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Favorite Answers4%
  • what will remove bleach from lanolium?

    I work for a shelter and some one moped with pure bleach and know the floors are stained yellow and it looks like a dog peed every where. we tried peroxide we let it sit over night and it lightened it a little. what will remove the stains?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • how do you upload pictures to the computer?

    i have a samsungnv3

    i also have the sord the plugs in to the computer

    2 AnswersCameras8 years ago
  • Is it possibly to give a pregnant cat to much vitamins?

    There are pregnant cats at the shelter. The shelter doesn't have a vet (city runs it and says to expensive). I'm giving them 2 types of vitamins and mixing KRM in there wet food and they are on amoxicillin. One cat is sick ,one is about 9 months the other is healthy.

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • why do steroids make dogs hungry?

    My dog is on steroids for heart worms. why dose she need to be on them? Why do they make her super hungry?

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • how effective would this be?

    i think that we should do this no one will buy dogs(not to that extent but same point)

    first link

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • has any one ever had these problems with the humane society?

    the one in my area is bad they teach the dogs not to climb or dig to get out by puting live wire around the fence which shocks the smaller dogs that go to the fence to get petted. They turn animals down for stupid reasons, "over crowded", the animals not pure breed, its a pit bull, its ugly, its special needs, it old, it is sick. they tell you to take it to the other shelter were they will kill it (that is a total lie i'm a volunteer there and they only put down about 50 dogs and about 100 cats when they deal with over 100 dogs a month and about 50 cats a month , they only euthanize very sick and aggressive dogs) plus one of there dogs ran away from a foster home and not only that is was one of the few special needs dogs they did take. Are the other humane societys like that?

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • how to train a bait dog to trust?

    there is a dog at the shelter that was used as a bait dog. she came in at 18lb know weighs about 40lb. she attacks and trys to attack every dog she sees even throught her cage and glass. we put her in a cage next to a unreactive dog who just looks at her when she trys to get her. she has stoped trying to get the dog unless. she has a blanket,bone,treat, ect. and the other dog trys to get it. the shelter has never had a dog that is this dog aggressive. she is dog aggressive out of fear. we know she wount live in a home with other dogs but we just want her to be able to go for a walk and just be like most dogs. right know she couldnt be walked out in public because she freaks out and lunges at every dog. she is very sweet and loving the first day she came in she let us put her in a sweeter, and clean her up with out growl. she is great with children and lets use do what every we want to her. the only people problem is food aggression. we are working on that and she has done a lot better. she is a american pit bull terrier and about 3. she just got fixed this Tuesday. This is the shelter fist bait dog so we dont really know how to train her. How do you train /teach a bait dog to be less reactive to other dogs? Is there any place we can contact about her? Any extra information.


    Dogs8 years ago
  • why is a dog treat maker a seasonal product?

    i went to petsmart to get another dog treat maker because it take a long time to bake . When I ask the a worker they said it was a sesonal produce. why is it there is nothing christmasy about it

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • my dog has heart worms?

    i took my dog to the vet and she has heart worms. she goes back to the vet tomorrow to see if her liver and kidney are strong enough to go through treatment. she is a 15 year old pit bull. Pretty healthy and mostly lazy but can be active. we have had made her lay down for the last 2 days . she had some coughing which we were treating as kennel cough. she was teasted for heart worms a few months ago at the shelter and tested negitive and has been on heart worm prevention.

    what is the chance that she can go through treatment?

    why do they need to test her live and kidney?

    why dosn't the test always work?

    what is the treatment?

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • why are some people against spay and neuter?

    i think it is awesome it helps in so many ways and reduces the number of animal killed every year and it reduces many bad behaviors

    13 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • why are some people against spay and neuter?

    i think it is the best im a volunteer at a shelter and in the last 7 months we have had 10+ litters of puppies 2 of which were born at the shelter and like 20 litters of kittens if you arent going to keep them get them fixed there are so many places where you can get them fixed for like $50 or less

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • what are rawhides made of?

    if its not good for dogs why do the make them and what are the made of

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • a recipe calls for tapioca flour can i use a different kind of flour?

    which kind would be the best i have self rising, all porpouse, and whole wheat

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Old dog in heat please help?

    I am foster in a15year old pit who was breed her whole life see isn't fixed I think she is going to go in to heat soon the shelter said that she might not bleed when she is in heat all of my dogs have been fixed before going in to heat so I don't know what to do I will go out with her when she goes out and will not let her get pregnant (the shelter said that if I got her fixed there is a chance she won't wake up and I dont want to take that chance she has lived out side with no vet care and she is still the best dog ever)she also got a station about4weeks ago to stop her scratching

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • when should whells be put on a dog and how much are they?

    I vollenteer for a shelter and a pregnet dog came in and had about 8 puppys and one was born with out both from legs it is missing about half of the leg. it is healthy and it will suove through its brothers and sisters to get milk it has to suckle on its side it is only a week old if we get her wheels how much would it cost and when should we get them for her(mom in about knee high)

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • how much should i feed a 14 year old pitbull?

    we are feeding he a puppy food with v8 jucie to sofen it we give her 2 bowl fuls one in the morning and one in the afternoon we dont meser it out but she always seems hurngry

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • how to get rid of old dog smell?

    im fostering a old dog and my mom is complaning that she smells i bathed her a few days ago and she smells like old dog know

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • what are good people foods for dog?

    what are good people foods for allergies, joins, and skin

    for a special treat

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago