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  • Is anyone disappointed in the choice of Wonder Woman?

    Seen the picture and just do not feel she fills out the costume in a Wonder Woman type


    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why is Nurse Ratched considered a villain?

    I just watched Cuckoos Nest for the first time in many years. When I was younger, she represented the authoritative figure who is the antagonist to Randal. But watching the film again, I see she really is not that bad, especially not villainous enough to be on the AFI top 10 list of villains.

    She was very pleasant in the beginning. Just doing her job. She was a very business like person, what is expected of one in her position.

    Randall is a fun loving guy, but he has some serious issues. He was a sex offender and is violent at times.

    So if someone could please explain to me why Nurse Ratched is a villain, I would appreciate comments as to why.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What is Kelly Temporaries policy for misdemeanors?

    Is the seven year rule from the date of conviction or the date released from probation?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • From what date does an employer consider for background checks?

    If a company has a policy of a 7 year background check, then is it from the time of conviction or time done with probation?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • The Undertakers Streak Questions and/or scenarios. Your opinion.?

    1. Your running the show, Undertaker says end the streak, but tells you he will only job to HHH or Cena. Who would you choose?

    2. As a fan, which of the aformentioned, Cena or HHH, would it bother you more to end the streak? (Have to make a choice)

    3. Once again you are running the show, Undertaker says end the streak. He tells you to pick any wrestler who has never won a World singles title. Who do you choose?

    4. If you can pick any wrestler to end the streak, Undertaker says end it and tells you to choose ANYONE, who would it be?

    5. What historical wrestler would you have liked to seen faced the Undertaker during the streak? Examples are Hogan, Sammartino, Andre, Thesz, Foley, Brody, Bruiser, Gagne, etc.

    6. And finally, do you want to see the streak end? If you were in charge and Undertaker says end it, would you try and talk him out of it or just go with it?

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Should there be a law?

    I would not want the government getting involved, but should the Hollywood executives get together and make some sort of agreement which would not allow any of the great films to ever be remade.

    BQ: Which films would you put on this list? A list of films which no matter what should never be remade.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What scares you more?

    Which is more scary for you. Watching a documentary like MonsterQuest or similar on werewolves, bigfoot, or the paranormal; or watching a scary movie?

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What other good wrestling trivia sites are there?

    I love games and love wrestling trivia.

    Here is one of my favorites:

    Are there any others out there?

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Shawshank Redemption; Andy and Red casting?

    Was reading a few others were considered for the role of Red and Andy in The Shawshank Redemption. It turned out perfectly with Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Of the following, which actors could have pulled off the roles.

    As Andy

    Tom Cruise

    Charlie Sheen

    Nicolas Cage

    Kevin Costner

    Tom Hanks

    As Red

    Clint Eastwood

    Harrison Ford

    Paul Newman

    Robert Redford

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is Angelina Love a post op transexual?

    The more I look at her the more she has manly features in the face. Is it because she has lost a lot of weight or was she at one time a man? I really cannot tell.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • How much would cry if Rock loses to Cena?

    Think about it. Out with the old, in with the new. Hogan did the job for Rock. Now is it Rocks turn to do the job to the new face of the company??

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who wins these classic dream matches?

    Steel Cage

    Peter Griffin vs. Homer Simpson

    Triple Threat Bra & Panties

    Francine Smith vs. Marge Simpson vs. Lois Griffin

    Mixed Tag Texas Tornado Rules

    Meg & Chris Griffin vs. Bart & Lisa Simpson

    Handicap Match (Literally)

    Joe Swanson vs. Jimmy vs. Timmy

    Battle of the Alien Invader Elimination Chamber

    Alf vs. Roger Smith vs. Lurg vs Dr. Zoid Berg vs. Kang vs. Kodos vs. ET

    Nerdy Match Hardcore Rules

    Hermies vs. Carl vs. Comic Book Guy

    Battle of the Bad *** women

    Turanga Leela vs. Xena

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who wins the conference first?

    Who will win a conference title first in FBS football?

    Miami or Florida State

    Alabama or Florida

    Ohio State or Nebraska

    Stanford or USC

    TCU or Boise St.

    Pitt or WVU

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is Scarlett Ohara the biggest B**** in film history?

    Besides the obvious bad girls of film like Alex Forrest, is there any woman character in the history of film any more of a spoiled little b**** like her?

    First she tries to take away her sisters beau, then marries a poor boy on a whim to make Ashley jealous. Her husband dies in the war, but would rather party then mourn. Then always has a place in her heart for Ash, even at the expense of her husband, Rhett.

    BQ: Do you think George Lucas modeled Han Solo off of many of Rhett Butlers mannerisms and character?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who is the bigger lowlife, the SA or OS?

    SA: Common law married to a man who worked all throughout the relationship. Made a decent living. Freely gave $$ to his CL wife so she would be comfortable. Man ensured wife had health coverage and a decent vehicle. Man continued to run his old truck, though made sure wife had new vehicle every three years. Man gets laid off. 10.5% Unemployment. Man is educated and now completing a certification program for additional training. Man is continuing to pay 70% of household bills, but no longer has health coverage. Wife works. Makes above 10 an hour and has health insurance. Woman refuses to put CL husband on health coverage. Woman now says the two are not married, though for the previous years when husband was working, the woman always used the mans last name. Woman decides to go to, pays the $150 registration, and looking for soulmate on line, even though when husband was working, always told the man he was her soulmate. Woman also goes out every weekend, never acknowledging man. Man tried to talk to her, but she totally ignores him. House in mans name only, but knows the laws favor whoever can pay for the better lawyer. Man is just left sitting in room without companionship, while woman goes out with her friends, hooking up with new guys, and generally doing her own thing.

    OS: Has 6 children by three different men. Decides to use the children as leverage over one man. The other two men do not pay child support. The man who pays child support is basically paying for 4 other children who are not his. When ever man goes to see HIS children, the kids are dirty and clothes are terrible. Man usually has to take kids to go get new clothes monthly. This woman sells her food stamps for beer money. Sells the SS numbers for IRS fraud. Man has tried to get full custody but gets denied because according to the state, the woman is not an 'unfit' mother. Man works hard and makes sure kids are taken care of. When 2nd child was born, man did not know as the man and woman were not together. Man found out three years later. Put the child on health insurance and gave woman extra money for child, believing it was his in good faith. Man was able to get a court date to prove paternity and pay obligated child support. When in court, man was forced by the state to give back child support. Man tried to argue the health insurance and extra money. Woman denied both. Only thing man was able to prove was health care, but state did not give credit.

    Woman takes man back to court every year for child support modification, but does not seek out other two men for support of other four children.

    We all know the man in both scenarios is an idiot for being with either one of these women, but the question for the panel is which of the two women are the bigger lowlifes.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who wins a title first?

    Cowboys or Dolphins

    Heat or Lakers

    Seminoles or Hurricanes

    Longhorns or Oklahoma

    Michigan or OSU

    TCU or Boise

    Cardinals or Yankees

    Lions or Panthers

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How long before we get a good MMA movie?

    We have had a good wrestling movie with the Wrestler and their is a plethora of great boxing films out there such as Rocky, The Fighter, Raging Bull, Cinderella Man, and Million Dollar Baby. How long before we get a great MMA film.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • How to keep Excel at a certain font?

    As much as I use Excel, I should know this, but I do not. I am very AR to always use Times New Roman at 12 font for Excel 07. Every time I go in I have to set it up for this.

    How do I preset it to this font?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • If L.A. gets a team in the future?

    If either the Vikings, Bills, or Jaguars move to LA, should the NFL change the divisional alignment to keep with geography. But then again its the NFL and Dallas is in the NFC East and not the NFC South and Miami is in the AFC South instead of the AFC South.

    I was just thinking if the Jags move then perhaps Denver could move in there place to the AFC South. If the Vikings move then that would really throw a wrench into things.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)1 decade ago