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  • latisse and wearing false lashes?

    I've been wearing false lashes for so long now, I figure I may as well invest in Latisse. I was wondering if anyone has continued to wear falsies while starting Latisse and waiting for results? Will it work against each other?

    1 AnswerMakeup7 years ago
  • latisse and wearing false lashes?

    I have been wearing falsies for over a year now and have come to the conclusion that I might as well invest in Latisse if I'm spending so much on glue and false lashes. My thing is, I was wondering if anyone else has continued to wear the falsies while starting Latisse. Is it something that works against each other? I know, I can just suck it up and deal with it because I will more than likely get awesome results but my lashes are one of the few make up things I do. Anyone out there who has done this?

    1 AnswerMakeup7 years ago
  • lashes comparable to revlon's natural defining 91168?

    I know this is silly but if you've ever found those perfect false lashes that no other brand nor style compares, you just don't want to settle for any other! I LOVE Revlon's Natural Defining #91168 and I'm guessing they're being phased out because even Revlon doesn't have them. I can find a few on line but they're triple the price and that's just ridiculous.

    They're light weight, moderate length and fullness. Perfect for daytime wear and they don't start sagging within a few hours. I've tried TONS of other brands and styles and none have made me happy. Anyone have any suggestions as to where I can go to find something that may be comparable to these? Even the bands on them are thin and easy to use.

    1 AnswerMakeup7 years ago
  • Stuck between whole life and universal life insurance?

    Ok, I need unbiased opinions on these types of insurance because I keep feeling like both insurance agents I speak with are not telling me everything I should know. Here's what's going on...

    My mother purchased a whole life policy about 10 years ago when she was 63. It is a little over $200 a month and a few years ago, she asked me to take over the payments because she couldn't handle them any more. Why did she get one so late? Because she didn't know any better and our funerals are crazy crazy expensive (it's a cultural thing--something that I will have to help bear when the time comes). Anyway, since she basically won't qualify for any other type of policy, I took over. Fast forward, I found someone who could get me a universal life policy for $150 a month. The benefits all seem basically the same.

    The agent from the first company is telling me moving her to a universal policy isn't smart because of the way they "move your money around" (and that confuses the hell out of me anyway because he doesn't really explain it) and the agent from the new company just assures me it's all basically the same (which it does seem so on paper that I've been able to figure out). I've moved the cash portion of the policy from the first company to the second and have 30 days to change my mind. I don't know if I've made a good decision or not because I don't feel like I've made a completely informed decision. I don't know if I'm just confused because insurance is so confusing in itself!

    I must have some type of coverage so getting rid of it is out of the question. My mother is in good health and has no health problems but we all know, that time can come at any time. And like I said, I just need to know if whole and universal are basically the same. I don't want to be hit by some awful surprise(s) when I need this.

    5 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • How to get rid of lint balls on EVERYTHING?

    I'm going to get a pet brush just to try but my question is, does anyone have a way to get rid of lint balls that is apparently on everything that comes out of the dryer? I have cleaned the lint trap as much as possible, with a vacuum also. Next on the list will be a lint lizard. Does anyone think it could be the washer and dryer? We've had this washer and dryer for over a decade and they've never given us problems. This lint thing just started a few weeks ago. Any suggestions would be amazing. Thanks!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Does anyone know of an app that android has that is basically a filing cabinet?

    I need an app for android that is similar to apple's "Client File". It's basically for the notes I make on all my clients and their personal information. This used to be all in a filing cabinet and I now have a tablet that I am trying to put it all in. Maybe I am using the wrong words in the search bar in the Play Store? Help, please! I appreciate it.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • How do I get a particular phone number for my cell phone?

    Here's the situation, I am with Verizon. I would like a particular #, I was told it is owned by AT&T. I call AT&T, they tell me the number is available and all I need to do is activate a phone. I activate a phone, they tell me they cannot "find" the number. 2 weeks goes by, I have spoken to many reps (at least 10) and they all tell me something a little different. Some say it's impossible to get the number, some say if I persist enough, I can get it, some say I can call back every single day and change my number in hopes of it being the exact one I want (which is ridiculous lol). I spoke with someone from AT&T yesterday, they say they don't own it, a company named Momentum Telecom owns it. Momentum apparently does not activate phones, they just ...move numbers around from company to company (that's the gist of it, at least).

    The reason I'd like this number is because it spells out what I do and I am just trying to be a smart business person. I think this would help me tremendously to keep up with competitors. Anyone know how I can go about getting this particular number?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • will my turkey taste fine if i travel with it 6 hours after cooking it?

    So, my family has put me in charge of the turkey this year and I am extremely pressed for time. I am making a turducken (chicken inside a duck inside a turkey) and I live about 6 hours from my family. I was thinking if it isn't too far fetched, that I'd make the turducken at home, put the entire thing a cooler (or something else? I'm open for suggestions!) and drive to my mom's and put it in the oven there to warm up. According to the recipe, it takes about 6 hours to cook.

    The best part of this is, I've never baked a turkey before. So...yeah, this is quite a challenge. My cooking friends, what do you think the outcome will be? Is it doable? Does anyone have any good suggestions that might help me fare well with this?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • toilet was clogged. cleared it, then used a few times, now it's just acting up....?

    so my husband clogged the toilet, it was pretty serious. we cleared it up. thought everything was back to normal. a few days (and uses) later, the toilet seems to just ...not flush. no water is going down, nothing is going anywhere. now when we flush, the toilet paper just floats around and you can see, it's not going anywhere. when the initial clog happened, we plunged til i thought we couldn't plunge anymore. finally, i tried the dishwashing soap and boiling water trick. THAT is what helped it go down! and then we had a few friends over and i'm pretty sure nothing out of the ordinary happened but the flush became slower and slower and altogether, has just stopped.

    can someone tell me what the heck is going on with my toilet and what it is i can do to fix this without having to call a plumber? we just fixed our stinkin' kitchen sink and really cannot afford for the plumber to come out again. we've considered draino and other "down the drain" chemicals but they specifically say to not be used in toilets so....we don't wanna chance that. thanks a bunch in advance:)

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • what would you like to see if you went to a bridal expo?

    the company i work with are going to a bridal expo in a few weeks. if you are/were a bride (and/or bride's maid, groom, groom's man or just looking for a wedding gift for a bride), what could we put on a sign that would grab your attention? we do medical weight loss, laser tattoo removal, laser hair removal, aesthetics, and massage, among a few other (medical) things. i need ideas on what kind of packages we could offer that wouldn't seem over the top expensive. all suggestions are welcome:)

    also, i am a bit nervous. this is the first time i would be doing something like this. what do i say to people walking by to get them to check us out without sounding like a used car salesman?

    1 AnswerWeddings10 years ago
  • Not pregnant yet but am planning on it. Can someone explain to me whether or not i can still get insurance?

    I am planning to get pregnant in 2 months or so. My boyfriend and i planned it to be right after summer ends and I am shopping for insurance now so I will have it before I become pregnant. So I'm looking at my info packet and I see the part that says there's a year waiting period before I can be covered for maternity care. Can someone please help me understand this and if that means I won't be able to try in September? What if I get the insurance, it starts the 1st of August and then I become pregnant in September? Will the insurance have to cover me anyway? I really don't want to resort to medicaid, which I don't think I would qualify for anyway.

    My boyfriend has insurance where he works but we're not legally married (don't plan on it. We're happy where we are) so he can't add me anyway. Even if he did, the price jump is outrageous. It's better for our wallets to just have our own insurances. Any suggestions or answers are appreciated!

    5 AnswersInsurance10 years ago
  • the bags under my eyes have gotten itchier and more red in the past few weeks?

    i am not eating different, haven't been anywhere i haven't been a thousand times before and not wearing a different kind of makeup nor using a different moisturizer. at first, it felt like a mosquito bite under my eyes. no bump like a mosquito bite would leave though. just an annoying itch. and then about a week later, the bags under my eyes are red and very puffy! has anyone had this happen to them? what did you do to help it go away? i've never had this happen before. i usually use a vitamin E moisturizer every day, i have been for about 6 months now. i think if i was going to have an allergic reaction to it, it would have happened a long time ago.

    any suggestions to help rid it would be greatly appreciated. any ideas as to why this is happening, also greatly appreciated. no concealer is really helping cover it up. i'm tan (asian) and 28 years old. i have never had problems with my skin before, not like this:(

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • has the pull tab part of a zipper fallen off and you just want to replace it?

    i have a fairly large bag for my massage table and the pull tab part of the zipper that closes the bag fell off and i can't find it so i'd like to replace it. unfortunately, i can't find a zipper at a regular fabric store that fits this size bag. i tried buying a zipper and taking the pull tab part off and just putting it onto mine but the replacement i bought is too small. i don't want to replace the bag because it's fairly expensive but it's pretty much pointless without the zipper. does anyone know where i can get a bigger pull tab? or another way i can fix this without replacing the bag altogether?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • where can i watch Grey's Anatomy Season 6 season finale?

    the one that just aired this past week? dvr didn't record it. and that was disappointing. does anyone know a website i can catch the season finale on? i tried sidereeling it, but it's so confusing! help?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • what do you think of the losers that ask stupid questions for attention?

    specifically, (user name) OKLAHOMA. i mean the ones that ask ridiculous things like 'am i wrong for this? banged a chick in my imagination...'. my response was something along the lines of 'you just doing this for attention? sad.' this idiot also sent me a hateful, threatening message but was too cowardly to leave the option for a response open.

    i really don't care about the above named loser. i just wanted some input on if you guys get this sometimes. you give your honest opinion and some people take it to extreme levels.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can I amend my taxes this year when I've already filed and received my refund?

    if i've already filed my taxes and received my refund but realized that my grandson isn't being claimed, can i amend my taxes or do i have to wait until next year when i file my 2010 taxes? my daughter lived with me for 8 months last year and she was on unemployment. i took care of them both. well, we didn't think about me claiming her son until recently. technically, we're not breaking any laws. so once again, my question is, can i amend my taxes for 2009 and claim my grandson? i don't know if the state matters but we live in SC. any websites that are helpful would be greatly appreciated also.

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • does anyone know where i can get laughing gas?

    i was hoping to surprise my sisters for their birthdays (they'll be 22 and 23) and i heard someone tell of a story where they said they had laughing gas to entertain each other before. i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get some? online? or do i have to personally be buddy-buddy with a dentist? perhaps a substitution that's equally effective?

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • does anyone know where i can get laughing gas?

    i was hoping to surprise my sisters for their birthdays (they'll be 22 and 23) and i heard someone tell of a story where they said they had laughing gas to entertain each other before. i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get some? online? or do i have to personally be buddy-buddy with a dentist? perhaps a substitution that's equally effective?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • if i was on unemployment benefits all year in 2009...?

    and my bf was to claim my son and i, would that be ok? we didn't live in the same state but he's supported me throughout the year while i was unable to find a job. does it matter that we didn't live in the same state? i mean, i have no other income, no other fine print to file. it's really just me, my son, my unemployment benefits and that's it. can someone help me figure out the best way to get the most out of this situation?

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago