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URGENT! I locked my Samsung Stunt, and forgot the code. HELP!(:?
Hi. Okay, I have a samsung stunt, model number SCH-R100, and i forgot my code. I can do nothing from the phone, except enter in a code, or call emergency numbers. I was wondering if there is an Override code, or some way to unlock it without deleting all the information from it. Help?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years agoURGANT!!!! whats some cold foods for when i'm sick and can only swallow soft foods?
I am sick, and warm foods are iratating my throught. what should i eat, besides pudding and icecream and cake? i need answers FAST.Thanks~~!
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years agoHelp connecting computer to tv?
I have a Gateway computer & JVC tv. I want to use the TV as a monitor. It has the same hookup on the TV as on my monitor, so connecting was easy, and we saw the computer desktop on the TV no problem. That was a few weeks ago. Just a few days ago, I had to do a system restore. The computer works just fine now, but the TV no longer displays the computer screen. I have not done anything to the cables that connect them. I can't figure out what has changed. I had not previously had to download anything in order for it to work in the first place. ANY IDEAS????
2 AnswersMonitors1 decade agoIs anyone having issues accessing Yahoo Groups today?
Everything else seems to be working fine, but I can't access my groups. It gives me a "Page cannot be displayed" error.
3 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade agoHelp with Azureus please!?
OK. I am using the VLC player, first of all. And I have been successfully able to dl & watch videos. OK - when I open the HOME page, under MEDIA, it usually shows the "traffic cone" symbol, for VLC, but I just dl'd a torrent that has a diff symbol - a white page with what looks like a "windows" thing on it - so I tried to play it in WMP, but no success there either. Something weird, though - most of my 1/2-hr tv shows are like 175MB and this one I am having trouble with is a 1-hr show and is like 360MB (makes sense, ok...), except when I click PLAY, it DOES actually play in VLC, but is only ONE minute long! :O
WHY is this happening??? Where is the rest of the video? When I played it in WMP, it listed it as "sample" and played the same 1-min clip (just audio only). It took forever to dl this, so I am sure the rest of the file is SOMEWHERE, I just don't get WHERE. I thought it might be that i was using something diff or it is a diff kind of file. Please help - I am so aggravated! THX!!!
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoHowdo i uninstalltheprogram REGISTRY SMART from my computer?
I have already removed it from the add/remove programs, but, like AOL.... it lingers on.
1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade agoTo prime or not to prime?
We are in the process of remodeling my daughter's bedroom. She wants light yellow walls and white furniture. I know that when you have old walls (we bought a very old house), you have to prime over the bad stains and I know that to cover dark furniture I have to prime before painting white. But what about......
new sheetrock?
old white furniture that needs a fresh paint job?
unfinished wicker chairs?
If it were up to me, I would prime everything, but my husband disagrees. PLEASE HELP!
OH - and regardless of priming or not, do you always have to sand before you paint?? Like even for the fresh paint over old paint?
10 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoWhat is causing the buzzing in my recording?
Our sound system at church is connected to a laptop to record the sermons. On the playback lately there has been an awful buzzing. We also use a projector to display the Scripture verses, words to music, etc. It is plugged in to the same plug strip. We notice that when the projector is off there is LESS buzzing, but it is still there! Nothing has changed as far the equipment or the location of the equipment or whatever. Could it be the wires themselves maybe? ANy suggestions?
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoCan you help me list some..............?
items that are EITHER beautiful/ pleasant on the inside and NOT on the outside, or else vice-versa? I am doing a lesson on "Looks can be deceiving" and I would like to give some NON-person examples.... THANKS!!!
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow do I soothe chafing near my eyes?
My allergies are giving me such a horrible time & my eyes won't stop leaking. It has irritated the skin near my eyes so that it is burning & chafed. Anyone know anything safe enough to use that will soothe it or keep it from getting worse till the meds kick in? THX!
3 AnswersAllergies1 decade agoATV do you tighten a chain on a honda 200 three-wheeler?
3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoLouisiana Law question - contractor vs employee?
If someone hires me to be a party coordinator, am I considered their employee and am therefore covered by their insurance should anything happen, OR am I an independnt contractor, required to provide my own insurance?
And if I am indeed an independent contractor, and I have a business license with my parish, ..... if I line up the DJ, the caterer, the bartenders, etc... are they MY employees? If I present the hostess of the party with the bill, she pays me, and I turn around and pay the DJ, etc... are they considered subcontractors? Or are they just individually contracted to the hostess as well, and I would just charge a "finder's fee". ?? PLEASE HELP if you actually KNOW this answer.
5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoHow do you get baked on grease off of non-stick cookware?
My fryer broke, so I used a non-stick skillet. I can't seem to remove all the grease from the sides. Please help!
5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoNintendo DS question?
If you take a DS game out of your console and use it in someone else's, will it erase the memory in the game chip?
6 AnswersGames & Gear1 decade agoHow do I get the smell of Icy Hot off my hands?
Is there any effective way to remove the strong smell of Icy Hot, BenGay, etc... off your hands? My husband likes me to rub his shoulders sometimes after work, but then I am stuck with this stuff. And I know they make unscented cremes, but they don't work as good. Just curious. Dawn dishwashing liquid removes it from the surface of my skin (the greasiness) but the smell stays for hours.... GRRR!
7 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoWhat size A/C do I need?
What size window A/C would I need to get for a 12x20 room with 16-foot ceilings? There is only one window, so it must only be a single unit.
3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoWhere is the site?
I saw on someone's blog a dance video where you paste your picture in the face & it looks like you are dancing. Anyone know what site this is?
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoWhat is the remedy for sooty mold problem on citrus trees?
I live in South Louisiana. What is the usual insect that causes this & how do I remedy the problem now that it IS a problem? Is it ok to use ant killer by the trees (they are only 2 years old) or will it hurt the trees?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agotree problem?
i have satsuma, and lemon trees that have a black mold on them. can anyone tell me how i could eliminate it and keep it off
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoIs this too much / is it rude?
I am doing a "mall shopping party/ scavenger hunt" for my 11-yr. old daughter's bd. I am not wealthy, so I can't afford "no limit parties". The plan was to ask that in lieu of a gift, each child bring $10 to contribute to the fun (and also to cover their supper at a fast food place in the mall).
Understand, that I would not "expect" a gift if it were an ordinary party, and the people being invited are not financially challenged. However, most of the invitees are pairs of sisters.
I don't know what parents typically spend on a birthday gift. But I figure by the time you buy a gift, a card, and a combo meal, $10 and not having to shop starts to sound pretty good. It's just weird asking ppl to bring money to a party. I have never done one of these before.
What do ya'll think?
OH - and the girls will all have a canvas shopping bag & a little something to take home. Just so you know.
19 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago