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Sugar :]!

Favorite Answers20%
  • Rehoming a 6 month old pug?

    We are collecting a 6 month old pug girl tomorrow.. I have never rehomed a dog this age before, we have taken on very young pups before, but this is likely to be attached to the current owner. They are rehoming as they don't have the time for her anymore. Any tips to help settle her in would be great.

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Dying orange hair ginger (help!)?

    I had my hair dyed Directions Rubine for a few years and I bleached it this weekend which turned it pink. I put Loreal Feria Intense Mango Copper over the top and it's just bright orange. What do I need to do now!?!

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • My mums best friend is about to die, what do I do :(?

    They're so close, they work together, shop, go for meals and nights out together. But on Monday she was rushed into hospital with end stage liver failure, there's nothing they can do to help her now so she's just on oxygen an painkillers to make her as comfy as possible in her last moments, but she's really cut up about it, I don't know what to do to help mums pain go away :(

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • i'm 5'9, size 10/12 but i really hate my calves!?

    theyre the only part of me that i really really hate, what kinda clothes really flatter them and will make them appear slimmer?

    i'm also really pale, will a slight tan help at all? :(

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a leopard print leotard like Christinas?

    I have seen many regular leotards, but i want one like this, with the high neck, any ideas?


    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • who's supporting lady gaga in manchester?

    ive googled and googled and cant find out!

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • FL Studio 8 Producer edition won't play midi?

    I've downloaded a midi track I want to modify, it plays on media player, then when i open it in FL it 'plays' but i cant hear anything?

    I'm new to FL so any help would be amazing, thanks!


    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • what sites can you get e-gift certificates for?

    i know theres amazon but i'd just like to find a few more :]

    just to clarify, an egift card is an email gift card.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • cold hands, type one diabetic?

    they might be completely unconnected, but I've noticed my hands get reeeeeally cold easily now, even when i'm out in the sun or typing, what could be causing this!

    10 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • when i get a laptop, what do i do about getting a wireless modem?

    i'm currently on virgin media and i have a regular modem, which is wired up to my pc, but when i get my laptop soon which is wifi ready, how hard is it going to be like, i know i'll have to get a new modem but jhgfjdghdfj can someone just explain it to me? haa

    easy points!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I'm changing my glucose meter, what do I?

    do about getting my prescription changed? I currently use a One Touch Ultra Easy, and I'm changing to a AccuChek Aviva Nano, my prescriptions are free as I'm type one, so will I just have to tell my doctor, and will he be able to order the new type? so confused ! aha thank you in advance ;)

    10 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • who are some sexy gingers?

    i think some ginger celebs are gorgeous, like bree from desperate housewives, and nicola roberts from girls aloud, and simon pegg ;)

    i want other peoples opinionss ! can you name some more attractive redheads, and if you're a reddie, show us what you look like :]

    and just a premature warning to anyone who has that closed a mind to start insulting gingers, you're going to look like a complete dick :]

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • cats with cystitis/bladder stones?

    today she was bleeding quite a bit down below, so we took her to the vets, they've given her anti biotics and pain killers and i have to take her back in two weeks, because if it's not cystitis its bladder stones, if it is bladder stones, they said they'd operate.

    but, my sister used to be an auxillary nurse at a vets and she told me that it was unlikely they would operate on a cats bladder and she'd probably be put down

    has anyone ever had their cat operated on for bladder stones? or can tell me a little bit more? :(

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Diabetic, do i need my eyes testing?

    i've been recently diagnosed with diabetes after letting it go undiagnosed for roughly 8 months, i've had a constant headache for 2 months now that only goes away when i close my eyes, and i'm finding i have to squint to read properly right now.


    12 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • What hair dye would i need for this colour (GIRLS ALOUD)?

    its pretty much my natural colour, but my hair right now is a ruby colour (semi permanant) also, have you ever seen hair extensions of a similar colour? i cant find any!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago