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Lv 43,001 points

Jelena V

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  • question for A505 Toshiba Laptop?

    Hi. I have gotten this laptop yesterday, and it is working great. I believe that the Internet Explorer 8 is installed on it. So how can I add things to the favorites. It seems to not work. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How would we be related?

    Hello. I was wondering...If I have a first cousin who has a child (which would be my second cousin), but what if she adopts a child (would this child to whom I am not blood related to, be my second cousin also?)

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • A question for Roman Catholics?

    hello roman catholics outhere, i was just wondering about something if something would be considered a sin in our faith. Imagine that you have a cousin who has her picture on the front cover of the newspaper and you think that she is pregnant, and the newspaper has an article with her picture on it talking something bad about her or if people are negativelly comenting on her look (if they say something negative), if you are in school in u.s. for example and you hear this from people who said this but they do not know that you are related to her, if you are personality type which is shy, does not want to hurt somebody elses feelings, thinks of what somebody is going to say about you, etc. Let's say that you hear those bad comments about your cousin and you do not say anything to those people who made bad comments (you don't try to defend her), would that be sin?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you proofread this please and give me feedback!?

    This is my homework assignment. In this letter, we are supposed to pretend that we are a customer of a community bank. We had to write a letter to the corporate (corporate headquarters) explaining our inconvenience and how i feel i was rudely dealt with (I included the details in the letter). Please read this letter below, and please help me correct errors in grammar, puncuation, sentence structure, etc. I would appreciate it it you would rewrite this letter with the corrected grammar, spellings, punctuation, etc. I also have one question when it comes to this. In the sentence: I asked this manager if he could cite the exact words of the bank policy which prohibits him from cashing this check, but he was not able to do so. In which paragraph should I put this sentence in? Can this sentence go after the sentence: I told him that I had more money in my personal account than the check requires. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and thank you for helping me. But i need help on this.

    Jelena Vidovic

    4678 Meadow Drive

    Greensboro, NC 44095

    Dear Corporate Headquarters,

    My name is Jelena Vidovic, and I live in Greensboro, NC. I was a customer of a local National City bank since January 15, 1988. I did not have any problems with this bank as long as I can remember. However, I would like to tell you of one incident that happened to me that caused me to leave this bank.

    I had a family trust account in this bank that my father set up for our family in my family’s name; my sister and I are executives of this account. On February 5, 2009, I came to bank to cash a $ 100 check that was addressed to both my sister and me; my sister and I signed this check. On this day my sister was not present with me.

    I came to the drive-thru window, because the lobby was closed. I gave the check to the teller, and I told her that I wanted to cash this check; the teller was confused, so she referred this matter to the bank manager. The bank manager refused to cash my check. He told me that the check cannot be cashed and must be put into my “family trust.” I told him that I had more money in my personal account than the check requires. I asked him would it make a difference if my sister was present here with me. He did not answer anything when I asked that, he just told me to leave, because I was blocking the drive-thru teller window.

    I feel that I was treated very impolitely and rudely by the manager of this bank. I asked this manager if he could cite the exact words of the bank policy which prohibits him from cashing this check, but he was not able to do so. I was angry for this matter, but I chose to remain calm. I felt like that as a long standing customer of this bank, I should have been treated differently, and with respect; but I was not. This is the reason I am sending this letter.

    I just would like to let you know what happened, because I do not want anybody to go through this; in some cases some families really need money for life that they need, but for example if they were in this situation, they would not be able to feed their family and themselves.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I hope that you will do something about this, so that the same thing does not happen in the future. If you have any questions, please contact me at 336-6486-388.


    Jelena Vidovic

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • would word leather be an abstract noun or concrete noun?

    hello. everyone, i was just wondering would word leather be an concrete or abstract noun? I know that you can feel leather, but for example if I say to you: I have a leather jack (but i am just talking about it, i do not have it on), then would this be an concrete or abstract noun? Thank you!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • what is roman catholic blessing of tonques? Please explain (roman catholics)?

    hi. i was just wondering what is a blessing of tonques in the roman catholic faith? My mom says that a priest puts a candle (i think under your chin or near your mouth, something like that), but I wanted to know what is it (the blessing of tonques), how it is done, for what purpose is it done for, and what are the effects of it? It would be helpful if in your answer, you provide a link to the website explaining that, I would really appreciate it. Because I want to learn more about it!

    I would prefer Roman Catholics to answer this, just because they are more knowledgeable about this. Thank you...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what companies in ohio can go green? ?

    hello everyone. i need your help. for homework i have to write a 3 page paper on how a company i have worked for or volunteered for can go green. I have not worked anywhere before, but i did volunteer at mentor civic center, at one high school, i have been going to willoughby eastlake technical center but i do not have enough information on how this school can go green. but it is a big paper. This company should be in mentor,oh or in ohio. What do you think, would it be ok in a paper to write about several companies that can go green (to become more environmentally friendly at work, etc). Do you think that it is ok to mix it up a little bit just to kind of fill up a paper (all 3 pages). If you could help me please, i would be very thankful and I would really appreciate it. I would appreciate it if you gave me several places you worked for or if you would give me a website that talks about how that company can go green, i would really appreciate. please help me and God bless you!

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • How much blood or DNA do we share? ?

    Hello everyone. I was just curious about how much DNA or blood do me and my cousin share. I have a first cousin who had a daughter with her first husband (which would be my second cousin). She got divorced, remarried and have a baby with another man. So i know that that second baby (my second cousins half-brother) is also my second cousin. I know that we are related; but I was just wondering how much DNA or blood do we share (my second cousins half-brother)?

    When my second cousins half brother gets married and has children, would his children be considered my 3rd cousins?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • How do you know when God wants you to pray for a certain soul? ?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you are dreaming about deceased loved one or any deceased person and they show up in your dream, does that mean that our Heavenly Father wants us to pray for that person?

    For example, one night i had a dream about my deceased cousin who died when he was six years old. He was disabled (i think that he had diabetes), i can't rememember because I was little when he died. Anyway in my dream we were in one backyard I think that had bunch of toys. And somehow I knew that he will die, and i was playing with him. Because I loved him (off course), I said to him, "come my angel, let's play together, come to me" (in my dream he was fat, just like how he was before he died). When I woke up, and when I told my mom about that dream, she always says pray for that person. Also one night i dreamed that it was baby Grace's funeral (you know the little baby that her parents threw her off a bridge or something), i prayed for her. Last night i had a dream about one girl who commited suicide, we went to her viewing and to her funeral. All of us were crying, even though I have not seen her many times. In my dream my mom recognized a carpet that she bought for her family, and she said "look this is a carpet which i bought for the family when we went to her funeral (in real life she did not buy them a carpet, but bouqet of flowers), anyway do you think that God wants me to pray for her soul, and souls of all people who i dream (that i dream that are deceased for example?). When you have a dream, how do you know if God wants you to pray for that person?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would you do?...See details?

    Hello everyone. This came to my mind one day as I was coming back from school....Imagine that you did not see your mom, dad, brother, sister, etc. (your family here on earth) for a long time and you are at airport and you missed them a lot (too much), and on one side are standing your grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, etc. and on the other side are standing our Heavenly Mother Mary, our brother Jesus, and some of your heavenly family members (like saints, your grandma who passed away,etc) and you had a choice which one to come to live with for 3 weeks lets say. Let's assume that you have a good relationship with our heavenly mother, jesus, our heavenly family. It's obvious that you are going to hug both of your family, but if you had to decide which you would staywith for 3 weeks , which would it be? Would you choose to be little bit with our heavenly mother, jesus, some of your other relatives that passed away long time ago, and then go back to your earthly parents? Be honest no matter what you put down. When you say which one you would pick, explain why!

    To me personally, as i imagined that it was a hard thing to answer. I think that it would be a hard choice to make, because i love them both, i don't know, it would be hard for me. Since i did not ever see Jesus, Mary, and some of my heavenly family members, including some deceased family members, i think that maybe i would come to live with my heavenly family members little bit (for 3 weeks, lets say) to see how their life is like, most of all i would really like to see how our Heavenly Father God looks like, i would like to talk to him, i would like to hug him,etc. So what family would you pick?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where did devil come from ?

    Hello everyone. In the story of creation of Adam and Eve, it says how God created everything good for them, everything around them was beautiful, they had close relationship with God, etc. They were children of God. So i know how they had eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree. Then the devil tempted them (in form of snake i think), then God punished them. But one question comes to my mind as I study this is if God created everything perfect, where did Devil come from (in this case in a form of snake)? I do not know, but i just want your personal thoughts on this. What's your opinion on this?

    46 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this name? ?

    What do you think of name Maria Gracy or Veronica Maria or Veronika Marija. If i ever got a new adopted baby sister and if i had a choice of picking my sister name i think that i would name her Maria Gracy (Gracy from name Grace). I just think that this name goes well together. What do you think? Also what do you think of name Veronica Maria (or Marija). The reason i would want to name my daughter Veronica Maria is because i love name veronica from st. veronica who wiped the face of Jesus while he was carrying his cross (she had a good heart and i have a good heart too so that's why i fell in love with that name). and also i would like her middle name to be Maria. Because that is my grandma's and my confirmation name and so i thought that it would be nice that she also has a middle name. My grandma have exact same first name, confirmation name, and last name. I thought that is so cool. When i asked her what is her confirmation name i was shocked (or surprised) to learn that she has same confirmation name as me. Anyway please tell me which of these names do you like the best (Veronika Maria or Maria Gracy)?

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does he have crush on me? Does he show signs of interest?

    hello. i was wondering if this guy likes me. we go to same class together. He seems shy to me, i am shy too myself. the first time we started a conversation was when i was going out of school cafeteria and he was talking on the phone but stopped to ask me how i did on one test that we did. I asked him what he got on the test also, he answered him. He complimented me on my good test score. Also one time class was cancelled, so he saw me and told me. I came up to him to see the note on the door, he asked me did i do my homework that was due that they. I said that i did but wasn't sure if my answers were correct, i asked him what he got as the answers. I showed him and he showed me his. He explained it to me how to do the worksheet. When my papers fell on the floor accidentally, he offered to pick it up. He leanead closer toward me, but did not touch me. He does this when we are talking also, he leans towards me. he looks at me and when he notices me looking, he turns away.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Question about winter driving!?

    If it's snowy and you are getting out from parking lot in reverse. You hear snow underneath. If you hit car behind you, would you hear?

    7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Will my teeth shift if i don't wear my essix retainer for 2 hours then i put them back on?

    hello. i got my braces off december 10, the same day i got my essix retainer. The dentist told me to wear it 24/7 and only to take it off when i have meals and when I have drinks. I am following that rule, however; today when i had lunch, i took them off. I didn't put them on for approximately 1 hour 30 minutes or 2 hours. Then I put them back on. Is this ok? Will my teeth shift? That night when i got my essix retainer i felt that my teeth are sore. I am wearing them regularly. Today when I put them on, i had that feeling like that my teeth are moving, but i don't think so. But if they did, and i wore them 24/7 each day, can they get back into their positions?

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • what happens if you don't put an answer on a scan tron test?

    hi. i would like to know what do you think happens if you don't put an answer on a scan tron test?

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is there a video of barbara kingsolver's book animal dreams?

    I am trying to find a free online full length video of animal dreams by barbara kingsolver that is available online. If you know where i can find it, please tell me the website i can find it. thank you

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Best Buys total sales, earnings/losses per share, dividents/share for both 2005 and 2006 calendar years.?

    Hello. I am trying to find Best Buys total sales, earnings/loss per share, and dividents per share for 2005 and 2006 calendar years. I am having trouble finding these information. My teacher suggested, but i don't know how to find out these information. She says that once i am on the websites she says to click on charts and dividents but i don't see that anywhere. Please help me. Please send me a website where you found this information. Thank you.

    4 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Conflict between Word 2007 and 2003.?

    I have installed microsoft word 2007 over microsoft word 2003 . now they created problems . one won't let other one open or work together (they won't work together). What should i do?

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What type of business is Starbucks?

    i am wondering if Starbucks is sole priortship business, partnership business or etc.

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago