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  • 19 year old virgin. Blood with my first masturbation ? Is this normal ?

    As I said. I am 19 years old. And a virgin. I have been fingered once before. But never hard or deep.

    Last night I tried masturbating and it felt fine..I guess. But afterwards I bled. It was a membrane like discharge. And now i'm still lightly bleeding. Which I typically get while on my period. My period has been highly irregular since I got it. I haven't had it in 2 months. What could this be ? :(

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What would be my best and fastest way to lose weight ?

    I am a 19 year old female. I am overweight. I stand 5'9 and weigh nearly 200 pounds. No matter what I try I get bored. And end up gaining the weight I lost back by at least 10 pounds. I can't stand looking at myself anymore.

    24 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I have a male hand fetish. What can I do with it?

    My boyfriend loves my feet. He messes with them all the time. What can I do to soothe my obsession with male hands. There's only so much caressing I can do.

    But what can I do ? I love male hands. They are so attractive to me. I just don't know what to do !

    It's more than an obsession. It's more like a fetish...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys ! Is this normal ?

    I have always been very touchy, the "lovey-dovey" personality.

    I'm dating this wonderful guy who loves to cuddle, tickle and do pretty much everything except french kiss !

    Is that normal ? I've never been with anyone who doesn't french kiss. And I find it very bizarre.

    [[We've been dating almost five months.] I asked girls that he's been with {who are friends of mine} how long it took for them to kiss. The one said over a year and the other said it took 7 months. Am I just impatient ? Or is this normal ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does he really love me ?

    Okay, so here is the "background details".

    I am 18 years old and he is 21 years old. He was engaged to one of my best friends when we were in high school. [[My best friend and I happen to share the same name]] I've liked him since 5th grade. They broke up, and two years later I started thinking about how lucky of a girl i'd be if I was his girlfriend !

    Anyways. I added him on facebook one day. We chatted and, I gave him my phone number. I didn't think he'd talk to me after that. It was maybe ten minutes later that I got a text that said, hello :) it's [his name]. I was super happy. We texted for a couple hours and finally I told him about my crush on him. He said really ? I thought you hated me ! [We had some conflicts, that arose out of him playing drums too loud when i'm trying to play my instuments in the and room]. After that he talked about how he thought I was cute when I would walk around the band room singing. He then said can I call you ? He did, and seven hours later we got off the phone :). We both agreed we wanted to see one another very soon, we agreed that it had to be that day ! I then went to bed for two hours and then made the hour drive to his house. It went great, he asked me out. And I said no, that we need to get to know each other better.

    We saw each other and talked on the phone daily for another 8 days. And we constantly talked about how fast we were falling for one another <3. He played at concert, which I went to. And afterwards I asked him to spend the weekend with me. Because my grad party was two days later. He came with me and something horrible happened, it involved an assault on him, by one of my family members. [There were charges pressed.] And, he had asked me out again that day, and I planned to say yes that night, but I didn't get to. The next day we had a great time at my grad party, and I finally said yes. Now five months later we're still dating, the court case is underway. I'm head over heels for him and we're talking about marriage :)

    That last piece tells me that he loves me very much. But, I want other peoples opinions too ! If you haven't noticed, I am extremely insecure...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I look more feminine ?

    I am 18 years old and I am about 5'9''. And i'm about 180 pounds. I workout daily. So I'm pretty sporty and laid back. I don't like doing my make up for a half an hour. And my hair for an hour. That's ridiculous. Anyways. My boyfriend commented on how I looked great for my belly dance recital. But I normally look like a boy.

    How can I do something simple to make myself look more attractive ?

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What to do with implanon issues ?

    I'm 18 years old. And am still a virgin. But, I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I have had my implanon implant since November of 2008. It was great at first. But after about 5 months I stopped getting my period. Didn't get it for like 4 months. And now i've had steady heavy bleeding ever since. Help ? I'm told it needs to be removed...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I am fifteen and weigh 180 pounds. Help, tell me if this is unhealthy.?

    I am a major weightlifting girl, I weightlift twice a day, run once and bike whenever I can. I was in track, I threw shotput and discus and ran the one hundred. And I am also in cheerleading and cross country running. Is this unhealthy. I had my BMI taken and they said my muscle content is unusually high for a girl. I am almost 5'11. And six months ago I weighed only 135. My coach told me I gained muscle not fat, but does this sounds unhealthy ? I can run the mile in about six minutes and twelve seconds.

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago
  • I still ike my ex and, he gets really possessive when I try to talk other guys. Is this bad or normal.?

    One thing that made it hard was his parents were always at school since both of them are teachers.But now all we do is throw daggers at each other. Like you did this, but you did that, type of thing.I just turned fifteen, so that's fine, since he is seventeen. He has said he still likes me even after he went out with like 6 other girls.The reason we broke up was, I got mad because he told me and his bro he would be home and instead he stayed at this ''girlfriends'' house till like three in the morning and one of my friends that live next door to that girl said that he did more than watch movies in that house.And he said I didn't trust him and he told me I didn't trust him.I was just concerned since he never came home and his bro called me to see if he was with me.And how do I stop this girl from flirting with him since she thinks he's gay and wants to see if he'll do anything to act like he is not.Like she tried to makeout with him and him,he pushed her off. He's my 1st kiss (only)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • How can I get my dad to accept my uncle being gay. I miss him and, i'll always love him no matter what .?

    I haven't seen him in almost a year, I miss him alot. I want my uncle in my life but, I do not know how to talk to my dad about it.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups2 decades ago