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Hi. I like movies and video games and stuff.

  • What is this christian rap song?

    I remember a christian rap song I heard on the radio years ago. It sampled the music from the song dust in the wind as well as had sounds of rain and thunder sampled through out the song. I can't remember what is was tho. Does anyone know what song I'm thinking of?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • I tunes download problem?

    I am trying to download some episodes of a tv show on I tunes. 2 episodes won't load. an error message keeps coming up saying it was unable to finish downloading and to check available downloads and download them again. But the same error keeps coming up. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is there an unedited Taylor Swift CD?

    I bought Taylor Swift's CD and am somewhat dissapointed. The lyrics on Teardrops on my Guitar are changed from, "It's so damn funny" to "It's just so funny" can I get a Talyor Swift CD that isn't edited? I bought it at Walmart, it is the version with the 3 extra songs. Will I need to buy an original printing if I want the version that says "It's so damn funny"

    5 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Is this normal for a sports physical?

    I signed up for my high school football team and had to get a physical. I had never had one before and went to my school to get a free one. All the people at my high school health center are female, so, hey, I got to have a hot chick give me a physical. Anyway, the physical seemed to go normal, then when it came to the drop your pants part, it got a little weird. I turned my head and coughed as she held my testicles to check for a hernia. But then she continued holding them and began to feel them and this went on for a while then she looked at me and asked if I feel my testicles often. I said no, and then she continued to feel them a little while longer. Then we continued with the physical. The rest of the guys on the team that also got the free physicals at the school have been talking about how intense the physicals were. I'm not complaining, I didn't mind a woman feeling me for a total of about a minute and a half, but is that normal procedure for a sports physical.

    10 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Who has a Nielson box?

    We are trying to organize a CBS boycott and need people who are involved in Nielson ratings to get involved if it will really work.

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with a specific quest on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic?

    I need help on the quest where I investigate Sunry's murder. I can't get Sunry innocent. Where do I need to go to get evidence that Sunry didn't kill Elassa? I've already spoken to the three whitnesses and Sunry's wife. Where else do I have to go to get whatever I need to get Sunry innocent?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I'll be 18 in time to vote in the next U.S. Presidential election. Can you help me decide who to vote for.

    I'm not asking you to say who I should vote for, just who is running and what party they are in and their views are on the following topics.

    1) Homosexuall Marriage

    2) Illegal Immigrants

    3) Abortion

    4) Education

    5) Fuel resources

    These factors are what will determine who I will vote for. I don't know who all is running. Whoever gives me the most info on the most candidates will get best answer,.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who thinks that black history month in the United States is racism?

    I don't understand why America, which is a "melting pot" of cultures chooses one ethnic group to honor above the rest. There is no excuse to why it isn't racist. I think that if we have an African-American history moth, There should aswell be an Asian-American history month, An Hispanic-American History month, A European-American History month, a Native American History month, ect. Why honor one group more than another? I don't understand why Black people in the united states get a whole month to honor them, when there are several other groups that have had influence on the culture of the United States but they don't get their own month honoring them. I think we should either make every month honoring an ethnic group that have influenced american life, or not have any at all. Honor everyone, or honor no one.

    24 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Where can i go to watch all the superbowl commercials?

    Is there a site where I can watch them all?

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • So what do I do now?

    IOve been in love with this girl for over four years now. She was a friend from middle school and we lost touch when we went to high school. I started writing her letters and sending her presents. I've was just about to give up on her, when she finally sent me an email and apologized for taking so long to talk to me and she said she wanted t go somwhere with me, so I took her out for pizza. Now today, she sent me an email telling me that she was in love with someone else and that she never wanted to see me again.

    I thought that we were starting something, I've been in love with her for a long time and can't see myself loving anyone else. Now, she comes back into my life after 3 years and makes it seam like we're getting somewhere and then rips me down. I still love her, but she wants nothing to do with me. I don't know what to do.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What am I doing on myspace?

    I just set up a myspace. it's naphythespiffyone if you want to check me out. I really don't know what I'm doing. Can you give me some tips. What exactly am I supposed to do on myspace?

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • Is this a scam. I got this mysterious email from





    Official Website:

    Attn. Beneficiary,

    Dayzers Lotterij Nederland is proud to notify you of an e-mail Lottery

    Ballot - Global Gaming Board Sweepstakes Program held on the 10th day

    of January, 2007. Your e-mail address attached to our Lottery payment

    order with the following particulars;

    (I deleated the verification numbers and junk when I posted the email here cause it said to keep them secret)

    Which consequently won you the lottery in the first category. You have

    therefore been approved to claim a total sum of "One Million Euro" only

    (1,000.000.00) in cash credited to your file reference number as quoted

    above. This amount is from a total cash prize of "Sixty Million Euro"

    only (60,000.000.00) to be disbursed to the sixty (60) lucky winners in

    this category.

    15 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Why must people ask so many questions about celebrities.?

    Honestly people. Why do you constantly invade their lives and gossip about them constantly. Why does everyone keep talking about Britney spears and Paris Hilton. Why cant we leave celebrities alone? Really, is it just that the average woman in america has nothing better to do than talk about other people. I go to the store and there are 50 magazines all talking about Nicole Ricci getting pulled over or somthing. Why the FU*K do you care about people whom you are never going meet. Why can't we listen to there music and watch their movies and leave their personal lives personal. If I ever become famous I am going to shoot any Paparazzi I see. They must have really boring lives to hide in Jennifer Anistons yard all night and snap every photo they can as she leaves the next morning. Why can't we just leave them alone? WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE!

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Am I a curse on Television Shows?

    Seriously. I think that I'm bad luck for T.V. shows. Every show that I truly love. And watch every episode from the very beggining, gets cancelled after about 5 episodes. This has happened with every show I've watched from the beggining.


    Veritas: The Quest

    Amish in the City

    Game Over

    Marshal Law

    the list goes on forever.

    Shows that have done very well are shows that I haven't seen





    I'm to the point where I don't watch television shows anymore because every show that I've wacthed since I was about 12 has been cancelled. I have begun to only watch shows that have already gone there 5-10 season run when they are out on DVD. I'm scared to watch 24 because I hear how great it is and I don't want to ruin it for everyone. The same with Lost. The new show called Jerico, I really wanted to watch that. But, I knew that if I watched it, it would be cancelled. Is Jericho still on? Will it come out on DVD so I can watch it?

    4 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Should I get an Amazing Allysen doll.?

    I'm a 17 year old teenage guy, and I want one of those Amazing Allysen dolls that I've seen at meijer and Walmart. I want one simply because it seems to have an advanced AI for a toy of it's type. I want one simply cause the engineering just looks too cool. However, if I get one, will it almays talk about 8-year-old-girl stuff. Then it would just be the kind of doll that just sits there. Maybe she could hang with Duke, Tunnel RaT, Cobra Commander. Will Amazing Allysen be able to understand that I am a teenage guy and not interested in hair and fasion and be able to talk about HALO and Star Wars. I want to get one of the dolls so that I can have a super cool Artificial Inteligence in my room that I can talk to and say, "Wow, That's cool." But, if she's only ever going to talk about things related to a 5 year old girl, I don't think it will be worth my time or money.

    3 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • How can I take care of my cat's mess?

    She just took a major **** on the carpet. It's not a simple turd which is easy to clean up, it's a puddle of diahreah. The real runny kind. The puddle is 6.35 cm in diameter. It has a sort of dome shape and reaches a hight of 2.30 cm. This is a rather unusual cat dropping. How can I clean it up without making the mess even bigger. This isn't the first time she's crapped on the floor, however, it is the first time she's done the runs on the floor. It smell horrible. My sister (it's her cat) told me to clean it up, then she left to go to a girlscout meeting. Naturally when she does that to me, I leave it for her to clean up. But, it's right next to the T.V. and I want to watch That 70's Show so I can't wait long. It stinks so bad I can barely enter the room.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Would I be taking advantage of a friend?

    One of my friends told me yesterday that he was bored with his PSP and would give it to me, for free, as a Christmas present if I wanted it. I told him, okay. I didn't know what to do. Should I take it? It just feals like I'm taking advantage of a friend.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Is she flirting with me?

    There is this girl at my high school. I'm a junior and she's like a junior or senior, I don't know which. She hangs out with one of my friends, Eric, during our break between 2nd and 3rd block. I don't know who she is, but she starts talking to Eric and I as we leave 2nd Block. Usually Eric and I are haveing a conversation already and she joins in for a couple minutes until we all leave to our own classes. A couple weeks ago she said she liked my hair. This is normal to me, a lot of people like my hair. Then it started to get weird, she started reching for my nipples in the middle of a conversation. I laughed 'cause it tickled. Then she did it again. Now everytime I see her, she does it. It's kind of weird. I've never had a really hot girl flirt with me. Is she flirting and actually showing interest in me? Is she just going to see how long she can do it until I tell her to stop or ask her out, then make fun of me? I'm confused. Why would a girl like her be interested in a 275 lbs guy?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I a HALO dork?

    My sister's boyfriend calls me a HALO dork. Is this bad. I don't play XBOXlive and am not familiar with the best dualwielding combos. But I read the books. And play the campaign of HALO and HALO 2 often because I love the story. I frequently visit the site

    which has info on all things HALO. Is it a bad thing to worship the crap out of a game without beating the crap out of it. I usually play in the Normal difficulty and perform slightly below mediocre at multiplayer matches. I prefer to play the story. I have the Limited Edition version of HALO 2 and frequently watch the DVD. I have several HALO action figures. I have read most of the novels. (Haven't read Ghosts of Onyx or the GN yet) Do I fit in with any HALO crowd. When I talk with kids at school about HALO, I either say way too much about the Spartan Program or the History of the Covenant and they just stare at me. Or they start talking about XBOXLive, which I don't have. If there any HALO group I fit in

    11 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago