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Okay, I'm here mostly for the fish questions. It's a big hobby of mine. I also read history and science, but that's mostly books, not the internet. I don't spend a lot of time on here. Too busy drawing comics. If you want to IM me, try my AIM account, silverjigsaw. I'm not on that often though. Or email me,

  • Need help with a superhero/pizza delivery boy costume?

    I wrote this one-act play, where a pizza boy interrupts an evil mad scientist's scheme to deliver a pizza, then returns a few moments as Pizza Boy, the superhero. The young man playing the superhero/pizza delivery boy asked that he have two shirts, one underneath the other. He wants to tear open the top shirt, revealing the bottom shirt, which looks exactly like the one on top. I think this is a good gag so I'm trying to figure out how to do it.

    I figure that the shirt would be a two-tone shirt, majority red but with a second color (green? blue? white?). The two colors would meet in the middle and the shirtfront would be held together with velcro, which also makes a good ripping noise when you open it. Does that make sense?

    Now, I can't sew, so this has to be done with as little sewing as possible. Is there some kind of iron-on or fabric glue I can use to connect the velcro? I figure I'll be getting two t-shirts or something from the craft store, how would I put the second color on the shirt? Do you have any suggestions on how to make this shirt?

    Hobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • White dust forming on top of the water?

    I maintain a 20L-gallon freshwater aquarium in my office's front lobby. For the past few weeks, I've been noticing a strange white dust on top of the aquarium water, and I have no idea what's causing it. It's not coming from the filter. It's building up on the sides of the filter, and on the plants where they peek over the top of the water.

    Because the tap water at my office is so nasty, I buy filtered spring (not distilled) water from the store to refill the tank, so I doubt it's tap water build-up. Could it be calcium? Where does the calcium come from? How do I get rid of the dust?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I think my sprained ankle has gotten worse?

    I sprained my ankle shooting a movie on a beach. One of the other actors is an EMT, and he looked at it and said that it was a rolled ankle, or something. He had me sit with my foot up and put an ice pack on it, which I did until I was time for me to be in a scene again. When I came back, the ice pack was gone. For the rest of the day, I would put a fresh cold bottle of water on my ankle, and when it was no longer ice-cold, I would drink it. Otherwise my ankle was just up.

    When I got home yesterday evening, my ankle was not only still swollen, but my foot was swollen too. What does this mean? What should be my next step?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Am I being irrational about this?

    My boyfriend's dad just died, so he's up with his mom helping her take care of everything. I'm traveling up to join him tomorrow. I'm at his apartment packing up a few things that he asked me to get. I also went on his computer to print out the list of stuff he gave me, as well as print out a picture of his family that I took, which is saved on his computer, so that I could frame it and give it to his mother as a present.

    I discovered that he still has quite a few pictures of his ex from way over a year ago still on his computer. For some reason this really bothers me, like, I actually started crying when I saw them. They're nothing exciting -- them sitting on the Lincoln steps smiling together, him dipping her in a dance -- but the fact that they're still there really hurt. There's absolutely no pictures of me on the computer, except what I uploaded myself, in a separate folder that he was supposed to email to me.

    His dad just died, so any negative feelings right now are trumped. I can't confront him about them. So now I'm just kind of pissed with no outlet. I'm not really sure what to do.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can I leave my car parked at a DC metro station overnight?

    I live in the DC area and have to pop up to Philly for a single night. I'm planning on taking the metro to the bus station, and a bus to Philly. Is it possible for me to just drive to the metro and leave it there Saturday night, or will it get towed? Is it better to have a friend drive me to the metro?

    2 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • How much exercise should I be getting?

    I'm trying to lose 10 pounds in 2 months. I have my diet laid out (more veggies, no red meat, no pizza or any other junk food, keeping a daily log of my meals). I play to stay around 1000 calories.

    Right now I'm 5'3, 132 pounds. I'm also terrified of treadmills (childhood accident). What would be a good exercise regimen for me?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What bible verse is it that I'm thinking of?

    There's a specific bible verse. It's the songs being sung after a battle, or something. A woman slew a general by luring him into her tent, offering him milk, and then, when he felt relaxed, she drove a tent post through his head. Honest to goodness I can't remember the woman's name, or where it was in the bible. Do you know?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • At what age do I stop giving my cat kitten food?

    My adorable kitten Marty McFly is going to be one year in September. Should I switch him to adult cat food when he turns 1? Should I wait until he's 2? How do I call it?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What should the temperature be for a bearded dragon bath?

    My 7-week-old beardie, Sonja, is shedding. My boyfriend told me that giving them a bath is supposed to help (loosens the skin, gives them moisture, etc). He's out of town, so I can't ask him, so I'm asking you: how warm should the water be?

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Is there a place where I can sell my blood for money near DC?

    I'm desperate for cash and live in Northern Virginia. I've put up two pieces of furniture on craigslist, but I still need cash really fast.

    1 AnswerWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • How much do you think I should sell this fish tank for?

    It's a 10 gallon fish tank, with about three inches of substrate (real dirt, for plants, although the dirt is dry and will have to be refertilized). It will come with driftwood, a heater, a filter, and lights. So it has pretty much everything you need to start a tank, it will just have to be cleaned and restarted. I live in Northern Virginia, if that makes any difference. How much do you think I should ask for it?

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What is the name of that little fold on the dog's ear?

    We were looking at a dog's ear and we noticed there was a little extra fold of skin inside the dog's ear flap, on the outside of the ear. What's the name of it? Does it have a name?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How should I feed my baby bearded dragon?

    It's not WHAT I should feed my baby beardie, but how. Her name is Sonja, she's about four or five weeks old (I'm assuming she's a girl because I want her to be a girl). I ran out of crickets and need to buy more, but I'm going to be in class tonight and tomorrow night from 6:30-10:00, so between that and work I have no time to stop by Petsmart! Even if I did, the crickets would be stuck in the airtight bag for hours. I'm pretty certain that's not good for them.

    Any ideas on how to get food to my baby?

    5 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How do you remove roaches from furniture?

    I'm about to move from a roach-infested basement apartment to a real apartment. Some of my furniture is heirloom stuff; if it were all cheap I wouldn't mind, but some of this stuff has multiple generations of memories attached to it.

    I figure I can take the furniture out of the apartment and spray it down with Raid or something. My boss also says that I can "wipe it down" and get rid of roach nests. Wipe it down with what? Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What's going on with my stomach?

    Every morning after breakfast I feel sick, gassy and bloated. There's nothing I can do but not take anything in and wait for it to pass after a few hours; I act slow and can't concentrate and don't get as much work done as I could. But this morning, I got a bright idea and ran hot water over the insides of my wrist, which has helped TONS, and I have no idea why.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My period came early this month?

    I was expecting my period to start around the 6th, but my period actually started on the 1st. I had my usual pre-mentrual feelings and everything, but five days earlier than expected. The first day was heavy and came with a huge amount of stomache, which passed after a few hours. Very typical for me. And normally it takes four or five days to finish, mostly medium days with a final very light day. But today is only the third day, and I'm already having my final very light day. Is this normal? Should I be concerned?

    (by the way I'm sure that's all totally gross and I apologize)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I found a weird hard spot on my kitty's chin?

    I was giving her scritches on Friday, and I discovered some kind of hard lump right by her lip. She flinched when I touched it. I've been checking it daily ever since, and it seems to be going away on her own.

    I'm more concerned about where it came from, what is/was it, and could it have possibly been caused by a fight with my other cat? My cats had spent an unusual amount of the previous week play-fighting, but they stopped that after I started spending more time at the apartment (stupid work keeping me away from kitties).

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Bearded dragon in a mixed-species household?

    Right now I have two cats and two fish tanks, and I really, really, really want a beardie. My boyfriend has a beardie and I love the little guy. Do cats and bearded dragons get along? One is a very calm five-year-old queenie, and the other is a rambunctious little scamp of a six-month-old kitten.

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Hmm...should I call him or not?

    I have this guy that I have mixed feelings about, but he definitely likes me. I'm feeling sort of..."in the mood." Can't decide if I should call him up or if that would be too, er, forward, or something. Hmmm.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How much should I pay for a pet groomer?

    My six-month-old kitten Marty McFly keeps clawing everything. I've tried trimming his nails myself, but even when I have a helper, he's so squirmy that neither of us can control him. I think I wound up splitting his nails last time, which can't be good. I want to hand the task over to a professional. How much should I expect to pay? How often should I get his nails trimmed? What should I look for in a groomer?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago