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    What happened to Future Lucy's guild mark?

    Why didn't she have one if she only came a few days from the future?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years ago
  • He dreamed I was driving him?

    My guyfriend dreamed we were in the car and I was driving (I dont even have my lisence in real life but he does lol) he was in the front seat, apparently we didnt crash or anything but he wouldnt tell me anything else :/

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • What has Murdock's comment got to do with Romney?

    I understand Murdocks comment to be outrageous. Rape is never God's intention, it is Man's intention. I understand that there have been other republicans with a similar personal view.

    HOWEVER! Romney does not agree with these crazy rape comments either and his position on abortion are thus:

    Romney said. "I'm in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape and incest, and the health and life of the mother."

    So what is all the controversy about, as it is Romney, not Murdock who is running for president?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What music plays when Xena: WP gets angry?

    I hear it's some bulgarian track. As in the music that plays the second before Xena attacks and I start thinking "OMG they're gonna die!!".

    Yea, I need some inspirational netball music. Lol. ;p

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • When did russia learn about Alexis' haemophillia?

    could you state your source too please?

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • What did Tsar Nicholas 2 do right?

    I know most of his decisions were poor, but for some reason I need to justify why he made a decent Tsar.

    Please help!! XS

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • What are 3 reasons why morality is subjective?

    Even if you don't believe it is, answer why the others may believe so and rebut that.

    Thanks :)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does zero want to kill all purebloods in Vampire Knight?

    I understand Shizuka was one, but is it to stop there being more ex-human vampires or something? That's my only guess, not that Yuki would make more future level Es or anything.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Dragon Age- What happens when a female human noble hardens Alistair?

    So my friends made me start to play dragon age, and I'm a human noble, but apparently if you harden Alistair then you become his mistress... *bleerrrgh* But also if Alistair doesn't harden up then he won't be happy being king (apparently)....

    So... Is there a way for a human noble to become queen and for Alistair to be happy and is it through hardening him?

    1 AnswerPC1 decade ago
  • What does this dream mean? LOL (a little long)?

    There are so many of these questions so here we go:

    I'm on a paddock with a white horse escaping a bathing old lady...ew.. through the door I gallop across orange sand dunes to the massive castle where there are the 'terra cotta warriors' ready for battle and I'm hiding under a table. I come out of the table and I'm baking fries (my favourite) when I look at a moldy peach that suddenly infects everything and I stopped it from infecting my little tea towel and for some reason I'm super happy about this, when the mould blasts me from behind and I start sprinting away from it... I keep running from it for some time... I finally squeeze Terry Shooster from glee (I don't know where she turned up from) into the crack in the wall just in time and now I'm in a coffin?! And it's getting repeatedly stabbed from the top but the blades don't touch me... Eventually, I am pulled out of the crack I pushed Terry into by Tamaki Suoh, from Ouran high school host club and we go to disney world, where the ferry almost drowns my dad. There was a roller coaster with nothing but plastic chairs on a track, I didn't put my seat belt on time so was thrown under ground on a turn where I struggled to climb back to the surface pulled back down by scary dirty skinny men with beards and no teeth, then when at the top I stupidly climbed back on the ride just so I could try and put my seat belt on that time, but I couldn't, and the process repeated multiple times but the rest becomes blurry. There was also a play ground there that I childishly played on with lights and it was sooo pretty and then I went on the slide and got trapped in a Crash bandicoot game in the pyramids until I fall into a boobytrap and the walls close in and I suffocate to death.

    I end up waking up as tired as when I fell asleep. It's really frustrating. Sometimes the events will repeat themselves in other dreams with other situations, and I often have to save my sister in them too from impending doom or whatever.

    I am not a troll. Just because this was an epic dream. Okay!

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Where do I start reading the sailor moon manga after watching the super s anime?

    Ok, so, I just finished ep 166 in english which is the last episode officially dubbed in english. Is it possible to read the manga from that point on instead of starting at the beginning again with the manga? If so where? As in what part? Help?! :S

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Is Uranus still Neptune's "cousin" *coughs* in the english manga?

    On amazon it seems they have "graphic novels" in english, I was thinking it could be a remedy for the lack of Dubbing with Sailor Stars. But, is Uranus still "cousins" with Neptune? Lol, a bit of inconsistencies otherwise. Also, I hear Darien leaves? Doesn't Serena sort of need him? Or something???

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What episode of sailor moon does Darien have a tuxedo mask puppet?

    It's in Sailor moon R, it's after Allan and Anna but before "No thanks Nurse Venus" as Ep 71. I'm talking about the English Dubbed Version.

    Darien was using it to talk to Rini.

    I think it was the same episode she asked him what he thought about sailor moon and he says she's the coolest or the best or something. UGH! I can't remember! but it was the cutest puppet! Please help me!!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Is Ke$ha really like how she portrays herself in her music?

    My mum thinks she's probably taking it as a joke, and is actually really nice etc, but all the talk about alcohol and swearing gives me doubts.

    The songs are really catchy though.

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Would Xena be regarded as a feminist?

    I thought she was pretty cool.

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Guys is this true, Girls would you do this?

    Sorry It's so long, you don't have to read all of it:

    Basically, it's 42 things a girl sholud do for a boy, from facebook here:

    1. As much as you want to talk about past relationships, keep it to a minimum, unless he asks. You don’t want him to feel like he’s in competition with anyone.

    2.Every guy has a ‘geeky’ side of him. Whether it be video games, DVD, WoW, anime, football among other sports, or whatever. Don’t make fun of him if you don’t like it, either tolerate it, or learn to like it. DO NOT try to change him. If he’s constantly ignoring you for that hobby of his, tell him.

    3.When you hug the boy, hold tight. It doesn’t hurt to rest your head on him either.

    4.Compromise for movies. Watch his favorite movies and he’ll give in for the movie you want to see.

    5.Sometimes pay for the date! I know guys hate this, but if he takes you out constantly, it’s more than likely he’s going to be poor! Treat him sometime. Even if you just buy the snacks!

    6.Hold his hand!! Even in the mall when you have a ton of bags, hold his hand.

    7.Don’t run away from his favorite stores, if you don’t like them! Watch him. Gift ideas!!

    8.Any time your guy gives you a compliment, don’t just roll your eyes. He means it, and you should smile and say thank you.

    9.Guys are pressured to take the relationship to a “deeper level”. Stupid society. Anyway, if you dont want that in a relationship, tell him before things get too complicated! You can compromise too. If you are uncomfortable with something, STOP.

    10,“Fine” or “whatever” is not an appropriate ending to a conversation. Only makes matters worse.

    11.Life isn’t a drama or a movie. This is real life, people. They don’t often come with a sword, armor, and a white steed. If they do come with armor, it’s typically rusty. If they come with a white steed; it’s probably slow. And if they come with a sword { which is strange, but mine came with many}; it has probably never slain a dragon or defended a castle.

    12.NEVER EVER kick them in the place below the belt. Even in a fight or argument, just don’t do it.

    13.TRUST HIM. Don’t scream when he looks at another girl. We know you were goggling at the cute guy that just passed. It’s nature. Don’t dig through his phonebook, and hey, guys can have female friends just like girls can have male friends. If this makes things awkward, talk about it.

    14.This should go without saying. Love him for who he is! Don’t worry about what others think. Don’t try to change him into what’s cool and hip. Some compromises can be made, and tell him that if he ever has a problem you changing him, to tell you.

    15In an argument, just because society stereotypes women as being smarter, more mature, and men as dumb and immature, doesn’t mean you are always right.

    16.Listen to him. Even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. Good communication is key.

    17.Cook. It may sound stereotypical, but a lot of guys like having a meal cooked for them. A lot of it is the thought, but if you truly are terrible, then maybe this isn’t one you should try. If you know how to cook, maybe teach him, or you both can learn together.

    18.Sing. Many girls underestimate how well they sing. You don’t have to be able to sing 10 octaves or whatever. Don’t be embarrassed to sing in front of a guy, just let yourself go a bit and have some fun.

    19.A girl has the right to show off her body, but keep your pride and dignity. Be careful! If you show off too much, guys (and just people in general) may get the wrong message and make assumptions.

    20.Just like girls want girl time, guys want guy time. Giving your guy space to hang with his friends is not only fair, but it shows you trust him in a way.

    21.Respect the guy for who he is, not because he earns your respect. Guys relate to each other on a respect level, and if you want him to open up to you, he has to know that you don’t look down on him.

    22.Let your guy take pictures of you. He may not admit it, but that picture will probably be with him always. Even if you think it looks horrible.

    23.Don’t always expect the guy to be the one to call. It is okay to call your boyfriend on occasion, and it shows him that you care about him and are thinking about him. And don’t get upset if for some reason he doesn’t have time to talk. He does have a life

    24.Remind him that you appreciate all the sweet little things he does for you. Let him know it’s not all in vain.

    25.If a guy uses a key to let you into his car, reach over and open the door before he gets to it. I know this may be common sense to most girls, but you know, some do not do this. It’s a tiny little action that can make a guy go “Hey, she’s considerate.”

    26.Let the guy open the door for you or do any other chivalric action. He’s fulfilling your wish for

    7 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • What part of Gender and Women's Studies is equivalent to feminism/gender bashing and dodgy questions?

    Pretty Self-Explanatory. *flips hair and puts hands on hips*

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago