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hope everyone is having a great holiday season! not sure why yahoo keeps changing my name to LUNA, but my i.d. is in la di da or la la land. :) Hopefully I fixed the settings. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • i'm looking for an illustration or children's book about the inside of a restaurant?

    the illustration is done in the style of Lucille Corcos. it's a cut out view of a restaurant and it shows in great detail the dining room and the big kitchen and the back alley (i think). I have seen a lot of cut out art but i can't find one of a restaurant that i use to enjoy as a child. I'm sure it was a book with other cut out buildings...for example the innards of a post office, innards of a school...along those line. the memory is vague but i know this style was very popular in the 50s. any help in the right direction would be appreciated!

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • first heartbreak in over ten years....?

    i divorced 10yrs ago and since then, i dated casually. No i don't mean casual sex, I mean going out to dinner with someone for a few weeks and moving on. nothing serious! As a mother of four i figured the lines i was getting about love and forever were just lines. who would want to take me and four kids on? then the day after this past valentine i meet someone on a dating site. the fact i spent another valentine dinner with the kids probably motivated me to give the site a chance. from that day on, we've been "together". we introduced the kids to each other this summer. my kids had never met a man i dated in those ten years! i wouldnt have introduced them to this guy if i didn't think he was the one. tonight we broke up. doesn't matter why... i'm old enough to know my options:i can either put up with the annoying "problem" because i know he's a good man. or i can stay single, which doesnt scare me at all. i'm a pro at it actually. or i can go back into the dating world and give it a REAL try at finding love, not like before. i'm bothered that i waited so long to get into a loving relationship but after this break up, i'm remembering why i was so scared to do it in the first place. i guess i want to hear from other 40something yr old and what they suggest. i'm feeling very bruised....

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • is my chicken still good?

    i defrosted it over night in the fridge monday. on tuesday morning i took the semi defrosted chicken breasts and chicken quarters and had them "marinate" in buttermilk to make fried chicken that night. however that evening as i was making dinner, i realized i had too much chicken so we just fried the breasts and i left the quarters in the fridge to use today. tonight,I just realize though, the chicken has been sitting in buttermilk all this time. is it still ok to use even though it's been sitting in a dairy product all this time?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • help with an old white Himalayan?

    our female white himalyan is about 8 yrs old. she was dumped in our laps over some renter/land lord dispute. We don't mind, she was is a very very sweet cat. problem is that in the last two years she is REFUSING to use the litter box! She has all her shots and is not ill, she just has refused to use the litter box! we did scoopable for the last year and regular fresh step litter before that. She doesn't like either one! we can NOT put her outside, the previous owners de-clawed her! she can not defend herself. We enclosed our back yard patio securely so she wouldn't escape and harm herself. Problem is cats could come in from the trees and some mean street cat came into our yard and hurt her. I can't let her go back out. what do i do with this poopy mess!!?!? as of now we have her living in the laundry room, i have to go in and clean her poo RIGHT OFF THE FLOOR! she literally won't use the litter box. it's in there CLEAN! she is now getting depressed because I won't let her in the main house and she can no longer sleep with my son who she absolutely adores! and i have noticed her hair is getting darker...not sure if that's normal. but it's something i've noticed. also, one weekend we put TWO LItter boxes in the laundry with a dome and one without. I thought maybe she didn't like the dome...but sure enough she would just poo on the floor. what do i do!?!?!? this is breaking my heart!

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • to plus size ladies, does size matter?

    I'm a size 18. I've lost about 140+/- lbs since 2010. I'll gain 4lbs and lose it again...basically I'm "maintaining". But my issue is about dating. I have four kids and a full wonderful healthy life, I'm back in college, this is my 4th semester and I'm having the time of my life. I'm very busy but now as I approach 40 I want to date again. I have lost weight and feel more confident. I know there are men who love big women, I use to like big men. I felt comfortable around them. But recently I have been approached by athletic and fit men. I am very attracted to them, however can NOT see myself with these men, in fact I have developed all kinds of insecurities and anxieties about it.My comfort zone is heavy set men; in fact my ex husband was a big guy. I recently turned down a date with this man from college because I felt so scared thinking about our size difference. I start over thinking, what will sex be like, what will people think if they see him with me...I have NEVER been insecure like this. But now that I think about it, I've never dated fit men. anyone know what I'm going through? are you a plus size woman and you date fit men? how did you get over your hang ups?? any advice will help.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • which cookware do you think is the best?

    I've lived my life buying Family Dollar cookware sets..they scratch and after a year they'd go in the trash. 16yrs ago when I was married I bought $200 stainless steel cookware set but the problem with that was that I just don't think I have the temperament or skill to work with stainless steel. If it's a stock pot, sure but not sauce pans, frying pans etc. Everything burns! So the one thing I do know is that I would like cookware with teflon. Any brands that are the best. I finally will treat myself to some expensive cookware. I can't see me spending more than $250-$300 for the set. I'm not a professional. I cook every night and I cook home cooked meals so I need something long lasting and dummy proof. thanks!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • what canning materials are safe to use?

    I'm reading that Ball has bpa and tattler has a problem with leaking formaldehyde. I'm reading the reviews on Amazon and have no direction. any suggestions? info?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • can rusty old dirty cast iron skillets be saved?

    i found these in the shed before the holiday; I think my brother left them here 5 yrs ago. His lost, I'm his big sister so he'd be out of his mind to ask for them back. But anywhooo, I have these four cast iron skillets, they are so disgusting with animal pee, some weird cake on dirt, rust and cob webs....can these be saved? can someone tell me how to fix these, sanitize them and season them? or should I just clean them and use them as kitchen decor?

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • will solar panels truly save us money as in 'free'?

    I want to know if anyone owns a solar panel(s) for their homes. what did it cost to install? are you seriously getting 'free' electricity?

    6 AnswersGreen Living8 years ago
  • how long can anchovies keep in a homemade dressing?

    On Thursday, i made a big batch of dressing that has fresh herbs, mayo and anchovies in oil. I use it to top baked fish, i just used it for tuna salad, kids use it to dip veggies and I use it as a salad dressing. But i've never used anchovies before until now. it adds a neat kick to it. HOWEVER it just occurred to me i don't know how well anchovies stay safe.....any suggestions? am I going to have to throw this out soon??

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How serious should I take Preppers and SHTF scenerios?

    i heard about groups of communities that practice self sufficiency but never truly paid attention to the details. I know about militias and their doomsday beliefs but never did I think there were such large masses of people preparing for stuff. First of all, is there a large mass of people? Their presence is quite large on youtube. I accidentally stumbled into their world. there's this youtube mini celeb, she cooks home cooked meals. and she had a recipe for preppers spaghetti...long story short on the right side of the video was a list of other "prepper" videos...I had NEVER even heard of this term. I discovered a sub culture that I'm not familiar with and wonder if I should be concerned. Some of these people are so afraid, they appear to be out of their mind frightened. I read the comments and many "sane" people suggest these people went into overdrive when Obama became president; these are hysterical white people who think the end of the world IS coming because their white country is being led by a black president. These preppers do appear racists, many do at least. Now i always wanted to be self sufficient but I'm a divorced mom/work part time go to school full time woman who is on a budget. I can't afford to stock pile...but the idea seems like a logical idea. However I don't think the SHTF scenerios will ever I missing something?? btw for those who don't know SHTF means s***t hit the fan....i just learned that as well. lol any info on this sub culture would be helpful.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • What is WOW? I am finally curious about it. Is it too late to join? Is it complicated?

    I'm a very happy busy mom of four who works part time and attends college full time. Before I decided to go back to college I would read fiction to relax and escape. However now with so much reading and writing I do in school recreational reading is not appealing anymore. I need something to help me relax and "escape". Someone suggested I play games like World of Warcraft.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • help with semi-orphan kitten?

    4days ago 2 kittens were found in the yard 2 days AFTER we found a momma cat and her 6 kittens in a tree trunk. we assumed during labor she 'misplaced' them or other cats tried to take them....these 2 discarded kittens were found in a shed. we brought them inside and reunited the 2 kittens with their momma and siblings. but now i'm noticing she doesn't really like the two discarded kittens even though they nurse very well and poo normally...they do not look like the runts at all, infact i have identified the runt but she doesn't discard that one. long story short, today she tried to seperate one of those two kittens from her and the rest. i found it on a rug near my daughter's bed. since we foudn the 2 kittens we took precation and bought formula and a kitten bottle just incase she purposely didnt want these kittens. we feed them "as good measure" since we are not home during the day and do not know how the momma cat is caring for them. so i suppose i'm going to have to feed it more, though but what do i do now? do i allowe her to seperate the kitten from herself and the others and treat it as an orphan? or do i keep placing it back in the litter for warmth and occasional feedings (my daughter has witnessed the kitten nursing at times)? any suggestions?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • how do i hide comments i make on friends walls or newlinks..?

    I'm sorry but there is NO option to hide. when i click 'recent activity' I can see all the posts and comments i've made on friends pages, on news links, pics..etc. and NO i'm sorry there is no way to "hide" the comments i make on some of these! am i missing something? for example. I subscribe to don lemons page, a news anchor on CNN. he posted a question and i commented. i don't want anyone seeing comments i make on such subscriptions. but there is NO option to hide it, i am only given the option to delete it! so on the 'recent activity' i clicked delete, thinking this would delete the comment from my timeline...NO, IT ACTUALLY DELETED the comment from the original question on don lemon's page! is this a glitch??

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • need nick name for group of older age students?

    nothing with the words silver or gold in it! lol we are over 30 college students, we all have lived full lives and for various reasons we are returning to college. that is our common ground. any suggestions?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • finish the thought, "he's probably a player if he....."?

    i'm curious at to what clues indicate i'm dating a player!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • dividing negative numbers...?

    is it possible to divide a small negative number by a large positive number...for example..

    DIRECTIONS SAY: evaluate each expression for x=16, y= -4, and z= -2

    y divided by x so that would be -4 divided by is that possible?

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • need a list of songs that are about unrequited love?

    I have "cheers, darling" and "it should've been me"...know any others??

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • help with shallow grave?

    I had to dig a hole for a dead cat we found on a neighbor's lawn. the old man next door just wanted to complain and try to convince me to toss it in the trash...but I couldnt do it. So i dug a hole and buried her. problem is the grave is shallow...anyone know if the cat will sink down into the earth...should I go and buy some soil/sand and put it on top for added measure?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago