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  • Would people be less opposed to gay marriage if it was specified as a secular act?

    I hear people saying that marriage is between a man and a woman according to the Bible, but it's not the government's responsibility to follow church doctrine - that's just the Constitution talking. With that said, there really isn't a secular reason to prevent gay people from being married. If people understood that gay marriage would be under the government and didn't have to be under their "God", would they care as much if gays could get married and get the legal benefits of it? After all, everybody is supposed to be equal under law.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • What if our country's problem isn't political?

    For the past 12 years or so, we've seen the two terms of Bush and one term of Obama. One is a Republican, and one is a Democrat. Still, they did share one thing: they spent more money than the GDP. Bush may have been Conservative, but he increased spending. Obama's budgeting goes without saying. My point is that the problem might just be Keynesianism. When did it ever make sense in your life to borrow and spend more than you earn? What makes us all think that the government can get away with it, and why are we still standing at our party lines and not actually doing anything about our debt?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Which way should dogs go in this upcoming election?

    Romney tied his in a cage on top of his car for a cross-country road trip, and Obama just thinks they're delicious. Which candidate is the lesser of two evils in the canine world?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I don't know which section to take less seriously?

    It's either this section, or the Religion & Spirituality section. Both are full of idiots arguing on both sides. What do you guys think?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Which direction should I go to continue training?

    Hey guys! I'm 16, and was doing Muay Thai for 2 years until I was injured in my ankle and had a Brostrum Procedure to a ligament. Now it'll be a long time before I can do a lot of kicks, since putting the shock through my leg too many times could re-injure the ligament again. It's not too bad since I already know all the basic punches, kicks (low ones, of course), elbows, and knees instinctively. I still want to train, though. Krav Maga seems effective, but almost too dirty for just some fist fight - and I'm not sure that I'm at enough of a disadvantage to need to do that (I'm 6'0, 180lbs). Should I do Krav anyway, or just go with boxing to train? If not either, what form of fighting is best for somebody who cannot kick too frequently?

    3 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • How can any political philosophy fix our economy?

    How can any party's doctrine help to fix our failing economy when we're missing the most important thing? This "thing" is essential to any international trader - a manufacturing base. We import everything, both resources and consumer products. How can any economy sustain itself when it's purely service-based? It can't, and both sides of our government have terrible solutions. The right wants to cut spending to essential programs, and the left just wants to put it all on the shoulders of those who make $250,000/above yearly. It wouldn't matter how conservative or liberal the country was if we didn't outsource all of our production and labor to third-world countries and China. Sorry about the rant, you can just answer the heading question up there.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Guess who's birthday it is?

    Born of a virgin on December 25th, known to his disciples as the "Son of God", and resurrected 3 days after his death, we wish a happy birthday to....

    Mithras, the mystical Persian god imagined over 600 years before that other guy! Long live Zoroastrianism!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Skyrim and Steam on PC?

    Me and my brother are very excited for the release tomorrow. We bought one hard copy at Gamestop, in hopes that we can install it on both of our computers and play it. Will it need to be launched via Steam? And if it does, will the game only activate on one account?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Do you ever start feeling guilty...?

    I was sitting here on my computer in my room with a decent bed, and I recently ate a nice dinner after going to a great school, and sometimes I just start thinking of the fact that there are a ton of people that can't do/have any of these things. To think that by chance, we were born into a wealthy and civilized nation is really something to ponder... and knowing that there are kids my age (15) in a Chinese Foxconn sweatshop about to kill themselves feels terrible. Does anybody else think like this every now and then? I'm just curious.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • You know how the Amish get a chance when they're 18 to experiment with modern tech...?

    If they know what they're missing, how the hell do they stay Amish? If I got to see all the cool stuff I could own and use for my entertainment, I would never stay an Amish person. How do they do it?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • How long can a Siamese cat be alone for in the day?

    I do not have a cat as of now, but I really like Siamese cats so I might adopt one when (and if) I can. What I want to know is how many hours of attention in a day a Siamese cat needs to be happy. Because of work I'm not in the house from 8am to 3-4pm, so that basically leaves 1-2 hours early morning and 6-7 hours of time in the evening where I can pay attention to a pet. Would this be okay, or should I find a more independent kind of cat?

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Has a song ever made you think a bunch of philosophical thoughts?

    Mine is Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings op. 11. This classical piece sent my mind floating into space and made me confront my own mortality. It wasn't scary though...

    4 AnswersOther - Music10 years ago
  • Dell XPS 15 temperatures?

    I have an XPS L501x that has high temps. When idling on Power Saver, it will fluctuate between mid 40C up to high 50's. This is random and happens every few minutes. When gaming, the cores will reach the high 70's. Is this a major issue? Would repasting it help at all?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • What is a good resource for a beginning digital producer/DJ?

    Background: I'm 15, played the piano since age 7, and just started with Cockos Reaper and Virtual DJ. I have perfect pitch and a sense of rhythm so what I learned so far DJing wise is how to beatmatch and sync keys. I can also set up drum patterns and chord progressions, but synthesis is all new to me. So, I have a lot to learn about DAW's and all of the techniques used by electronic musicians in the studio and in their performances. What's a good place to learn how to work Traktor or Serato in order to play house and dubstep music?

    1 AnswerOther - Music10 years ago
  • Asking all Christians...?

    Hi, how are you?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What's the name of this dubstep song?

    It goes like this:


    Any ideas guys?

    1 AnswerOther - Music10 years ago
  • Good synth for dubstep/electro basslines?

    I'm 15 and have 8 years of piano experience, but I am a total rookie with DAW's. My plan is to have a DAW for sequencing and a good synth for custom sound creation. The problem is that there are way too many choices - there's a Moog, Blofeld, Novation Ultranova, Nord, etc. Which synth is the best for making those deep, wobbling, distorted screaming basslines? To be more descriptive, what is powerful enough to imitate what artists like Skrillex do?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Laptop processor upgrade?

    I recently got a Dell L501x laptop with a 1st gen i7, and a few weeks later the 2nd gen i7 comes out for that laptop. I do know that my motherboard will not take a Sandy Bridge processor automatically, so what would I have to do if I wanted to hypothetically upgrade the computer I already have to Sandy Bridge? It isn't really that necessary, but it would be great if there were somehow a way to make my laptop compatible with 2nd gen without buying a whole new comptuer.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • M-audio studio monitors?

    I have some BX8a speakers, and the right one is really loud and clear. Then when I pan everything to the left, it's all muffled and hard to hear anything except for the bass. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else notice that the avatar icons look like the face of deadmau5?

    Look at the circular dot eyes, and the half-circle smile. See it?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago