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Lv 58,917 points

Bawn Nyntyn Aytetu

Favorite Answers39%

Vegan; spiritual scientist; environmentalist; travelsport enthusiast

  • Is there any way to treat a perpetually "blocked nose"?

    I have a blocked nose every moment of every day. I do not have a cold, or the flu, or any other respiratory illness. There is little to no difference between summer and winter, and no difference between early morning and later waking times.

    When I woke up, my nose was so blocked my mouth was doing all the breathing. I blew my nose, which cleared 70% of the mucus. Sometimes there is so much I gag and bring it up as flegm.

    I then sprayed a pharmaceutical, saline based fluid up my nose, tipped my head back and pinched my nose to stop it running out, held it for 2 minutes, and blew my nose again. This cleared out half of the remaining mucus. Repeating this part has no effect.

    Then, as a last resort I sprayed a different pharmaceutical nasal spray up my nose containing decongestant medication, which cleared out almost all the rest of the mucus, only to be replaced with a high quantity of rapidly congealing blood, which blocks my nose again, and stains my shirt.

    Repeating these steps every day, except the decongestant, requires a steady stream of throat lozenges and bi hourly (at least) nose blowing, and when I speak I still sound nasal.

    I've spoken to doctors and pharmacists who suggest all kinds of products, like hayfever medications in tablet and nasal spray form, all of which I've tried with little to no success.

    I have had a lot of success breathing steam for 20 minutes, but it takes a comparatively long time to take effect, it's not portable, the effects are short lived, I can't multitask while it's working, and requires access to the space and equipment (kettle, bowl, towel, etc).

    I have access to global markets of medical treatment through a friend, but need specific suggestions which I can verify through scientific literature as effective before I buy.

    Can you help?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Will Google Authenticator work with securing my account against illicit purchases in Play Store?

    I have used Google Authenticator to secure my Gmail account. Can the same 2-step security levels be applied to the Android Play Store? Please provide walk through or simple instructions if possible. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerSecurity8 years ago
  • Can you Plz find a positive antonym for "addict" without negative prefix?

    Hello, I need an uplifting & positively charged word that describes the exact opposite of addiction. Preferably in english, but any answer would be appreciated. No words beginning with dis or un plz! Same applies for words in other languages, plz no double negative terms. Thanks in advance to all who help!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Studying psychiatry. What options are left when xanax, valium & ritalin no longer work to calm anxious patient?


    I'm doing a paper on a worst case scenario psych patient with suicidal and genocidal tendancies, bouts of uncontrollable rage, and no physical deformities (no brain tumor, etc). He's developed an immunity to all standard medications, ffrom anti-psychotics, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety options that I can think of. The objective is to avoid recommending euthanasia by any means neccessary. The patient is hepatoxic from mood stabilization meds like lithium and valproate at very high doses, in an attempt to control extreme bipolar disorder, but is having little positive effect and the toxic side effects result in constant cold sweating, even while asleep, violent tremors in every waking moment that make it imposssible to use hands for anything, and convulsive, full body seizures on a daily basis that last several minutes, just to list a few. some of the other primary symptoms include loss of memory and ability to focus and concentrate on even simple tasks, and has no motivation or will power for the performing of basic bodily functions, eating, etc.

    As for testing, the patient has undergone several EEG tests, plus a head CT, and over 2 dozen blood tests in just the last 6 months. The region does not have access to FMRI technology, but the head of neurology assures the psychiatrist it would not reveal anything he can't see on the 3D CT scan.

    Any suggestions, besides death?

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • What are the best ever empowerment songs of all time?

    List for me the songs that make you feel like a millionaire, invincible, top of the world, or undefeated. Songs that encourage and uplift people to do their most amazing work, to run that extra mile, to fight the impossible fight to the bitter end. Songs that offer a sense of balance and exclaim to the world with gusto and joy. Songs that are more than just fun, & good to tap your toe to, but glorious and energetic and overflowing with expression.

    Exclude electronica, rap, hard rock, death metal, etc, even if they qualify in one of the above categories.

    I'm after titles and artists of songs like "eye of the tiger", "permission to shine", and most of the stuff by Queen and Bon Jovi.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • what do I need to ask for from an ISP? Read the situation below, and tell me what to say please can you?

    My situation: I'm living in a granny flat type arrangement with other people living in the main house.

    They have a land line that services their house inside, and an extension of the same line runs to my living area. I own a ADSL2+ WiFi modem, and want to connect it to this line, without interrupting the phone services for the main house. I also want all phone services to remain the expense of the original payor (the main residents), and all ISP charges to go to me.

    5 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Which species do you believe to be most fearsome, in its ability to terrorise other animal species (inc man)?

    What scares you most? And what do you think scares the most living things, all animals, not just people?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • If you were approached by a genie, would you accept his offer to make your deepest dreams & desires manifest?

    What if that genie wanted something in return, namely your help in granting other people the opportunity to make their deepest dreams & desires manifested? Would you work for a genie?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What's the scientific explanation for why metallic objects stick to the skin of people like the Brazilian Boy?

    It's all over the news at the moment, gone viral on YouTube, just like the Croatian Boy not long ago. Any metal with magnetic properties sticks to the skin of this Brazilian Boy.

    Falling back on first principles, every human body has a faint electro-magnetic current that the brain uses somewhat like a metronome to maintain subconscious physical functions like the beating of the heart.

    Is it possible this boy has an abnormally strong EM current, so strong that he's a conscious, living, perpetually regenerating electromagnet? What couuld the possible adverse side effects be to his health and well being (besides the whole attracting metal thing)? What other possible benefits could there be for having this gift / curse / abnormality?

    6 AnswersPhysics10 years ago
  • Bruised coccyx. Best treatment suggestion gets 10 points. Can anyone help me?

    bruised my coccyx coming down a slide in a childrens park a few days ago, and now going from standing to sitting and/or the opposite, results in sharp stabbing pain between my butt cheeks. Massage therapists won't go near it, because it's considered "private area", and outside professional purvey, and i can't afford to have a prostitute massage it 4 me at over $500/hr.


    3 AnswersInjuries10 years ago
  • Where would I go, physically or online, to buy a radio frequency tether (ankle monitor) & monitoring equip?

    I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for, but the anklet device for people under house arrest could be a good place to start. Any suggestions where I can go to buy this equipment would be most appreciated.

    2 AnswersMonitors10 years ago
  • Name this syndrome / birth defect, if you can. Please provide references. Who dares to take up the challenge?

    During fetal development, the mother is overstimulated with neurotransmitters like serotonin as a byproduct of pain relief medication. The infantile brain in the womb grows to naturally expect similar dosage of such neurotransmitters after birth, and also becomes numb and/or immune to subtle doses of such neurotransmitters that the average human finds satisfying. Over several years growing up, the child develops major depression with uncontrollable periods of paralysis and catatonia; chronic complex anxiety with paranoid delusional tendencies; and hypertensive post traumatic stress disorder from chronic hypersensitivity, caused by severe concussion at a young age to the orbital cortex, and a genetic predisposition to high risk allele of the monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) gene. Psychiatric care of the patient trialed several anti-depressants, anti-epileptics, anti-anxiety and strong pain relief medication, including drugs from classes SSRI, SNRI, GABA, and opioids, all of which made the patient's conditions more prevelant, had no effect, or had no positive effects and several negative side effects, including an intense yet not life threatening display of serotonin syndrome. The patient complains about constant tension headaches, combined with flash migraines, with pain levels while awake never falling below 4/10, and regularly peaking at 9/10. periods of sleep can range from 4 to 36 hours, averaging about 10, and requires strong sleep aids every night to nod off.

    Suggestions anyone?

    1 AnswerMental Health10 years ago
  • stats Q: Which vertabral break point is most common in severed spine brain beath organ donations?

    Quiz question for hospital staff & medical experts to guess, in brain death organ donation cases where the patient is killed by a severed spinal cord or broken vertebre, which vertebral link do you think the highest number of successful donors come from?

    The answer will be forthcoming at the end of the allotted time frame. We'll see who gets it right, who can provide the most accurate answer why, who provides the best weblink reference, and who gets all 10 points ....

    Here's a hint, I almost NEVER pick the person who answers first.

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • What's it called when you see random coincidences and believe its supernatural because you noticed them?

    Like looking at a digital clock displaying 12:34, or 11:11. There is a scientific theory or algorythm or whatever that describes this deceptive psychological phenomena, and I can't remember the name. Can anyone help?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What is required to accelerate the rate that ocean algae grow their shells beyond current limits?

    I am trying to contribute to a global scientific experiment working to reverse climate change, and my hypothesis is far from complete, so I request the assistance from more experienced persons from various disciplines to help us piece the puzzle together and find a solution.

    At this stage I only ask if there is any way to increase the speed that individual shellfish and algae per micro gram convert the CO2 from the ocean into their exoskeleton? What specific primary environmental conditions are required to maximise the efficiency of this growth process?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • What does it mean for our global climate when an area like Perth, West Aus gets 0.2 ml rain in 4 mths, 3 days?

    I've been studying climate change issues unofficially for about 5 years, and I live in Perth, WA. In all my life, and all my parents lives, we've never had a summer season with such a minuscule amount of rain as 0.2 millilitres over a period of 4 months and 3 days. Today has been the first time since November 19th that we've had a recordable amount of rainfall except for one ultra-humid day mid summer when 0.2 ml fell during the day. This is a big first for our city, since this is not only the driest summer on record ever, but also claims the title as the hottest average temperature over the 3 month summer season, and 4 month period to date.

    Things are changing drastically here, and from what I'm hearing on the news, it's the same in a lot of other places around Australia and around the world. Today, when the first rains hit, it was like a disaster area. Winds were almost cyclonic speed (F1), and even though it's hot like summer, we had 40 mils, hail the size of golf balls hitting dirt (and windows, etc) at an angle of roughly 80 degrees. First rain for 4 months, that thousands have been praying for, and we get a hailstorm causing landslides and bringing trees down over power lines leaving over 70 000 without power overnight tonight. It's certainly not as bad as the cyclone currently over Queensland, but it certainly makes me ask ...

    Why are we doing this to ourselves? Everyone who's dabbled in the subject of climate change knows all these environmental disasters are caused by human activity. Testing has proven that when human activity is discontinued in a controlled area, incidence frequency and severity of environmental disasters reduces by minute by scientifically identifiable and recordable amounts. Shortly after human activity resumes, environmental incidences gradually return to previous levels, and then return to the previous rate of increasing frequency and severity.

    11 AnswersClimate Change1 decade ago
  • unable to flush DNS cache using command prompt "ipconfig \flshdns". Why?

    Command response reads (with no failure error code or clear reason):


    Windows IP configuration

    Could not flush the DNS resolver cache: Function failed during execution.


    Please HELP.

    I have an active internet connection, but iTunes is unable to connect to iStore. iTunes diagnostics from the help menu finds my active connection, and can load the iTunes web page, but cannot load iStore. Further help advises to clear DNS cache.

    Why can't I do this???

    I'm running an Asus EEEPC with a wireless broadband dongle connected to Telstra prepaid mobile phone network, and I have plenty of credit left.


    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • In the film "Schindlers List", a road in Poland was built by Jewish slaves out of graveyard headstones. Where?

    During Nazi occupation of Poland in 1942, a group of Polish Jews were ordered to dig up the headstones from a graveyard to be used as paving slabs for a special access road connecting a new concentration camp with the pre-existing road network. Does anyone know if this road still exists intact with the original headstones, and if so what is the modern street address???? Does anyone know where online I can find modern day digital photographs of this street????

    1 AnswerPoland1 decade ago
  • In the film "Schindlers List", a road in Poland was built by Jewish slaves out of graveyard headstones. Where?

    During Nazi occupation of Poland in 1942, a group of Polish Jews were ordered to dig up the headstones from a graveyard to be used as paving slabs for a special access road connecting a new concentration camp with the pre-existing road network. Does anyone know if this road still exists intact with the original headstones, and if so what is the modern street address???? Does anyone know where online I can find modern day digital photographs of this street????

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago