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I'm 17. I like to snowboard, play soccer, hacky sack, swim, and I like working out and exercising. My favorite games to play are Call of Duty, Guild Wars, I used to play RuneScape and World of Warcraft. Computers and Math are my passion, I'm an expert in those subjects. My grades in school are not that great unless I'm doing something math or computer related (I get A's in Algebra 2, and I took a CISCO class and passed it) I think that's about it. Feel free to Email me or IM me :D
I can't open a recently downloaded .exe file to install?
1 AnswerProgramming & Design6 years agoIs there any place that still sells old Pokemon cards?
I've been searching ebay and amazon and still have yet to find what I am looking for. Primarily, I have restarted my collection of Pokemon cards and I would like to find the original cards that came out in the 90s. Unfortunately, mine were all sold at a garage sale by my parents several years ago. I'm looking for like binders of collections.
Please and thank you!
2 AnswersCard Games7 years agoMy Insignia TV Automatically turns on by itself?
Model number: NS-39E400NA14
Insignia 39" LED TV HD
My TV turns on randomly. I've had it for about 45 days give or take a few. It started a few days after I got it, but the TV turns on whenever it wants. Within the past week now, it has started to not turn on at all even when I push the power button on it. I have to completely unplug it, plug it back in, and then it might actually turn on. I have already gone into the settings and the INLink to check, the Auto turn-on is off and has always been off.
Could it be something with the caps?
2 AnswersTVs7 years agoCollege teen horror movie?
I remember a group of college teens going on some road trip and they were in a volvo hippie van and a blonde chick flashes someone passing by at the start. I think they went through a desert and there were twin brothers at a gas station that were killers. It used to be on Comcast's On Demand, not sure if it still is, I've had WOW cable for the past 2 1/2 years now.
2 AnswersMovies7 years agoWhat is the ring thing called on a milk jug?
It just came to me, and I was wondering what they are called. When you open a gallon of milk from the store by twisting the cap, there is a little ring underneath the cap, connected to it so it doesn't leak, stays fresh, and to know it has not been opened. Does anybody know the actual name for it, if there is one?
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years agoWeb Developer / Computer Programmer employers, question about what you look for?
So, I'm currently in college studying Web Development, and possibly switching over to Computer Programmer, Game Programmer, or Software Engineer. I've looked a lot and I've noticed that a lot of people become too far in debt with even a Bachelor's degree.
What exactly would you be looking for in an application / resume? (i.e. A specific degree from college, specific colleges, experience, a portfolio, certifications from websites [if any, please list any plausible certifications that do not require the expenses of a four year school], etc.)
I know that just going to get my four year would probably be the "safest" route according to many people, but I do believe that there is an alternative method that is less expensive but still results in the same knowledge and retained information needed for the specific employment opportunity. The biggest problem I have is that I just cannot seem to figure out what exactly that could be.
Any information or sources that could benefit would be much appreciated, and thank you very much, as any help will can potentially influence how I study from here on out.
1 AnswerTechnology8 years agoJavascript and HTML question about calling?
So, I have a web page that is using an external css file which is stated in the web page. Inside that external CSS I have an id called #quizclock. I want to call that id into a javascript function, is this how I would write it?
<script type="text/javascript">
var seconds=0;
var clockId;
function runClock()
seconds + 1;
quizclock == seconds; //This line right here is where I'm completely stuck.
function startClock()
setInterval("runClock()", 1000);
function stopClock()
return = correctAns;
alert("You have " + correctAns + " correct out of 5 in " + quizclock + " seconds.");
2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years agoWhat anime is this? (possibly was on netflix streaming)?
All I can remember is its one of those I believe semi-ecchi animes or something and its where the guy has all these girls that likes him but he always gets the nose bleed (sekirei, girls bravo, clannad, etc) and there's one episode where they go to a pool but the girl can't get wet. If she gets wet, she gets very weak. There's also, if I remember correctly, a girl that turned into a siren or mermaid...?
I believe it was Rosario + Vampire but I can't say for sure... Could anybody confirm it for me please?
3 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agoHTML5 and CSS3 pseudo class question?
I'm trying to create a website and on the page, the very first line of the very first paragraph is supposed to be text-transform: uppercase;
So, in the .htm, I have it as follows:
<section id="leftsection">
<p>Text goes here paragraph 1.</p>
<p>Text goes here paragraph 2.</p>
<p>Text goes here paragraph 3.</p>
Now, in the CSS file, I have this:
#leftsection p:first-line {
text-transform: uppercase;
It doesn't work to transform the first line into uppercase. However, if I put:
#leftsection p:first-of-type {
text-transform: uppercase;
#leftsection p:first-child {
text-transform: uppercase;
the whole paragraph is in uppercase. By logic, you would assume that if I switched the first-of-type or first-child to first-line, it would work, but it doesn't. Any suggestions to get this to work?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoDoes the Bible say anything about wigs?
Very random, but I know I've heard like negative views about like body piercings and modifications, I was just wondering if wigs would fit into that category or is there anything they say about something like a wig?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhat (animated I think) movie was this quote from?
Super funny movie if I remember correctly, but the part I remember is someone saying, "Ooh, ooh, bring it! bring it!" and he has a super excited face on. I don't remember any of the characters. If anybody could help me out, I would be extremely happy.
If it helps, I think it was a movie that was on disney channel or nickalodeon.
1 AnswerMovies9 years agoCan I create a program to post something on facebook at a certain time?
I know some Java (and plan on learning more). I want to create a program that say... I could post on someone's facebook wall at a certain time of day.
Story: My uncle made this tag game for our family, and we can only get each other once a day. I live in Michigan and they live in California now. So they're 3 hours behind, and it has to be midnight their time (3am my time) that I tag them. I'm usually sleeping by then, but I leave my computer on.
Can I create a program to post it on their wall at say 3am every single night? (Or even just a program that posts it, but I could use windows to have the program run at a certain time)
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoShuffle! Manga? I just finished the anime and want to know if theres a manga for it that continues?
I just finished watching Shuffle! on Netflix. Its by far an AMAZING anime although around episode 17 or 18 it gets really weird, I really want to know if theres a manga that continues the story after the 24th episode.
Best answer goes to the FIRST answer with manga that continues, if any at all.
6 AnswersComics & Animation9 years agoLost my wallet in the at the theater yesterday, got it back, missing money from it?
I tried to summarize as best I could in the title, but I went to see The Hunger Games (by the way, it was an amazing movie for anybody that's interested) on Friday night, and my wallet fell out of my pocket. I searched my room and house for 20 minutes earlier and couldn't find it so I called the theater and they said they did have it, so I went in to get it. I was an idiot for not checking then, but when I got home and looked in it, I noticed that I was missing $40. Is there anything that I could do or am I out $40? I worked my butt off at my job for that money (irrelevant but I've had my job for about a month now and I'm getting paid $7.40 which is minimum wage in Michigan).
Is there anything I could do like call the management again and tell them I'm missing money? Do you think they'd do something about it or would they just tell me off and say something like "Thats your problem, not ours."
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoCedar Point expected payrates?
I live in Michigan and I applied to Cedar Point. Can anybody from experience working there while renting an apartment or dorm tell me expected payrates and how much you actually make each week after you pay your weekly rent? I know it depends on the job and hours you work so im just looking for an estimate.
Please only answer if you or a relative have worked there. I'm not looking for anything such as "work there!!!! Its awesome!!!!11!1!1!111!!1!!1! Or anything of the sort. Thanks in advance! (:
1 AnswerAmusement Parks9 years agoIn Friends, why can't Phoebe keep her babies?
Title says it. I haven't seen every episode, and I don't know why Phoebe doesn't keep her babies, I've been searching online and the only thing I found is that she keeps one. I don't know why, but I want to know why, before that moment, she doesn't keep the babies.
5 AnswersOther - Television9 years agoAny place to trade currency cross game?
I was wondering if anybody knows of a website that you can trade currency between game.
I want to trade my runescape money to someone that will give me Guild Wars currency in return. I have around 89m in gold and items and I really would rather have Guild Wars Platinum.
I know there is at least one website but I can't remember how I got to it.
If you're going to post a response saying something like "no" or "you're pathetic for doing that" or something like that, don't even bother, thanks.
Thanks in advance!
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoFree MMORPG games that are WORTH playing?
I'm looking for a new MMORPG game that is FREE to play, no monthly fees, although I'd be willing to pay a few bucks up-front if it's worth getting. Can you tell me some games that might fit this? I like adventuring games, fighting, lots of action, while also I can sit in a town and now worry about having to get in a battle there. Something like runescape or flyff
Any suggestions would be great! Thanks in advance!
11 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoQuestion about including a gift card?
So for christmas, I got a $25 amazon card, and I want to buy a book for JavaScript and jQuery that is $23.51 and it has $2.99 shipping unless my order is $25.00 or more, then I get free shipping, I don't want to have to use my debit card, so is there any way I can sort things to find something that is exactly $1.49?
3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago