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  • What are the hard to find McDonald Monopoly Pieces for this year 2012?

    For those who are collecting the game pieces for this years game. Can you tell me the monopoly pieces that are needed and hard to get to complete each monopoly on the board? If you can tell me all the hard ones to get this year and I can verify it with the multiples I do have for certain monopolies on the game, it will earn you 10 points. :)

    8 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years ago
  • I've been falling asleep sitting up in a chair, while doing things like typing on the computer, or....?

    scratching off a lotto ticket. Mostly because of my pain medicine. It doesn't bother me, it feels quite pleasant in fact. However I started noticing something really weird that I've never done before. I don't know if this is just dreaming. Because I'll fall asleep, and I may dream/visitualize talking to someone, and sometimes I wake up giving my response to a question they asked, like mmhmm or nodding my head or shaking my head no. Sometimes I verbalize an an answer, other time's just make the physical motion, sometimes both. It feels very strange. It takes me only a second to figure out that I had just fallen a sleep, and that there isn't anyone there that had been talking to me.

    Still I don't understand why this is occuring. It never use to happen before. If I'm not mistaken REM sleep, when you dream happens after having been a sleep for a while. If I'm only asleep for a short time, is it a dream, is it a hallucination, is it similar to hearing voices? I don't in any way believe them to be real, I don't get worried, or paranoid about things. In fact, I usually forget the question I was answering just as soon as I had woke myself up from answering it.

    Can anyone relate to what I'm talking about? Any theories on why it happens? I mean I do work the night shift, so I'm awake during those regular hours that other people are awake. Funny thing, I just fell asleep with my hand on the space bar. Had a very brief dream about a TSA agent. I've never flown, and never even been in an airport. CAn't remember the context ofthe conversation, but its weird how realalistic it is. And even as I type now, I start to close my eyes and fall into these short moments of sleep. Please can anyone give me some insight on whats goin on?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • My foot hurts so bad, please, any ideas of what is wrong, or how to help it?

    Sorry for the length of the question

    It started about a month ago. I wore a pair of suede boots that were new, and were flats. I wore them for aprox an 8 hour shift, though I spend about 60% of that time at a desk sitting down, so its not overly exerting.

    At the time I didn't feel any pain, I didn't twist or injure it any way that I recall, however the next day I noticed pain in the arch of my foot, and I associated it with the pain you feel after having worn a pair of shoes that are new and haven't been broken in. It wasn't a big deal and I figuerd it would go away.

    Problem is, its about a month later, and the pain is worse then ever. The pain hit about an 8 on the pain scale when I was caring things upstairs to my apartment. I was unable to continue to walk up and carry at the same time. I had to set the items down on the stair, move them up a stair of a time, then follow using the railing to help myself up, avoiding pressure on my foot.

    Then over the last 4-5 days I've been really unlucky in the sense that I've tripped multiple times and each time I land on my left foot, where the injury/pain is, and it's making it so much worse. Right now I'm barely able to step down on it and it really really hurts. Its in the arch of my foot, closer to my big toe, I can bend the toe down with very little discomfort, and if I stretch my foot upwards there is more discomfort in the arch, but not by much. Mostly it is when walking and especially stair climbing where it hurts the worst.

    I don't know what to do to treat it. See I take percocet 10mg four times a day for back pain already. That is more the sufficiant for my back, but its not helping my foot in the least little bit. I tried an anti-imflamatory med like Ibprofen or naproxen, with no relief, and I don't know whats wrong with it, or how best to treat it.

    My doc is out of town until monday, and I already saw him one day out of each of the last two weeks, the first one was a follow up to some test, and the next was due to a sinus infection. I don't really have the money to keep going back, and besides, I don't like going so frequently close together. Still I don't know what to do.

    Please if you have any idea of what the injury might be, if it could be a break in the bone and I should seek medical attention, or if there's a way to bandage it or treat it to soften the pain. I would be so greatful. I'm sure many people have exprience with their own injuries and I welcome their advice, but I hope for a RN or possibly a doc on here who might know. Thank you

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • A friend was carrying 47 vicodin on him with no prescription?

    He was pulled over searched, and they found 47 on him. However the reason the cops were there in the first place, was because they had tracked a phone to the place all my friends were hanging out, because it was the former property of a murder suspect in a near by town.

    They said they weren't going to arrest him, they confiscated the drugs, and they said he would receive papers in the mail with charges brought against him.

    Can they do that? Don't they need to arrest him, have it on record what they were charging him for, and the drugs as evidence. And have an arrainment. I've never heard of being found with something, then saying "we'll get back with you through the mail".

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What does IMO stand for????????????????????????????????????

    Just seeing it lately, never seen it used before.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • I have chronic back pain and I'm looking into treatments to resolve it but...?

    In the mean time the medication is a big issue with the doctor. What I'm prescribed just isn't working anymore and my doctor isn't budging he's almost on the verge of cutting me off because of me pushing for something stronger. I don't know what to do, how to work, how to live at this point, the medication is the only thing that helps. Does anyone know any doctors in the Lansing area that could help me with my medication concerns?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Long story, sort of dramaish, if you don't mind reading, I need some thoughts on this?

    I feel embarrassed asking this, I'm 27 years old and had really put to bed the idea of having a relationship, or falling in love.

    At 16 I was sheltered and shy, and a fool. Omg how I thought I understood love, just about as well as any 16 year old does I guess. I spent the best summer of my life up north, and I met a guy. Five years older, had a touch of a bad boy in him, and knew just how to charm me. I was crazy about him for a couple years before I moved on, realized that it wasn't the kind of love I thought it was. Especially since he didn't love me back. He got married, has 4 kids and I haven't heard from him in 4-5 years.

    Till recently when he's got back in touch. He sounds different, more grown up, like life woke him up a bit. And I'm different, I wouldn't even know the girl I use to be if I was to meet her now. He told me some deep hurts, but not enough to trust that him and his wife are over for good, and now he's planning to come and see me next weekend.

    I don't know what's gotten into my head, I'm nervous and excited, and firm set, and fantasizing at the same time. This is a guy who use to swoop in and get my hopes up, then come crashing down on me in some very cruel ways.

    I don't trust anyone very much anymore. Life just has a way of wearing on you that way, I read people on here all the time, saying that very thing.

    My question is, could this guy have any good intentions here? If all it was was simple friendship before, but I loved him, and he knew how much I loved him. He knows that coming back into my life isn't like saying "hey there old pal whats up", its really rattled me. Do I trust him, should I open up myself to a kind of hurt that I swore I wouldn't let ever happen again?

    I dont' mean to be drenched in drama here, I hate that I'm even thinking these thoughts. I should tell him to leave me be, but hearing from him's opened an old wound. Is it foolish to hope that I could walk away any better then I did before? Its really made me aware of how lonely I feel, and even meeting the new guys I've met in recent months hasn't sparked that feeling. I've felt completely empty, hollow, and like that passion and love is dead in me. I'm afraid to feel it, just to have it go wrong again. Then again, I am feeling it... what should I do.

    Please don't be rude

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What was that game show, I think it was on comedy central or MTV?

    It had Ben Stein as the host, and at one part of the show the contests took turns going into a booth with headphones while the other contestant answered a round of questions.

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What is the allure of vampires?

    No stupid answers please. There's a lot of movies/books other then Twilight and people seem to be enthralled with them. Just wondering why?

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how to block someone on facebook?

    I want to block someone who was a friend. He's turned into a jerk, and I want nothing to do with him.

    I deleted him off my friend list, but does that delete me from his, and block him from being able to view stuff on my facebook page?

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Please let me know your top 3 favorite books and why?

    I enjoy reading as a hobby, but tend to stick with what I know and read the same things over and over. I'm interested in finding some good new books to read, and if you could give your top 3 favorites, along with what there about, and if the story was a good read, in the sense of keeping you on the edge of your seat, flowing well. That sort of thing.

    I like non-fiction, but share whatever you like.


    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What five movies are an absolute got to have for your home collection?

    choose to list five in each catagory or 1 in each of the five catagories. Out of the ones you list, if you could pick a favorite one, tell a little bit about what its about and why you like it so much that would be awesome. I'm always looking for new good movies.



    3. Action

    4. Suspense

    5. Fantasy

    I don't like horror at all so thats why its not in the five categories. I'm not nuts about sci-fi for the most part, but if you want to throw in a really good one as your favorite and say why I'm all ears.

    9 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is a barrel roll?????????????

    I was just answering a question regarding someones friend taking an overdose of medication and people were saying to do a barrel roll. I've never heard of that, what does it mean?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the lyrics to?

    Where's my F***ing jetpack by Tim Wilson?

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • What are some realistic solutions to the Haitian mass grave problem?

    You can read the story on Yahoo, but with all the funding coming in from all over to help the victims of this earthquake, surely there has to be a better solution then mass graves for all the victims of this catastrophy. If this happened where you live, and it was your family members who were being moved into a mass grave, with no efforts to identify any of the victims so that family's could later claim their loved ones body's for a proper burial, the idea is almost unthinkable, yet this is what I've read is happening. I'm curious to hear real honest good answers to this problem.

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • What can I do about the dark circles under my eyes?

    The dark circles under my eyes are getting so much worse. Its not for lack of sleep, may be do to a little bit of excessive sleep, but even if I'm sleeping only 8 hours a day (cause I work overnights) they keep getting darker, and further down my face. I'm only 26, and I look like I never sleep! There not puffy, except for right after I wake up, but then there just sunkin in and black.

    12 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember how to make a fruit fly trap?

    Does anyone remember how to make one?

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Would there be a college course that covered...?

    Would there be a college course that explored doomsday prophecys's? And if there is, what class would it be?