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  • New kitten keeps hiding?

    We got a new kitten a week ago exactly. She freaks out when she's on the floor and runs under the bed to hide. When we pull her out and put her on the bed with us she loves to be pet and cuddled and plays with her toys...but if we stop for too long and she's in open space on the bed he runs off and hides under the bed. We have her locked in the bedroom too. She'll come out to eat and go potty which is a few feet away from the bed but that's it, if we go over to her while she's eating she'll run back under. She isn't scared when we handle her but when we aren't she's so scared. She doesn't come out of the bed at all over night or while we aren't home.

    I thought she would get better over the week but is still at the same spot she was the first day. What else can we do to help her? I want her to be able to roam around and not feel scared.

    1 AnswerCats6 years ago
  • Applying for first job? HELP!!?

    Theres an ad in the newspaper for "kennel help, part time, experience preferred but will train! Apply in person" I am 17 years old and this would be the first job I am applying for. What should I expect? What do I say when I walk in...? I am sort of shy and its hard for me to break out of my shell and be positive and outgoing. Any advice would be great too. I just don't know what to say or what to expect...

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Needle vs. Gun for cartilage?

    I got my lobes pierced with a gun and they were fine, and i got one cartilage piercing done with a gun and it was just fine. I want to get another one right under it, but im getting all paranoid whether to do a gun or a needle. Im pretty positive that if I go to a piercing place and they get the clamps and needle out and they are about to do it ill freak out and not be able to do it. The gun makes me so much calmer. Getting it done with a needle scares the **** out of me. I really want it done again, but i think i can only do it with a gun. I know needles are safer and wont have as many problems, but if a gun was fine for three other piercings, do you think it would be fine for one more? I reallyyyy cant do needles. I have panic attacks just at shots, and those needles are little and come back out quickly without leaving a big hole in me. Im horrible with pain and a giant baby. I dont really even know what im asking here, I know I want/need to do it with a gun, but i know its better with a needle. I dont know what to do...

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • HELP! My face is SO dry and I have a date!?

    I used some sort of acne face wash and now my face is horrible! Im having an allergic reaction or something and my face is SO dry that you can see the dry skin and its disgusting. Tomorrow im going out with this guy I like, its the first time ill actually be with someone nice and now my face is ruined! The only way that I get my face back to normal is if I wet it like, every 2 minutes. My face is so tight and stiff that I can barely speak or smile without it hurting and it shows more dry skin. What do I do?! Pleaseeee help me! Im seriously about to cry its so bad.

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Help! My face is SO dry and I have a date!?

    I used some sort of acne face wash and now my face is horrible! Im having an allergic reaction or something and my face is SO dry that you can see the dry skin and its disgusting. Tomorrow im going out with this guy I like, its the first time ill actually be with someone nice and now my face is ruined! The only way that I get my face back to normal is if I wet it like, every 2 minutes. My face is so tight and stiff that I can barely speak or smile without it hurting and it shows more dry skin. What do I do?! Pleaseeee help me! Im seriously about to cry its so bad.

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Where can I get this jacket?!?

    Where can I get one of these jackets?! Whether its at a store or online can someone PLEASE help me! I want one so bad :)

    Like the one in these videos: at :30 seconds.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What movies are similar to the notebook, walk to remember and dear john?!?

    What are some movies that are like the notebook, a walk to remember, and dear john? I love those types of movies and id like to find some other good ones, ones with a really cute guy :) haha, thanks!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is this song called?

    What song is in this video? Its at 13:13.

    I'm pretty sure she made the song up, but isn't it the same tune as another song?

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What kind of hair dye should I use?

    I want to try dying my hair darker, but in case I don't really like it, I don't want it to be permanent. Is there a brand of hair dye that won't last over a month? Or fades quickly or something? I could only go to target or walmart, so what brand or kind would be good?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • I've got a problem, how much is she REALLY worth?!?

    Okay, so i've got a problem. I've been free leasing this horse for about three years. All of a sudden, the real owner wants to sell her. The owner of the barn where I keep her is friends with the lady and said she, shes going to sell her for about 1000. I talked to my parents and they agreed to buy her but I have to wait a little longer to get a car. So today my mom called the lady who owns Leaha (the horse) and she said "well i was going to sell her for 6000 online, but i dont want to mess with that so ill sell her around 3500" I know that my parents cant afford that. And I just cannot believe that she wanted to sell her for 6000! In this economy is she not worth 6000. I mean, I love my horse and she should be a million trillion dollars, but seriously, I do not think 6000.

    So, how much is Leaha really worth?

    She is an 8 year old arabian mare. Will be 9 in August. She is 14.2/14.3 hands. She was born black and right now is gray, not really dapply though. She is ridden english and cant really neck rein so I dont think she could do western without some training. She told me she can jump four feet, but i've only jumped her to 3'3". She is a very nice jumper, though she doesnt understand striding too well, but neither do i so that is my fault. She does have the speed for jumpers and she can turn on a dime, though its difficult to get her into that mind zone where she wants to go fast. She drags her back feet like no other. She is an arab mare so she has an attitude. Sometimes shell buck only if you get her really mad, but they are never huge bucks and she knows better. She would probably be okay for a beginner (in the arena) who knows the basics, can be tough, and has a trainer with them. Doesnt collect except at a walk so far. Um, her ground manners are pretty good, except when shes bored and just standing there she will get a little pushy. Or when you put her away and her grain is waiting, she will walk ahead of you, pull you with her, then when you tell her to stop she throws her head and all that. She has never reared that ive seen. Doesnt spook too bad except at loud trucks and such. She has hard feet and is barefoot. Ties fine. She does not load in a trailer yet. For trail shed need a very confident intermediate rider or advanced. She will gallop off if you just ask her to trot, unless she is behind a horse and the trail is very narrow and twisty, but she will still do a little prance the whole time. She can gallop extremly fast for a little horse, which is good at certain times, and bad at others. Im pretty sure she is registered and the lady has her papers. Never tried clipping her though I know she would never let you clip her ears. That would take a lot of work to clip her ears. One year wwith working with her ears I can touch the outside and feel the very top kinda on the inside of her ear.

    Im trying to be really honest because I want to know how much shed really be worth. She has a lot of imperfections but I understand them and I feel like no one else will, which I would hate for her to be sold to someone who doesnt get her, and just get mad at her the whole time because thats how she is. Shes my best friend and I dont want to give her up.

    Heres a picture:

    I dont have any shots of her for confermation (spelling)

    And I just dont get it, this lady has never ridden Leaha before, hasnt seen her in three years, and just thinks she knows exactly how much shes worth? She doesnt know her personality at all, or her movements, or anything. The last time she saw her was when she was 4, almost five.

    Anything else you need to know, just ask me.

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What are some fun things to do with my horse?

    My pony got a boo boo today. :( Its nothing bad, just hit a log pretty hard and is a bit swollen and such. I got it all checked out and its fine, but im gonna give her probably about a week off.

    So its summer now...and I practically live at the barn, and now that I can't ride her, I have no life. So what are some things I can do with her? I dont want to let her graze in the field because there are like, six jillion bees out there. So maybe some ground work or something?

    I'm not very creative so any ideas?

    And a lot of people say, play games, play tag, la la la, but my horse isnt very playful. Shes a grumpy butt, an arabian mare who embraces it. Haha.

    So yeahhh, help?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse quotes or meaningful sayings?

    So im redoing my main horse wall and its got big framed pictures and nice paintings and such. So along the top of my wall I want to write some sort of quote. I really like, "You are a great champion. When you ran the ground shook. The sky opened and mere mortals parted. Parted the way to victory. Where you will meet me in the winner's circle. Where I will lay a blanket of flowers on your back" from the movie Dreamer. I dunno, its kinda long and I have a sort intention spand. Haha. I want it to really mean something. It doesnt haveee to have like, the word horse in it either. It could be something thats related to horses, or maybe something that someone once said to you that really meant something to you.

    I dont want it to be like, "The wind that blows between the ears of a horse is the air of heaven" You know? like, one of those simple ones that most people know of. Something really powerful.

    I really wished I could write something that someone said to me that truely meant something, but no one has ever really told me anything. My parents and friends dont really care for horses or support me so I don't really get any good quotes or words of encouragement.


    *And I already googles "horse quotes" haha, didnt find much.*

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What to do when they refuse the jump?

    Since we're coming out of winter and my mare is in heat, she likes to refuse a lot. She does fine if its two feet and under but once we go higher she just likes to refused and not jump. I know she isn't hurt, the saddle fits, all that good stuff. She is just a spaz coming out of winter and hasn't been ridden as much. She is in good shape to jump higher, so I know its not too much for her to jump over two feet. We've jumped way higher before.

    Okay so, what is the correct/good way to handle a refusel? I usually just get really mad and would like to find ways that work for less refusing. Should I turn her around, back up, tap with crop, what?

    I know not to punish her if it was my fault like I didn't set her up well enough or something.

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse insurance? Please help!?

    So i've full leased this horse for over a year and the lady is selling her. I cannot bear to give her up so I am going probably buy her. insurance. I know basically nothing about it. Can someone explain overall how it works and such. And what are good horse insurance companys?

    How much would horse insurance cost? I know it all depends on what you want covered and all that stuff, but heres some things about her. Shes an 8 year old arabian, we jump and are going to show in the future. I'm not sure exactly what you should know, but yeah.

    Sorry I'm probably making no sense. I really have no clue about insurance. I'm experienced with my horse but I never really expected the lady to sell her so I wasn't prepared for this.

    And if you want, giving examples of your insurance, cost and what it covers would be helpful too.


    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Just for fun? Guess my horse!?

    So here is my horse. Guess her breed, age, discipline, and all that good stuff. The person who guesses the most right will win! Haha, exciting right? I'm really bored if you didn't notice.

    I attempted to find some pictures that didn't give away any hints, haha.

    18 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What are some good show names?!?

    I asked this before but didn't get very many answers.

    So i want to show my horse soon and need a show name. Her name is Leaha (Lay-uh) and she is an 8 year old arabian mare. I want something to do with her energetic, arabian-marish atitude personality, though it doesn't have to be. My friend says it should be Here comes the Tude, so when they call me out it would be Katelyn on Here Comes the Tude. Haha, though I don't know if I'd do that.

    So any ideas?!

    Heres a picture of her too:

    So, any ideas? Cute or funny. =]

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Funny, cute show names?!?

    I asked this a little while ago but its not showing up, so sorry if this ends up showing twice.

    I hope to show my mare in our first show in June.

    Her name is Leaha (Princess Leaha after star wars but I don't want her show name after that, haha.)

    Shes an 8 year old arabian. I want something that fits her personality. Shes a total arab and knows it. Haha. My friend said it should be Here Comes Tude, or something. Haha. So i'm no good at thinking of something creative or funny, so any help? =]

    Heres a picture just to show you:

    So yeah, it can be funny, cute, anything. =] It doesn't have to have her name in it, though it may if youd like.


    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Funny, cute show names?!?

    I hope to show my mare in our first show in June.

    Her name is Leaha (Princess Leaha after star wars but I don't want her show name after that, haha.)

    Shes an 8 year old arabian. I want something that fits her personality. Shes a total arab and knows it. Haha. My friend said it should be Here Comes Tude, or something. Haha. So i'm no good at thinking of something creative or funny, so any help? =]

    Heres a picture just to show you:

    So yeah, it can be funny, cute, anything. =] It doesn't have to have her name in it, though it may if youd like.


    1 AnswerHorses1 decade ago
  • Any cool picture ideas? =]?

    So the arena is all torn up from it just being softened and then it rained, so my friend and i just kinda fool around with our horses. What are some creative ideas to do with them for pictures? The only things i can really think of is sitting backwards and sitting under them for a picture. And standing on them, but thats about it. I wanna do something cool. Any ideas?

    Haha, this is kinda random but I thought i'd see if anyone had some cool ideas. Thanks. =]

    Any cool, interesting pictures of you and your horse would be cool too. =]

    Haha, i just realized I say cool a lot.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • English online tack stores?

    I need rein stoppers for my running martingale. They are like 80 cents and i don't want to pay 7 dollars for shipping. Does anyone know a site that has free shipping or a code, or something?

    The closest english tack store is almost an hour away so i can't go and buy them.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago