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Kestra SpiritNova
Why does Yahoo tell me that a Question has been deleted, and then provide a link to view the deleted question?
More importantly, why did I still click on it, knowing that it was just going to pop up an error message telling me the question had been deleted? ;-)
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoDoes the Yahoo Answers community have a different set of social norms, as compared to people in real life?
When browsing the Marriage & Divorce section, I've tried to gauge what most people on here usually feel is morally acceptable and what is morally unacceptable. I could be wrong, but it does seem that some issues do have a consensus on Yahoo Answers. For example, one of the most common answers I see to sexless marriages is "if you don't give him some, he'll get it elsewhere." I'm not contesting the validity of that statement, but this is the only place I've heard that expression and I see it frequently here. There are more issues that get a consensus response on here, but that's just an example of one...
Also, I've noticed that when there are problems in a marriage, the people on Yahoo Answers are much quicker and more apt to suggest divorce. In real life, at least where I live, if someone discussed their marriage problems, I have never heard anyone suggest divorce, because it's considered a personal choice that no one outside the marriage would try to advocate. It's kind of considered taboo. You can sympathize or suggest ways to deal with the situation, but you can't bring up divorce as an oprtion.
Anyway, I was wondering if there were any other people that felt there was a different set of social norms here? Or do you find that the people on Yahoo Answers tend to agree with the people you know in real life?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhen browsing the Marriage & Divorce section, what types of recurring questions do you see the most?
For example, I remember seeing the "Could I be pregnant?" question a lot in the Pregnancy section. It seems like I've been seeing some recurring themes in questions in the Marriage & Divorce section too, but I think it would be more fun to see if anyone else can pick up on any of them. :)
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs this normal (question about blended families)?
I asked this question before, but it was really long-winded and didn't get any answers. I'm hoping that shortening my question will help to get some answers. :-)
My husband goes over to his ex-wife's house to spend the holidays with his son. At first he said it was just to help his son with the transition from divorce and re-marriage. I accepted that. After four or five years of this, I was tired of spending the holidays alone. I was trying to imply that I wanted him to spend the holidays with me, but instead he suggested that I come with him to his ex-wife's house. I tried to be a good sport and did it at first. It was awkward, but I was on my best behavior. Well, his ex-wife was hypercritical of me, and she wouldn't voice her complaints to my face -- she would just tell my husband about her complaints and then he would relay it to me. After dealing with that a few times, I didn't feel like going back.
I told my husband last 4th of July that I wouldn't be going to anymore holidays with them. He said that he already accepted her invitation on my behalf, and it would be rude of me not to go. So I told him last year that it would be the last time I ever do anything with them, and he should never do that again in the future. So for the next several holidays, he went over there without me.
This July 4th, my husband is asking me to go over to his ex-wife's place. I've been crystal clear about not wanting to spend the holidays at his ex-wife's place, but I guess he thinks over the passage of time that my feelings may have changed.
Here's my question -- When can I expect that my husband will start spending some of the holidays with his new family, instead of his old family? My husband and I have a 6 year old son and an 8 week old daughter together.
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow long does it take for cow's milk to leave your breast milk?
After doing some reading, I suspected that my baby's spitting up might be related to my drinking cow's milk and I stopped drinking it for a couple of days. Then when I told my husband what I thought, he was really skeptical. Other people I talked to said it's normal for babies to spit up, but it seemed like a lot to me! I was told that it just looks like more than it is, so don't worry. So I tried drinking cow's milk again. Then she spit up really bad and had really runny poop... So I thought I was right for sure, but my husband still thought I was wrong...
I was obstinate for a while but a few weeks went by, and I figured I'd give milk another try. Then when I nursed her, she projectile vomited all over me. From my neck to my stomach I was covered in spit up. So that's it. I know my suspicion was correct and even my husband agrees with me now. He's mad at me for trying again, but he was the one who kept insisting that it couldn't be the milk and his insistent denial (and other's denial) had me believing I was wrong. :P At least he believes me now and I will definitely be eliminating cow's milk (and related derivatives) from my diet!
Here's my question -- How long does it take for cow's milk to leave my breast milk? She is not spitting up like she did immediately after nursing, but she is still spitting up quite a bit. I was just wondering how much longer it will take for it to leave my system (and her system).
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat time of day is best for throwing a housewarming party?
9 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoAre older mothers more likely to give birth to baby girls?
I've been reading that the ratio of females to males has been growing in developed countries. I've read studies that blamed the difference on poor nutrition in Western countries. (For example, mother nature might favor mothers giving birth to girls, when food quality is an issue...) Yet it brings up the question of why there are more boys born in countries where people are starving (obviously, starving is not good nutrition) -- so I think this is an inadequate explanation.
So I was wondering, if maybe it has to do with women in Western countries tending to have babies at an older age now... I was curious, so I did a web search, but I wasn't able to find any studies on this.
If you want to give me some anecdotal testimony, that is fine, but if you know about any studies done to answer this question, I'd appreciate it. :)
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoADHD parent-teacher survey found child has ADHD at school, but not at home. Is this true ADHD?
The school teacher reported concern that my son has ADHD. So both the teacher and I completed a questionnaire on his behavior. The survey came back showing that he has ADHD at school, but it all came back as "average" for my questionnaire on his behavior at home, curiously...
I am going to a meeting on Monday, and the people at the school have told me that they've already decided to diagnose him with ADHD. They've assured me that children can have more difficulty at school than at home, and that the ADHD diagnosis will only help him, so I shouldn't fight the diagnosis...
Yet, when I read the criteria for ADHD, it says the symptoms must be present at school and home. Why would the school be OK with diagnosing him with ADHD, if he doesn't present ADHD symptoms at home?
I'm just trying to understand what is going on and how I should approach this next meeting. I don't think disagreeing would do any good, because they haven't listened to me so far. What is the best way to handle this?
18 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoWho is better at making predictions, weathermen or economists?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhich presidential candidates are most likely to support the research and development of renewable energy?
It doesn't matter if you list a Republican or Democrat... Just tell me what the candidate's specific stand is on the development of renewable energy. If you have links to any articles that specifically address this, I'd appreciate that, as well. :)
6 AnswersElections1 decade agoWould it be better for all 50 states to hold their primary elections on the same date?
It seems kind of undemocratic to allow one or two states to hold undue influence over the primary elections.
What are your thoughts on this?
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoHow do you calculate molar mass by titration?
This is the problem:
A 5.00 g quantity of a diprotic acid is dissolved in water and made up to exactly 0.25 L. Calculate the molar mass of the acid if 0.025 L of this solution required 0.0111 L of 1.00 M KOH for neutralization. (Assume that both protons are titrated.)
2 AnswersChemistry1 decade agoDo you believe the little boy who claimed to have played w/ matches & started a fire that burned 38,000 acres?
It was previously believed that the 38,000 acres was started by a downed power line, but now a news story says that a little boy has said that he was playing with matches and he started the big blaze.
Before I was a parent, I didn't believe that children could tell tall stories, but now I know differently... I get tall tales from my 6-year old all the time lately - and when I asked him why he does it, he says that he think it's funny.
The news says that they can't prosecute the kid because he's so little... That's just the thing, since he's so little, he also doesn't know the consequences of making up big stories... and it makes me think, how do they know he's telling the truth?
I'm not telling you to disbelieve it because of course anything is possible, including this story. In fact, it's also hard to believe that the story would get this far, if the boy was just making up a story. Obviously there has to be some cause of the blaze too. Give me your opinion on the story either way.
10 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoI need your opinions on colors (more specifically, about colors of cloaks)?
Hello everyone! :) Well, I am thinking about getting a cloak, and since I don't normally buy anything "frivolous" for myself, I've overthought the whole thing. Mostly, I am having trouble deciding on which is my favorite color. I really like purple, because it is a mysterious and vibrant color. I also like green, because I love trees and it matches the colors of my eyes. So tell me, which one do you think looks better, a black cloak with green lining or a black cloak with purple lining?
I'll show you the pictures for the cloaks I'm looking at on eBay:
Thanks for any opinions you can offer. :)
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat numbers can the exponents in a rate law be?
I'm supposed to be figuring out the exponents in a rate law from an experiment, but I suspect that my experimental data is wacky? The numbers vary considerably for one of the chemicals.
Here are the exponents I calculated for one of the chemicals: 0.300, 0.241, and 0.0752, which averages to 0.205. I keep thinking that I have to round a number to a whole number, but it's way too low to be 1. Is it possible that this is a zero order reactant?
1 AnswerChemistry1 decade agoCan you explain your religion to me?
I am often asked this question by well-meaning people trying to understand me, and I try my best to respond, but it sounds like such a very vague question that it's difficult to know what kind of information is wanted.
Could someone please enlighten me as to what kinds of topics you would talk about when explaining your religion to someone? Feel free to give me an example by showing me how you would explain your religion. :) Oh, I know that there is a good chance you probably expect that everyone knows your religion already, but let's say hypothetically speaking, you are talking to someone who knows nothing about your religion.
Thank you for any responses! :)
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do you pronounce Bowser?
Just in case you don't know who Bowser is, he's King Koopa from the Mario series:
Is his name pronounced as in "bow" and arrow, or as in a dog goes "bow"-wow-wow?
This is a question from my 6 yr. old, and I honestly didn't know, so I figured I would ask for him. ;-)
11 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat are some examples of economic statistics?
This is for my microeconomics class. I'm supposed to write about an economic statistic, explain what it is, and so on. I'm having trouble deciding on a particular economic statistic to research, so if anybody has any ideas, I'd appreciate it!
4 AnswersEconomics1 decade agoTo Wiccans, Witches, Pagans, etc. : Are you Polytheistic, Duotheistic, Monotheistic, or Other?
In this case, polytheistic usually, but not necessarily, refers to following a particular pantheon of gods; at the least, it refers to the belief in many "supernatural" beings.
Duotheism, I think is fairly recent, and it refers to the belief in a single God and a single Goddess, meaning that the forces of the universe are separated into male and female aspects.
Monotheistic would be defined as the idea that "all gods are but facets of the same diamond." Similar to this is the idea that there is a universal life energy that all beings tap into. Perhaps, this would be more accurately defined as animism, or animatism, so please feel free to use different words, if it is more appropriate for you.
Don't worry about agreeing with me, because I have an appreciation for all of them. Polytheism takes into account the multiplicity of the universe, duotheism takes into account the idea that life is created by two beings instead of one, and animism is more all-encompassing.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf Saddam Hussein was a dangerous criminal to the U.S., then why are none of these charges in his trial?
For example, if Saddam Hussein was illegally developing Weapons of Mass Destruction, illegaly buying uranium from Niger, supporting al-Qaeda, etc., then why are none of these charges in his trial? In fact, I haven't seen a single charge of illegal actions related to America. Why should anyone pass up the chance to charge him with all of his crimes, regardless of whether it is on a national or international scale?
5 AnswersCurrent Events2 decades ago