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  • Ashley Todd made false claims that she was attacked by a Black man because she was a McCain supporter.?

    This claim was pushed along by the McCain campaign and the local republican party in the media and blogs. Should the McCain campaign denounce and reject Ashley Todd?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If early voting is available in your state, have you voted?

    If you have the option of voting early, please get out and vote for your candidate during early voting. In the states where it is available, you can vote on the weekends. In Oregon, you vote by mail. Have you returned your ballot? Do you need to request an absentee ballot? You can still request one in some states if you will be out-of-town.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Since Pat Robertson (700 Club) has endorsed Guiliani.....?

    does that make him a hypocrit? Robertson is opposed to abortion and Guiliani is pro-choice. He is pro-family yet he gave his endorsement to a man who has been married 3 times with one wife being his second cousin. While married to his second wife, he had an affair with his present wife. Do Christians think this was the right candidate to give an endorsement?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is your reason for not voting for Barack Obama...?

    I have read many comments about Barack Obama being a Muslim. He is not. When he was 6 years old he attended a Muslim school. After that, he attended a Catholic school. Should he have to answer for attending a Muslim school as a child? Is this a reason to make claims he is Muslim? What is he then since he also attended Catholic schools?

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • The Orange Team on the Biggest Loser?

    Was anyone else happy to see that they did not finish in first place for the most lost this week?

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What are great gifts for Christmas for a man that has most everything?

    He is 36, has cd, dvd, flat panel tv, xm radio, ipod, good jewelry, watches, a dog, mega clothes, desktop and laptop computers, cd/dvd duplicator.....This is going to be really hard if I dont get some help. I will spend up to $500.

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Who hopes that Rudy Guiliani will run for the Presidency in 2008?

    Why do you think he should run and why do you think that he should not run in 2008?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Clinton now blame G.W. Bush for the bombing of The World Trade Building in 1993?

    Since this happened only a month into Clinton's first term in office, it could be said that G.W. Bush was too preoccupied with his re-election at a time that he should have been on top of this terrorist plot. As former Director of the CIA, one would have expected more from him. I think that in light of things, maybe all of this should lay squarely on the shoulders of Dubya's Daddy.

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you a proud, liberal Democrat?

    The republican party has thrown the word "liberal" around as though it's toxic. Liberals are broadminded and inclusive. Conservatives are close-minded and hypocritical. The republicans certainly do. After almost 6 years of lying, stealing, sending Americans to die in an unjust war ill-prepared, record debt that generations to come will have to pay for, mishandling of Katrina, soaring gas prices, outsourcing of jobs, cronyisn, etc. Bush still has idiots proudly defending him and the party. I guess they pass the same Kool-Aid around at the repub party meetings that Jim Jones gave to his followers.

    Liberals, we are for a living wage, the poor, elderly, affordable healthcare for every American, an end to unjust wars or a DRAFT without exclusions, a balanced budget and so much more. Please wear your liberalism proudly. It is the only hope that this country has today. Get out and campaign to get a Democratic candidate elected. Vote Early and Vote Straight Democratic Ticket!

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have contact information for Martin Sheen?

    I would love for him to do a democratic fundraiser.

    4 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • How many of you that are of age and support the war are willing to go serve in Iraq?

    With some of our troops on two and three re-deployments, they are in much need of a rest. The more often these same troops are re-deployed, the greater the chance that they will be injured or killed. I hear a lot of people saying this war is the right thing to do so I think that you should be willing to put your convictions to the test. These men and women willing went into the military. However, the numbers are down and so is recruitment. How many of you are considering enlisting or have already done so? And why you have, will or won't.

    No wisecrack answers.....

    7 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Iraq War, Immigration, Healthcare, Abortion & Same-Sex Marriage which is the most important?

    This country has been faced with so many problems this past 51/2 years that is seems a large number of people focus on hot button issues like abortion and same-sex marriage rather than things that affect our lives on a daily bases. Gas prices are skyrocketing while oil companies are reaping record profits, the medicare program is so confusing that seniors have no idea what they are paying for and if it is the right product for them, power plants, airports, mass transportation and water supplies are not protected from terrorism almost 5 years after 9/11, millions of Americans have no healthcare, Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost more than $500 billion by 2007, candidates for political office beholden to corporations due to large campaign contributions, college tuition increase as much as 11% a yr for the last 5 years, corporations raiding empoyee pension plans, abortion & same sex marriage, & corporate welfare just to name a few. Rate issues for importance and why.

    13 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago
  • For those who are Christians and feel that homosexuality is a sin, what does Jesus say you are to do about it?

    I admit, I have no idea what Jesus would say about homosexuality if he were here today. I can't imagine that he would be the mean-spirited person that I have heard here. If the Church is to ever get the message of Jesus to people, how can they hear it when the messenger is filled with venom and hate. I always thought that Christians were supposed to be kind and loving even when faced with things that are sinful. If you are called to act and voice your opinion or whatever about homosexuality and same sex marriage, are you supposed to follow through the same way with adulterers, coveters, liars, theives, etc? Or is it that you just cant get past the gay thing?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Do you think that the US Embassy in Iraq is necessary?

    Price tag: $600 million due to be completed June 2007. This is definitely an occupation with no intention of leaving ever.

    There will be six blocks with 619 one-bedroom apartments, a recreation building, a beauty parlour, gym, swimming pool and even its own school. A lavish “American Club” will provide a venue to relax in the evening and a site to host receptions for visiting dignitaries. It takes nearly five minutes to drive along just one side of its 104 acres, which will contain 21 buildings.

    The Iraqis are living in a bombed out country with intermittent clean water, electricity, and few schools and the USA has this place being built right under their noses. Why would we need anything of this magnitude; the size of the Vatican City, and this costly?

    6 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates2 decades ago
  • How would you rate you knowledge of current political events?

    Do you know enough about each candidate in each race to determine how their stance on each issue lines up with your needs/views, do you know their voting history and would you vote for someone outside of your party, if you have one, if that person was the best candidate even if you didnt agree with them on every issue? Will you independently choose to vote for a candidate or are you influenced by popularity, party, or others opinions.

    4 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Why do people vote against their own best interests?

    In the last two Presidential elections people voted republican when clearly this was not best for them or their families. Senior citizens are now with a Medicare plan that they are paying more for and getting less mostly because the language was such that they couldnt understand what they were buying. Military folk are in a war that was begun with a lie and they are still being lied to daily, underfed, some have been given none or inadequate protective armor and they have redeployed several times. The middle class is picking up the tab for the wealthy to have tax cuts, children are being short changed by receiving a second-rate education, jobs are outsourced, gas prices are skyrocketing while oil companies are receiving record breaking profits. CEO's are being grossly overpaid while bankrupting employees pensions and The President and elected officials have the very best healthcare that we the people pay for while millions of people in this country have no healthcare at all. Why?

    2 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • How do you feel when you call a company for customer service and the person answering is in another country?

    I have a friend whose customer service job was outsourced to another country so whenever she needs to call customer service for phone, credit card, etc. she first asks what country they are in. If they are not in the USA, she asks to speak with an American or a supervisor. She gives them a really hard time. I dont like the outsourcing of jobs and my home has lost value as a result of a large computer company outsourcing many jobs to Asia so USA employees lost their homes or sold them below market. I retailiated by not buying their computers when I needed a new one even though theirs are much less expensive.

    16 AnswersCareers & Employment2 decades ago
  • Since Barry Bonds has never tested positive for steroid use, should we believe his ex-girlfriend claims?

    Other than the fact that anabolic steroids are illegal, is there any reason why athletes shouldnt use steroids to enhance performance. I liken the use of steroids to cosmetic surgery that models, actresses, dancers and beauty pagent contestants have done. While cosmetic surgery is not illegal, it does possibly give the person getting it done to have a leg up on the competetion. Both have health risks. Smoking and alcohol have health risks as well and they are legal. Does the use of steroids have more to do with the fact that people bet on sports and its all about money? I realize that Bonds is not a favorite of most, but that aside, please make answers well thought out.

    7 AnswersOther - Sports2 decades ago