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Lv 44,129 points

Dr Bob

Favorite Answers44%
  • Is America about to elect a president just to prove how tolerent and "Politically Correct" it has become now?

    The two leading democratic candidates are a black man and a woman, and its starting to look like America is going to elect a man to the executive seat BECAUSE HE IS BLACK... This is no criticism of his race, if he WERE the best man for the job, race would be irrelevant, because he is not, it is an issue because his campaign draws support by making Americans feel proud that they are open minded enough to "ignore" that he is a mulatto, and vote for him solely on the traditional formula for best U.S. president, (height+level of teeth whiteness+sleekness of hairdoo+ability to mesmerize small mammals and political activists with tone and rythym of sloganeering.)

    The real question is America ready to do the RIGHT thing, rather than the "politically correct" thing...

    There is only one candidate who's political platform is the U.S. CONSTITUTION... Ron Paul.

    Are we ready to elect a GEEK for president?

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Could it be possible that men who have been branded as "anti-feminist" and/or "misogynous"...

    ...Are actually just "masculinist," and many so called "feminists" are actually "anti-masculinist" and "misandrous?"

    Does anyone think the distinction is kind of silly anyway?

    How about this? What if the "traditional role of women" is overhyped as being "oppressive" and the "traditional role of men" is overhyped as being free and dominant... What if these supposedly "traditional, male instituted roles" were established by women? It seems quite likely.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Anyone else question whether the consciousness must rest necessarily in the brain?

    I'm not talking about "Captain Stubing," guys so please refrain from penis jokes, unless they're actually funny...

    What, you never heard it called "Captain Stubing?"

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do I overcome my occasional urge to "Troll?"?

    Usually I devote myself to tirelessly answering "the hard questions," with as much philisophical exploration as possible...

    But sometimes, I just can't resist hitting the easy targets with a quick one liner...

    Must I denigrate the thoughtful and informed dignity of my Yahoo identity?

    Must I constantly wear away my exceptional (in spite of my vainglorious sarcasm,) Best Answer Rating?

    ...Or should I repent, and cease this infidelity to my intended mission, guiding seekers to the TRUTH?

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • On Yahoo Answers, are there more men or more women?

    And do trolls count as both, or neither?

    29 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one that is worried about this specifically?

    ...That no matter what you're personal beliefs or goals are, that America is way too concerned about celebrities and foreign affairs and sports, (i.e. other people's business and trivia,) and this will (er, pretty much HAS,) result in a mass of humanity incapable of improving itself or even controlling its own affairs? Is there a group devoted to overall cultural revision? Or will we fulfill the "prophesy" of "Idiocracy" and continue to treat the idea of eugenics as the Devil's own pitchfork of social damnation?

    (Answers from people who can read and write only please...)

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Anyone else think "Tristram Shandy," should be accepted as historical fact?

    "The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy," is a graphic novel of extraordinary complex and bizzare assertions of doubtful veracity... Yet it is more interesting, entertaining and historically accurate than the Bible... So if people can accept "intelligent design," and a magical deity who likes to sadistically torment his creations as fact... Why not Tristram Shandy?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Funniest Movie clip on YouTube?

    Give us a link, love...

    20 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What the heck is up with people posting "if you don't post this..." garbage on youtube?

    "Blah blah blah, will happen unless you post this to 4 other comments..."


    I keep seeing these posts that look like grade school black magic threats, does anybody believe that crock?

    Is there like one person who's trying to infest all forums with garbage?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • What do you think will herald the new American revolution?

    Or do you think that finally, we the people, will be crushed into dust by the ruling class?

    Or will it be somehow possible to wrest the reigns of power from those that cannot determine right from wrong because of the corruption that power brings?

    Must we edge ourselves towards actually TRYING to fulfill the "prophesies" of Revalations? Isn't it insane to really TRY to bring on the apocalypse when if God existed he would need no help to make it happen?

    18 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Who here thinks its bogus for people to ask questions apparently designed to lower your answer rating?

    If you're trying to preach... Or if you just want to waste people's time... DON'T ASK... Why aren't people who are running a Q and A sunday school class being censored? (i.e. ask a bible question and then reward the one who gets closest to their already decided answer, rather than the one who actually has something new to contribute to the question... You'd be suprised how many questioners are using Y.A. to spread the disease of religion.) Shouldn't people looking for ANSWERS or OPINIONS be respected, before people with no interest in peoples input? Those guys never get deleted.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What group do you think is most easily offended on Yahoo Answers?

    I see a lot of questions dissappear because they violate "Yahoo Community guidelines" and its a little frustrating when you feel like there might be something worth discussing and it gets deleted by people who have nothing better to do than complain about what OTHER PEOPLE are talking about...

    So who do you think is responsible for the most perpetuation of intolerence by censoring this site?

    People who enjoy relations with their own gender?

    People of non-caucasian decent?

    People who dislike other people discussing subjects that they have nothing to contribute to?

    People who have no life?

    People of questionable intellectual capacity who think censorship leads to enlightenment?

    30 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Did "Waswisgirl1" just get dumped or something?

    Anybody? She's got a ton of "man-hating" questions that just came up, and I think she's locked me out...All I wanted to do was answer...I feel so dejected and discriminated against.

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Anybody out there think that there is more racism directed at...?

    Anybody out there think that there is more racism directed at white people than any other group?

    Usually disguised as accusing them of racism?

    Isn't it ironic...Don't you think?...

    29 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Ilegal immigrants are showing us the way to prosper in U.S.?

    Ted Kennedy is the son of J.P. Kennedy, the "alleged" bootlegger and hustler, and founder (with rumoured help from mafia influence,) of the Kennedys' intimidating financial/political empire (

    So a man who many believe owes his power to illegal sources, is now advocating the amnesty of illegal immigrants who steal potential income from american citizens...Is anyone surprised? Why shouldn't EVERYONE jump on the bandwagon, start selling controlled substances and muscling our way into prosperity...JUST LIKE THE KENNEDYS...

    In fact, we should make the Kennedys our provider, why not "immigrate" into the Kennedy family fortune? Ask uncle Ted to send the helicopter to pick you up for brunch!

    Lets tell them how we feel! Visit and Dig it, or E-mail our beloved "bootlegger" from the site!

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If Sen. Kennedy supports legalizing immigrants, shouldn't he...?

    ...Also be willing to allow members of families poorer than his to "immigrate" to the wealth and privelege of the Kennedys?

    Keeping in mind that the Kennedys' wealth and power is all from money made bootlegging illegal booze during prohibition.

    I mean he's okay with mexicans taking advantage of american prosperity and rewarding lawbreakers for sneaking in our country...So he should be okay with us sneaking into the Keneddy compound and declaring ourselves members of his immediate family, right? Dig this site if you think Ted should have to take what he's trying to give to america!

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do you think that the purpose of humanity could be to dream?

    It seems to be the only thing we're able to do well, civilization seems to make our dreaming troubled and so we subconsciously conspire to destroy it, so that we may return to the peaceful sleeps and superstiscious fancies of woodland shaded nocturnal wand'rings.

    ...Keeping in mind that the entertainment industry DOMINATES our economy with "fantasy" that costs upwards of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars to produce, market and distribute...and under the right circumstances, I can enjoy something more personal, fulfilling and spectacular for free inside my own head...Strange isn't it?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think Yahoo's policies are a little strict?

    I got my question removed for asking a specific person!

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago