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  • Hungry right after eating "Go Lean Crisp! Toasted Berry Crumble Cereal". Is that normal?

    And by "right after" i mean like 10 minutes later. I became so hungry that i felt something was eating my stomach from inside out. Is that normal? Or do i have diabetes or something? This, by the way, is an isolated incident. I have been eating that c-rap, never liked it as much as the other Kashi ingredients, doesn't taste much, but i haven't had this sense of being famished.


    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Would u divorce somebody who is good to you & u love b/c you have no sex life?

    As in.. you've been married to them for 2 and a half years. And you've only had sex about 4 times. And even that, you gotta work hard on it. You aren't sexually attracted to him. And you doubt he finds you sexually attractive, although you both like the way eachother looks and think the other is very cute. Would knowing you will probably never get to have sex with them ever, for the rest of your life, be enough reason to divorce a man who is, for intents and purposes, your best friend? And won't you regret it at a later day in your life when sex isn't a priority in your marriage/life?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I have a light-period all of a sudden. Should i be worried?

    I had my first period when i was 12. I'm 36 years old now. And my flow has been the same: heavy. I go through atleast 9 heavy [overnight] pads in 24 hours. In mornings, and when i get up after sitting for a long time, the flow can fill a whole tub. And it goes for about 4 days. [Sorry about gross details]. So, needless to say, my period has governed most decisions in my life. What kind of job I do, i preferred jobs i would stand on my feet for 8 hours a day instead of sit. What kind of relationship I had and who could accept and love me through my 3 days a month gross ordeal. I've been anemic all my grown up life. Not to mention self-loathing. Etcetra. Needless to say, having a light period [or no period at all] has been a dream-scenario for a perfect life for me. So.. two months ago, I found out about Ibuprofen. I took a couple that day, about 6, i think, and was ecstatic to learn my period was considerably less. Last month, I took about 2, and noticed the flow was even less. I thanked God, the internet and even decided to go back to school and study a course i would actually like, since I can always rely on ibuprofen to guard me against scary scenarios. This month, however, i didn't even need to take ibuprofen, my period has become officially "light". Yesterday was the 2nd day, normally the heaviest, and I didn't even go through 1 regular sanitary pad.

    Now.. I'm a very healthy person. And where i come from, women don't go into pre-mature menopause. [Or see periods at 12, thus my preious dilema]. I also don't have the symptoms of a woman going through a pre-mature menopause. However, isn't it possible that [don't laugh now] my body has run out of eggs to -- you know -- send down the tube? Can it be an ovary problem? Or is it simply the effect of ibuprofen?

    I don't want my heavy flow back. But i want to know that i can have kids when i want them some day [still haven't decided yet]. In short, I may have had my prayers answered. I just am not sure i want them answered this way.


    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Cold air causing breast pain? Cancer?

    Every time I am exposed to cold air or my room feels like the North pole, especially in the evenings, I feel a pain in my breast. Sharp stabbing pains that, when they leave, when i put on more clothes that is, make me feel as if my nipples are still swollen. I used to think I had cancer and used to cry myself to sleep. But later I learned that some sort of stuff should come out of your breast to call it cancer (tried to do the self examination thingy, never works!). Some of my colleagues, too, told me they feel the same pain when it's cold. So I'm thinking perhaps it's cold air's effect on my breast. Is it? And if so, is there any guarantee it won't grow into cancer.

    N.B. PLEASE don't suggest that I see a doctor. Getting an operation isn't half as hard as getting a female doctor from where I come from.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What did he mean by it?

    Being from a pessimistic society that bore decades of opression and misfortune singing "I couldn't fly away for God has created me human ", i find R. Kelly's song ("I believe i can fly") rather dubious. Was Kelly talking about literally flying? Or was he figurativly referring to something else? If so, what? What does the song remind you?

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Pedophiles, how should they be treated?

    I want you to answer this with your head, instead of your heart or emotion!! After all, most pedophiles are victims of sexual abuse at a young age themselves. Which is why it doesn't sound right for the same law that failed to defend them, wanting to punish them about something they were FORCED to become. So.. what do you think is a fair and just treatment for pedophiles?

    20 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who is that black actor?

    who is always playing as a general or leiuthenant? He's got a mole on his face, next to his nose and is really good looking; without being "pretty". He's about Don Cheadel's height, but probably much older with a really commanding confidence. PLEASE I NEED HIS NAME NOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

    7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Help me save my shoes :-((?

    My husband bought and sent two shoes from old navy - (i live in Ethiopia, he in the states). I loved them so, naturally, I started wearing them to work everyday :-). However, the road to my office is full of sand/dust? (the really tiny ones that look like a flour) and it's totally ruining my pretty shoes. I tried sponging them with water, no good! I applied alcohol, shoes continued to look dusty and or sandy. My friends kept telling me it's the angle i'm looking at it, coz it's kind of fur-ry, but.. is it supposed to be this complicated? :-) I mean, seriously!! I finally went to the old navy website, but there don't seem to be any suggestions. So any tips ladies (and.. er.. gents :-)) on how to clean them???

    TY in advance.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Am i right about my husband??

    He's living abroad, can't afford to call more than once a week. So the only way is e-mail. Yesterday, I wrote something that made him mad and he said he won't write me for a week, until he did what I was mad about. If I haven't always thought he never liked writing me, it wouldn't have been a biggie. Now, I feel like he was like "YES, I finally got a way to get rid of her", and it hurts. It's like deep down he doesn't really like the person that i am. Because I love him & his e-mails are the bright spot of the day. I don't expect him to feel everything that I feel. I'm not that unrealistic. However, you'd expect people to feel things if they love you, right? Like want to know about you and how you are feeling every morning? If they don't, it's a sign of trouble, innit?!! Or is this a guys' thing & am I reading too much into it OR have I been right all along, that he never loved me, & married me because I was the only one he could??

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • FELLOW WOMEN SUFFERERS :-): What are most of the things you argue/fight with HIM about (while u're at home)?

    Like him forgetting to flush the toilet or leaving the toilet sit up kind of thing (the classic!).

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • With HER background (dad problem/sex in kindergarten/cutting heselfup), how can Angelina Jolie be a fit mother

    I know she's got the best intentions for these kids; but you know what they say "the road to hell is paved with best intentions". Only this time, the hell would be on her unfortunate adopted & biological kids. I mean, the woman professed to having been active sexually in kindergarten & her way of dealing with depression (DEPRESSION people) was using a knife to cut herself up. If she wasn't an "A" list actress & loaded with money, i doubt she would have qualified for adoption anywhere in the world. What if she started being depressed again (she certainly looks it!! more so after she lost her mom) and toyed with the idea of the knife!! She's obviously confused and lost (her famous not marrying a cheating husband/marry not marry decisions?) and reports say that she's not that crazy about her biological daughter (who, i guess, isn't exotic enough for her to relate to) & with her adventurous spirit & sporty sexuality, wouldn't you feel sorry for those kids when their mommy goes to the bad?!

    12 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What does this make me?

    I have a friend and a cousin who are close to me. My friend has got many problems. She's divorced (with 2 kids) after finding out that her jackazz husband was screwing the maid who is so beyond her in EVERYTHING & later learned that he's been having a go at it with his younger sister (on his defense, they didn't grow up together). Which is like a terrible blow to the pride, not to mention the sickness of it. So all she talks about whenever we come together is men, men, men. Their evilness. Until it makes me sick. I think she also resents the way things are going for me. Because she's much more prettier and "educated". But she loves me. And comes to me for advices whenever she's in trouble. Although I'm 10 years younger. She isn't a bad person but not always someone you'd like to have around. For some reason, though, she inspires me. And I can do with some inspirations. That's the only thing that can save me from being a wife & a mother (I dream of becoming a writer).


    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Does "being chosen by God" make the Jews superior to all other races (atleast, according to them)?

    .. and if it does, what is the difference between it and "Aryanism"'; since they both preach the superiority of one race over the other? True, ofcourse, according to Nazis people of northern European descent should go to extreme and violent lengths to "maintain the purity" of their "master race" (Aryan race). But didn't the Jews did just that; in biblical times? Killed wives and children of those men who took wives from "strange women" of "strange lands"??

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I hate John Lennon and think Yoko Ono was ugly..?

    so what's my problem exactly? I mean i know it's got a name. Some disorder that may have something to do (i'd like to think) with my distrust (that's been amply justified) of anything with an idol-status; especially when it's in a human form. I just can't remember what that name is :-s

    7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • How do I "increase" my heart rate (so as to make my walking exercise more fruitful)?

    Do i breath heavily (through my nose or mouth)? Or do i simply walk faster until my heart increases it's beating on its own? Is my heart beating fast a guarantee to losing weight, because it does even if i go to the bathroom coz i spend sitting at the office all day long and any tiny thing makes me tired. So how would i know if by walking and making my heart beat faster i'd lose weight and that i simply am not a fat and lazy girl who finds every little thing tiring????

    ALSO what does it mean when somebody says "the bigger you are, the faster you lose weight"?? My guess was the other way about. It took me so much time to put on that weight, it should take as much to lose it.

    PLEASE HELP :( :(

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Which part of my body am i likely to shrink by walking, and doing nothing else?

    Somebody told me I'd only shrink my butt and tighs by walking. I don't like that. If i'm going to lose any weight i'd rather lose it off of my whole body, and not only from certain parts. Also, this person told me i'd have to actually SWEAT to lose weight, and that it's no use to simply walk for miles if i am not sweating. Is it true? I mean is it all true? I intend to walk atleast 40 minutes a day (5 days a week), drink as much water as i can (for some reason, i'm not crazy about water) and eat as little as i can. Or atleast eat reasonablly and eat healthy. I can't afford to "watch" my carbs or calories or whatever they call them. I can't afford to buy all those fancy foods. Which is odd because i manage to get fat anyway. Nevermind! :(. I also can not excercise, not only because I don't want too but because i've got a tight schedule (work, school, home). So tell me how much weight i'm likely the shed with 40 minutes walk a day, galons of water & as little or healthy food as possible.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Renee Zellweger's look and body? Do you think she's pretty?

    I like her. but her face is a little too fat for me and i've never thought her body looked good :-(.

    15 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you HAVE a life?

    Coz i fancy you won't be here answering this question if you do!

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can you come up with a reason that would justify having kids in a cruel world like this?!?

    Except pure selfishness & something daft like "it's God's will"?!

    Me can't think of any!

    13 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago