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Lv 31,043 points

I am Ramona.

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I'm Ramona. I'm from the UK but I'm often in another country. That's all there is to really say.

  • His ex is interfering!?

    I have been with my boyfriend for over 8 months and our relationship has been going so well.

    Throughout our relationship, his ex has been messaging him asking him if she can go round to his house to stay the night. At first I laughed at her for being so pathetic but it really is getting to me now.

    I have had enough. I have told him how I feel about it but I'm not one to check his phone and Facebook to see if she has stopped asking him.

    I only see him at weekends due to distance but she lives close to him. At the moment I do trust him but if this continues I don't think I will.

    They split up over two years ago so I don't know why she feels the need to message him as much as she does.

    I know he really does care about me, but this situation is so upsetting I'm not sure what to do about it!

    I have the right mind to message her and tell her to **** off but I'm not that childish!

    What would you do in this situation?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • would this hair suit me? how would i go about cutting it like this?

    just wondering how i'd go about cutting a fringe (bangs) like this?

    i'm not sure if it will even suit me. i just love that hairstyle.

    that is my current hairstyle (except from the colour, my hair is now purple and blue)

    it's not a great picture of me i do realise that.

    could someone please give me honest advice? what do you think would suit me?

    thanks :)

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Pink dye over light green hair?

    I'd like to dye my hair Hot Hot Pink by Manic Panic but with slight purple tones in it.

    My hair is currently very light green, except at the roots where it is still blue. I've promised myself I wouldn't bleach my hair again until my roots come through as I'm quite happy with the condition of my hair.

    I've tried using fairy dish liquid to fade my hair and cheap shampoo, it's worked but not at the roots.

    I've been thinking about using a lightener on my roots to try and fade them? I need to do something as my hair looks terrible, apparently hair strippers don't work well on blue/green hair.

    Dying my hair brown or black is not an option.

    I could also bite my lip and use a lightener all over my hair to see what happens.

    What would you suggest?

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • I don't know what I've done wrong. Should I text him and ask him?

    I was going out with this man who all of a sudden stopped texting me and stopped coming to see me. I wasn't clingy and I was nothing but nice to him.

    So I'm not sure why he did it but it's really getting to me because I really don't know what I've done wrong.

    Seeing him in person isn't something I'd like to do because it'd be really awkward.

    I was just going to leave it and let it pass. But I feel as though I have a right to find out.

    Should I text him saying something like "I'm not sure what I've done to piss you off but whatever it is I'm sorry"

    I might not get a text back but then at least he'll realise he's been a complete dick.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Just got into a relationship. Do you think he's putting off seeing me?

    I just got into a relationship with a man. We've been going out for 5 days now.

    He's unlike any man I've ever been out with. He's 10 years older than me for a start. (I'm 20 and he's 30)

    But all the others I've been out with who are around my age have tried to take advantage of me, they want to move on too fast as well. I got sick of it. It's made me paranoid that I'm being used and there's always things going through my head about it. They've also randomly stopped talking to me or have put off seeing me then we eventually stop talking then like 2 weeks later I see they're in a relationship with someone else.

    This man is nothing like them. He's such a nice guy and he's always running around after me and he's always offering to buy me things. (To which I politely say no to) We've spent a lot of our time with each other kissing, cuddling and talking. He told me that he's scared of doing anything beyond kissing that I'm uncomfortable with and that it's also too soon. (I agree that it's too soon). If I'm being honest it shocked me when he said that. He just seems so caring and I really like him. He also talks about us doing things as a couple together in the future.

    He's working a lot at the moment and I haven't seen him for a few days but I'm getting worried that he doesn't really want to be with me. I'm probably just being really stupid, but nearly every guy I've been with in the past has done this to me and I really don't want it to happen again.

    I don't show him that I feel like this and I'm trying not to be clingy. I did text him asking him if he wants to see me again soon and he apologised and explained about work to which I replied saying I understand.

    There's just something about this man that I really like and I really want this relationship to work.

    Am I just being stupid with thinking that he doesn't really want to see me? I understand that he has to work and he has friends to see, but I'd just like to put my mind to rest about all of this.

    Thank you! :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do strange things happen when a loved one dies?

    Last year a friend was telling me about her Grandad passing away. She said that when he did pass her clock stopped and the photo of him she had hanging in her room fell down and the frame smashed.

    I didn't believe her.

    Then in May my Grandpa died. He's the first person in my family that has died since I was born.

    But before I knew I was drying my hair with the hair dryer that he gave me. It worked perfectly then all of a sudden smoke started coming from it. I also got a really strange feeling in my stomach.

    Shortly after my Dad got a call saying that my Grandpa had just passed away. For some reason I knew exactly what the call was about before he answered the phone. While the phone was ringing I felt very nauseous.

    Do you think this is just a coincidence? I wanted to tell my Mum about it to see what she think but I really don't want to upset her.

    7 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • 19 and wrinkles under my eyes,?

    I'm 19 and I noticed when I was 18 that I started to get wrinkles under my eyes!

    They've just got worse I think, I now have more wrinkles and slight bags under my eyes. The skin around my eyes has started to look dark as well and I'm starting to get horrible circles around them too. :(

    I don't sleep very well. I don't sleep for as long as I should and I'm always tired.

    Do you think this is why?

    How can I get rid of them? Do you know of anything I could buy from shops like Boots or Superdrug that'll help?

    The most important questions are will they actually go and why is this happening.


    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Is there a way that I can appear offline to one person on Facebook chat?

    I want to stay online to everyone else.

    This person keeps bugging me and I'd just like to avoid them for a bit. Blocking them isn't an option because I don't want them off my friends list completely.

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerFacebook10 years ago
  • I need help with losing weight.?

    I'm going on holiday to Italy in August next year and I really want to lose weight so I look better in a bikini.

    I'm almost 19 and I'd like to drop at least 2 sizes. I'm currently size UK 16 and I'd love to be at least a size 12 for when I go. My target for the start of 2013 is to be a size 10 though.

    In January I decided to be a vegetarian. So I no longer eat greasy KFCs or McDonald's.

    I now have a pretty healthy diet. Junk food doesn't appeal to me any more, it actually makes me feel sick if I do have any so I pretty much stay away from it.

    Most of my dinners are basically vegetables and Quorn. If you don't know what Quorn is, it's pretty much fake chicken.

    My dinner portions are much smaller than they used to be. I can't eat as much as I used to.

    I recently started exercising everyday. I get up at 5am and go running for an hour. Then 3 or 4 days a week I go swimming for an hour straight after.

    It's hard work and it makes my body ache but I don't mind too much.

    I can't afford to go to the gym at the moment but I have my own rowing machine, I haven't started to use it yet.

    Does anyone know any healthy vegetarian meals that will make the process easier/quicker?

    Any exercise tips would be much appreciated too.

    Also, do you think it's possible for me to reach my goal on time? If not how long do you think it will take?

    Thanks :D

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Will my asthma clear up if I stop smoking?

    I've been smoking for 6 years and a few years ago I got asthma.

    I've recently got into exercising a lot but my asthma gets really bad. I'm really trying to get fit and I don't want asthma to stop me.

    Do you think that stopping smoking would help clear my asthma up a bit?

    I now realise that smoking is the stupidest thing I've ever done, I'm 19 and I'm definitely ready to give it up.

    10 AnswersRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • I hate my life. Keep breaking down. Help.?

    For the past year I've hated my life and I just want it to end now I've had enough. I've disliked my life since I was about 9. But now it's just getting to me so much.

    Idk what's wrong with me.

    I'm 18 years old, I have 3 friends and I only see one of them and she makes me feel even worse about myself.

    I can't talk to the others about anything. Because I've tried and they didn't seem to care.

    I've loved someone for nearly 4 years. I finally got him but he pushed me around, used me and made me feel terrible.

    My parents don't understand. I've told my Mum so many times that I hate my life and I want to get out of this area but she doesn't really say a lot to that.

    I also don't have a job. I'm sending my CV to places everyday and have been doing for ages but no one wants to employ me.

    Everyone I know has a job.

    I used to be happy as a little kid but then I moved out of the area and all the kids in the school I went to bullied me and made my life hell. I then developed anger problems and got myself suspended quite a lot of times by lashing out at the people who bullied me. The teachers never understood they always turned around and called me the bully.

    Since then I've hated how I look. My parents didn't buy me nice clothes and now they don't really buy me anything at all so I have to make a very small amount of money stretch to pay for my phone and other things that I need. I feel fat and asked my Mum to help pay for gym membership but she said no.

    Every time I feel like trying to do something with my life there's always someone who has to knock me back.

    Nothing ever goes right for me either. Every nice thing I've ever had has broken. I'm the loser person in the area who has no friends or boyfriend. My plans go wrong, I can't get a job and my parents ALWAYS let me down with things.

    I just feel like crap now. I keep getting angry over nothing. I mean I have anger problems but they were never like this before. But I feel as though I just want my life to end quickly because of how much I hate my life. I feel as though I have nothing to live for.

    I've gone through life caring about other people (I actually wanted to be a carer for the elderly) so I just don't understand why my life is so fked up.

    What do I do? I want to meet some people who I can get on with. I need someone close to me who'll just give me a hug and talk to me. :/

    What do I do about all of this?

    Apart from that I don't really know what I'm asking.

    Please help me.

    2 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • what's wrong with my hamsters face?

    i just went to go and look at my hamster and one of his eyes are missing?! (i think)

    half of his face has gone weird. like the fur has come off and i think it's gone black in some places?

    what's wrong with him? :(

    3 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • Campsites that accept teenagers in Lincolnshire?

    Me and some friends wanted to go camping this month in Skegness area.

    I've contacted so many campsites and every single one has said that they don't accept groups of teenagers!

    I'm 18 and I'm going with five friends who are 17.

    Does anyone in Lincolnshire know of any campsites that would accept us? Preferably not too far from the coast (Skegness, Ingoldmells, Mablethorpe etc)

    Even if it's not near the coast, we'd accept anything atm.


    2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom10 years ago
  • Are my snake bite piercings getting infected?

    I got snake bite piercings on Tuesday.

    I keep getting paranoid that they're getting infected even though I clean them around 3-4 times a day with salt water and antiseptic spray.

    They're a bit red at the moment but I do keep catching them on my teeth. They also hurt slightly and the bars were too long but they're starting to feel tighter.

    Also they aren't even. One piercing is lower down than the other. I'm really hoping it's because of swelling that's moved it slightly. When the piercer marked where she was going to put the bars, they looked pretty even.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • really bad leg pain. please help.?

    yesterday i was out with friends and the top of my left leg started hurting and it felt like it needed clicked so i eventually did. the pain went for a few minutes then came back so i left it.

    today i woke up and it was so painful. it took me ages to get out of bed. and i found it difficult to walk.

    right now i'm in bed and can't move my body because of the pain. it hurts so much.

    the pain has just got worse throughout the day and painkillers aren't working. it's actually reduced me to tears. no one is in and i can't get through to my mum.

    anyone have any idea what this is and what i can do?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Should I move in with my Grandmother and be her carer?

    I live in a village with a town close by and I've really hated it here since I was about 10. I'm now 18 and recently left college and I've been looking for a job for a while.

    The reason why I hate it here is because it seems that everyone who lives here doesn't get very far in their lives. They're still working in dead end jobs by the time they're 40 and I really don't want my life to be like that.

    I also feel as though I don't fit in because everyone is related. I've never had any family living round here.

    Anyway. I live with my parents and brother and I really want to get a job and move out. Really want to be a police officer but they wont be recruiting for another five years so obviously looking for something else until then. It's not as easy as it sounds, there's absolutely no jobs going.

    I moved into this area as a little kid and I've always wanted to move out back to where I lived before. As it happens, my Nana lives in the area where I used to live. And she can't cope on her own any more. She has a carer but has to pay out a lot of money which she worked really hard for before she retired. She lives on her own in a three bedroomed house. And my Dad has said before that she'd really like it if I went to go and live with her and it would be a lot of help for her. I could also be her carer instead.

    If I do this there will be A LOT of responsibility involved. I'll be looking after myself as well as her and her house. I'll be doing her weekly shop and I'll be cooking all of her food, cleaning her house, keeping her garden tidy and obviously helping her with things that she can't do anymore.

    I know that it would really be stressful as I will have gone for having most of them things done for me by my parents to doing it all myself. And I realise that it will be really difficult to get used to. But I think in the long run it will help me and her.

    Also I don't see how I could work and look after her at the same time. Is there any sort of carer's allowance I could get until I hopefully get a higher paying job where I'd be able to help pay for someone else to take care of her while I work?

    Do you think moving in with my Nana would be the right thing to do?

    Any help on anything like Carers allowance would be great. Thanks.

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • why is he doing this?

    I'm 18 and i have a 19 year old boyfriend.

    I've loved him for just over 3 years now. Through them 3 years we've had a bit of a history. We've spent a fair amount of time with each other and 4 days ago he asked me out.

    What gets me is that he doesn't bother texting in the day. Like today I was at my Grandads funeral and he hasn't text me all day to see how I am.

    He came online on fb earlier and signed out about 30 seconds later. Without saying hi or anything. The first day we got together I spent the night at his and it went so well, we just cuddled all night.

    Since then I haven't seen him. And I have spoken to him but not a lot.

    What's going on? I don't want to ask him.

    What was the point in him asking me out if he's not even bothering? I really don't need this right now as I'm really upset about my Grandad still.

    What do I do? I don't want to break up with him. We need to give it a chance. :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Funeral soon. I don't know what to wear.?

    My Grandpa died on Saturday so his funeral is coming up.

    I know it shouldn't really matter but I really don't know what to wear. I'm going to be wearing black. I'd like to wear a black dress but I've looked on the New Look, Dorothy Perkins, Choice and BooHoo websites and there isn't anything that I could wear to a funeral.

    I've never been to a funeral so I really don't know.

    Help would be very much appreciated.

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Can't wrap my head around it.?

    My Mum just text me saying:

    "Grandpa is very poorly but quite calm now and not waking up any more.. he is peaceful.."

    He's dead?

    He's had cancer for so long now and My Mum rushed to go and see him the other day because he got really, really bad.

    I don't even know what I'm asking. I'm shaking and I feel physically sick.

    I'm not heartless btw. I can't think straight..

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I have tonsillitis. Can I smoke?

    I guess not as my doctor told me not to. He gave me antibiotics and now the pain is starting to go but now I'm really craving a cigarette. Will it make things worse if I have one?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago