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  • How to get a toned butt in 4 months?

    I have a large butt unfortunately haha. I hate it so much, but what am I going to do :/ I'm in the skinny category and tried losing weight in order to lose the fat on my butt, but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea because weight loss goes across the body not just in one area haha. So if anyones any tricks and workout plans that helped them get a nice butt in a shorter amount of time it would be great :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Scared of dying because I'm scared there's no afterlife...?

    I'm 15 and I'm scared of their not being anything to go to after you die.. I know it's normal to go doubt religion at one point in your life but it's scaring me too much now. My friend happens to be atheist and extremely into science haha. I never doubted heaven and hell, I grew up not being very religious never went to church when I was younger, but I always believed in God. But now my friend is telling me all these facts ( In no way meaning to scare me or try to change my mind set on god ) I've begun to get worried and scared. I've always had this deep fear of dying but lately the idea of going to heaven started to settle, but now being told that when you die you don't go to heaven, that when you die it's nothing my fear has gutted me more, to the point I just cry. My friend is really into space and biology and the idea of evolution and the cosmos and galaxies, the whole thing haha. Then I start seeing things like people dying and seeing heaven are just because of oxygen deprivation of the brain. Then I start seeing things like people dying and not seeing or feeling anything. All my life I have been interested in ghosts and demons, believed them 100% and I still do because of paranormal things happening to me, but thats the only thing I have against the fact when you die it's no more. I just need some reassurance in a way. Thinking about not seeing my family, my loved ones the people I dreamt about meeting when I was a child, and potentially my own children one day...I'm petrified

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How to loose weight with an unhealthy lifestyle at home?

    I'm 15, and I have wanted to loose weight for the past two years and never could do it.. I can switch from and unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one anytime. I don't crave and I don't eat that much well at least I don't think so. My Family does not eat healthy at all. It's not that we are the kind of family that goes out to eat everyday, my mom cooks almost everyday of the week, but her recipes are always unhealthy and when she cooks she uses a lot of butter and a lot of carbs and fats. I'm rooting to go vegan. and right now I'm transitioning to be a vegetarian first. Thankfully, my dad is actually a health freak haha. he has the Nutribullet and grinds all this stuff together and has that every morning and goes to the gym three times a week. I'm getting a job this summer so I hope I can use the money to go to the gym ( Have really bad anxiety so running and exercising outside, is a nope haha) I want to loose 30 pounds by the end of summer, and I'm just wondering how I can change everything to loose weight?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Just found out I have a slight lisp :(?

    All my life, I have loved to read. Out loud and in my head. I would read the entire book in English class to the class and was completely confident with my speaking and reading voice! Now, today my entire gym class told me I had a slight lisp and so did my friends and I couldn't believe it! First of all I didn't even know what a lisp was, let alone be able to see if someone had one. So, when I found out that my voice was different I became very sad :( Everyone said it was apart of me and my character and that I shouldn't be ashamed of it, but I do know a lot of people hate lisp and even though mine isn't that bad I've now become insecure about my speaking voice and talk to the class, which is what I've always loved to do! I wish I could fix it, but I know I won't be able to because I believe it's just my teeth's slight overbite. Some people find lisps cute and some find it annoying, I just don't want people to find me annoying for something I can't control, so I don't know I guess I'm just scared that people won't like to me or talk to me because of it? :/ I don't know

    2 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • I want to change my look up this year, but I don't know what. Help?

    I started my freshman year in High school this September and I kinda wanna change my look up. I've been thinking about maybe going Dark brown, but have mixed feelings. I love my hair color now and I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to it. I've changed my style up already for this year, i just want something more. I don't know to do.

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Is okay to be 5'3 and going into freshman year?(Girl.)?

    Idk haha I feel normal, but is it really?

    10 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Starting Highschool and I need some tips, and answers (:?

    I know I'm going to meet new people and all that, and one question I have is. Do the people get better? In middle school everyone was so immature, and I hated it. All the boys were jerks, and didn't care about anybody's feelings. Do boys get more mature? Also, what clubs or sports should I join? I can't do cross country or basketball anymore :/ So, I don't know lol. I think I will join book club because I love to read, but where do people like to hang out? I'm kinda shy, and I really want to make some friend this year and maybe a boyfriend. Thank you! If you have any other tips please go ahead and tell me (:

    11 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Starting Highschool and I need some tips on how to act and what to wear!?

    I'm starting Highschool this September, and I'm pretty nervous. I'm pretty mature for my age, mind my own business and don't get into any drama.. but I'm not sure, being quiet all the time hasn't helped me with making friends. I'm a girly girl all the way. Love makeup, and fashion. I used to wear A LOT of makeup, nobody cared it's just i don't need it and I have realized this. (: So, what should I wear? Something more casual? I'm not sure! Any help would be great, thank you ! xoxo

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • I like this guy, but I don't know if he likes me? Does he?

    I'm 14, he is too. I've known him since 5th grade, and we dated for a little. ( little kid love so doesn't count haha) His dad knows my dad really well, so he always tells me how he found out where my dad works or that he knows my family. One day he said," I know where you dad works!" and i said " How?" And he said his dad was passing his work, and told him that my dad works there. he got all embarrassed so I think he asked lol. I have Math, Lunch, and Gym with him. We flirt everyday, but it's kinda his personality to be really confident and nice to people. Everyday at gym when I come out he waits for me on the other side, and everytime i start walking to go to my spot, he blocks me and does something funny and we laugh(: Last week, we were playing soccer and we picked teams and he got picked first for one team and he said," it's because I'm the best." Jokingly so I teased him and said No??? and we like got in each others faces and laughed. Then as I was walking towards my field, he came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder and we walked really close lol. I have so many stories, but How do I know he likes me? What are the signs? all my guy friends said I should tell him... but I don't know. I feel like he should be in a relationship.. but all his friends put him down for being ugly.. but I've never seen him as ugly and that he is just insecure. I really like him, and I know I'm only 14, but we have such a connection.. I can't explain it's easy to smile with him, and when either one of us smiles, it's like we both do. I don't know :/ Help?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get him to notice me?

    I'm in 8th grade, and I like this guy who've i've dated in 5th grade, and known him for awhile because his dad and my dad are members of the same club, so he knows my entire family haha (btw he also tells me and other people like," i know taylor'd family and would recite their names, he even found out where my dad worked haha) He's in my Math class, Gym, and Lunch. My friends are good friends with him, We talk a little bit, i don't think he's too interested in me, i the beginning of the year we were pretty close. I just wanna know how can I get his attention? I know the year is coming to an end, and btw I don't have a phone because of money issues :/ Any advice would be great(: Thanks!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get people to talk to you?

    I'm in 8th grade, the year is coming to an end, but it feels like I still don't fit in.. I don't talk to a lot of people in school, let alone hang out with them. My best friend is very social, we hang out a lot, not like we used to though because she moved, but still i don't fit in with her group of friends, you know what I mean? People talk to me, but the problem is they don't continue it, or just plain out want to. How do I become more open to people? How do I get people's attention? Thanks a ton(:

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • My dog keeps hiding behind the couch?

    I had this dog for well over a year now. He's my bestfriend, always by me and my sister. Never out of our sight. Though recently for about a week now, he's been hiding in the corner by my couch ( nobody can see him he's isolated in there because it by blankets and in far corner) I guess it could be cooler over there but i don't recall him doing it last summer? What could be wrong? I can't bring him to any doctor or specialist for my family is very poor.

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Guys: How to get noticed? What do you like in a girl?

    Im 14, and in 8th grade. I haven't had a bf or any guys attention for like 3 years! I kinda just forgot, and now no guys notice me? My friends have a lot of guys liking them/ talking to them and not to me. Like they literally just pretend i'm not there. we will be in lunch and guys will make fun of them but jokingly but just skip me, as if i'm not there. I don't really care, but what do you think is wrong? I'm not that typical girl who is jerk and over confident. To be honest, I like to read and write, and have fun! All that drama and fights that girls complain about to me are complete bull. I'm very quite, and when I like someone They would have no idea, so is it because i don't know that interest? how do I show it? What do you like in a girl?

    Thanks a lot(:

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get guys to notice you? 8th grader(:?

    I'm 14, and I haven't had a boyfriend for 3 years, but that's not what concerns me. I don't have a cell phone anymore, for money reasons. I don't really mind, but the rest of my family does.. My twin sister, older brother,older sister, grandma, mom, and dad. I haven't really cared because It didn't really matter. I had friends, and i knew i could talk to them on Facebook or phone if I really wanted to. Now over the years, I kinda got unsocial. Now all teens have phones and depends on them for connections. I'm going to be a freshmen next year, so I want to know how to make friends and some guy friends as well? Thanks a lot(:::xoxo

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Should I message this guy?

    I did a truths yesterday for the first time in a billllion years haha. My friend and I were talking about how the year is coming to a end and the changed we have made. We talked about the summer time, and How I wish i could have made more friends! So thats when she told me to do a truths and I did lol. I had gotten a lot, which was surprising because every time I did them I'd get very few. This guy liked it, and I've known him around school, he's a year older than me. ( I'm in 8th grade and He's in 9th) I said, " t- you're cute!" he commented," Talk to me sometime!" I didn't know what to say afterward. Like message me! or okay! I put," Okay!(:"

    should I message him? I'm not used to this and I don't want him to think I'm weird or anything. Would you?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I like long distance relationships better than face to face?

    I like having a long distance relationship better, because you just connect more. They won't look at you and judge you, or use you. I like that romantic feelings. Being away from a person, draws me closer to them. It's like that feeling where you like your crush for months, and he finally asks you out; now you're going out and you just lost that drive. I can't connect with people in my school, My school/Area is horrible, and full of people I honestly don't want to associate with. ( drugs, gangs, fake friends.) Is this bad?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do I get a boyfriend where I live, not just internet friends?

    It seems like, Only internet boys like me. I have two internet friends, and just recently met one of Friday, and he's already in love with me lol. He tells me how, there are no girls like me and that he's been waiting to meet someone like me for so long, or how sweet and nice I am. In school, I haven't been able to get a boyfriend for three years, I haven't really mind, but ever since Friday, and knowing what it feels like to be liked, I want a relationship again. I'm normally quite in school, occasionally talks; depends on the class. I like to read, I do sports ( not this year because of surgery ) Nobody, seems to like me or are like me. I'm just wondering if it's just because Online i't different and easier to talk to people, or because I have these two personalities? How do I open up to my first personality? Thanks a whole lot!!! xoxo

    btw, I'm 14 and In 8th grade.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why can't I get a guy to like me where I live, but I can with internet friends?

    I have now, two internet friends who live 1000 miles away haha. The one I'm talking to now, is the sweetest person ever, and he tells me all the time about how he's never met a girl like me, and how sweet I was. I just don't know why I can't get a bf where I live. I used to be able to, but I've kinda just waited, and all my internet friends are perfect. Is it just because the different personalities in different areas? Where should I look? What should I do? I'm usually quite in school, Love basketball, reading, and give everyone chances. Is it because I'm quite? I don't know, help with dating advice if not..?

    Thanks, btw 14, girl (:

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • You think he's starting to like me? 10 Points!?

    I'm 14, in 8th grade. So like a month ago, I started liking this boy. When we sat next to each other, we would flirt A LOT. I didn't really think about it until now because I like him lol. He would poke my leg, or my side ( where I'm ticklish) And we would draw on out papers and binders, he would also try to teach me little things with pencils and rubber bands and we would play with that. That was the beginning of the year. We kinda stooped talking after awhile, and now that I like him I have no idea what to say or how to talk to him! He knows I like him too, My friends told him lol ( I didn't plan it they did it on their own behalf) He started blushing and smiling a lot my friend said. But he had a gf and i understood that and I tried to leave this crush out of my mind. Soon after, he got an Instagram, I've had mine for months and Now he likes all my photos, he's usually the first to like them, and hasn't missed one! Again, I was almost over him when he started that, so I tried to pass it off, but then he posted on his Bio that he was single! Just to speed things up, he then started dating this girl on my school who knew I liked him, but she's no offence a player and I really hated that this happened, though I could not control it, because this boy is the sweetest kid ever, he wouldn't hurt anyone and He cares about everyone! They broke up, and now all he does is stare at me, and try to make me laugh again. In class today we were watching Armegenden, and I was moving my chair with another friend and when I was lifting I looked at him and he was looking at me too, but then I looked away. He stares at me in lunch and class and I think it's cute, I just don't want to get my hopes up again.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago