    I bought a new digital camera and there is no "installation software" as in my old camera....just an owners' manual on disk. No instructions on installing a cd, there isn't supposed to be one. When I connect the camera to my pc using the USB cable, there is no icon to click on to view the photos. The user's guide in the owners' manual says "Open 'My Computer' or 'Windows Explorer'. Removable Disk appears in the drive list. Double-click the icon to access images." I have no such icon.

    I did a search on my PC for "USB" and found that there is a driver, it reads "USBInfo.ini" and it's in the C:\Documents and Settings folder.

    I know I'm doing SOMETHING wrong. Please help me.

    Thank you to all who respond.

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Proper wording on a business card for a retiree?

    My husband and I are retiring soon, and our current business cards will (of course) be outdated. We travel a lot and use our cards very often, so I will still need cards in the future for meeting people and networking (even though I'll retire I will keep an active interest in the field). He is Military and retiring as a Colonel. He will ALWAYS be called it's proper etiquette for his cards to read "Colonel John Smith, Retired". But, what on earth should my cards read? "Jane Smith, no job?" I joke, of course....but seriously, is it acceptable to have a card with only your name, address, and phone number on it? I don't believe I have ever noticed one.

    Thank you to all who respond.

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do some people create those symbols in their typing? Like hearts, etc.?

    I've seen a lot of cute symbols in users' names and e-signatures. Hearts, foreign letters, and the like. How do they do that?

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My carpenter as asked me to get a tool for him to use, I need help figuring out what it is?

    He's Amish, and I can't call him to get clarification on this (and I won't be seeing him again for a few days). Here is what is on the note he gave me: 1" Concave Shaper Cutter with Carbide Tip and 1/2" Mandrel. He's renovating our stair case and I think it's for molding.?

    Okay, so I've researched as best I can, and found this web page at

    If someone would be kind enough to look at that page and tell me which cutter is the proper one, I'd be so grateful. I'm wondering if it's the one that is $95.48 or the one below it. I don't know which part of the cutter is supposed to be 1", and how to tell if the mandrel is 1/2" (really I don't know for sure what a mandrel is).

    If anyone could help me figure this out I'd really appreciate it.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do you send a text message via email on your AT&T cell phone account?

    I am needed at the hospital today and where I am I am not permitted to use my cell phone, but I can use my laptop. I need to send a text message ASAP and I think I heard I can do that via email. Anyone know how?

    Thank you.

    ps. Please don't advise me to step outside and use my phone....I need to stay right here where I am for about an hour or so.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I somehow "lost" my Microsoft Office program and can't figure out how to get it back?

    I've had it since it was new back in 2003, it was put on my pc by my IT guy he is no longer with us, so I don't have a CD for it... and don't know what the bleep I did to make it go away. All I seem to be able to use is Microsoft Works and I don't like that. I specifically want Excel and Word. I went to control panel<add or remove programs and looked at my list of programs and it isn't there.

    How can I get another download of Office? Or how can I use what I use to have? All help is appreciated.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Homemade Amish butter.......smells weird (bad weird)?

    Our Amish neighbors gave us some homemade butter from their Jersey cow yesterday. It smells fine UNTIL it is melted....then it smells really bad. By "bad" I mean it sort of smells like an animal. I know it's not pasteurized, and I'm okay with that. The problem cannot be that the cream was old, because their cow only freshened 6 days ago and they didn't milk her before then. These are good folks, and would never give away bad food, and this is the same butter they are feeding their own family. Is Jersey cream butter just smelly? Or is there something wrong with it?

    5 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago
  • TROLL question - so sick of it?

    What can be done about a person with multiple Yahoo! identities asking the same trolling questions REPEATEDLY?

    The question: "How do I stop people telling me I stink?" comes up several times every day. The asker uses the identities "DONUT" and "Tasha" and "Victoria" to name a few. Of course, it's the same person asking. We all know it is. Reporting doesn't work because this person simply comes back with yet another identity.

    I try to be a forgiving and easy-to-get-along-with person but my patience is at an END here. I tell myself....let it go - it's not a big deal. But seriously, what is wrong with someone who repeatedly asks moronic, fake, and (an attempt at) shocking questions, just to get a rise out of people? What causes people to troll? Is it a personality defect? Is it the lack of a meaningful life? Or is it just plain pathetic-ness?

    I don't want to come off here as the "Yahoo! police" but, so many of us put a lot of effort and care into our questions and answers. Yahoo! is a community and those of us who use it appropriately deserve to be free from idiots like this. What to do?

    ps. I'm posting this in the "Etiquette" category as well as the Yahoo! Answers category because that's where this troll posts his/her questions.

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • For all you men out there - Why do you prefer your wife's "natural" look?

    My husband has told me for YEARS that he thinks I'm prettier in the morning, before I brush my hair and apply my make up. And my girlfriends say the same thing about their men. But, we women think we are prettier made up and fixed up. What's the deal?

    note: Not sure into which category to place this question. Hope it hits the mark.

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Does anyone take Lipitor for cholesterol? Side effects?

    I recently began taking Lipitor for high cholesterol and my blood pressure has gotten much higher. It has always been 120/80...always. The last 3 times I was at the doctor's (during the last 6 weeks) it was in the nieghborhood of 140/100 and the doc recommended that I buy a home blood pressure kit. I've been taking it daily and it's still high - 140-150/ 90-110. The doctor doesn't want to see me until after the new year. Could it be the Lipitor? Or could it be stress?

    10 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do you bear something very painful that you cannot do anything about?

    My husband called our son in law out on the carpet about some of his behavior that has been hurtful to our family. Believe me, the confrontation was warranted. If YOUR son in law was doing this, you would talk to him, too. So, please don't tell me that we shouldn't have meddled.....we didn't meddle. We stood up for ourselves and our family. What he was doing was criminal and unimaginably dangerous and involved many members of our family. Okay, so you understand (I hope).

    He is so angry at us that he says we cannot see or visit his boys (our grandsons, aged 20 months and newborn) ever again. I babysat the older boy 4 days a week since he was 2 months old and we are CLOSE. I cannot bear the thought of never holding him again. My heart is broken.........shattered. I think he means it. I honestly think he would keep us from our grandchildren. Our daughter (his wife) is caught in the middle. I just spoke to her and she says she must support her husband.

    How do I bear this? How do I get through my days knowing I've lost my precious baby boys? It's as if my own children have been ripped out of my arms. What do I tell myself when it seems too much? I need reality, not something like "It'll get better" or "He'll change his mind". I need something to help me bear this.

    Thank you for listening.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How much is too much soy milk?

    I am new to the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle...and am used to taking in a lot of milk (desserts, creams, sauces, etc.). Can I safely substitute Silk for all this milk? Say, 2 cups a day? I don't really care for the taste of the soy milk, so I am not drinking it....but I do want to use a lot of it. Is there a reason I shouldn't?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What can I say to a rude telemarketer?

    I keep getting calls from a company whose name does not appear on my caller I.D. so I can't find out who they are. I've googled the number and there's no info...just lots of other people complaining. Today the caller was so rude and I've had it. I want to say SOMETHING, but I don't care to cuss at her....what is some awful, terrible, mean, scary thing I can say that won't get me in trouble, but will make them stop calling me?

    5 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • I'm on the "no call" list, but what is the best thing to say to a telemarketer who continually calls?

    This is going on daily now. This company calls me, the I.D. says "Sales Department" and there is a recording asking me to press "1" to speak to a salesman, or press "2" to be removed from their calling list. I've been pressing "2" for months now and I just HAD IT. Today I pressed "1" to get a real person and hopefully give them a piece of my mind. I didn't get very far; I got to the part where I asked to speak to a supervisor about not being removed from their list. I got a very rude female with a thick accent who called me an "evil bit*h". She even went so far as to say she would talk to me tomorrow. I said no she won't, she cannot call me since I've made it known that I want no more calls.

    I am not about to get into a screaming match with anyone........but what can I say to someone like this? What will really get to them? What would upset them so much that they would maybe become afraid to call me?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Did I say something wrong?

    Today I was shopping and saw an adorable baby in her stroller with her mommy. As I passed by, I said "Hi there, Cutie Bootie! Aren't you the sweetest thing." I briefly stopped to smile and then was going to go on my way and the mom remarked "What an awful name to call my daughter! How rude!" I just stood there with my mouth hanging open (I'm certain) as she strolled away, looking back at me as if I were some sort of pervert or something. Another woman passing by said, "Don't let the little things get to you".

    It took me a while to figure out that the offending word must have been "bootie", but I just used it because it rhymes with "cutie". A little about me: I am 48, female, petite, well groomed, a grandmother, normal looking - I suppose, and I often smile and speak to little ones who make eye contact with me. I do NOT touch nor reach out for children...I would never do that. Also, I live in a small-ish city in the Midwest (not NYC or someplace like that).

    Did the mom overreact? Or was the fault my own?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Math wizards...please help with fraction addition.?

    I am converting a recipe and am very very bad at math. I also don't know how to do fractions which aren't in halves or quarters on my calculator. Here's what I need to know:

    How much is HALF AGAIN AS MUCH AS 2/3 cup?

    How much is HALF AGAIN AS MUCH AS 3/4 cup?

    I hope I explained that well. I need 2/3 cup plus half of 2/3 cup and 3/4 cup plus half of 3/4 cup. And, I need the answers in thirds and fourths, respectively.

    Thank you.

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago