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A Nonymiss
letting cat out for first time?
I got a cat from a rescue centre about 6 weeks ago and, having kept him indoors to settle, I think it's time to let him out. I'm a bit worried he'll run away or get lost so wondered if anyone had any tips?
6 AnswersCats9 years agoHow can I stop my cat treating me like a scratching post?
I previously posted a question on how I could stop my cat from biting me but things have now escalated. I got him 4 days ago and he's very friendly and affectionate. Loves rubbing up against your legs and getting petted. Only problem is he's started to bite. Initially just little bites, didn't hurt but he's starting to get worse. If I'm standing he'll stretch up my legs with his front paws and dig his claws in. If I'm sitting he'll wrap his legs round either my legs or my arm and start clawing and biting. I do think he's just playing but it's quite painful and difficult to get him to stop. I've tried shouting at him or tapping him but he seems to think this is still part of the game. It's reaching the stage where I'm scared of him and don't know what to do. Any advice would be great.
11 AnswersCats9 years agoSuggestions for a name for my cat?
I got a cat from a rescue centre at the weekend and am looking for suggestions for names. He's black with a few white hairs under his chin and green eyes. Very handsome. He was called Charlie but as I already have a pet with that name and he doesn't seem to answer to it anyway I was thinking of changing it. Does anyone have any ideas?
13 AnswersCats9 years agoHow do I stop my cat from biting me?
I just got a cat from a rescue centre. He's 3 years old i.e. not a kitten but seems to quite like biting me. Don't think he means it in a nasty way as he's quite affectionate and tends to lick first then bite. Doesn't tend to be particularly painful but is irritating when you're trying to sleep and he suddenly grabs your arm and starts biting.
7 AnswersCats9 years agoDoes £400 seem reasonable for brake repairs?
I've put my car into the garage for a service and MOT and they have said that the brakes need repaired. Excluding the cost of the service and MOT they're quoting about £400 to get the brakes fixed. Apparently the back brakes are leaking fluid and have been leaking fluid for a while so they need a lot of work. The front brakes need new pads and discs.
Does this seem a reasonable price? I've never used this garage before so am a bit wary.
11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow can I get paint splashes off of steel cooker hood?
Have just had my kitchen decorated and now the cooker hood/extractor is covered in tiny paint splashes. Any idea's how I can get these off. Am bit scared to use anything too abrasive in case I scratch the hood.
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoDoes a landlord have any obligation to decorate?
I've been living in a flat for 6 years and the landlord has not decorated it once within this period. As a result it looks really run down and dilapidated. I've offered to decorate myself at no expense to the landlord but they have refused permission.
Is there any obligation on them to decorate or are you dependant on whenever they feel like it?
14 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoHow can I stop my horse putting his leg through fences?
My horse seems to keep putting his leg through the fence when he's out in the field and pulling off shoes. The fence is electric but only at the top and the yard owner is unwilling to electrify the bottom. So far (touch wood) there have been no serious injuries as the shoe has been coming clean off but am worried its just a matter of time. Has anyone had a similar problem or can you give me any advice as to how to stop this before he hurts himself? I've tried over reach boots and switching fields and so far nothing's worked
17 AnswersHorses1 decade agoCan sandwiches be made by machine?
Just saw a sign advertising handmade sandwiches and wondered if they are not handmade are they made by machines?
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoCan anyone recommend a riding holiday?
I'm thinking about going away on a riding holiday. I have a horse and can ride (walk, trot & canter) however I don't have much experience of hacking out and am therefore a bit nervous when I'm out & about. Wouldn't want to hack up and down steep hills etc. Has anyone been on one that they would recommend either in the UK or abroad?
6 AnswersHorses1 decade agoWhere can I hire a horsebox in scotland?
I want to start taking my horse out and about but don't have any transportation. My car isn't big enough to tow but I had heard that you could hire out a kind of small lorry which is about the size of a transit van and it would take a couple of horses. Does anyone know of somewhere in scotland (ideally near glasgow) that does this? I've checked yellow pages etc but haven't been able to find anything.
2 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHas anyone used kitchens direct?
Have just had a quote from kitchens direct for a new kitchen but when I checked for reviews a lot seem to be really bad.
I'm now pretty wary of using them. Has anyone had a kitchen from them recently and would you recommend them?
4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoAnyone know where I can find nice colours for my horse?
I find the rugs/numnahs/headcollars etc in most tack shops to be really rubbish colours. I have a chestnut gelding so don't want pink or lilac. I have a lot of blue and tan but would like a change. Can anyone recommend a website which contains something other than horsewear or weatherbeeta and which is relatively inexpensive?
5 AnswersHorses1 decade agoDoes anyone know of a livery yard near stornoway?
If so can you tell me about facilities etc? Am thinkin about applying for a job up there but wouldn't want to go if I couldn't take my horse
2 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHeat in the hoof, any ideas?
Brought my horse in from the field last night and he seems very slightly lame on the right hind leg. There's nothing obvious wrong but the hoof seems slightly warmer than the others. Any ideas what it could be?
15 AnswersHorses1 decade agoAre salad onions and spring onions the same thing?
In my local supermarket they don't have spring onions but they have salad onions which look pretty much the same. Is it just a different name for them?
10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoDistance for a placing pole?
I'm just starting to jump and find it easier if there's a placing pole in front of the jump. Can anyone tell me how far from the jump the pole should be?
My horse is a 15.2HH Cob. I know it won't be exact but can you give me a rough est. as a starting point?
9 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHow does your horse cope with snow?
I'm never too sure what to do for the best when there's a layer of snow on the ground. Should you put your horse out or keep them in? Mine generally lives out all year round but I always feel really bad when its snowing and there's no grass showing. I know he won't bother about the cold but I worry about whether he gets enough to eat. If there is a layer of snow in the field can they still get to the grass underneath?
31 AnswersHorses1 decade agoIn or out?
My horse is a bit of an idiot and managed to fall over in the field yesterday. He has a couple of small cuts at the bottom of his leg. They're not deep and they've stopped bleeding but the field is pretty mucky.
Would it be best to cover it with antiseptic and put him back out or should I keep him in? If I do keep him in how long for?
He's not lame and he tends to get bored when stuck in the stable all of the time but I don't want him to get an infection.
25 AnswersHorses1 decade agoCan anyone recommend a how to play keyboard dvd?
My cousin is 25 and is getting a keyboard for christmas and has asked for a dvd showing how to play properly.
Can anyone recommend one?
Preferably one not aimed at kids or teaching using rubbish songs.
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago