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I have 2 kids 2 fantastic dogs a cockerspaniel and a dauchshund in my spare time like going out with friends 80s hairband music family and friends

  • Color TV Question Can Someone Please Help?

    I have a sansui tube tv it was manufactured in 2009 the color in the tv is great but the people looked sunburned I called the manufacturer and they said to reset it to the manufacturer setting which I did but the people still looked sunburned I tried adjusting all my settings no luck can anyone please help me thanks

    2 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • Unemployment/Earned Income Credit?

    Ok I need some help on this one my friend Is upset with me because she has not worked any this year and was recieving unemployment but right now her benefits are suspended because she wasn't looking for work my question Is we were discussing Income Tax Returns she told me her sister was gonna allow her to claim her 2 children on her tax return my friend has no children of her own she says she was claiming them because she needs the earned income credit and was gonna split It with her sister I told my friend she will not get any earned income credit cause she didn't work any this year and that all she will get back Is what she paid In federal taxes she tells me Iam incorrect she Is expecting a 5000 plus tax return when It comes time to file i believe she will be disappointed but If she reads other peoples answers she might stop with this

    5 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Unemployment Question?

    OK I need some help here I am trying to see If I was taken or not I loaned a friend/neighbour some money well when It came to paying me back she said someone reported her to unemployment for not looking for work and she is recieving zero unemployment I thought that when It was an overpayment or something you pay so much back because they deduct it from future checks I was out getting the mail today and she was as well and she got something from unemployment which looked like one of the notices you get when they deposit money onto the debit card I do not believe unemployment takes her whole check each week I called unemployment but they said they couldn't tell me anything this is the state of illinois we live in

    6 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Is anyone elses facebook down right now?

    I am trying to log into my facebook it is telling me account unavailable temporary site issue is anyone else having this problem right now

    8 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • Hot Water Heater Problem?

    Ok here is my issue the beginning of November I started having only 4 minutes of hot water I have a 30 gallon hot water heater the landlord sent a plumber to fix problem he said it was an element problem not fixed then he said a thermostat problem not fixed then it was a tube in the water heater problem still not fixed so they installed a new one still the same problem what could this possibly be since plumber don't know what he is doing plz help

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Son throwing up blood?

    i would like to ask other peoples opinion I have done suggested my son see a Dr but he uses the excuse he has No insurance and can't afford to go to a Dr i told him make payments but he wont listen he is only 19 he has been telling me his stomach bothers him alot and that he is throwing up now he told me today he has been throwing up blood I am concerned I don't live near my son but i'd like an idea what might be going on

    7 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Hernia Question Please Help?

    I went to my Dr and he said I had an umbilical hernia I have an appointment next week to see a surgeon some of my symptoms I am experiencing are the outie belly button loss of appetite constipation bloating and pain in the area I feel fine thru the day but at night I can't sleep because of the discomfort from the hernia It feels like I am really having alot of indigestion is there something I could take for relief until I get into the surgeon Thanks for any help is this normal to feel like this

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Swollen Abdomen/ Constipation?

    I went to the ER on 12-31-10 because my abdomen was swollen and I was having constipation they did xrays and a complete blood work and says everything was normal but after 8 days I still have constipation and abdominal swelling when I was in the Er they said I had gastroenteritis If I use a stool softner I have a bowel movement I can't afford to go back to the E because I lost my insurance and I am having trouble finding a DR who will take me because I have no insurance my appetite hasn't been really great either other than what I mentioned I feel fine what could possibly be wrong or what can I do to feel better my stomach feels like it could explde

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Unemployment Question?

    I have been recieving unemployment since November 2009 my benefit year recently ended and I recieved a new wage earning sheet telling me my new benefit amout, and that my year ends In 2011, I filed my claim certification on November 8th but when I called teleserve this morning to check my payment status It says my benefits have been suspended I have no idea why and when you call unemployment you never get thru to them does anyone know why this would happen? I live in Illinois If this helps

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Relationship Advice Please Answer?

    I have been seeing a guy I really like for about 5 weeks things were going great until last weekend he told me he wanted to put are relationship on hold we didn't talk for a few days then on Tuesday he called me and wanted to work things out and I gave him another chance well last night he told me he doesn't know what he wants he don't know how to express himself and that he thinks he's going crazy some added details his wife died almost 5 yrs ago and I'm the first girl he has dated since then and he likes to drink everyday I'm not sure how to handle things If he calls me again saying he wants to see me again I would appreciate some advice

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Landlord Retaliation Need Help basically He Is Evicting Me?

    I have lived at my apartment 15 months on a month to month lease I have had several repair issuses but the landlord didnt return calls or come to my apartment 2 weeks ago we had a heavy rain my sons window had been eaking for months it flooded his floor the kitchen window leaked as well my wall caved in big time for 5 days I never heard from him so a friend called the city inspector he came to my apartment cited many violations the ladlord showed up today with 2 papers 1 saying he was raising my rent 50.00 per month effective sept 1st the 2nd one said if I cant afford it sign it and be gone by sept 1st this is a four family apt 1 other tenant lives here and he did ot raise there rent he has called me nasty words several times and his repairman threatend my son is there anything I can do? Please dont send me things telling me to go to websites I dont do those spam websites I want help from people whos been thru this or is a landlord thats decent thank you 10 points for best answer no unkind remarks please

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Renters Question About Damage To My Apartment?

    Last night we had a bad rainstorm one of the windows in my apt has leaked for over a year also one in the kitchen I have told the landlord numerous times last night in my sons room was standing water it ruined his bed his ipod his ipod speakers and in the kitchen the wall behind my stove caved in I now a have a big hole and the carpet in my sons room stinks yes I am looking to move is there any way of making my landlord pay me for damages since this has been ongoing please do not respond to this if you are gonna direct me to these bogus websites thanks for your help

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Garnishment Question?

    I was needing to ask I am recieving unemployment for right now it is fixing to run out very soon my child support has stopped all together what I want to know is can unemployment be garnished for a consent judgement I never went to court the lawyer office told me to pay 50 per month ive ben paying for 2 yrs but im having financial trouble i tried to re negotiate the amount i pay but the lawyer office told me to pan handle can unemployment be garnished for a consent judgement

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How To Handle This Situation Broken Tooth From A Pizza?

    Ok I will ask this question differentl since the last time I previously ask it People were very cruel and unkind I ordered a pizza from a major pizza chain in the pizza was a hard piece of something dark brown very hard about the size of a pea a bit bigger I contacted the establishment and took the particle in question to them for lab analysis anyways part of my tooth broke off all they did is refund the 6.45 for the pizza and offered some free food but nothing about my tooth it shouldnt matter they offered me free food the particle broke my tooth off i dont want to file a law suit but i d not have dental insurance and was told the tooth would need root canal and crown i look at it like this you order a pizza to enjoy not break your tooth off all you people who say i shouldnt do nothing then explain to me if it were you or a memeber of your family how would you handle it you would just pay the 1000 it will cost for exam xrays root canal and crown

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • Unemployment Question?

    Ok First off I called the Unemployment office but they wouldnt help me so Im asking if anyone on here can help I have 1 week of regular unemployment left then I go into extention mode I lost my job in Oct 2009 my benefit year ends Oct 2010 when I applied for unemployment they use Base Period Quarters And Wages Paid based on 3-2008 4-2008 1-2009 2-2009 how are they figured and what base quarters will they use to figure my 20 week extention I worked for same employer for 3 yrs made the same amount of pay each week my last day of work was 10-19-2009 will I qualify for the 20 week extention? Thanks For the help since Unemployment couldnt tell me nothing

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • About 8000 Tax Credit?

    Im a bit confused so I wanted to ask someone knowledgeable my daughter is talking about buying a house and she is saying the 8000 tax credit is a down payment for the house I thought this was something you claim on your tax return is this taxcredit an actual down payment or just a break on the tax retrn

    6 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Wage Garnishment Question?

    I have a question I hope someone can help me with I have been out of work since Oct 2009 and have been drawing unemployment which is not enough to live off of to pay all my bills to get to my question I fell behind on a couple of loans thru these rinky dink fiance companys i have stayed in contact with them and have even paid when I could but I am behind and they are starting to pressure me anyways my unemployment is running out in 3 weeks and they havent signed any extentions so I will have no income I cant find a job I have tried to negotiate a lower payment with them but they wont work with me what can I do and what can happen please no mean remarks

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • Garnishment Question For Back State Of Illinois Taxes?

    My neighbour recieved a letter from the state of Illinois saying he owes back taxes to the state of Illinois they took his 25.00 check he was recieving for prescription reinbursement the letter doesnt say how much he owes he is disabled nd is worried they may take his food stamps or garnish his social security disabilty check they are already taking child support out of his social security check can his check be garnished for back taxes to the state of illinois

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Standing Water Inside My Water Meter?

    Can someone please anwser this I have had a leak in my bath tub I have tried telling the landlord this is what is making my bill higher than normal he said i was in correct I opened my water meter which is in front of my apt the little rd thing was turning as i figured but had a substanual amount of standing water in my meter why would this be

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I am hearing what sounds like water running from faucets but none are turned on?

    I need someones help I am hearing what sounds like water runing from my hot water faucet and also my cold water faucet in my bathtub under my kitchen sink and bathroom sink but no water is running and I have no leaks as far as drips what could possibly be going on please could someone anwser

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago