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  • Got paid $8/hr at last job, what can I expect to get paid at my new job?

    I worked at Best Buy for a year making $8/hr. Since I am more into fashion, I ended up applying at PacSun and got the job. I hear the pay there is typically around minimum wage (which is $7.25 in my area). Since I am coming in with experience and my last job paid more I'm wondering if that will factor into how much I get paid at PacSun? Please be honest! I'm okay with getting paid less, I'm just curious. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Did I do the right thing?

    Back around Christmas I started seeing this guy. We went on a couple casual dates, watched some movies, went to Starbucks, kissed, cuddled, etc. at one point he asked, "Will you be mine?" i wasnt sure what he meant by that. I didnt think it was anything official but i figured it meant we were going out.

    this lasted for a little less than a month when one week he barely talked or texted me. I also noticed he started talking to another girl at work (we work retail together) and that they left two nights together. As far as I knew, this girl had a boyfriend, but I checked her Facebook and they had been broken up for a week. Needless to say, I found this very sketchy.

    I decided to call things off with this boy in fear of getting cheated on. I told him, "I can't really trust you right now so I think we should just be friends," and he gave me this weird answer like "as far as I knew, we were never dating." I felt really hurt. What do you guys think? Was I right to call things off?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it really bad that I left my laptop running on my bed?

    I'll be out of town for a day and I had a video uploading to YouTube so I just left my computer running. It's also still playing music on Spotify.

    I'm worried because my computer already has a really bad battery. Will my computer be okay though?

    10 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Facebook won't let me see pictures or Youtube video links. Help?

    This has been going on since yesterday. I'll try to open a picture bigger but it just shows a little loading thing on the thumbnail. Also, i tried to leave a link of a Youtube video on a friend's page and it wouldn't let me. I also tried watching a Youtube link someone else posted and it wouldn't load. What's going on?

    I've tried logging out, re-opening my browser, and restarting my computer. None of those worked. I tried my Facebook on my mom's laptop, and it works just fine. I don't get it?

    2 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • My Sony Bloggie Touch HD is frozen. Please help!?

    I've never had any problems with this camera before, but today i took it out and it was raining a little bit. Now im back inside, and the camera's screen is frozen. It wont let me select anything on the screen and it wont let me turn it off. I tried to plug it into my laptop, and it didnt recognize it. Please help! I Just filmed a few clips and i really need to use them.

    2 AnswersCamcorders10 years ago
  • Weird under water dream. what does it mean?

    Okay so last night i had this dream that i was at a pool that was 20 feet deep. Then all of a sudden i see this little boy fall in and he sinks all the way to the bottom. I freaked out and jumped in to save him, but i couldn't breath or see a thing. once i got to the bottom of the pool i tried feeling around for him with my arms and feet. but pretty soon my chest started hurting from lack of air so i sucked in a quick breath. even though i was underwater, i got air. anyway, i swam up to the top after not being able to find the boy, and (this is the creepy part) i see the little boy standing by the edge of the pool completely dry. it was like he had never even fallen in.

    then when i woke up i was gasping for air. i had made my self stop breathing in my sleep! thats not good because what if some other time i do that again and dont get air for too long of a period? btw i have no breathing problems, so that doesn't explain why i made myself stop breathing.

    anyway, i just want to know what you think this dream could mean?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Turning 15, party help!!!?

    I am inviting fourteen 13-15 year-olds (10 girls, 4 guys)

    i have a wii, a pool table, a trampoline, and a decent sized living room which is pretty good for movies.

    my birthday is in october so keep in mind that it could be cold/ raining outside! (the weather has been good for the past 2 years so cross your fingers!)

    what i want to know is what are some outdoor/ indoor things we could do to have fun? good movies for boys and girls? (no chick flicks or "will farrell" humor movies, please) halloween games and themes are also good because my bday is the 29th :)

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • 15th birthday party ideas!?

    it will be girls only and so far i think there will be 11ish people. it's on october 29th so dont say i should do a pool party or anything like that lol. last year i had it at my house and space was a little tight so what else could i do?

    p.s. if i could combine it with a halloween party somehow that'd be fun :)

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • i feel guilty that my mom spent $50 on the sims 3 and i never play it :(?

    So, back when the Sims 3 first came out my mom surprised me by spending $50 on it the day it was released! I felt awful because i had been talking to her about it but in my mind i knew i'd never use it. And what do ya know, months later i've played it probably 6 times.

    I feel so guilty! I'll be getting a new laptop in September and i'm considering getting a gaming one but i know that it's just not worth it.

    but i'm afraid of how my mom will feel if i just stop using that really expensive gift (the sims game). should i tell her? do you think i could sell the game on ebay or something? ugh i feel horrible :(

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I feel really lost and it seems like i'm better off alone.?

    But i don't want to be! So when i was in elementary school i had 2 best friends. But one came out last year that she was bi. She became extremely depressed and kept transferring schools. She was even cutting herself. However, now she has a boyfriend and is very happy, but my relationship with her just isn't the same.

    My other friend was with me until the beginning of junior high, 7th grade. just towards the middle she began getting more and more and more friends. now this past 8th grade year she's friends with everybody!! like literally (well none of the "school losers." you know what i mean?)

    anyway, i have made slight other friends who hate her (which kind of makes me happy?). that's not good, but i'm starting to get to the point where i don't care because i'm dust to her until none of her other "friends" are around. she still calls me her best friend, but i don't believe her. If i never made an effort to hang out with her she'd totally drop me. i bet she wouldn't care either.

    but here i am. it's summer, i'm losing friends, i've never had a bf, and now i'm rarely leaving the house to hang out with friends.

    I think i'm more mature than others in my class because i'm more focused on the future. maybe this is weird but i love searching majors, careers, apartments, everything. when i go to furniture stores i think, "ooh, that would look cute in my future apartment."

    but i'm so TIRED of my imaginary life. I'm 14, gonna be 15, and i've lost my two best friends.

    wait, no, i'm about to lose my current best friend who is amazing and we have tons in common! but her mother died this year so now she won't be in highschool with me because she's moving back to wisconsin with her dad. we still text, but... come on, you guys know that will only help me feel better for so long.

    ugh, i'm sorry this is a novel, but i feel so screwed. i'm tired of feeling like crap all the time. so guys, please, advice on anything and everything!!! :(

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Clarisonic classic or mia?

    So, for my birthday i really want to get the clarisonic mia (i'd get the classic, but the price tag is HUGE if you didn't already know).

    I'm just wondering if the clarisonic mia is as good. i've heard tons of great things about the classic, and i just want to be sure the mia is good too.

    please reply! thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a good joke, story, or embarrassing moment?

    I'm kind of bored and i just want a good laugh (bwahaha!! like that, kind of.)

    lol, here's my lame joke:

    Two antennas fall in love and get married on a roof top. the ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent! hahaha!!

    anyway, please share something!! 10 points for the one i like best :)

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Getting my skin flawless?

    I'm currently using Clean & Clear's Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub with a little rotating scrub brush. I scrub my skin every morning in the shower.

    My skin still has bumps on my forehead, a little on my nose, and just a teeny bit under my mouth.

    what other little treatments can i do or what other products can i use just to top everything off and perfect my skin so it's flawless?

    I usually use Clean and Clear products and sometimes Neutrogena. if you want to recommend i use another cleanser, though, that's fine :)

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • i really need some ebay help?

    a person asked me if i could please remove their bid they made for one of my items. they bidded on something they didn't want to and do not want to be charged.

    i would like to help them out by deleting their bid but i don't know how! i'm quite new to the whole ebay thing. please help out!!

    thanks :)

    3 AnswersYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • Windows xp screen saver won't work?

    for a while now i haven't been able to get my screen saver to work. i go to properties and all that jazz and try to choose my screen saver. the mini preview works, but when i select 'preview' (you know, the one that comes up for the whole screen) that won't even work!

    my computer has no viruses because i scan it weekly. is there a setting i'm missing? please help! i don't want to burn out my screen :^[

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Just bought Dove Clinical Strength. Was it a waste?

    I tend to get sweat spots so i thought i'd try Dove Clinical strength. I figured it must work, you know, 'cause it's clinical strength, right?

    Now i've been looking around at Yahoo answers about this product and it seems that the results are kind of...bleh.

    Did i waste my money on this product, or does it actually control the sweat??

    9 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Is there still hope for my phone that i dropped in a lake?

    Okay, so today i was at a lake and my phone slid out of my pocket and into the lake. I got in right away to grab it. I took out the battery right after this and didn't put it back in. Later today, i put in the battery and turned on my phone. It got to the main screen for about 30 seconds then the screen went white. I took out the battery and i'll leave it that way 'till tomorrow.

    What i want to know is will my phone ever fully turn back on or should i call it quits and transfer my number over to a new phone? If i have to get a new one, it's okay. I'll live. I just want to know.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I want to shrink my hoodie just a bit?

    I have a melon orange 100% cotton hoodie. It's a little too long and a little too wide, so what's the best way to shrink it?

    I have a plan to get it soaked in normal water (from, like the shower or something) then put it in the dryer. will this make it shrink like i want? please answer!

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • My friend seems closer to some newbie more than she is me.?

    I'm 13 and I've been friends with this one girl since first grade. Just this year in seventh grade, though, this new girl's been hanging out with us (more so my friend). it seems like my friend is closer to the "new-comer" now more than she is me. I feel awful all the time but when i'm with them and my other friends, i plaster on a fake smile. If you can give me any advice, pep talk, or funny stories to cheer me up, that would be great. :(

    (p.s. she's only known her for about 9 months now, obviously)

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago