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Trust issues with my boyfriend and a random girl?
Hi, so I have been dating my boyfriend for about 3 years and he told me a while ago that he was hanging out with one of his old friends one day who is a girl. I have never met her, but he was telling me that he wanted to be honest with me and let me know that they were flirting with each other the night they hung out. I don't really care about flirting but then he told me "but don't worry I'm trying not to like her anymore, we're just friends." Well excuse me I didn't think he liked her more than a friend until he said that. I don't know what to do. I am happy that he was honest with me and had the guts to tell me, but I really do not feel comfortable with this at all. Especially because we go to different schools and I'm not there to keep him on check. To be honest I don't even want a boyfriend that I have to be watching over, but I don't know how to tell him that without him considering not being honest with me anymore and thinking I will freak out. I want to be honest, but I don't feel good knowing what he did and feeling insecure.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy won't the adobe flash player work on mac?
I have a playlist on my tumblr and a yellow bar use to come up and say that I didn't have flash player but if I would like to run it this time". I would always click run it, but I hadn't shut down my mac computer in a long time so I shut it down. When I turned it back on and went on my tumblr, the bar didn't come up and my playlist says "couldn't load plug-in". A box came up saying I had to download adobe flash player so I did, I restarted my laptop after it downloaded, and it didn't work! Not even youtube or hulu will work! Help Me Please!
Software8 years agomy ipod touch is stuck on the apple logo?
i've tried everything and all the sites tell me to plug it into my computer but it's not getting detected even after an hour, is there any other way to fix it?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years agoout of these three reasons what is most important to least important?
doing a research paper for u.s to allow international adoption
my reasons are:
-it's faster than domestic adoption and equally safe
-it will give children in poor countries a chance to a better life
-less worries in adoption(ex.prices; birth mother changing her mind; how long it will take; etc.)
just want to make sure I start my essay by least important to most important for better results. thanks.
4 AnswersHomework Help9 years agowhat is a good title for an essay about international adoption?
i am for international adoption , so i'm doing a persuasive on it but i have a hard time coming up with catchy titles so help me out ?
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years agoMy ipod touch won't turn on, any help?
My Ipod Touch is acting strange. For about a week i left it off and when i tried turning it on it said it was dead. I left it charging overnight and when i woke up and tried to turn it back on it said it was still dead! So, I put it back on the charger to see what happens. The screen shows the lightning bolt and them turns black and after a few minutes it showed the apple icon. It stays the apple icon for about 10 mintues and then the screen goes black for about 5 minutes and then back to the apple icon for 10 minutes and it continues on like that. Does anyone know how to fix this?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years agowhat's a cute username for my skype ?
my names carly hahah i need ideas please(:
3 AnswersMSN10 years agoplease help me !); telling parents about a relationship ?
my boyfriend[14] and i[14] have been having a long distant relationship for almost 5 months, but since he has t-mobile and i have verizon his mom knows he's been talking to me but he told her i was just a friend because we're both worried our parents will be upset since they are really strict about us having boyfriends/girlfriends . i've had 3 boyfriends before and my parents never found out and he's had 2 girlfriends before and his parents never found out . we both want to tell our parents or at least our moms that we're together since we haven't seen each other in a really long time and we think maybe they will let us hangout together, but we're afraid that they will get mad and make us break up): . . . what do we do ! ? please please pleaseeeee help me ! i really like this guy and he really likes me .
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCan you get problems down there from being fingered?
i know that if you have sex before 16 that you can get problems in the vaginal area and maybe get cervical cancer , but is it the same if your just getting fingered ? i'm 14 still a virgin and i've never gottan fingered i was just wondering
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCan you get problems down there from being fingered?
i know that if you have sex before 16 that you can get problems in the vaginal area and maybe get cervical cancer , but is it the same if your just getting fingered ? i'm 14 still a virgin and i've never gottan fingered i was just wondering
4 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade agowhat is this book called?
it's about three people on a beach
one guy is a lifeguard
one guy has a little sister and his parents are getting a divorced
&& the last one is a girl who sits by herself on the beach and is getting abused by her father
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agohow do you know when your in a serious relationship ? or are with someone who can be serious later on ?
i'm 14 and my boyfriend lives 30 minutes by bike and 10 minutes by car . both our parents don't know we're together , but he knows most of my family and i only know his aunt, uncle, and one of his cousins . but , i know all of his best friends(he has 5) and he doesn't know any of my friends. once i get a car and he gets a car we plan on seeing each other a lot more often , i think he will last and he thinks so too . but i know we are young so does anyone know how to tell when your starting to get serious about the person your with ?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agothe song "Disturbia" by rihanna?
i heard that the song disturbia backwards is a song allowing demons in your home, is that true ? and i heard her song umbrella is about how the devil possesed her and raped her, is that true too ? and that she is part of the illuminati ?
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoshould i have sex with my boyfriend ?
alright i'm 14, and so is my boyfriend . he always tells me he loves me and he wants to f*** me , but everytime i say no he's cool with it and willing to wait because he wants us to lose our virginity together. There's only one problem , he lives in a different city and i barely get to see him . he said he's ready but how do i know if i'm ready ?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhats an AWESOME title for this essay?
it's for my english 1 honors class, it's talking about school starting too early. i can't think of a good title ,or a title at all . pleeeeease help me ! ! !
thank you(:
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoam i short for my age?
i'm 14 , gunna turn 15 in june . I'm 4'10'' my boyfriend says i'm not that short and he's 5'4'' , but i want more opinions
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoi get a little really horny but i've never had sex?
everytime i have a boyfriend or in somewhat of a liking relationship with a guy, i get horny really easily ! just by watching movies that in the middle they are about to get it on just makes me horny . i'm a virgin and i am not planning to have sex till i'm married and i don't want to masturbate, but what am i suppost to do when i get horny ? i'm 14 btw
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agofirst day of high school on wednesday !?
any advice so i don't get killed ?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agofirst day of high school on wednesday !?
any advice so i don't get killled ?
7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago