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I am Understanding Wiccan )O( My original was taken down unfairly... Thus to stay a part of this community I am starting over.... I did work hard to get my level and i did work hard to make my friends.... Due to a misunderstanding, my account will not be reinstated.... So I'm here
Unable to move furniture being disabled, can I sue for ADA non-compliance after negligent repairs on apartment?
I live in Arkansas.
My landlord has a track record of being negligent since state law allows him to get away with it and he's outside city limits, while the county has a policy not to get involved unless it becomes a "nuisance property". Except he owns every other property around it, so nobody really gets to complain. There's mold, and I've spent an entire YEAR without overhead lights before, despite having reminded him multiple times.
With physical disability stemming from a genetic condition called neurofibromatosis, I'm unable to do any heavy lifting or shoving/sliding. This is important to the story.
So he says he'll do some repairs, great. I go to my grandparents to house-sit over the holidays since I can't deal with the rest of the family for private reasons. And they work on my place. I get a call saying it's done. I get here. ALL MY HEAVY FURNITURE IS CENTERED IN MY APARTMENT! My bed is LITTERED with both my stuff and their trash. all my electrical cords are jumbled and look like a rats nest, potential fire hazard!
Considering I've told him I've got this condition, and that I've had 3 surgeries that he knows of regarding the tumors, and that ADA includes requirements for accommodating a disabled individual with reasonable services (like moving furniture back after repairs should be), do I have a case for an ADA lawsuit? If so, who do I contact?
Picture of place relevant. Clothes on left hand and sheets in chair side only there after return.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year agoWhat caused this hallucination when I woke up?
Last night, my neighbor said she was dropping her dog off with me for while she worked at 6 a.m. And I'm perfectly fine with that. But I didn't remember anything in the period between then and 1:30 PM. I woke up and the door was unlocked but he wasn't here. I spend a long time searching for him, even knock on her door (he always barks when ANYONE barks) nothing... I look over, and I see what I could SWEAR is his tail disappearing behind a car across the street. Queue an hour search only to result in him NOT only not being loose, but IN her house, meaning I HALLUCINATED the visage of him behind that car. So what caused this hallucination? I'm not on any medications, and the only thing I had before going to sleep was ZzzQuil. And I never have had a hallcination before. Worst I've had is waking up and being unable to move until my body received the message from my brain to start moving.
1 AnswerPsychology4 years agoAre you legally able to run over to another person s house to defend them if they are in danger, after they ve asked you to just in case?
My neighbor, just the next apartment over, has asked me to be ready to rush over after calling the police if things escalate from a situation I m not going to divulge online. If I do, and I have to attack the person harming her, will I land in legal trouble?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agoI m intending to paint a room matte black with green fluorescent climbing vines so that there s a good glow with fluorescent blacklighting.?
It s an efficiency apartment, and I just need to know approximately how much I d need of each material. the biggest variable is the 11 oz cans of spray paint. My neighbor is intending to redo my room for me while I recover from a surgery at my grandparents house, since the landlord likes how she does things and that he doesn t do any upkeep. She d clear it with him to do some custom work. I ve lived here 8 years so I m sure he d be cool with it. Just wanna know the cost before going any further.
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden4 years agoHow do I write a complaint letter to amazon?
I'm a hardcore gamer, and one thing that's bugging me is now they're trying to make you have to have an Amazon Prime membership just to buy a high profile AAA release. Examples are games such as GTA 5 and Fallout 4...
I just wanna know where to send in complaints about this bull.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years agoWhat are your opinion on the idea of being MtF but not feminine?
I do feel like I'm trapped in the wrong body, but at the same time I don't exactly fit with the female gender expression norm either. If anything, I'm more like a tomboy. I like violent and action packed films, games of that nature, everything. I'm one of those girls that puts overly masculine guys in their place on these mediums. So.... What's your opinion on being MtF and a tomboy?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoChristians, If you're so against LGBT individuals based on the bible....?
then why don't you follow the OTHER rules in the bible. If you're pointing to Leviticus, you shouldn't be eating shellfish as that's a sin/abomination, working on Sunday's a sin, a woman wearing jeans is a sin, wearing a piece of clothing made out of more than one material is a sin. If you're gonna exercise and follow ONE rule in that book, you may as well follow all of them, right? What about stoning disobedient children to death?
If you can't bring yourself to follow all of THOSE rules, then don't expect us LGBT folk to follow any of them either. Hypocrisy isn't appealing at all.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat were people who did the "dirty" work for royalty called?
I've always had an interest in history, and sometimes a few things come up that make me curious of certain details. I'm curious of what title some people were given if they were doing "shady" things for those in power. We're talking assassinations, framing competitors... You know, getting things done without the need for war when it was looming. The reason why I ask is that I've been playing an MMO in alpha called ArcheAge and I'm trying to understand the role I'm intending to play.
4 AnswersHistory7 years agoI want to play phantasy star online 2's SEA release, any good free VPN services I could use?
Well, Phantasy Star Online 2 is going to be released in South-East Asia soon, fully translated into English. Unfortunately, the game is going to be IP locked. I know that VPN services could get me around blockage, so are there any good vpn services that're free and have IPs that appear to be in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, or the Philippines? If so, what kinds of restrictions are there?
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoMy little brother recorded himself masturbating on camera for a girl, then she, and now someone else....?
have made blackmail attempts, threatening to release them to his friends and family if he doesn't pay $400 dollars. My brother's 18 years old, so he's legal for such a video, but it's still up in the air as the police officers said they'd have to arrest him. Thing is, I need to know if there's some kind of legal defense and offense stance my little brother can take under Texas law. Can anyone help?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoI am at a loss to understand my personality type, any ideas on what it is?
To put it simply, I'm the more rough on the outside, shy on the inside type of person. I don't know what it is, but it takes someone special to get past my shell. If the wrong person calls me cute, I am very likely to assault them, either verbally or, if continued, physically. But if a person who's gotten close to me does it, I hide my face and just hide the fact I'm blushing, but my tone alone gives it away. I've no idea what kind of personality this is... I'm pretty introverted to, I'm the one that if I go to a bar, I'm the one at the booths near the wall, just sipping on a sweet drink and watching the events go by. Any ideas on what this is?
2 AnswersPsychology7 years agoWhy are my download speeds so pooched?
My speeds are normally around 12 to 18 megabits per second, and sometimes the steam download speeds hit 2.3 megabytes per second. currently the speed's dropped to a measly 2 megabits per second, after an outage last night... What's going on here? My speeds have suffered greatly. I've already rebooted my modem.
3 AnswersComputer Networking7 years agoAny other MtF trans folk out there that are pained about not being able to carry a child?
It's one of those things that beats me up. And when some bigot says I'll never truly be a woman, it isn't the fact they say it or their words that hurt me, it's the fact I'll never be a mother. Anyone else feel that way?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoAre there any good books on Gender Dysphoria to show to my homophobic father to get him to understand me?
If you read my previous question you'll understand why I'm asking, I just need to know if there are any good reads out there that can help him understand. He's not stupid, just arrogant and ignorant.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoChristimas with homophobic father, how do I keep it together?
My father thinks it's a choice that I'm transgendered. He refuses to let anyone know about it, practically forcing me into the closet around the rest of the family. Of course, I don't live with him, but it's the only way I can go down the state so I can also go to see my mother who's more accepting. He's one of those conservatives who thinks the bible is the only way, and won't accept the fact that I'm of a different spiritual path as well. To him, it's all a choice... I need to know, how in the WORLD can I keep it together in that situation? He won't let me be me, he won't let me wear makeup, and he doesn't even want me to have nail-polish.... I'm also afraid he's gonna do something regarding my hair. It's long, well kept... I wouldn't put it past him to try to mess it up to get at me, he's bipolar... Anyone got any advice?
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoCan anyone tell me what kind of hilt this is on a sword?
I remember that a friend I had showed me his sword collection back when I was only in the 8th grade. There was one sword in particular I'm interested about, specifically in its guard. It was the size and shape of a Wakizashi, leading me to believe it was such a sword. What really intrigued me was the fact there was a loop on the guard, facing where you grab the hilt. What interested me most of all was that this loop was facing the same direction as the blade faced. What was the use of this type of guard? Is it used to secure the blade in its sheath or does it have a practical use in marital arts/combat?
2 AnswersMartial Arts8 years agoWhy does a person have to choose between "God" and "the devil"?
What about people like me, who realize both have serious issues. Both are justified, but at the same time have actions that show how petty they can be. For example. God is a perfect being, no? So then why would he create all just so he could be worshiped? It's quite obvious this guy has issues in self confidence. As for Lucifer, he knew God for what he was, but he didn't really think about his actions or other circumstances. Both fall into their own fallacies. Neither is perfect, neither is pure, be it good or evil. So why do people worship? Why can't people like me just walk a middle ground and choose a separate path that has nothing to do with either? This assuming both exist.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoAre you willing to test your wisdom?
If so, I ask you. Which is more corrupting? Light or dark? Are either mutually exclusive to good or evil? This is a test of your wisdom and understanding of the mind and heart. I'm just polling to see just what kind of people I'm dealing with here.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoI thought coming out went as planned... Apparently not... What now?
I'd come out to my grandfather and wanted him to handle it with my family for me... Namely my father and step mother.... I didn't want to be alienated or anything and that didn't happen, but somehow it seems much worse... They claim they love me, but when I called them, they're upset about it, they don't support me, hell they're siding with the republicans. The fact that I'm a transgendered pansexual and that my cousin is gay has made NO change on their view... So what do I do now? I'm feeling completely down and don't know what to do. My next counseling session is in a month... What do I do for now? Nothing that normally brings me joy is doing it right now.. I'm a gamer and an anime nerd, but even that isn't bringing me any happiness...
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years ago