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Rainbow Dash

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  • Aren't I a living testament to why the 10 Commandments should be in school?

    No one ever taught me it was bad to kill people. I grew up my whole life without this knowledge. I killed my wife, my second wife, and all of my children. I almost killed my third wife but a God-loving Christian showed me the Bible and the 10 Commandments. After I read "thou shalt not kill" I knew why no one loved me and I changed my life around and now I am a good person.

    No one should have to go through what I did. Put the 10 Commandments in schools.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why don't I feel empathy for women?

    I don't have anything against women but for some reason I could see one being slaughtered right in front of me and I wouldn't feel any empathy.

    Is there something wrong with my brain? Like a chemical imbalance or something? Why does this apply only to women?

    5 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why are atheists allowed rights in this Christian nation?

    Personally I think they should be hanged each and every one of them along with those fuƒcking Muslims sandnigƒger.

    9 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • If God is omnibenevolent but omnipotent, doesn't that mean he could potentially be the most evil being in existence?

    Omnibenevolent means perfectly good.

    But let's say, I create a laptop and say it's "perfectly good". A perfectly good laptop would not even have potential to crash. If it had the potential to crash, then it would not be perfect.

    Yet, God has the potential to be the most evil being in existence. So doesn't that mean he is not perfectly good? Aren't omnipotence and omnibenevolence contradictory?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Doesn't illegalizing prostitution promote the spread of STDs and sex trafficking?

    Tell me, if you were going to pay a woman to have sex, which would you prefer:

    1. A woman who could have tons of STDs, is possibly a victim of sex trafficking, and you could be arrested for having sex with, or

    2. A woman who is guaranteed by the government not to carry STDs, is experienced in her field, and is completely legal to sleep with?

    Which would you prefer?

    See, in Australia, some parts of government regulated brothels.

    This means, the government makes sure that none of the women are carrying STDs.

    Black markets are created through making something illegal. Such as, Prohibition created the black market for alcohol. After Prohibition ended, the black market for alcohol disappeared.

    The black market for prostitution is sex trafficking. If prostitution is illegal, there's no need for a black market, so it dissipates.

    Again, ask yourself: Would you rather buy an inexperienced woman who is a victim of sex trafficking and possibly carries a ton of STDs, or a woman who you know carries no STDs and has experience?

    Making prostitution illegal encourages sex trafficking incredibly.

    Plus, it also promotes the spread of STDs since you don't know what you're getting.

    If we just had government regulated brothels like Australia, we would be saving many more women from abuse and disease.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why did God command his people to spare the virgins?

    "Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

    - Numbers 31:17-18

    God wanted the soldiers to spare all the young female virgins.

    What did God plan to have the soldiers do with them and why did they need to be virgins?

    What divine loving plan did God have in store for these girls?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why don't we falsify Christian's falsifiable claims?

    Christians like to make a lot of unfalsifiable claims and shift the goal posts around.

    However, Christians do make many falsifiable claims.

    Such as, many Christians will say that all atheists "know the truth" and really do believe in God.

    This is falsifiable.

    Why don't we put a bunch of atheists on a lie detector and ask them if they believe in God or not?

    This would prove whether the Christian's claim is right or wrong.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How is a tone sent from an electronic device to headphones/speakers?

    There's a bunch of stuff that explains how headphones play different tones, but how is a tone sent from the device to the headphones/speakers? How is the device able to tell the headphones/speakers what tone to play?

    If you don't know, I would appreciate at least being linked to a source.

    If you do answer, I would like your answer to be pretty specific without much generalizations. Such as, don't say "through electricity". Well, duh. But I want a specific answer. Such as, even the voltages that are set for the ring and the tip of the jack. I am specifically referring to speakers/headphones that use 2.5mm jacks. I don't know if there's any differences in 2.5mm and 3.5mm besides the diameter. I think they're the same but not 100% sure.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • I hear and feel thing that aren't real. What does this mean?

    A lot of the times I'll hear thing like my alarm going off even if I'm not even in the same building as it. Sometimes I'll hear people calling for me even though no one's around. Sometimes I'll feel like someone's grabbing me and I'll get really uneasy even if I'm in a room alone.

    It really bothers me. Sometimes if I'm anticipating a sound, I'll hear it even if it doesn't exist. Like once a teacher asked me to open the door if anyone knocks, and I would repeatedly hear knocks but it would just be all in my head and so I was really frustrated by such a simple request.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Big poop made my anus bleed?

    Okay, I'm not even trolling.

    I had to poop and it was really big and really hard to get out and kinda hurt. After I was done, I wiped and there was blood.

    How bad is this? Will it heal naturally or should I be worried?

    It doesn't hurt or anything.

    8 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • Am I the only one who finds Miley Cyrus hideously ugly?

    Today, some people in class were talking about how beautiful Miley Cyrus is.

    I just can't understand this.

    How do you find this THING attractive?

    Do I just have bad tastes? It's hideous!

    13 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • I'm afraid of not being mentally stable?

    I tend to get really depressed because I don't see a future for myself at all. I'm very antisocial, and I am completely in the closet about being transgendered, which is rather frustrating as well. I also have problems with getting depressed really easily and taking mistakes too harshly.

    All these things seem to be working away my mind and I feel a little less sane every day. My biggest fear is that I'm not going to be mentally suitable for work.

    I actually did have a job before during a summer before. But I ended up quitting it because a manager kept on putting me down and I started to get really depressed. I also had to quit it because I opted to take some very difficult classes, which are also stressful, and I want to limit the stress on my mind so I don't get so depressed that I turn to bad things.

    Everyone says that if you are depressed, then tell someone you trust. The issue is, I don't trust anyone. Not a single soul on this planet has yet to earn my trust.

    They also say to tell like a doctor or something. But I'm so anti social, I can't ever build up the courage for it. Plus, I'm extremely paranoid about my parents finding out. I have an irrational fear of them finding out I get depressed easily, and I have a very rational fear about them finding out I'm a closeted transgender.

    I don't really have a clue what to do.

    A couple days ago, I had a dream that's been bothering me as well. It was a dream, so it rather ridiculous, but it was the decisions I made in the dream that bother me.

    So, in the dream, for some reason or another, the sun went out, and the Earth was going to freeze over in two days (don't know why two days). In the first day, my family mostly spent time trying to find a way to survive. In the second day, on the second night, it started to get cold, and we all knew we would freeze to death overnight. I reflected on my life, and realized it wasn't very fulfilling. I never got to be myself, and now I never would be. I was still so afraid of my parent's judging me, that in the last moments, I decided to just take my secrets to my grave.

    This dream bothers me because I don't want my life to end like that.

    I don't want to be so afraid that I never be myself, and keep myself locked away until I die.

    Even though the dream was ridiculous, it was a dream, so it felt real, and I felt what it was like to die. And I don't want to go down this path.

  • Why isn't Creation Theory recognized as a scientific theory?

    Scientific theories must be able to:

    1. Explain natural phenomena.

    2. Make accurate predictions about natural world.

    Creation Theory explains many natural phenomena, such as rainbows (Genesis 9:13).

    It also makes many accurate predictions that have been proven to be true, such as, snakes used to have legs but now don't*, the Universe has a beginning**, we are made up of small particles in which we cannot see***, that the earth is spherical****, that some parts of the earth are day while other parts are night*****, and many more.

    * = Genesis 3:14

    ** = Genesis 1:1

    *** = Hebrews 11:3

    **** = Isaiah 40:22

    ***** = Luke 17:34-36

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why isn't the Bible considered a scientific theory?

    a scientific theory is something that has predictive power.

    the bible says that snakes used to have legs then lost them.

    scientists found that snakes used to have legs but evolved them away.

    therefore, the bible is correct in its prediction.

    therefore, it's a scientific theory.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is it bad that I never wear a seatbelt?

    Because I hope that maybe there will be a wreck and I won't survive?