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  • Rescued a cat who has feline lice...? (Sorry for the "mini novel"!!)?

    This past Tuesday, from my apartment window I saw a poor starved and abused Tom Cat who literally looked like a "skeleton with fur" trying to get into the dumpster behind my apartment. I took out a cup full of dry food and a can of wet food to not only feed him, but lure him out of hiding so I could catch him and take him to a shelter. Needless to say, I was unable to catch him the first night but was successful the second night, and he is now safely quarantined away from my other cats, as a guest in one of my spare bedrooms!

    Although he doesn't seem to get to drink any water, I'm doing my best to push fluids on him, and he is responding very well to his new diet of Cat Sip cat milk, Chicken Broth (sodium free of course!), Friskies brand "senior formula" wet food, and miniscule amounts of dry food (since I'm concerned about the fact that he is dehydrated, I only give him a tiny bit of dry each day because he seem to really LOVE it!).

    Aside from being emaciated, filthy, and having half his fur gone, he seemed to be overall very healthy.

    On his second day with me (after feeding him one of his several meals a day, and giving him a dose of "lovin's"!) I noticed several tiny white dots on my brown shirt where he had laid his head against my chest while sitting in my lap. I initially thought it was dandruff, but upon closer inspection saw the "dandruff" was moving! In a panic I stripped, showered and washed my hair, and ran the shirt complete with bugs to my Veterinarian's office and they informed me, after looking at the shirt under a microscope, that it was feline lice. They said it was "species specific" and there was no danger of me catching it, but I had to get Frontline Plus for my other cats even though they have had no contact with this stray kitty, in order to protect them should any of the lice make it out of the spare bedroom.

    After this VERY long story (please accept my apologies folks!!), my question is this: How long do I have to wait until I can put the Frontline Plus on HIM to get rid of HIS lice? He was too malnourished to treat at the time I did the other cats, so still has lice (although he doesn't seem to be bothered that much by them - thank goodness!). Even though it's only been 4 days, he's already filling out quite nicely, has cleaned himself thoroughly, appears to have normal looking urine and feces (from what I can see each day when I clean the litter box), is playful, etc.

    Please don't say "take him to the Vet" for a physical exam. I would love nothing more than to have him be seen by a professional, but I am unemployed right now, and struggling to pay bills and take care of MY cats, so I don't have any money. I asked my Vet's office if I could bring him in to be seen and, since I was unable to pay, set up a payment plan and they said "no" - I couldn't believe it!! (Here's an interesting fact - although I saw him by the dumpsters behind my apartment, I live just 3 buildings down from the Vet. After some looking around, I found out that he had been living in the basement of the building my Vet's office is in - talk about ironic!)

    I'm so angry! I take all 3 of my cats to this Vet, have always paid my bill when services were rendered, and never asked for help with a rescue cat before, and they wouldn't help me! (Needless to say, I'm now looking for a new Vet, so they lost 3 money making "patients" over not helping me do right by this poor soul!) I just need to know if Frontline is dangerous for cats who might not be 100% healthy.

    Thanks in advance for any and all sincere, informative answers!!!!

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Does anyone know how I can find out the value of a 1988 camaro?

    I've tried every possible "blue book" site out there (Kelly, Edmund, NADA, etc) and none of them have values for a 1988 camaro. I'm trying to decide whether or not to sell my "baby" and need some kind of idea of value and then I can decide whether it's worth it to keep her and put more money into her or if it's time to let her go! Although the camaro has a couple dents and some surface rust (and has been parked and not running for over five years now) I had the engine rebuilt and replaced the transmission plus had lots of random other work done before I had to give up on her and buy something reliable. Any knowledgeable answers would be greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Does being the beneficiary of a life insurance policy affect Social Security Disability Benefits?

    My friend's mother recently died and she had him as sole beneficiary on a small life insurance policy. He is currently disabled from a bad car accident and unable to work so he receives SSI, SSD&Medicare benefits. Will this one time life insurance payment cause him to lose his benefits?

    6 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • If someone's name is on a vehicle title as "co-owner" do they have to be added to the owner's insurance??

    My Aunt just passed away, and in her Will she left me her car according to what her Power Of Attorney has told me. When my Grandmother heard this, she said she wanted to buy the car that I have now. My intention had been to give the car to my daughter when I got a new one, but since she is now going to college in New York City, a car would be more of a hassle than it's worth. (Plus she still just has a Learner's Permit and no Driver's License!) Although the car has a Blue Book value of almost $5,000.00, I told my Grandmother that I would sell it to her for the remainder of what I owe on it (approximately $1,900.00) with the stipulation that she put my daughter on the Title as co-owner so that should my Grandmother pass away, the car would go to my daughter. My question is this: If my daughter is on the Title as co-owner, would my Grandmother have to have insurance for her also? Can she just be put on the policy as an "Excluded Driver"? Thanks in advance for your help!!!

    7 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • How to watch, on-line, the season premiere of The Amazing Race???

    I missed the season premier of The Amazing Race and when I tried to pull it up on-line to watch it, they didn't offer the "view full episodes" option at the official website (or at CBS's official website). Is there any way to watch the full episode and not just "recaps" or "clips" of the first show??? I watch Survivor on-line each week as I can't watch it on Thursday nights, so I was surprised that the Network doesn't offer that option with The Amazing Race, as they are both on CBS. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!! (Other than Survivor, The Amazing Race is my favorite show, and I hate the fact that I missed the first episode!!!)

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Having one of those days?

    Anyone else out there feeling depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed? If so, what's going on in your life that's making you feel that way?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do insects feel pain when injured?

    I had a butterfly get stuck in my windshield wiper, and when I pulled over to let get it out, I was devastated to see that it's lower body was crushed and one of it's lower wings was torn. It crawled on my hand and acted as if nothing was wrong, so although my initial thought was to just kill it and put it out of it's misery, I ended up putting it on a flower in the shade. It couldn't fly anymore with the shape it was in, but I figured it could enjoy it's last moments on Earth on a flower, which I know butterflies love. My question is, how could it still be alive with it's body crushed, and do insects/butterflies feel pain like we do? Do they have nerves? Can some "bug people"answer this please, as I'm not some "crazy lady" and would like serious answers! Thanks!

    23 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Lump in breast??

    Ten years ago I discovered a lump in my left breast. After many sleepless nights, lots of tears, and many, many tests, it turned out to be a benign cyst. I was 31 at the time. Since then, I have yearly mammograms. Every year, I dread going. Every year, so far, I've been lucky. On Monday I had my mammogram, which had been rescheduled from 2 weeks ago. I canceled my original appointment because I was so afraid that they'd find something. I always thought it was foolish when women would be afraid to go because of fear of what would be found, and then I did it myself. I just kept feeling like something was going to be wrong this time. After the test, they told me everything looked good, and I was able to "breathe" again-I was so relieved that my feelings were wrong! Well, I just got a phone call from the hospital saying they found a lump and I need more tests. My grandmother died of breast cancer. Please, I need some encouraging words from strong women right now-I'm so scared.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Where did the "God" question go, and if deleted, why?

    I just answered a question (about 40 mins. ago) asking for opinions about whether or not God has the right to punish people, etc., and now the question, along with all the answers is gone. At first I thought maybe I said something wrong and my answer was deleted, but I didn't receive any type of "violation" notice, and no points were taken off my Profile, plus I just can't find the question anywhere (wanted to see what other people's opinions were, that's when I realized it was gone). Why would the question have been deleted?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Problems with boyfriend, can I have some honest opinions?

    I started dating my ex-fiancee a month ago after 4 years apart. Things had been going well up until this weekend. He asked me on Fri. to go camping with him for the weekend. I went on line to search for a campground, then he called and reserved a site. He called me 5 different times from work to talk about all the fun stuff we were gonna do. By 5:30 on Fri., all of the sudden he realized he "couldn't afford to go camping" because he's in the middle of moving. I was disappointed, but I understood. He came over Fri. night, and we talked about some other things to do this weekend because he kept saying "I still want us to do something together". That night he woke me up at 3:30 am saying he had to go home and take some migraine medication and basically he's blown me off ever since! He didn't even call Saturday and when I called him he was sitting in a bar with his buddy (he said they had just moved some stuff)! Haven't heard from him at all today. What do you think is going on?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Good face powder?

    I have reached the age in my life where I have fine wrinkles under and at the corners of my eyes(bummer!!). Anyway, it seems no matter what face powder I try it always ends up looking "caked" around my eye area and clings to the wrinkles. Any of you ladies out there know of a good face powder either loose or in compact form (I don't care as long as it works!) that combats the shine, but won't make my "laugh lines" look even more noticeable? Thanks in advance for your help!!!

    9 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Can Chiropractors write prescriptions for pain medications?

    My boyfriend hurt his back at work last week and has been going to a Chiropractor every day for the last 4 days in a row. He is in a lot of pain and I told him he should ask his Chiropractor to write a prescription for pain medication for him. My boyfriend told me that he didn't think they could write pain medication prescriptions, but since his Chiropractor's title is "Doctor" I told him I thought that he could. Just want to know if this is so as he goes again tonight after work. (If the Chiropractor can't write prescriptions, then my boyfriend needs to call today to set up an appointment with his PCP-just trying to figure out if he should call or not!!!)

    9 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is is just me, or have "fun-sized" candy bars gotten smaller over the years?!?

    Want to lose 10 pounds, but still want to have some "treats" while doing it, so I bought a package of "fun-sized" Milkyways, and they look smaller than they used to! Must've happened gradually 'cause I never even noticed! Does this make them less "fun"?! (Or does it just mean now I gotta eat 2?! lol!)

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Windows Vista???

    How many of you are experiencing problems with Windows Vista? Is it because it's really "advanced" as people have told me, or am I just that computer illiterate??!! I bought my computer a month ago, and can't figure out how to do half the stuff I needed the computer for, like how to scan existing photographs - i.e. old family pics that are "paper copies" not on a digital camera(and yes, my printer is a scanner/copier, so it's supposed to do all that!). I read the little tiny owner's manual (not much help there!) and all the paperwork that came with the computer (and printer) and still can't figure a lot of stuff out. I'm paying for one of those "geek squad" guys to come to my house to show me how to do all this, and when I called the store I bought my computer at, they said a lot of people are having problems with Vista. So my questions are: Have any of you had problems with Vista? If so, what did you have to do to resolve them? Why are there so many problems?

    9 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Solution for how to thaw frozen Spring Flowers to enjoy in bouquets? I have one!!?

    I sent out an appeal for solutions after my 5 bulb gardens froze. I had not heard the forecast of snow&freezing weather, so I did not cover them. My plants (loaded with blooms) all froze. Before covering them the next day, I picked several blooms&tried to "thaw" them to use in bouquets. Running under cold water, or allowing them to come to room temp on their own didn't work to my dismay. I thought for sure I would not be able to enjoy any of the 100's of blooms that my plants had produced this Spring. I covered the flower beds with 3 layers (after they had already froze). 1st-sheets, 2nd-flannel sheets, 3rd-black plastic. I left them covered for 6 days thru more snow&below freezing temps&simply hoped for the best. I knew the plants themselves would survive but thought the blooms were lost. Today is sunny&51 so I uncovered them. They "thawed"!! I just picked several dozen blooms&have vases everywhere! Thought I'd share this in case anyone ever

    has the same experience in the future!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Can Spring bulb flowers be dug up before summer's end?

    I have already posted two questions regarding my beloved flowers, as they froze two days ago after they had just started blooming and I was wondering if the blooms could somehow be "thawed-out" to enjoy them in bouquets(would still welcome answers about this!). I have lived at my rental property for almost six years and this was the best year yet-they were looking absolutely beautiful as they have become well established (daffodils, hyacinths, etc.). Now I am going to be moving and since my landlord is not a "flower person" they will literally be mowed over after I leave. Where I am moving to I will not be able to replant them immediately and may have to store them for awhile-can this be done? If so, how do I store them? Also, they will need to be removed before the greenery has died off and completed it cycle-will this kill them?I will be moving mid-summer and I live in northwest PA if this makes a difference! Fellow gardeners and flower people please help!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • how do I scan existing paper photographs into my computer?

    I just recently purchased my first computer and since I got it I have figured out how to do most of what I needed the computer for. The one thing I absolutely cannot figure out is how to scan existing photographs in! I don't even know what to "click on to" to start the process! Since I am so technologically challenged and would get absolutely confused by complicated instructions, is there someone out there who can give me simple instructions about how to do this?!? (my printer is a Lexmark 2400 series if this makes any difference)

    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Can frozen blooms from daffodils, hyacinths, etc. b cut&thawed 4bouquets?

    My poor plants were loaded with blooms (after 5 years they were looking their best ever!!) when the deepfreeze hit! The blooms are frozen solid-I picked one andbrought it into the house to see if it could "thaw out" and be used in a vase. The blossom and lower stem thawed out beautifully but the upper stem turned to mush and could not support the bloom. Since I have about 100 more blooms out there that are otherwise ruined ( from a landscaping perspective) I thought at least I could enjoy them inside if I could thaw them out correctly. Please help! (Thanks for all the answers to my first question! I'm new at this and wasn't specific enough though, as I know the plants will survive but I didn't know how to handle all the beautiful flowers that had just opened up two days ago! Didn't know if there was any way they could be left on plant and be okay or if once frozen they are "goners".) If they can be successfully thawed out I could at least enjoy the blooms inside!!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • My daffodils, hyacinths, etc. all froze last night-is there anyway that they can be saved? What can I do?

    I have sheets covering them now (it's all I had to work with!) but will this help at all? The cold temperatures and snow are expected to last for another 3-4 days!

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • My daffodils, hyacinths, etc. all froze last night-is there anyway that they can be saved? What can I do?

    I have sheets covering them now (it's all I had to work with!) but will this help at all? The cold temperatures and snow are expected to last for another 3-4 days!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago