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  • Why do I seem to mess up good relationships sometimes?

    When I was 21 or 22 back in 2009 I dated someone and loved them deeply. Problem was that I had some problems with them and instead of dealing with them and talking things out I ran away. I took a break from them and then called them and told them a lie that I don’t love them anymore and the relationship is over. I closed my heart up and refused to let myself have any real feelings for them. I’ve regretted that day my whole life. One day they friend requested me on Facebook and we’ve been talking and I admitted to them what I did and how bad I’ve felt all these years about it. And I litterally cried. It felt good to get some closure from it. Fast forward to now; my current boyfriend we’ve had some issues off and on but instead of talking to him about it I’ve been doing the same thing just running away. We live together and I just camp my butt in front of the tv and ignore him. I almost broke up with him even though I still love him without even talking to him about my problems or how I feel and working through things together. I was about to make the same mistake I made years ago but I stopped myself and now we’re working things out! I need to change this behavior cause it’s toxic. Once I start to love someone I’m afraid of getting hurt again so I close myself off from loving them. I want to stop behaving this way. Any other suggestions.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • Abnormally high sex drive for a woman?

    I have an extremely high sex drive for a woman but every time it gets bad I masturbate but it leaves me feeling frustrated. And sometimes it takes three times and I'm still not satisfied. I've tried talking about it with my bf but he won't comunicate. Every time I'm in the mood he won't do it and I need to do something cause this has been going on for over a year and it's getting bad. Any advice would help

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • boyfriend having sexual turn on of being in secret relationships?

    So my bf just admitted to me he has a sexual turn on of being in secret relationships at least once a year. He has fake relationships. He doesn't love them or anything. It's purely a sexual turn on. I have a turn on by my bf having sex with someone else. I figure we match good cause of that. I didn't find much on the internet about it and wanted to know more about it. Apparently I started as a secret relationship but then he really fell in love with me deeply for real and I met his family a while ago for the first time and everyone important to him and we're in a long term relationship and living together. I just want to know if it's a healthy turn on to have? And just more information about it. I know people will think it's cheating but if I know about it and agree to it then it's fine.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Need advice on wierd turn on of having secret relationships?

    So my bf just admitted to me he has a sexual turn on of being in secret relationships at least once a year. He has fake relationships. He doesn't love them or anything. It's purely a sexual turn on. I have a turn on by my bf having sex with someone else. I figure we match good cause of that. I didn't find much on the internet about it and wanted to know more about it. Apparently I started as a secret relationship but then he really fell in love with me deeply for real and I met his family a while ago for the first time and everyone important to him and we're in a long term relationship and living together. I just want to know if it's a healthy turn on to have? And just more information about it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to get someone motivated to look for work?

    We just moved into our apartment. We were working the same job but we're not treated well. He got fired and I'm not doing too hot myself. Ever since then I have not been able to get him to look for work. He sits at the computer all day and no applications. I thought about physically driving around and looking and seeing if they're hiring but idk what to do.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • So I wanted to take a poll:?

    If you were playing a video game and your bf/gf took over the game and played a whole area and beat it for you and changed your stats and bought stuff in the game and beat a bunch of side quests for you would you be upset? I was upset because games are usually hard for me to beat and I was actually doing good at this one so I like to beat it myself because I feel proud that I beat it with no help. It s just how I feel.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • In sword art online lost song for the ps4 how do you use potions?

    All the forums say to press select and go to the item and press x but that just discards it. I wanna use it on myself not discard it. I feel dumb but I have never seen a game without a easy way to use a potion.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • is it right that my fiancee is sharing his ps4 account with his friend instead of me?

    so i want some opinions On this. my fiancee has a best friend hes known since high school. anyways his friend is in a tough spot money wise and so he shares his acount with him so he has games to play. my issue is this (I DO FEEL BAD FOR HIM BTW): i buy ninety percent of hisPSN cards for games. so shouldnt i get to share the account since im paying for most of the games? instead of his friend having access to the account and games? if i want to play a game i got him i litterally have to buy another copy. i feel its unfair that i have to spend more money on a game that we already have. so don t get mad at me just want some opinions on this.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What's a good gamer nickname for a guy?

    Trying to get a good nickname so any ideas would help

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • What to do if someone files taxes as joint married when you got divorced last year?

    So here's the situation and I need some advice. My ex husband divorced me in 2015 and it was official around july of last year. Well a lot of drama was caused by him. But recently I went to h and r block to file my taxes and they said I get nothing back because they were already filed as married filing jointly. So my name and everything was used. My bf read that he can get a fine of 250,000 and/or up to three years in jail for this. Is this accurate? What can I do about this situation? What would you do if this happened to you?

    6 AnswersUnited States5 years ago
  • I want a friend on ps4 and wii u to play games with?

    I just got the ps4 but I have had the wii u for a while and have had no luck getting friends on there to play online with. I request to be friends but no one accepts it. at least one would be nice. Is there someone who would like to do this?? If so type in your info and the console your on. I would like one person for each console.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • Problems with an ex wanting a friendship with me?

    So I dated this guy eight years ago or so and just two days ago he messaged me on facebook and friend requested me. I was like wtf?? He said in the message that he wanted to be friends but we were never friends to begin with. Then he said that he would love to have his revenge on me but he is not going to. Then he said that he has a girlfriend for five years now and he can do stuff with her that he never did with me. He hinted sexually. Like I care. So I put it in his face and said I can do more stuff too. So to talk about what happened when we dated. He asked me out in class when I was in college. I didn't know that he already had two internet girlfriends at the time he asked me out. I found out later and told him he has to stop dating them. So he said he did but that was a lie because I found out he was still dating them and having phone sex with them. So I dumped him because of it. He cried on the phone. I said I loved him but I couldn't take the cheating that would not stop. He said that I was breaking his heart because I said I loved him. I said I know but I can't be with someone who can cheat and not stop. But my question is: what is his real motive here? Why is he even contacting me after eight years of being separated? We were only together for three months too btw. Should I even be friends with him? Is it a good idea to be friends or should I leave him in the past? I don't know what to do here. I have never been in this situation before.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What are some good boy and girl baby names that start with the letter p?

    Just curious. I just found out from my fiancee that when we have a kid one has to have a name that starts with the letter p. I don't know of that many p names that are really good so I was wondering what p names you guys can come up with. It's a tradition in his family that one kid has a name starting with the letter p. My fiancee's name is patrick so that's one. I know priscilla and phyllis but I don't really care for those.

    12 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • what to do about a hacked account. PLEASE HELP ME!?

    someone hacked my fiancee's ok cupid account and is messaging girls on there. He can't even get into his account with his password. We think whoever it is changed his password. What can he do if we want someone to stop messing around on his profile. He's dating me and isn't talking to those people at all. The person hacking the account is but because he still has the app on his phone he gets pings saying he has messages from girls. (I know I made a post just recently about him on yahoo answers but I found out that his account is indeed hacked so everything is fine except we want his account un-hacked). PLEASE HELP ME!

    3 AnswersSecurity5 years ago
  • Anyone in Texas going to college I need an answer?

    I lived in madison,WI and went to a technical college there and was wondering if most of my credits would transfer to the austin community college. can't find any information on this on the internet on the site.

  • problem making friends?

    will someone please answer it. I need advice. I've had friends but every time I get one they cause drama. so I resorted to the internet to make friends. I tried several sites to make friends including ok cupid but every time I make a friend either they wanna be a jerk andhave random sex and talk dirty or they ignore me completely after a day or so. idk what I'm doing wrong. I need advice. I'm smart as soon as I even sense they're trying to talk nasty or get random sex I cut them off. I'm keeping myself safe and protecting myself.

    4 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • problem making friends?

    well... I've had friends but every time I get one they cause drama or I just don't get one. and so I resorted to the internet to make friends. I tried several sites including ok cupid but every time I make a friend either they wanna be a jerk and have random sex with me and talk dirty or they ignore me completely after a day or so. Idk what I'm doing wrong here. I'm a nice person. I don't have trouble getting boyfriends but friends are a different story.

    2 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • how do i get my boyfriend to go to bed at a decent hour?

    we're currently trying to look for work but the problem is he stays up all hours of the night even seven a.m. and sleeps till three p.m.. i can't get him on a regular schedule. i try to coax him to come to bed at three and four a.m. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. this morning i let him sleep in a bit longer till eleven a.m. and then woke him up but he wouldn't get up. i tried and tried and even went so far as to tickle him but then he snapped at me so i left him alone. i just want advice on what i can do here.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • being used for sex and no relationship?

    I wanna get your opinion on this: I've been dating this guy I met on ok cupid for a see and a day. I just dumped him. (he works at the golf course) we talked for the first time on ok cupid and he immediately wanted to have sex with me. I said i wanted to date first. He said but i want you bad so i gave in and the first date was just sex. Then he messaged me in the morning for sex. So we had sex at my house and he left shortly after cause i had to work. Then he messaged me Thursday and said babe I'll take you on a date. Then i left Thursday evening and he messaged me saying to get a hotel room. I said I thought we were dating tonight. He said i don't have time. But stayed from eight thirty pm till ten thirty pm. We had sex in the room and cuddled for a hour with almost no talking and then he got dressed and left. Right before he left he said your probably mad I'm not spending the night with you. I wanted to say yes but said no. Then this week he's been too tired for the last three days to take me out. Today i didn't get one txt from him. Is he just using me for sex or what? I broke up with him so its done but i wanted some opinions on this.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • sex in a car illegal?

    Well I'm seeing someone I met on a dating site. If all the windows are covered and it's ok to park where you're at is it illegal?

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago