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I am a full time college student...and a fulltime mom of 2 boys!

  • My Husband wants a motorcycle..We have ok credit..Where can I get a loan?

    My H wants a motorcycle and our anniversary is coming up. We have fair credit and own our home with mortgage, we own our vehicles no payments on either. We make approximately 45K annually between the both of us.

    I am looking for a lender who can get me approved. Thanks for any information!

    8 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What should I wear with a dressy tank top to a club?

    I am going out with boyfriend and have a dressy tank top to wear what do I wear with it on the bottom..I have flared leg jeans in every color..The top is nude color with black floral...Very sexy..Shoes?? I want to wear black strappy sandals..but I don't wanna go over board on the sexy factor..Thanks..

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Has anyone been to the Wiggles Wiggle Dancing Tour???

    I am taking my 2 year old on Friday Nov. 10 to see the wiggles live and would like to know what to expect..Are there children running wild?? What is the stage set up to look like?? Any thoughts or information would be great! Thanks..

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • HELP..I am going through a breakup with children involved how can I make sure their intrests are taken into...

    I am 27 and am going through a long term breakup..12 years and 2 children and their father decided that he is not happy he wants to be alone..he doesn't know what he wants..He moved out 4 weeks ago. And sees the children one day a week...He is late to pick them up and drop them off?? He doesn't call or stop by. He has them now and I don't know where they are at?? My children are 1 and 2. So they can't fend for themselves nor can they tell me where they have been!!! Their father is making me a nervous wreck. How can I cope with this? What strategy should I use..I thing there is another woman in the picture??? HELP before I do something drastic..

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Going through an emotional and mentally trying time..finding it hard to care for myself and my children HELP!!

    I am dealing with their father WALKING out on us 3 weeks ago. I am a fulltime student and a fulltime mommy. I have a 1 year old and a 2 year old. I have no job. He just left us...I am finding it VERY difficult to deal with both children and taking care of their every need plus mine as well..Then the emotional turmoil of the breakup..Then there is the fear of money we are ok for now but won't be forever. I am having lots of feelings about possibly giving them away for a while..Anyone who's been there help me please..

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question about GOD? If I have a burden that is ...?

    If I have a burden that is too great for me to carry is it true that if I put it in God or Jesus' hands that they will carry that burden for me. I am having some serious problems on the home front and an in need of spiritual help. I have lots of questions about my faith and God and how he helps us..If anyone has advice I would love to hear it..Please help..I feel that this is my only option at this point..Thank you..

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does this mean?..Hubby says that he needs to grow up...?

    We are separated and he says that he needs to grow up. He was talking to this girl and I found out. He is not living here. We share children a home cars and bills..He has given me some money. He rarely sees the children but says that he needs to grow up? He says he doesn't know what he wants.He still loves us and says he misses us..What does this really mean..Thanks

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How many of you guys and gals...??

    Have been in love more than once? Do you think people can move on from one relationship to find the right person for them to be happy with?

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Midlife Crisis at 28?? Is it possible? Any advice welcome..?

    My Bf or ex as the case may be seems to have lost his freakin' mind! He all of the sudden has no idea what he wants..complains until I let him see the children then doesn't call or show up. He had been talking to a female and when I found out he left..And hasn't been back. I think he has flipped out! Is it possible for a midlife crisis at 28? Thanks

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Severe Panic Attacks... Medication question..?

    I have been having severe panic attacks for 2+ weeks now. I am a mom of 2 boys (1 & 2) a fulltime college student and my longtime bf left us 2 weeks ago. I cannot function due to the severity of the attacks. My Dr. prescribed 25mg of Visteril and it DOESN'T work..I need something stronger like XANAX to chill me out when they hit..I am afraid that I WILL go over the edge do i get the Dr. to give me XANAX? They look at me as if I am drug seeking which I am not I really need the help right now.. I do have a history of mental illness and have previously been medicated for Bipolar and mood disorder. Thanks for any info..

    19 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What to do about an Ex who seems to have lost morals, self respect and respect for family??

    MY Bf of 12 years has lost his freaking mind..We have 2 small children and he is our sole provider..He began talking to another woman and left us 2 weeks ago. I am lost and confused..Our children haven't asked about him in a few days..He NOW wants to see them?? I don't know this person What do I do? I loved and trusted this can he do this to us his family? He is only thinking of himself not us or what is best for us. Has anyone been there? I need advice?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to move on from a relationship I did not want to end?

    I did not want it to end..I loved him and still do. He walked out on me and our 2 children. I feel abandoned and unneeded. It feels like my world has been turned upside down. My children are nervous...Please someone help me to move on as Ican't bear this pain..This burden any longer...

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • He says he doesn't know what he wants?? Help please...?

    Ok...My bf of 12 years recently left us (me our 1yr old and our 2 yr old) he now says he doesn't know what he wants..To live by himself or to come back and try to be a family again?? He was talking to a girl when he left..That's why he left I found out. He is staying with his brother.

    I am an emotional mess! I am a fulltime student with 2 children and he just WALKED OUT! He doesn't know what he wants. He only seems to care about himself. What do I do? I can't live like this anymore. how could this be so easy? I need help...Thanks

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ended marriage with 2 toddler boys..Need advice..?

    I have a 1 year old and a 2 year old and their Dad left us last week...I am hurting and They are can i make things easier for can I help them to understand..

    26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ended marriage and 2 boys under 2? Advice please..?

    I need advice on my 2 toddler boys a 1 year old and a 2 year old and how divorce or ended relationship will affect them? Emotionally? Mentally? My 2 year old has been acting out and is having temper tantrums when any one leaves that he doesn't want to leave.

    How can I explain to him that Daddy is not going to live here anymore and that I WILL come back when I leave..I am also not sure he wants to visit Daddy this weekend.

    Advice on anyone who has gone through this I love them and want to make this easy on them...Thanks

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Lonely..? How to not be so lonely and to move on in a new relationsip??

    I would like to begin to meet people but have yet to do anything..My BF left me and our 2 children last week and I am lonely..It;s hard knowing he is living it up and we're here trying to survive from minute to me not to be so lonely...

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Personals?...Anyone tried it?

    Has anyone tries using Yahoo Personals to meet people in their area? I am trying to but have yet to get a reply from anyone...Let me know if you have tried it and how it worked for you..Thanks!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there chance for love for a single mom of 2??

    I am a single mom of 2 boys and am single for the first time in a long time. I am 27 and a full time college student and my long term bf just left and I am unsure what to do to meet people who want a relationship...Thanks for advice

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Husband left tonight...I need advice please help? Please read details..?

    I have asked many questions before..I am lost..My husband came home and was almost bed time for our son he went to settle him in and I walked by his cell phone..I normally don't check on him or spy on him..But I took a peek and he had a new message at 9:30 and I knew I hadn't left any..It was the other woman!! I got the number just before he came in I memorized it by chance and left her a message with MY cell number and calmly explained who I was and she had best call me back! Well he threw the phone and ranted what was i doing? Me what in god's name was he doing? Well he says now he doesn't know what he wants. he did this once before and we came back together after a year apart and some mental help on my part.(I had a nervous breakdown.) I feel as though I am headed there again. I don't know what to do..I am a fulltime student with no income on my own with 2 boys 1 and 2 years old to take care of..Yes he will have to pay but doesn't make much as it is...Please help anyone someone!

    53 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Hubby been acting strange...If he cheating?

    My man and I have been together for 12 years and have 2 small children..He cheated a few years ago both sexually and emotionally. He doesn't want to have sex with me..EVER. We hardly ever speak. I can't stand to lay in bed with him and know he doesn't want me. It hurts me so badly. I think that he is staying because of our kids.

    What do I do? I feel awkward around him and he near me i think because we both know what's up and can't face it. This is tearing me up inside. I am so hurt right now. Please help me!

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago