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Lv 612,808 points

betty m

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i am 31 years old . i like to watch soap"s dool and gh 5 days a week and i love to watch tv shows on tvland i also like watching some shows on the cw like the girlmoregirls and smallville and the one after smallville super something for got what it is called. like beening with my best friends and playing with there kids i also like lots of movies. and almost all kind of music.

  • If your in a relationship and your man is talking to other woman. Texting and calling them behide your back is that cheating.?

    My man was texting and calling other woman behind my back and lied said she was family so I add her to my page. Come to find out he was cheating he said he was not when I asked him but a friend found out he was and called and told me all about it. He says it is not cheating when we are just texting and talking on phone and online. I say it is. What do you all say. Thanks is he cheating just by texting and talking on phone and online???

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What are the laws in Mississippi about some one that want let you alone harassment.?

    Sending naked photos and calling want say nothing. Been to the law they saw nasty stuff that was said along with the naked photos. But said unless i go to court i cant fill out harassment papers and others say you can fill out papers with out going to court. It is a crazy exs of mine the law said carzy as hell said you dont talk to woman the way he was he cheated on me now. Want let me alone and lieing to the woman he cheated on me with. I stay in Mississippi so dose he and her what is the law thanks. How can i make them stop there **** and my cheating exs. Took deed to the house and a gun i did not know he stoold from my mom how can i get them back and get the law to see if he has it thanks.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Can you get a std or any other diessces from haveing a codom on?

    Just need to know this thanks for info.

    3 AnswersSTDs4 years ago
  • What dose it mean my hormones are low blood work show it is low.?

    Dr says not pg and not mounpos but it is real low sending me to other dr for more test my blood shows it is low and that is why i am not pmsing i just truned 40 this month. I still have everything in me no kids but want some but every man i am with cheats on me. I keep finding wrong man to date lol. Can you tell me why. It is low and what it means thanks for help and info i am scared.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Were can I watch Nashville for free online at want to watch it so bad. Dont get cmt. Thanks?

    Thanks for help big fan as I said and want to know were I can watch it at for free. I dont get cmt love my Nashville.

    2 AnswersDrama4 years ago
  • were can I watch every season of teen mom 2 at.?

    I don't get mtv anymore and the mtv app dose not work cause my cable is not on there. want to watch teen mom 2 and the omg teen mom so bad but cant find full show anywere. were can I watch full show for free at thanks for info and help. it has to be were I can watch full shows for free no money. 10 points for the help and it is free thanks again.

    2 AnswersReality Television5 years ago
  • I need help please I don't get cmt and am a Nashville fan want to watch it so bad when cmt plays season 5.?

    please tell me were I can watch Nashville at when it comes on. I have a Roku boxes tried to get cmt on there but cant. I have cable and they took cmt away from us and gave us gac. I wanted to watch Nashville some were anywhere as long as it is free. please help and thanks for info and help means a lot to me big Nashville fan watched on abc from season 1 until season 4 went off. thanks again.

    2 AnswersDrama5 years ago
  • need help please thanks?

    my mom and boy friend dose not get along long story. but they dislike each other I been with him for 2 years. he is about ready to let me go cause of my mom. what do I do how do I get them to get along. don't want to loose him I love him. thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • wete can I watch every day full shows of General hospital?

    Were can I watch full shows of General hospital at for free want were all I do is go to site and start watching don't have to do anything with click the play button to start watching it. Dont want to wait a week but online is the only way I can was watching it on you tube but cant any nore. Cant watch on hulh nor abc with waiting a week. Thanks and dont want to pay to see it. Thanks 10points for the best dancer in the best website that really works were I can watch it Monday through Friday. Please put a link that I can click on to get to the website thanks for the link.

    2 AnswersSoap Operas6 years ago
  • were can I watch dallas.?

    3 AnswersDrama7 years ago
  • is it a sin if you do some stuff but not go all the way.?

    is it a sin and what dose god think if you do some stuff but not go all the way. but do stuff with your hands and if he use his mouth. need info and help means a lot to me. 20 points for the best answers that will help me means a lot to me. we been dating for 10 months now we both love each other he is good to me. and what if your still the v word but doing some stuff.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • what dose god think if you have sex befor your marryed?

    what dose god think if you have sex befor your married and your still the v word but are in love and want to and he wants to cause you both love each other and been dating for 10 months now need help and info thanks means a lot to me was raised up in church to be in love or married when doing it but god wants you to say I do befor doning it. best answers that will help me will get 20 points we been doing some stuff but with hands not all the way but we both want to go all the way.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how can i watch a full soap opear that is on youtube.?

    how can I watch a full soap opera or anything else on you tube when it want let me keeps missing up and when I subscribe to the page the next day or night I go there it is gone. thanks for help and info I go there to watch this soap every day or at night cause I cant watch it when it is on tv. it says error everytime I try to watch this soap on you tube and it is full soap. thanks again. you tube is the only way I can watch this soap by the way I count on you tube.

    1 AnswerSoap Operas7 years ago
  • who will donna mills be playing on gh.?

    who will donna mills be playing on gh what will be her part on gh will it be good or bad. I am guessing she will be sallies wife or the cops mom or wife. just guessing could be right or wrong. what is your guess and why. I am glad she is going to be back on tv love her.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas7 years ago
  • on b & b who is happy kate stood up to brooke and put her in her places or am i the only one glad it went down?

    go kate about time you stood up to brooke glad it went down the way it did.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas7 years ago
  • how do i keep from getting a std if the one i am dateing has it.?

    how do I keep from getting a std if my boyfriend has it and he got it from his ex wife but just now showing up. don't want to brake up but don't want a std. how can I be safe and careful not to get it if I stay with him. they say it is not bad but he have it the rest of his life. he has warts on him. 10 points for best answer. just need to know how to be safe and what ways I can get it if not careful I know no sex of any kind and the bathroom and no fingering or analyses or orlesex what are the risk if any others. sorry if I missed spelled in a hurry. thanks for info and help.

    7 AnswersSTDs7 years ago
  • would you stay with some one that has a std.?

    we been dating 5 months now and he just found out his ex wife gave him a std she was cheating on him why he kicked her out and got a divorce. I love him and care a lot about him but am upset I don't want a std no we have not done anything. we have done some things but not all the way. should I stay with him or let him go. he likes and loves me but dose not want to put me at risk. I know sex is one way and the tollie tseat what are other ways tell the truth please if I stay with him want to be as safe and careful as can be not to get it at all. 10 points for the truth and best answer he said he have it until the day he dies said no meds.

    4 AnswersSTDs7 years ago