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  • UK spouse temp. visa?

    I am a US citizen, married to UK citizen and have been living and working here in the UK for 1 yr and 4 months. My husband is going to another EU country for business in the summer for a few months, and I was wondering if I could join him, without messing up my permanent visa? From what I have read, it states that we have to have lived together HERE for 2 years. We will be maintaining our home here in England while we are gone.

    3 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years ago
  • Servis m3022 washing machine?

    When the buttons are pressed in, are the "features" on or off? For example, the 1/2 load button. If I want a full load, should the button be out or in?

    I can't find a user manual on line (for free anyways) so if anyone know's where I can find one, that would be great too!


    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • why can't I down load yahoo games?

    I just bought a brand new laptop with Windows 7 and I am using Mozilla Firefox. I have down loaded a few reputable/known programs today with no problems, but it will not let me down load free trials of yahoo games. It says it's a binary file (I think) and I click to save it and it does nothing and doesn't show in the down load menu.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • UK Spouse visa time frames.?

    I will be applying for a UK spouse visa to join my Husband in the UK. We were married, on a whim, back in Nov. (we have known each other and have dated for over 7 yrs) and he had to return to the UK for his work just a week later. We now want to apply for a visa for me to join him in the UK. I am now wondering, 1.) How long will it take to be granted 2.) How soon will I have to travel when it is granted.

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy Silk Soy Milk in England?

    I have tried other brands of soy milk here and non compare to Silk. I have yet to see it here (Portsmouth) and the Silk web site does not have info outside the USA.


    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • what do you do about a rude flatmate?

    I am staying with my fiancée in the UK and his 2 married flat mates. He is nice and my flatmate's business partner...She is a COW!! Rude, inconsiderate, mean. Does things like tonight, we came in from a fun night out, not in the door a second and she yells, "I had to put my dishes to the side cuz your f'ing dishes were still in the drainer". We were gone a bit over an hour. Also, will go have a shower or bath in the only bathroom and not ask if anyone needs the loo. She will even take your spot on the couch, that you've been sat in, when you get up to get something. She is older than I and for some reason intimidates me, but I'm afraid I'm gonna blow up on her...very, very soon.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What are fun (cheap) activities for a near 16 yr old girl?

    My soon to be step daughter is coming for Christmas and we are quite poor. Her Dad has to work Christmas eve. and I need some ideas of what we can do that will cost little or no money.

    She's kind of a goth girl, who is into pantomimes and theater.

    Just clean ideas please.

    9 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • US citizen passport/visa info?

    I am a US citizen currently staying with my UK boyfriend in the UK & my return date to the US is a few days less than the 6 months max.

    Does the 6 months max refer to returning to the US, or if I go to say Spain for a bit, does my 6 months start over in the UK?

    I have spent DAYS looking for info and am more confused than when I started....HELP!!!

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • What to do for THC with drawls?

    I've recently moved from a county in the US where MJ was abundant and legal, to a Country where it's hard to come by and illegal.

    I'd been a daily smoker for about 15 yrs for pain management and it's been a week now and I'm starting to get cranky and having trouble sleeping.

    What can I take that is legal and cheap in the UK to help?

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Should I go have a drink?

    I am of (more than) legal age, I've had 2 beers today already, one 3 hrs ago and another 1 1/2 hrs ago and I will be walking to the bar.

    I need socialization (and another drink) but should I go???

    8 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Ladies...what would you do if you'd not seen your "BF" in over a week?

    I was dating this guy, who is 7 yrs younger than me (I'm in my 30's, so nothing illegal here) for a few months and all was well until...I borrowed money from my ex when my car broke down.

    He got upset once before when I went out to my ex's house to help him with his dogs and then I had no where else to turn for the loan.

    I've now not seen him in over a week, when before it would be 2 days at most, he doesn't call me, didn't invite me when he went to 2 parties.

    I still have his PSP and he called when I was at work last week and asked for it back (I work 30 minutes away) and he said he'd get it the next day.

    I kinda liked this guy. He was fun and smart...but he lacks communications skills...but he did update his myspace account to say something to the effect of "looking for a girl that doesn't require meds of somesort" which I am not on, nor do I need...I just feel it was a dig.

    I'm just lost, as this is twice in a row that I have been dumped with no explaination.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any one hear about the latest Gala Bingo Robbery In Leeds, UK?

    My friend in Leeds called me about 4 hrs ago and told me there had been a gun point robbery of the "Gala Bingo" Hall in Leeds,UK today (13th of Feb.) at about 7:30 pm (Leeds time).

    I've not been able to find anything on the net as of yet.

    Any links would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • No bad intentions old are you?

    I have posted (and delelted) this question twice already because no one will answer.

    I am just curious as to the average age of an "answers" user at this time of day because I want to know what time to post questions that I may want to run by people of my own age.

    It seems to me that most people on at this time of day are under I right???

    39 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help...I've been dating this guy over a year?

    He's a bit older than me and usually very, very sweet.

    He gave me diamond earings and a gold and silver bracelet for Christmas, buys all meals, opens doors, fixes me coffe and breakfast in the morning...but the problem is..

    When we are out and about, anyone who didn't know us, wouldn't know we are "a couple" because he hugs on and dances with other women, which really doesn't bother me, EXCEPT, he barely hugs and kisses me or flirts with me anymore.

    Last night, I was hit on by soo many guys while he was playing pool (like 8 games in a row) and when I said, "I have a boyfriend" they were all, "so where is he?" I fealt like that scene in the original Dirty Dancing, where he says, "no one puts Baby in a corner".

    I talked with him this morning about it and he apologized and said he was just tired and caught up in the pool playing.

    Am I being too picky here??? Or was my grandma right, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Rate this joke...kinda dirty, but not really.?

    An old man gets up one morning and starts to get dressed.

    His wife asks, "Where ya' going?"

    He answers, "I'm going to Dr."

    Wife says, "I didn't know you were sick?"

    Husband says, "I'm not, I'm going to get some of that VIAGRA"

    So the wife gets up and starts to get dressed.

    Husband says, "Where ya' going?"

    Wife responds, "I'm going to the Dr."

    Husband says, "I didn't know you were sick?"

    Wife answers, "I'm not, but if your going to put that rusty old thing in me, I'm getting a tetnis shot!!!"

    True story...this joke was told to me the other day by a random little old man in Safeway, whom I smiled at, and he asked me if I wanted to hear a joke.

    When he was done telling it, he looked away and walked away...and I was left with my jaw hanging open in the cereal isle.

    34 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Who still believes in "traditional" Male/female gender roles?

    I am in my mid 30's, not currently married and consider myself to be an independant, intellegent, forward thinking woman.

    However, I really want to settle down with a man who wants to "take care of me" meaning he works and I take care of the household and him and maybe work p/t.

    Does anyone else still beleieve in that?

    And no, I'm not looking for a BF on line, just a little reality check for myself.

    12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • I have a complete set of Fleer "The Immortal Roll" football cards?

    There is no year on the cards. I have seen ad's on e-bay for 1972 The Immortal Roll football cards, but it's only a set of 50 and mine has 84.

    I have tried to look up what they are to no avail.

    They were left to me by my grandfather who got them from a friend and didn't know their worth.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How many times have you been over the Golden Gate Bridge?

    I have lived just 2 hrs north of "The Golden Gate" for about 35 years and I figure at an average of 5 trips back or forth for 35 yrs, I have crossed it about 175 times.

    How about you???

    11 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade ago
  • Who still believes that Marajuana is a gateway drug?

    Tell me your reasonings and related experiences.

    I know sooo many people that have smoked pot and maybe in their youth, tried other drugs as well...but now, they just use pot recreationally or medically and they don't use other drugs.

    I also know many people that have tried only pot or alcohol and never anything else.

    Why do people still call it a gate way drug?

    8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • computer has been infected by pop ups...?

    I am running on windows XP and I was using the SBC yahoo browser with the pop ups set to off and medium filters.

    It starts as a pop up, then the little yellow flashing trianlge appears on the tool bar, and when I scroll over it, it says nothing and if I right click, it opens. So I ignore it and it opens a window that claims to be an Internet Explorer alert, but when I click on it, it sends me to ads for various anti virus software, that they want me to buy (not the well known ones either).

    I have run "spy bot search and destroy", "AVG free", and "Ad-aware 6.0" and came up with a few data miners which I cleaned out. I have deleted all cookies and internet files, I have defragged and switch to "Mozilla Firefox"

    I think it may be connected to my Internet Explorer, because it now automaticly signs in when I turn my computer on. I use SBC yahoo for my DSL service. What should I do?

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago