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  • What do Catholics believe about non-Catholics (read on for details)?

    First of all, please understand that I am NOT trying to start an argument, nor am I bashing Catholics in any way. These are genuine questions, and I would appreciate honest and respectful answers from current or former Catholics.

    I am a Christian (not just as a title, but in belief, deeds, and lifestyle as well). I have heard negative and unfair comments from Catholics regarding non-Catholic Christians, and I'd like to sort a couple of them out.

    1.) "If you're not Catholic, you're not Christian." This was told to my good friend (who is Baptist) by her high school religion teacher- believe it or not-at a Catholic school.

    and similarly, "If you're not Catholic, you can't go to heaven".

    2.) "If you were born and raised Catholic and you leave the Catholic church [particularly, for another Christian denomination], you're going to hell."

    This comment was expressed to me by a Catholic acquaintance.

    Now, I was not brought up Catholic, and I certainly don't agree with all CC beliefs and practices. However, as a Christian, I believe these ideas are VERY wrong. I don't believe that any church should (or would) teach, or even imply such things.

    I doubt these things are true, but can anyone explain the truth about what the CC teaches and believes about non-Catholics? Also, even if the CC DOESN'T teach this, are these beliefs still somewhat implied, and do many Catholics actually feel this way?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do possums carry disease? Could my dog get sick?

    My dog caught and killed a possum in our back yard. He then carried it in his mouth around the yard and dropped it at the end of the driveway. My question is, do possums carry disease and could my dog possibly get sick or contract something from it?

    11 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • If you've ever had a dog on antibiotics, how much antibiotic should I give my dog?

    I brought him to the vet a couple days ago and he got antibiotics for a wound on his side, along with other medications. He is about 40 lbs. The pills are 250 mg, but there are no instructions on the bottle. I guess the vet forgot to write them, and I can't call the office since it's a holiday. Should he take a pill once daily or twice?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How do I deal with a co-worker who stands WAY too close when speaking to me?

    Whenever she speaks to me, she really gets into my personal space and it is VERY uncomfortable. I take a couple steps back when she does this, but when I step away, she just moves closer. Sometimes I will even walk away from her as if I have somewhere to go, and just talk while I walk, but she follows me. I have even tried to stand in a relaxed pose with my leg stretched out in front of me while talking to her, and she gets so close that she runs into my foot and stumbles on it! I have tried everything and she just does not get the message!

    It may not seem like a big deal, but this makes me very uncomfortable. And what's worse...well, let's just say that she sometimes has some 'hygiene issues'. I don't want to say anything or ask her to move because I know she will be offended. How can I get her to stop standing so close to me? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    9 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Why is my computer deleting my pictures?

    I am uploading pictures onto my computer from my camera. But every time I view a picture and rotate it, it gets deleted and it disappears from the album. I can't find the pictures on the computer anywhere. I'm confused and I don't know why it's deleting my pics. Any suggestions? Please help!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • Could my foot be broken or otherwise injured?

    About a week or so ago, I dropped a suitcase on my foot. It was not extremely heavy, but it was a very hard, plastic part on the suitcase that fell on my bare foot. It hurt a lot at first. It's not really swollen but it still hurts and feels funny too. I can walk on it, although it does bother me on and off. Even if it's not broken, could something else be wrong? It does not feel like a sprain at all. Thanks in advance for the advice :)

    Btw, I can't afford a doctor right now. I'm a full time student and I work part time. I don't have health insurance, but I do have enough other medical bills I can't afford! Also my car broke down on me, and I need to save as much as I can to get it fixed.

    3 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • About how much should it cost to fix this? Crankshaft pulley, etc. Please read.?

    I don't know much about cars, but the guy at the shop said the crankshaft pulley came off and it's putting a hole in my timing cover. How bad is this and about how much should it cost to fix it? I've taken it to three shops and none of them deal with this type of repair. Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Homework Question: About how much does it cost to prepare a simple will?

    Also, what sort of information will a lawyer need to prepare a will?

    Thanks in advance for your help! :)

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How do I learn to see myself in a positive way and stop feeling bad about myself?

    I really need some good Christian, professional, and/or practical advice please. I have been blessed with great friends. But-although it is hard to do-I've recently been wanting (and sometimes trying) to avoid and shut out my friends.

    Because of past experiences with other friends and family, I think they'll get tired of me and after a while they won't like me anymore. I also have ADHD, and even though I can't help it, I'm very conscious and overly paranoid of doing and saying annoying things that will make people look at me negatively and exasperate my friends.

    They have proven to me so far that I'm not a burden like I think I am and have stuck by me, but I'm still having a hard time. How do I get over it?

    Thanks in advance for your time and positive advice!

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What would be an appropriate punishment for a six-year old who did this?

    She went into my bag when I was not at home. I had a small gift in the bag that my boss had given to me. She took the item out of my bag, and I knew nothing of it until I found it broken on top of her toy box . It was nothing extremely expensive, but it was nice and I have not been able to find it in any store. It's just the fact that:

    1.) She went into my bag without my knowledge or consent, even though she knew better.

    2.) She took something that did not belong to her.

    3.) She broke it and did not say anything.

    I've already confronted her about it, and she says she doesn't know why she did it. This really makes me angry because she does things like this all the time even though she is constantly getting in trouble for it, and she is constantly told not to touch things that don't belong to her. What should I do?

    I would appreciate intelligent answers from educated people who know how to correctly discipline children. Thank you in advance. :)

    13 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • How much is rent for a 3 bedroom apartment at The Villages at Carver in Atlanta, GA?

    I heard that it was like a government owned complex, but the apartments are very nice and your rent depends on your income. If this is true, about how much would rent be for a 3 bedroom if you are recently laid off/unemployed? Any additional information about these apartments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersAtlanta1 decade ago
  • HELP!!! I need to turn in a psychosocial assessment assignment like, now!!!?

    There is a section that says:

    XVI. ASSETS / LIABILITIES / VULNERABILITIES: (Include any / all stressors, client, family & others' perceptions of assets)

    What does this mean? What does assets have to do with stress in a person's life? What am I supposed to write in this section? I'm lost!

  • How can I get tested for dyscalculia? Please help!?

    I am a college senior and still struggling with freshman algebra. I have taken the class at least three times and failed every time. I know I'm not stupid; I have always been smart in school. I was on the dean's list last semester and in all my other classes, I do well.

    I am 100% positive that I have this learning disability. But in order for me to get any kind of help, I need to get tested. The problem is that it is very expensive, and as a college student, I cannot afford it. My family cannot be supportive either, as they do not have the finances.

    I live in Louisiana. Does anyone know of any kind of agency that will test for learning disabilities free of charge? Or even at a reduced rate or payment plan. I don't believe that so many people have to believe that they are dumb and not get any help just because they cannot afford it. Can someone please help?

    Mental Health1 decade ago
  • How come there aren't any decent, Christian guys who are attracted to me?

    I am a young (24), energetic, Christian woman with a sense of humor, and I love to have fun. I do not drink, smoke, sleep around or anything like that. I actually live a Christian lifestyle rather than just saying that I am a Christian. Besides the fact that I look a bit younger than I am, I'm attractive, as many people have told me so.

    I am educated as well, but for some reason, the only types of guys that approach me are the ones with pants sagging down to their knees, in serious need of a haircut, and can't speak proper English if you put a gun to their heads. I know it's hard to find a good Christian guy in general, but they are out there because I know a lot of girls who have found their perfect guy.

    So what's wrong with me? Why is it that the wrong kinds of guys who are TOTALLY not my type are the ones that approach me? Where are the good ones? Is something wrong with me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you make country fried steak and gravy?

    I would like a delicious, fairly easy recipe for country fried steak and the white gravy used on it. Does anyone know how to make it? Thanks!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is it true that American Airlines is offering round trip tickets anywhere in the U.S. for $30?

    I heard this from a friend. Does anyone know anything about this? I am trying to go visit my sister and I'd love to only pay 30 bucks for a ticket. How do you get this special price?

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's too late for me to start dancing?

    I am 24 yrs. old and have always wanted to dance since I was a little girl. I was never able to take dancing, but I am still in love with it.Now that I'm an adult and I have no one stopping me from doing it now, I am considering registering for classes at a local dance studio. I am petite and have the body of a dancer, and it's something I think I'd be good at. But I'm wondering if it would be too late for me to start dancing now. I don't want it to just be a hobby. It's something that I would really like to take seriously, work hard at, and be good at doing. What do you think I should do?

    4 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of any other websites similar to Craigslist?

    I am looking for another website to find jobs on, but not like monster or anything like that. I want one that is similar to craigslist where anyone can post and search for jobs. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How and where can immigrants get no-cost legal help?

    What if someone came to the country legally but, due to unfortunate and uncontrollable circumstances, they are now considered "illegal" although this was never the intention?

    A friend of mine knows a young man in this position. He came here legally about 1 yr. & a half ago to go to school, get an education, and eventually become a citizen. He contracted an illness due to asbestos and unsanitary living conditions at the school's old residence hall buildings.

    Long story short, he was kicked out of school (for missing so many days due to hospitalization) with no money, no family, and nowhere to go. All his money saved for school was spent on doctors and medication. This is so unfair. Is there any way that he can be helped?

    If any immigration lawyers are present, I greatly appreciate your advice. But I will take advice from anyone who knows something about immigration. Please help.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago