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Lv 55,378 points

Richard of Fort Bend

Favorite Answers14%

Science & Math History, Economics & Finance Women's Studies & Psychology Spirituality & Theology

  • how many will join me in a R&S boycott (girlcott?) to not answer 'cloney-like' questions....?

    ...from any 'person' with less than 100 points. These are almost certainly clones anyway.

    Let's focus on real questions.

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do you and I REALLY ask or answer on YA-R&S?

    Why do we spend time here asking and answering? What do we get out of it?

    Please share what you get out of it.

    - a chance to learn what others think about the subject?

    - a chance to say what you think?

    - a chance to get into an argument on religion?

    - a chance to take shots at others' beliefs?

    - a chance to get even with somebody?

    - a chance to just have fun by saying/reading outrageous, witty, and/or cutting remarks?

    All of these are valid reasons - just wondering.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you could change one thing about your church....?

    ....what would it be?

    This question was posed almost a year ago, and the answers were interesting. How about this group?

    For me, it would be to see them revere the eucharist more. My church teaches the elements are 'symbols' of the body and blood of Christ. I think they take that position to be clear they do not hold to 'transubstantiation" (similar to most Protestants and many Roman Catholics, particularly after Vatican II). But I prefer the idea that the elements become, for us, the body and blood of Christ - in the spiritual sense if not the physical.

    I attended a Mass once where the host was placed in a position of honor after the service for the faithful to revere - not as an idol but in veneration. I loved the idea.

    "Verbum et elementum et fil sacramentum." The Word and the elements are the sacraments (Luther)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Pirate Parrot?

    Nice old lady buys a used parrot at the pet store - used to be owned by a pirate.

    Gets home - the bird's language is so foul and nasty. She tries everything - spraying ti with water, covering the cage, etc. FInally one day she gets exasperated, grabs the parrot, shoves it into the freezer and slams the door.

    Silence. More silence. Then she hears a tapping on the door - she opens it.

    Parrot: "I apologize for my past behavior - it was rude and unacceptable. I promise to be a better parrot in the future.

    Now, please tell me....... what did the chicken do?"


    I won't beg for stars, but tips are always appreciated. =)

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Poll: How many of us have been molested as children?

    "Children" means you were under 18. "Molested" does not require being forced - you might even have been curious/willing.

    How has this affected your thinking about yourself and current relationships? What have you done about it?

    16 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Poll: How many of us were molested as children?

    "Children" means you were under 18. "Molested" does not require being forced - you might even have been curious/willing.

    How has this affected your thinking about your sexuality and about God? What have you done about it?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poll: How many of us were molested as children?

    "Children" means you were under age 18. "Molested" does not require being forced - you might even have been curious/willing.

    How has this affected your thinking about your sexuality?

  • OK, burning 5 pts.....Why do you think that evolution has anything to do with Religion or Spirituality?

    People - creation and evolution are different theories of how the earth and life began here. That a natural science question.

    Can we please drop the Monkey Trial debate and talk about spirituality and religion? At least for another hour.............

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why give people a discount for being old?

    Why should a person get a discount for the same thing others buy, simply because that person is over 50? Over 60?

    Is this fair to the young couple in their 20's with 2 kids, scaping to get by?

    There are a LOT of people over 65 who have PLENTY of money - statistically it's the richest generation. Is it fair for young people to pay mroe than the elderly for the same goods and services? Is this not age-based discrimination?

    36 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Proctor & Gamble and Satanism?

    I'm curious - how many people believe that Proctor and Gamble is a supporter of Satanism?

    And do you believe their old "Moon & Stars" logo is an indication that this has been the case for decades?

    Can you also explain on what information you base your belief?


    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ethically - can my therapist help me go from bi to straight?

    Should psychotherapists be able to help unhappy bisexual people "focus" their orientation to one orientation or the other (gay or straight)?

    Less than 50 yrears ago alcoholism and homosexuality were seen as moral weaknesses and sins. Homexuality was also seen by the APA as a personality disorder (mental disease).

    Then alcoholism was "researched" and is now recognized as a disease, not a moral . Homosexuality has been "researched" and now is no longer a disease.

    In fact, the APA has set guidelines in this area. If a person today goes to a psychologist for help changing his lifestyle from alcoholic to dry, he will be given help. But if a person today asks for help to stop acting out on homosexual urges, that psychologist is now barred by the APA from helping that person go straight. (

    So if I want help eliminating gay urges, my therapist can't help. Should shrinks be able to help unhappy bisexual people "focus" their orientation?

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Treatment of Alcoholism and Bisexuality?

    Should psychotherapists be able to help unhappy bisexual people "focus" their orientation to one orientation or the other (gay or straight)?

    Less than 50 yrears ago alcoholism and homosexuality were seen as moral weaknesses and sins. Homexuality was also seen by the APA as a personality disorder (mental disease).

    Then alcoholism was "researched" and is now recognized as a disease, not a moral . Homosexuality has been "researched" and now is no longer a disease.

    In fact, the APAS has set guidelines in this area. If a person today goes to a psychologist for help changing his lifestyle from alcoholic to dry, he will be given help. But if a person today asks for help to stop acting out on homosexual urges, that psychologist is now barred by the APA from helping that person go straight. (

    So if I want help eliminating gay urges, my therapist can't help. Should shrinks be able to help unhappy bisexual people "focus" their orientation?

  • What actions by the US and its allies, from 1914 to 1962, made the Russians feel threatened by the West?

    This is not a homework question - I want to start an informed discussion.

    For example: After WW1, Poland and the Balkan states were created by the western allies from territory taken from defeated Germany and from Russia (which had capitulated in 1917 and then overthrew the czar). This of course alienated the Russians - who are US, Britain and France to create Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia from Russian territory?

    Then in 1925 the US, Britain and Japan invaded Russia (yep, we landed troops) to aid the White Russians in their civil war vs the Reds (bolshevik communists) - this of course failed.

    So can you blame the USSR from cutting a deal with Hitler in 1939? Could Hitler have gotten away with invading Poland and then France without a non-aggression pact with the USSR? Maybe not.

    There's probably a lot more - all of which lead us to the Cuban Missle Crisis which almost ended civilization as we know it.

    6 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • What is the best response to a public fart?

    This would be a fart that is clearly audible to all and/or maybe also very "aromatic," so there is no way people can really believe nobody noticed.

    What if the "skunk" cannot be clearly identified by others? Should he/she confess and apologize?

    Is the response different if it's at the gym, at dinner, in mixed company, or on a date?

    Worst of all, what do you say if it happens during sex?

    This should bring a good number of suggestions.......

    14 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Are most gay relationships over-enmeshed?

    Seems like all the gay couples in my sphere of friends have some a problem where one person really tries to control the other person's life: and succeeds. I see this in both guys and gals - but seems to be more common among lesbians.

    Mind you I also see a lot fo this in straight couples, but my inscientific survey (personal experience) suggests it is more common on G/L couples. Some call is co-dependency, some call it enmeshment.

    What's your experience? If it's so, does it lead to unhealthy and less stable relationships?

  • Why do we consider cynical skepticism to be wisdom?.?

    It seems that modern America is becoming more cynical and skeptical about other people's motives and intentions.

    Example: Philanthropy is seen as a way to get a tax break. Politicians and now clergy are presumed to be hypocrites.

    Are you seeing a trend toward being cynical, skeptical? And do you see some people considered wise or astute merely because they display cynical skepticism?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago