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turning points in american history.. 1871 to 1917?
hey :) i need some turning points that changed the way we live, think, or work. i already have
The wright brothers first flight.
Albert Einsteins theory of relativity.
the ford model t.
the invention of the seismograph.
and the invention of the telephone.
i need 4 more things and only one more can be an invention! thanks guys :)
2 AnswersHistory9 years agoHelp with a song please! :)?
Okay so we warm up to this song in soccer. The lyrics are like " whoa. Whoooaaa oh. Whoa whoaaa oh. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Haha I hope I don't look like a fool but yea those are like the main lyrics. They are kind of being chanted. If you know pleaseee help :) thanks much. P.s. it not a rock song or rap. Like I said those are pretty much the main lyrics.
1 AnswerLyrics9 years agoPlease help me with this song!?
okay. so some of the lyrics are like
"alright i'm ready to go"
maybe it says show instead of go but that's what i think. that's like the chorus. it's a hip hop song i guess. please help. what is this called?!
if you have every heart the song called float on by modest mouse then it sounds like that but it says alright im ready to...
please help!
2 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoHelp with my laptop webcam?
Okay. so i had been using skype and what not. and all of a sudden my camera like.. wouldn't connect or something. so i looked it up on google and it said to uninstall the hardware for it then re install. so i uninstalled it.. and it deleted the program. please help :(
i've been using it a lot lately.
Thanks :)
ps. i have a dell laptop.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoHelp! Cyber Bullying! :'[?
Ok. So a while ago on facebook this girl and i had a little stupid cat fight and she changed her status and it was threatening towards me. She said she was going to make my life suck and all this other stuff. it's been weeks and i still am upset about it. It hurt me and I know there is something i could do about it. I deleted my facebook a while back but my best friend said that that status she wrote is still up. its not her status but its on her feed still. What should i Do?
Is it lame to tell on her for this when i feel threatened. Who should i tell? Should i show the status as proof and call it cyber bullying? what would you do?
its been making me sad for weeks.
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agohelp!! i wanna know what this song is!!! :)?
hey i heard this song last night and ive heard it a lot before and it's hip hop/rap and at the beggining there is a guy talking and he says something something then he says and the butterfly...... thats all i know he say is butterfly..
so please help i want this song
thanks :)
8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoHelp! anyone who speaks french!!!1?
hey.. what are the lyrics to Premier Love by Tony Parker... in english? please translate!
thanks :)
Ca fait tous drôle..
t'étais mon premier love, mais qu'est-ce qu'on est devenu?
t'étais mon premier love, jcrois qu'on évolue
Dans la vie,je perds le file.
On s'est connu on était gosses
t'etait mon premier love
bien avant le basket, mon premier titre toujours ensemble
A l'époque on était croc l'un l'autre
on été jeune on été fou a qui la faute on été rien sans l'autre...
On était simple, on était 2, on pensait 1, un seul amour un seul avenir 1 seul
chemin, et jme rapelle quand jte serrais dans mes bras tu disais que t'aimais
ca, t'étais au Nirvana...
Tu ma rendu meilleur j'avais un coeur de pierre,
de cupidon t'étais la fleche et mon coeur était la cible, javais pas de tunes
au départ, pour toi j'aurais décrocher la lune sans la fusée
Toujours derrière moi quoi qu'il arrive, t'étais mon pare-balle , mon porte
bonheur, quoi qu'il arive
C'etait toi et moi l'infini, si tu tombes je tombe , jétais Clide et t'était
I?ll never lie to U
All I do or gone for U
All my lover
My heart alwayS waiting for u
Today I could do for U
I could die for U
baby u are my first love , my love
Les années passent concentré dans mon basket,
Notre amour se dissipe, on a grandit si vite , on se prend la tete, jperd le
file de nos vie
On s'est connu trop jeunes, de l'avis de nos amis tu ma toujours dis que
j'étais le seul et l'unique
Tu m'aimerais jusqua la fin, quelqu en soit le prix t'étais mon premier amour,
(T'étais mon premier amour)
t'étais ma meilleur amie, (t'étais ma meilleure amie)
Je toublirais jamais malgré le succes, les strass et les paillettes, les fans
et les groupies...
Tu sais
Nos souvenirs je les gardes en mémoire, nos eclats d'sourire et tes pleures
tard le soir, jregrette rien ...
Mes sentiments sont toujours là, on reste amis ya pas d'futur sans histoire
C' etait toi et moi l'infini, si tu tombes je tombe , jétais éclats et t'étais
I?ll never lie to U
All I do or gone for U
All my lover
My heart always waiting for u
Today I could do for U
I could die for U
baby u are my first love, my love
J'parle au passé de notre histoire, t'étais mon premier love t'étais mon tout,
on C'est aimé, (t'étais mon premier love, on c'est quitté.. on reste amis (on
reste amis..(4x)
Added by Mel57
Corrected by Mel57
Vidéo Premier Love
Tony Parker MP3 Download
Premier Love MP3
Premier Love << download the poly ringtone
Others formats : mono - MP3
Tony Parker << download his poly ringtones
Others formats : mono - MP3
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22 COMMENTARIES for Tony Parker - Premier Love
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Commentary n° 22
Posted by dauphin194 on 19/02/2008 at 19:25:58
c vraiment tro une cool chanson j'connais les paroles par coeur
Commentary n° 21
Posted by clems on 16/10/2007 at 18:46:33
le chanteur en anglias s'appelle rickwell
Commentary n° 20
Posted by Ashley on 05/10/2007 at 16:11:10
Quelqu'un sait-il le nom de la personne qui chante en Anglais ?
Commentary n° 19
Posted by gulgul on 04/10/2007 at 22:07:05
tro bien la chanson surtout le passage en anglais ...
Commentary n° 18
Posted by piink on 04/10/2007 at 18:51:00
Il y a plein de fautes dans se texte! mais jle kiff quand meme
Commentary n° 17
Posted by big_dream on 02/10/2007 at 18:01:24
j'en é pleré telemen elle é bien cet zikrnsurtou lé parole rnmoi sa me
fé pensé a mon prmier lovernj'kiff sérieu!!!!
Commentary n° 16
Posted by soukii on 30/09/2007 at 19:05:28
je kiff cete song sa me rapel mon chriii
Commentary n° 15
Posted by Pauliin3 on 30/09/2007 at 16:49:55
Putiin cette ziik' elle me faiis pleuréé :(rnrnElle es Magnifiik'
Commentary n° 14
Posted by F2RGIE on 24/09/2007 at 03:01:12
Commentary n° 13
Posted by mareva on 21/09/2007 at 03:09:30
j'adore tr cette chanson mme le chanteur
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1 AnswerLanguages1 decade agoWhat is this song?!!? :(:(:(?
here are some of the lyrics.... it's a rap song and this is the rapping part after the chorus... pleas help.. i really love this song.
what do you see.. when you're lookin at me?
comin from nothin, now im livin my dreams...
2 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoPLEASE HELP :( anyone who knows french rap?
so today in the car my bro was listening to this rap that was in french... there were songs like feel good inc. and 1 thousand miles... but in french rapping..... he said it's called like deomay... or something but i can't find it exactly so has anyone ever heard of this? please help cuz i really like this music and want it for my zune :)
4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoPlEaSe HeLp I rEaLlY liKe ThIs SoNg?
okay idk what its called
im pretty sure its older
i can't understand the words very well but i think it says like
"burn in the name, seein your body don't want to, but you know, that i go, " or something like that it's not country or rap really it;s like pop
r n b
3 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoDo you think I have small eyes??! (PIXX*)?
okay sometimes people say i have chinese eyes... nothing wrong with that so don't be offended if ur chinese but they say my eyes are really small and squinty.... so what can i do to make them look bigger?
Thanks :)
30 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoHow old do you think i look?
lots of people say i look older than i really am... so what does everyone else think??
Thanks :)
54 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoHey guys and girls!!! help please!!!! (kinda long)?
Hi. so there is this guy that i have know for a few years and we went out last summer, not very long but it was a good relationship. anyways, we broke up but we have still liked each other and flirt and everything... so on new years, he had a GF but she doesnt live here so he was flirting with me and we hugged and stuff, he dumped her the next day and said he loved me.... he got his texting taken away for a month and then when we talked again, he only liked me a little, then we started talking again and he kissed me and a bunch of other stuff but he said he really liked me but just didn't want a gf yet..... then a week later he has a girlfriend!!!!!
1-should i be mad/sad/ etc?
2-is he a jerk?
3-should i talk to him?
i cant today cuz its his bday i dont wanna ruin it lol but yea
Thanks soooo much!!!! :)
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHelp!! guys and girls :D?
Hi everyone! haha okay so i was just wondering if you think this guy likes me? okay lol so i went out with him last year but we were always too shy to talk to each other in person so we mostly texted but we still sat by each other and hugged and hung out sometimes too... we just didn't talk that much lol. okay so anyway this year we kinda started talking more.. we text sometimes and talk on the phone for like hours sometimes. Also sometimes he asks me retarded questions that are like funny, also, sometimes in one of my classes he will ask me for help even though im at the very front of the class and he is in the back and there is like lots of people back there that could help him, but he asks me. and my friend said he was staring at me and sometimes i see him looking at me. I like him so i was just wondering if you thought he liked me!!
-Thanks!!! :)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫*DaRk BlUe***♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪?
♫-This night's a perfect shade of dark blue, dark blue, have you ever been alone in a crowded room, while i'm here with you. I said the world could be burning down. Dark blue, dark blue have you ever been alone in a crowded room? well i'm here with you, I said the world could be burning 'til there's nothing but Dark blue.... Just dark blue
3 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoHELP??? GUYS PLZ! but girls can help too haha :)?
ok so i like this guy and last week it really seemed like he liked me but this week we aren't like that as much anymore.. so im afraid ill completly lose him so what are some good flirting tips? we already kinda giggle together all the time but i want to make him fall for me so what could i do? here's some stuff about him... He's really hot, he's a skater, he is funny like today in math we were talking about cars and ya its a long story but anyway lol he's really cool so please give me some tips!!!
Thanks a lot!!!!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoSkater guys only!!! plz plz help!!!?
ok so there are lots of skater guys at my school and i really like them.. i have dated like4 of them. but what do skaters look for in a girl? please say hair color.. hair style.. clique.... style..... and whatever else u can think of!!!! thanks!
10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHELP!!!! Boys only please......?
ok... so there's this guy i like (Im a girl by the way) and im not sure if he likes me but i kinda think so... like in science him and his friend that likes me where gonna come sit by me and my friend cuz they needed help on the project.... so his friend was gonna sit by me but the guy i like pushed him over and sat by me first... also i laugh a lot and he always smiles at me when im laughing.. then he told me to write him a note so in math he's like do u like my friend? and i told him ya but i like someone else better (him) so i wrote him a note and asked who he liked but he told me to tell him first so we were kinda flirting like "no u tell me first lol" then he's like i can't cuz my tummy hurts lol then class was over... so do u think he likes me??????? please read the whole thing and only nice answers please....
16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoName help? Anyone who speaks French?
Hi, my middle name is Michaux. It is a French name. I was wondering if it had any meaning. It is pronounced Ma-shay. So anyone who speaks French should help me out!!! :)
9 AnswersLanguages1 decade agodo i dogs work with zunes?
i got a zune and i was just wondering if and i dog would work with it.
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago