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Lv 42,695 points

pauline m

Favorite Answers20%
  • Crazy religious tradition re: funeral motorcades?

    When I was a little girl, in our Catholic school, the parish priest made it a city law that EVERY resident(regardless of religion) had to literally stop whatever they were doing and drop to their knees and pray the rosary out loud whenever ANY funeral motocade came through town...even all vtraffic traveling the opposite direction on ANY street anywhere in town had to stop(the driver and passengers had to get out of the car[s] and drop and pray the rosary OUT LOUD!)...

    Is this a strictly-enforced Catholic tradition today?...does the Catholic Church mandate this?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is five years old too young to watch "CSI:" or "America's Most Wanted"?...?

    A friend of ours has two sons(5 1/2 and just-turned seven-last-week), anbd they're both loyal fans of all three "CSI:" series as well as "America's Most Wanted" and "COPS"...their mom is also a fan of those shows...

    The problem, they love to wear shirts that have those logos on them, while other kids in their school wear "family-approved" logos like those from Disney/Pixar's animated movies like "Cars", "Toy Story", etc....the teachers, school principal and other parents are concerned about this and have threatened to call the sheriff and our county's version of "Child Protection Services" is the boys continue to "defy authority" by wearing the shirts...

    Really, is five-to-seven years old too young to watch and be fans of such popular crime-fighting shows like these?...I don't want to get that friend of mine in trouble for allowing her sons to do this...

    6 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Who's excited about the new NASCAR season officially starting next week?

    I'm happy that the new season's starting up w/ the Daytona 500, then FONTANA here we come!

    Still rooting for MY California boys:Jimmie, Jeff, Robby and Kevin...

    Your thoughts?

    10 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Manitowoc, Wisconsin(residents only):how to say the city's name correctly?...?

    My son and ALL his relatives insist that it's pronounced "Man-NEE-toe-wock", but I've also heard it as "MAN-nih-TOE-wock" and "Man-NIT-oh-wock"...who's right?...

    All I know is that it's a Native American tribal name...does Wikipedia have the whole story too?


    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Why show DISRESPECT for Nick Adenheart(and his family and fans)?...?

    We Angels fans have a last chance to kick Yankee butt tonight in THEIR turf, and all I see here is nonsense(from Phillies and Yankees fans) on how the Angels will LOSE and then bad-mouth the Adenheart family and calling them filthy names and seems that losing a teammate to a drunk driver in the middle of the season doesn't result in more respect for the team, just a lot of insults(especially from you East Coast folks!)...why don't all of you have ANYTHING nice to say about how Nick Adenheart kept the spirit of the team going until tonight's game?...

    Your thoughts?

    21 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • "Hell's Kitchen"(Season 5):Who HATES Tennille?...?

    Now that trampy tart Tennille thinks that she's ALL THAT, plus a can of chicken broth!...

    Who wants her GONE?...

    Your thoughts?...

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • SYTYCD(Season 5):WHAT?...Evan LOST?...WHAT GIVES?

    Now, I'm MAD as ever!

    Why did you SYTYCD fans pick that no-talent Jeanine to win???...UNFAIR to Evan and his family...and us fans!...

    At least Brandon lost!...

    NIgel, THIS IS YOUR FAULT!...after you SLAMMED Evan for his "illegal antics" during his solo last night! hurt his feelings!

    Your thoughts?

    14 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • SYTYCD:Why hate Evan?

    It seems that there's a drive by the show's producers AND Fox to make sure Brandon wins(a la "AI" this past season)!...

    Why hate on Evan?...he's more talented than any other dancer-wanna-be this season!

    He had just as much talent as Stephen "Twitch" Boss, Chelsie Hightower and Kherrigton Payne from last season!

    Your thoughts?

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Where can I find "hen-and-chicken" cacti/succulents anywhere in LA.?

    I cam across a cute cacti/succulent called a "hen-and-chicken", and I've looked just about everywhere in L.A. County for it...and NOBODY knows what I'm talking about!...Lowe's and Home Depot won't carry it either, and not every cactus "nursery" has it in stock, so do I have to go to the Palm Springs/Indio area, or to Arizona just to get one?

    Where can I find one now(must be only within L.A. County, but San Bernardino or Riverside can be OK)?

    In case, you don't know what a "hen-and-chicken" is, it's a cactus whose "arms" fall off at a certain time into the soil very close to the mother plant(the "hen"), and the offspring(Chicken) grows nearby and the cycle repeats itself...

    Please help me on thie one...


    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Strictly-enforced but popular "senior stereotype(s)"...why are they necessary?

    Seems like you're NOT a senior citizen nowadays unless/until you stick to "socially accpted/MANDATED stereotypes"...why?

    At my 50-year high-school reunion in October 2005, I was literally LAUGHED out(and promptly escorted out) of the reunion hall b/c I had arrived in a '98 Ford Ranger w/ my adult son(no grandkids!) instead of a rented Winnebago RV or Cadillac DeVille!...our "alumni edition" of our high-school newspaper had revealed that almosy EVERY now-senior-citizen classmate(regardless of what year of graduation they were in) had or still has an RV and a "second home in Pocatello(Idaho)", a "Victory(flower) Garden", a dog, a volunteer job at the local church(especially in the town's choral league), and a view of their backyard of the Wasatch Range!...

    I still live in my childhood home(almost 72 years!), now own a Ford Escape, am a "cat lover", and HATE traveling outside my county(yes, COUNTY, as in "I live in Pasadena Metro, but HATE Riverside!") to visit relatives!

    My friends(and a few neighbors) say that I'm so socially "out-of-the-box" that I seem to not have a life AT ALL(yeah, right!)...why do I need a RV, a "timeshare in Indio(or Pocatello, Boise, Spokane, Manchester[NH], or wherever)", a dog, a "Victory Garden" of philodendrons, tulips(do I look like I live in Amsterdam?...or worse, LOMPOC?) or whatever...a "hobby"(I have many, but nobody likes me to have them, since to them, my hobbies are way out of THEIR social league!)

    I mean, I don't have colitis(diarrhea), Alzheimer's(not yet!), "slip-and-fall" issues(do I need a "walk-in/sit-down bathtub"?), financial investments of ANY type(I don't trust BERNIE MADOFF!)...I'm just an old curmudgeon w/ NO grandkids whatsoever...happy to live my last years in MY problems resisting the future(I HATE my new DTV, my cellphone, washer/dryer!)and hoping for a long life!

    Do I/we blame AARP or their advertising agencies?

    Your thoughts?

    BTW, this is NOT a rant, so please DON'T delete this Q this time, OK?

    25 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Why are most police dramas set in either NYC or LA?...?

    There were a few exceptions, but the majority of them were either NYPD-based or LAPD-based...

    The newest "victim" is NBC's new drama "Southland", where I'm surprised that LAPD Chief Bill Bratton gave his OK for this to be filmed...then there was "Hawaii Five-O"(September 1967-April 1980), set in a fictional Hawaii State Police agency(a subdivision of the Honolulu PD)...

    The NYPD-based dramas:

    "Cagney and Lacey", "NYPD Blue", CSI: NY", "Lady Blue"...

    Other cities: "Vega$", "CSI:", "CSI: Miami", "The District"(set in Washington, DC), "Harry O" and "Simon and Simon"(both set in San Diego)...

    LA-based police dramas: "Adam-12" and "Dragnet"(we miss Jack Webb already!), "The Shield", "240-Robert"(the ONLY drama set with the L.A. County Sheriff's Depatment!), "The Streets of San Francisco", "Cold Case"(Philadelphia PD), "Homicide: Life on the Street"(Baltimore City PD), "Walker, Texas Ranger"(Texas Dept. of Public Safety/TX Rangers Division, plus the Dallas PD), "Houston Knights"(Houston PD and Harris County Sheriff)...

    Why not expand the police drama offerings to maybe Tulsa(OK), or maybe Jacksonville(NC or Florida)?...

    Are only NYPD or LAPD ratings winners or what?...

    Your thoughts?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Who's the worst dancer this season on "DWTS"?

    Personally: that freakish "techno-geek" Steve Wozniak finally got sent home!

    Next should be Lawrence Taylor(NFL legends CAN'T DANCE!...just look at Warren Sapp and Jason Taylor!), then "Steve-O", than that sexy(?)trash heap Gilles(no-talent loser) Marini...oh, yeah, that dumb rodeo CLOWN Ty Murray!

    Whomever dances with Derek has MY vote!

    Your thoughts?..also, why do most of you Y!A fanatics pay atttention to who got voted off "American Idol" instead of watching a much-better talent show like "DWTS"?...just curious...

    P.S.; I'm 71 1/2, and I know what real reality TV is like! NO answers from "tweens", please!

    10 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What "review" of my now-deleted answer?...?

    I got a rather rude, cold, e-mail over the weekend by a Y!A staffer who insisted that my answer re:McDonald's Corporation and its treatment of senior citizens was indeed "insulting" to ALL McDonald's employees...and deserved to be DELETED!

    It seems like she didn't actually "review" the answer like she claimed, and just took a swoop at my reputation and deleted it!

    What else can I do to make her change her mind?...

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why the enforced stereotypes of seniors driving big luxury cars?...?

    I'm 71 1/2, and a proud owner of Ford products for over 26 years...the last two times I tried to buy a Ford vehicle at our local dealer, I was pressured to buy a Lincoln instead(the stupid sales manager just wouldn't take "NO" for an answer, and was truly STUPID to the umpteenth degree!)...the manager insisted I buy a Lincoln to "cement" my social status with my fellow seniors, as well as mainly to appease the advertising agency handling their account...

    Why are the advertising agencies trying to reinforce this stupid(and socially correct) stereotype on us seniors?...

    Thanks from Pauline(proud owner of an '84 Mustang LX, '93 Escort LX wagon, '98 Ranger XLT, and currently a '07 Escape XLT!)...

    17 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Am I too OLD to listen to Linkin Park?

    I'm 17 1/2, and my son and his family just gave me a CD of LK's 2003 album "Meteora" and other than a few bad songs, the rest are definitely friends are outraged that I'm ignoring "Big Band" artists like Glenn Miller and the Dorseys in favor of "inappropriate noise"...sorry, but "Somewhere I Belong" and Easier to Run" are a occasional break from having to listen to Glenn Miller's "Pennsylvania 6-500" for the 10,000th time(no offense to Glenn's fans, but you can tolerate having to listen to THAT song only for so long, OK?)!

    I say "SO WHAT?"...what sayeth you, the new generation of modern rock music? I too OLD to listen to Linkin Park(100% better than the Beatles AND Rolling Stones!)?


    12 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Who's upset over the Pontiac G8 ST's future(NOT coming to the US after all!)?...?

    I just found out that Pontiac has decided NOT to import the popular Australian-built Holden Commodore/Statesman "Ute" pick-up to the US as the new G8 S/T...thanks to Wikipedia for the sad news!

    Who's upset at this news?...I mean, Pontiac spent a lot of money asking us to name the new truck, only to decide against importing it here after all!!!...

    Personally, despite the government "bailout", I think GM should import it here anyway--as the Chevy El Camino/GMC Caballero instead! bring back a lot of good memories!

    Your thoughts?

    2 AnswersPontiac1 decade ago
  • Who the heck is MIchael Vincent???.and why does he want to giving me a job?

    Every day I keep getting at least 10 e-mails from this jerk saying either "I've found you a new job" or "You're hired!...Check for position!"

    Who is he? and why is he harassing me?...luckily, the anti-porn/anti-spam filters forbid the public from clicking on his "links", so I think it's more "porn" matter how many times I've hit the spam button, he keeps popping up again sometimes threatening me w/ legal action if I keep "hitting the spam button" and reporting him--over and over!

    And NO; I didn't say "Jan-Michael Vincent"(the veteran actor), just "Michael Vincent"(or "Sir Michael of Vincent", or "Michael de Vincenti"), so in case you "celeb-freaks" are trying to correct me...

    Please advise...thanks...

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • City of Industry car dealers closing:which one?...?

    I noticed on the news the other day that David Perez, Mayor of the City of Industry announced that another car dealer had closed up for good...which one was it?

    Puente Hills Chevrolet?...Superior Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep?...Puente Hills Nissan?...Puente Hills Mitsubishi?...Puente Hills Toyota?...

    Just curious...thanks...

    3 AnswersOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • "Gitmo" or "Guantanamo":who's right?...?

    My son(who's NEVER been in the military) insists that it's perfectly legal to say "Gitmo" instead of using the official name of "Guantanamo Bay [U.S.] Naval Base, Cuba", and that everybody(civilian AND military) is using "Gitmo" nowadays...

    My old-fashinoed "traditional" values and schooling say that it's almost a federal offense to use ANY slang when describing ANY U.S. military installation worldwide, which to me means that calling that base in Cuba by ANY other name is tantamonut almost to treason!

    He, however, insists that even CNN and Fox News are occasionally slipping up and calling it "Gitmo"(heck, one of my friends subscribes to Navy Times[published by Army Times Publishing, a unit of Gannett Co., owner of USA Today], and he keeps referring to "Gitmo" this, "Gitmo" that...and I'm SICK AND TIRED of ANYONE disrespecting the U.S. Navy(whether intentional or otherwise)!

    So, is it "okay" to refer to that base as "Gitmo", or should I kick my son in the butt for "disrespecting" the Navy(P.S.: my late husband was in the U.S. Navy[Aviation Ordnanceman, First Class], mostly stationed at the old Long Beach Naval Shipyard/Station, then Point Mugu[now Naval Station Ventura County])?...

    Thanks for any help...

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Kitchen double-sink saddles:where in L.A. can I still get them?

    I need your help!

    I have a two-sided sink, and I always use those saddles between the sides because I want to prevent "wear and tear" in/on the I've been to every Bed, Bath and Beyond, only to be RUDELY told:"We will STOP carrying them because there's NO market for them"...

    Haven't tried Target yet, and ALL Linens 'n Things stores are going out-of-biz at year's end, and Wal-Mart's NEVER heard of them...

    I have NO home computer(using the one at the library now!), so after some limited searching here on the Web, I noticed that Rubbermaid still makes these sink saddles(model 1297), but NO one here in the L.A. metro are will carry it(why??)...where else in L.A. metro can I buy these?...that is, without having to buy it from Rubbermaid's website directly...

    Thanks for your help...


    BTW:PLEASE read the question very carefully before answering...

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago