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Lv 32,400 points

Eliza P

Favorite Answers35%
  • My old stalker has moved to my city?

    My old stalker of 20 yrs ago has moved to the city I currently live in with his current wife. He has no reason to be in this random city 2000 miles from where we are from...other than my presence here. So...should I stalk him back? He doesnt know that I know his location. Would be nice to get some vigilante justice. Or should I ignore him? He has been married several years with no kids. I do have kids to protect....but sweet justice....

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Freaking out about my old stalker?

    Ok..20 years i had a creepy stalker situation with a guy i dated very briefly. It was bad enough that i quit a job, moved in with my parents for a year..and eventually moved overseas 10 years. When i returned to my hometowni was very quickly contacted at my new job by a man wanting to hire me as a photographer and fly to Mexico for a project. Was very shady, and soon revealed it was him. I soon moved across the country and have lived here 10 yrs. he has emailed me and once tried contacting on social media 5 yrs ago but i blocked him. He has been out of my mind for years, but today i sa his photo in my local newspaper at a charity even with his wife. He is living in the city i moved to...across the country from our home state. I did some google searching. The woman he married is from our state as well. The city i am currently living in is not NYC or LA. It is fairly big, but..of all the cities he and his wife could move very weird that they are here. Now i am nervous. I have kids. What do you think abut this? Just need someone to help me process this!! Thank you!

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Mojang Download Minecraft Question... Euros?

    want to download Minecraft for my son. Im at When go to PayPal it wants me to pay in Euros.. 19.95 Euros. Is this correct? I,m just nervous becase told there are lots of viruses if you download Minecraft from wrong place. Thanks.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Computer for minecraft...4g or 8g?

    Hello, buying a computer for my 8 yr old. Mostly for school work, but also to play Minecraft. Found a great deal on a 4g computer. Salesman said I need 8g memory for Minecraft. Is this true, or is he upselling me? Thanks!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Tetra fish floating on leaf for 2 days?

    Why has one tetra fish been resting on the same leaf for 2 days? His tailfin Is moving, so it's nit dead...

    5 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Computer for child...need advice!?

    I need a computer or tablet for my son he is 8. He would use it for Minecraft, Youtube and homework. Would like to satisfy these needs as cheaply as possible! Any recommendations? Thank you

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler6 years ago
  • Senator stumping at elementary school carnival - wtf?

    Halloween carnival at my son's school this week. Banners announcing GOP Senator will make an appearance. WTF? It is early election season (which he has voted to drastically decrease and close voting sites, btw) so I know he wants to schmooze...but an elementary school carnival? Is this normal? I find it irritating as hell.

    5 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • How to get a doctor appointment faster?

    I have a gynecologist appt for 2 months from now. I couldn't get one sooner, even being open to differnt doctors. Even calling another practice. I've called a few times to see if cancellations. No luck. I think something is really wrong with me. I have this constant dull pain that, is not bad but worries me and I think about it all the time. Any advice how to get appointments moved up? They suggested urgent care. It's gynecological. Don't want a random doctor checking me and telling me I need a gynecologist, and billing me for the advice.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Kids missed 1 month of

    A friend is moving to another state today. She hasn't yet enrolled her kids in school, so they have missed a month of school. I of am worried about what will happen to her when she takes them to their new school. I told her to be careful, there are laws about that. She didn't believe me. She said that is for public schools. She will enroll them in Catholic school, and believes nobody will check. I dunno...I feel uneasy...anybody know more about this??

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • what Age Kids Alone in Public Restrooms?

    My son will be 8 next month. He comes with me to the Ladies restroom when we are out shopping or in restaurants. Just curious what age other moms send their sons alone into the Men's restrooms???

    8 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • 9 tetra fish huddled in corner of 10 gallon tank for several hours?

    Hi all 9 of my orange tetra fish are huddled in one corner of tank. They won't eat or swim. Has been going on for several hours. I was given the tank a week ago. It had 40 fish in it! I took 30 to Petco, bought a new filter. The water is still not clear but better than when I got it. Have been trying to siphon the gravel, that possibly hS never been siphoned...but I can't get it to work. Have changed 20% water and used conditioner. Why are they huddling? Are they dying?

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Do You Respond to relative's bigoted lie on FB?

    An older relative recently joined FB. He lsitens to FOX and right wing talk radio 24/7. He has changed. But he is older now and has health issues. So of course he puts a lot of political crap on his wall. If it is just an opinion or a cartoon I ignore it. But he posted a maliciously false and racist lie about a certain political figure. I responded with evidence that it was a lie, which took all of 30 seconds to find. I find the fact that he doesn't care if the bigoted statement is long as he likes it. So now he is annoyed with me. So taking a poll here....when the older relative posts racist nasty lies... do you respond and not let him get away with spreading this cr*p? Or let it go for the sake of family peace?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • On hold with Norton for 2 hours so far...?

    I am still on hold with Norton. It has been 2.5 hours. I got a virus on my computer about 3 hours ago. I have spoken to a few people. Given a case number...then back on hold. Last one I spoke to was an hour ago. They said they would clean the virus. But then they wanted to sell me an extra something for $5.99 to deep clean my computer. Not sure why I was suspicious. But I said no thanks, just want to get rid of the virus. if I had said yes and paid the 5.99 would I still be on hold I wonder? Am i being punished?? Should I stay on hold? I don't know if anyone is ever going to pick up again.

    4 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Friend's son and my son are oil and water?

    My friend's son and my son were very good friends age 3-5.5. The past year they have grown apart. My son likes Star Wars, Angry Birds and other action figures and acting out scenes with them. And has several friends who do too. Friend's son is now into MMA figures and Baseball. They each are unintersted in the other's new likes. When we are together and my son tries to enthusiastically play with him, the kid now rolls his eyes, stands stone cold with no reaction and mumbles rude things under his breath. This has been happening all Summer. My son doesn't get his feelings hurt easily and just seems over this kid and would be fine if he never saw him again. Yesterday was my son's birthday. His mother, my neighbor, brought him by the day before just to say Happy Bday, since they were going to be out of town for the birthday. Her son looked physically pained and tortured to have to speak to us and was rude to my son and then walked away leaving his mom at the door. I said "Ok then, I think we are done here. Let's get together soon just the two of us if nothing else!" She seemed unaware that there was a problem. She won't let this "friendship" of our boys die a natural death! What should I do? I want to keep our friendship, but I am thisclose to slapping her smug little cherub next time he rolls his eyes. (Before you go crazy with the child abuse lectures, it is just a pleasant visualization. I'm not going to slap him)

    2 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Tetra Fish Has Vanished?

    Last night I fed my son's three tetra fish and went to bed. This morning there are two. There seemed to be 2 males and 1 female. 1 male was aggressive and always swimming with the female. The other male was docile, smaller and usually chilling under a leaf. The fish that is missing I am pretty sure due to size is the aggressive male. Now the docile male is swimming calmly around the aquarium. I doubt he could kill the male. Would a female kill the male and eat him? Would the female kill him and they eat him together? Is the docile male in danger of being next? I am just curious. I am not a fish person and did not buy these they were a gift to my son. I just did not anticipate cannibalism. Thanks for any helpful answers.

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Electric socket below leaky window?

    I live in an apartment. The window in the kitchen leaks a lot when it rains. Enough to fill a bath towel or two. Our water cooler is plugged in in the socket below the window that leaks. Water streams over the socket. I have asked maintenance 5 times over the past year to please fix the leak that I fear an electrical accident. I have a small child. They tell me that is impossible not to worry. They still have not fixed it. Can someone else advise me if my fear is valid, can my child be injured by this problem?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Do these sound like car salesmen hours? Is this legal?

    A friend is at his first day of work as a car salesman. He said he will work 10-12 hours a day, with 1 day off every 2 weeks. He says he is being paid minimum wage (plus I am not sure about commission or draw). He says he will not be paid overtime.

    He is from a foreign country. Could he have misunderstood this schedule, as it does not sound legal? Or are these the working hours of a car salesman? I am confused and he is unhappy so thank you for sharing any knowledge on this topic.

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Share a hairdresser with an ex-friend. How much do I say/not say without being rude?

    A friend is relocating to my city. She left here only a few months ago for a job opportunity that went badly. She asked if she could stay in my house with my husband and child for a few months til she gets on her feet I said sure, of course. This is not a best friend, but we have known each other 7 years, and spent time at each others house. She has slept here before and we've slept at her house. I prepared the guest room and bathroom, cleared out my son's toys and asked another friend, who was storing excess clothes in the room to remove them while the guest was here, which she did

    . Days passed as I waited for this houseguest and I didn't hear from her. I called. I texted. No answer. Several days after that (New Years Eve) there are pictures on her FB page partying in a local club near my house. Now, a week later she still has not called.

    I write her off, there is enough past with her of back-stabbing and rude comments to my face (I don't wear designer clothes and she sneered at the small size of my 1 carat engagement ring.. I'm a bit low class for her) that my heart isn't breaking. But she was very helpful to us when we fist moved to this city.

    Problem is we share a hairdresser. The hairdresser has known my friend longer and they are closer, though we are on friendly enough terms as well. Every time I go there of course she asks "Have you seen (Friends name)?" I give a brief positive answer. Don't want to gossip, and whatever I say will get back to my friend anyway. I must see the hairdresser in 2 weeks. I am sure whatever it is my friend has decided I did wrong, the hairdresser has had an earful of it. How do I respond when she asks "Have you seen (Friends name)?" without being short, evasive, rude... while knowing I've most likely been talked badly about?


    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Strange Icon on Desktop?

    This morning there was a new icon on my Desktop titles Thailand. I was surprised, pretty sure I didn't put it there! Was I researching resorts maybe...and forgot?? Clicked on it and it was a link to the site Yahoo Answers Thailand... in Thai. Now I know 110% I didn't put this link on my desktop. Can anyone explain this? I'm worried.

    6 AnswersSecurity10 years ago