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I am married.. I live in Fort Worth.. Which is an awesome city..
I need sentences for a few words..?
Please help if you can, and they have to be sentences that make sense.
hypodermic (no illegal drug references please)
Thanks in advance!!
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoHelp..I am scared..AGAIN..?
I have had 3 m/c one at 6 weeks, one at 4 weeks, and one at 10 weeks ( in August) doctor ran all the tests after the 2nd one and said that I have MTHFR gene (she didn't specify what type nor did she offer any help as of what I should do) I know I live in a big city but dang I was paying full price out of pocket just to see her..but I digress, after my last m/c which was a blighted ovum she told me nothing had formed and for me just to wait it out, 2 weeks later I finally m/c'd and had to be admitted to the hospital 24 hours after one of her nurses told me just to DEAL with the pain of miscarrying a 11 week pregnancy..(it does not feel good at all) luckily i had one of the BEST ER doctors at Harris Methodist SW in FW...Anyway, it is December 22, and I am week late to scared to take a test (i have heart burn and nausea), I am tired of being mistreated, and I am scared of what will happen next..and quite frankly I DO NOT wish to ever see my worthless obgyn (rated best in Texas, my @$$)..I just want a healthy pregnancy and I want a DR that can help me..and I do not want to be this scared and live in fear of another m/c..but I find myself scared and possibly pregnant again..BTW I want to have a healthy pregnancy so bad, but after 3 m/c I just live in fear of being pregnant, I just need some advice or some words of wisdom, or someone to talk to...Please no one judge me unless you have walked in my shoes and know the pain I feel..
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat are you Thankful for this year?
Just curious..Thanks in advance!
8 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade agoA woman my age that dislikes me is harassing my sister?
Okay here is the story it is a little confusing..There is the girl that says she hates me (I don't know her so I cannot get offended, yet she says she knows me) okay well this 23 year old that supposedly hates me let's call her Jane, has decided to start harassing my 13 year old sister let's call her Ally. She met her because Ally's best friend lives across the street from her, and she started telling Ally how much she hates me from high school..(Blah, blah, blah) So I told Ally to ignore because I didn't know this girl and there was no reason for Ally to get involved..WELL like 15 minutes ago Jane started calling her and apparently this chick has decided to start calling my 13 year old sister and leaving threatening messages..and she just keeps calling..and Ally just doesn't answer the phone..So what should I do? This chick Jane is 10 years older than my sister and keeps harassing her anonymously so I have no idea what her phone number is..
I just do not understand, why she is picking on Ally, Ally did nothing wrong! I do not even live in po-dunk town they live in anymore I got married and moved away..BUT this Jane chick thinks she knows me AND she supposedly hates me!!! I am so confused and frustrated please help!! Is this not harrasment on a minor or anything? I mean this woman is an adult and she can't get over hating me all those years ago, so she has decided to harass my 13 year old sister at 11 at night??
7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhy can't we all just get along? Why can't we understand that everyone is different? Pro-Lifers to Pro-Choicer?
No One is wrong do not tell me that I am wrong I just wish we could all agree to be unique and different..If we were all the same religion, sexuality and political party oh what a boring communist nation we would be!
Look at the beauty of originality!! Please people vote for who you will, but stop the name calling!
I may have done it before but what good does it really do?
It only makes us a nation of hateful people..I mean who really cares that the republican vp is supposedly "hot" will that make her a good leader? I am so tired of hearing people talk of her looks...Let's talk about hers and McCain's or obama and Biden's leadership skills who gives a sh** if they are a milf. vote how you want but PLEASE research the nominees and not only do it because you are supposedly a democrat or republican do it because the nominee speaks to you and believes what you believe!
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhy people can we not agree to disagree!!!?
Why can't we all just get along? Why can't we understand that everyone is different? Pro-Lifers to Pro-Choicers..Dems to Republicans to Independant...Why can't we agree to disagree and then live in a nation together!...No one will ever change anyones opinion you cannot make a pro-lifer a pro choicer or make a hardcore dem a hardcore republican!...It hurts me! Quit the insults everyone!! Agree to disagree!!!! You cannot change anyone!! But be proud to be yourself!!!! I am proud to be me a democrat pro choicer and no one can change me!!!!!!!! Come on people..United we stand, DIVIDED WE ARE FALLING..and failing..
2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoProgesterone dropped..?
So I am 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant..and my doctor called and told me that my hcg was doubling like normal but my progesterone dropped from 13.5 to 9.9..I am so sad..Husband and I both are..I am on prometrium, but I guess it isn't working..any advice encouragement??
I have 2 m/c before one at 6 wks 4 days one at 4 wks 3 days...
I have mthfr and apparently low progesterone..I take 4 mg of folic acid, Prenate Elite, Super B, baby aspirin and prometrium..
My doctor rechecked my blood today and said they would call me on Wednesday..Am I just waiting to m/c? Or could everything possibly work out?..I have been crying all day..luckily we didnt tell anyone I was preg..I didn't want anyone else to be sad, if I did lose this one...I just had such high hopes, and yet again I feel as though they have been dashed..
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoMy cat used to be so mean, and now she is so sweet?
She is 3 years old, and she has always been a b-word to everybody, and every animal. Well within the past month, she started being sweet and loving and cuddily, she is even being nice to my dog, she used to beat the crap out of her daily..She isn't being nice to my male cat though...What gives? Why would she change her personality?..I kind of liked her mean..
12 AnswersCats1 decade agoRaising 5 abandoned kittens by hand!!! Need some encouragement!!!?
5 Kittens One all black named Bear, One all white no name, One big all gray named "Stairs" (he always runs to the stairs every chance he gets)..One little gray no name, and the only girl and the runt!! she is still no name and shy and precious!!..they are 3 and a half weeks old, my 2 older cats hate them so bad, and my dog is scared of them!! Has anyone else done this? They are eating great, I am taking the runt and the white one to the vet on friday just to check their health...I am giving them KMR and my vet told me to start them on soft foods soon. I am just so scared I will lose one due to bad health!! I just need so encouragement, no judging please, I called all shelters near me no one could take them because we are in kitten season! I am raising them because I would not allow them to be put down..
15 AnswersCats1 decade agoWalgreens or CVS?
Which is your favorite and why?...Just curious!
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoI think the octapus and the spider are long lost relatives..What do you think..?
haha lol..just thought it was a fun thought..
8 AnswersZoology1 decade agoI have had 2 m/c someone give me some hope..?
I am ready to give up..I just found out my best friend is pregnant and I am trying very hard not to hate her ( i know it's not her fault) it's just not fair she didnt even want a child..I cant help but feeling hopeless for myself..(dont answer if you dont have a real heartfelt answer, please)
8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoIs there a such thing as a legitimate work from home job?
7 AnswersOther - Local Businesses1 decade ago