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  • I believe in a plan but no 'God'?

    I want to believe that there is a 'plan' for us, it gives me comfort and its plausible. However, I cannot believe in a God, even if there is a God, I do not think humans have interpreted this concept correctly. If there is a God, he doesn't exist as we know Him to.

    What other views on life are there?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • I'm about to jump, what do you say?

    I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. I'm about to jump. You see me. I turn to you and ask..

    Why should I exist?

    What's your reply?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I'm about to jump, what do you say?

    I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. I'm about to jump. You see me. I turn to you and ask..

    Why should I exist?

    What's your reply?

    29 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Do you think we are entering a society where everyone must be accepted?

    Do you think we are entering a society where everyone is accepted and if you show a lack of acceptance you are labelled as a 'bigot'?

    Obviously, prejudice is still alive and well. But if you're public about your prejudices you will get hate thrown at you and in some cases, rightfully so.

    Do you think it's right?

    Or should people be allowed to voice their opinion without fear of hatred (as long as they do not push their views onto others)?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Do you wonder...?

    There has been a recent increase in aviation incidents with MH370 going missing, MH317 being shot down, a Taiwanese plane going down and just recently an Air Algerie plane being reported missing.

    Do you think the increase in these incidents is more due to the fact that the news agencies are placing aviation incidents on the front page after the MH370 disappearance, or do you really think there has been an increase in aviation disasters?


    Does the power of news agencies scare you?

    What if the world is full of good, but the news agencies act like reality tv directors cutting and editing the world so we perceive the world to be grim...

    Do you know the truth?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Do you wonder...?

    There has been a recent increase in aviation incidents with MH370 going missing, MH317 being shot down, a Taiwanese plane going down and just recently an Air Algerie plane being reported missing.

    Do you think the increase in these incidents is more due to the fact that the news agencies are placing aviation incidents on the front page after the MH370 disappearance, or do you really think there has been an increase in aviation disasters?


    Does the power of news agencies scare you?

    What if the world is full of good, but the news agencies act like reality tv directors cutting and editing the world so we perceive the world to be grim...

    Do you know the truth?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Australia call on Murali?

    It's a bit of a joke really.

    He will be forever marred the with the word 'chucker' because of Australia and now he is sharing his skills and experience with their team.

    The hypocrisy is beyond belief.

    What do you think about Murali joining the Australian coaching team?

    6 AnswersCricket7 years ago
  • Is my lovebird's droppings normal?

    His droppings are very watery. They are dark green with a bit of white, all looks quite normal in that respect. But they are just very watery. The fluid is clear. Sometimes his droppings are just water only. Other than that, he acts very normal and is very active and everything.

    I have never owned a love bird before, i use to own budgies so I'm not really sure what is normal.

    Can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerBirds7 years ago
  • Why do humans only really comprehend straight lines?

    Humans are constantly forcing their straight lines and 90 degree angles onto the world.

    For instance, the maps of train lines. Until about the 1940s that train lines of the London Underground were mapped out depending on their true location. Now they are mapped out in straight lines so we can better understand them, the much of the world has followed this trend.

    So why can such complex being struggle to comprehend the natural contours of the world?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Why do humans only really comprehend straight lines?

    Humans are constantly forcing their straight lines and 90 degree angles onto the world.

    For instance, the maps of train lines. Until about the 1940s that train lines of the London Underground were mapped out depending on their true location. Now they are mapped out in straight lines so we can better understand them, the much of the world has followed this trend.

    So why can such complex being struggle to comprehend the natural contours of the world?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Islam, tell me more?

    I am looking for someone who will discuss Islam with me, not just recite information to me but explain as I ask questions.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do we choose one religion?

    Why do we restrict ourselves to one religion?

    It's like reading the works of Friedrich Nietzsche and only believing his interpretation of the world and no one else's. It's foolish.

    Don't you think?

    Why not understand all religions and take all the aspects that you like from each and create your own interpretation of the world?

    17 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Do you sometimes feel that you cannot handle the ignorance of the world?

    I can only speak for the country which I am from. But over here in the western world we are spoon-fed information and we mindlessly accept what we hear without question or doubt.

    I guess we have no choice, we're use to the information being at our fingertips and to have to search to get to the truth... we have to work. We don't have time for that.

    I may as well be asleep, hooked up to a machine that pumps information to my mind. I exist in a reality that I am not even sure truly exists.

    Do you sometimes feel that you cannot handle the ignorance of the world?

    13 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • I am everything but free?

    I thought about how free I am.

    It soon became apparent that I am everything but free.

    My hands are tightly held together behind my back, I am oblivious to this restraint.

    I am restricted in all that I do. By the law, by 'science', by every breath I take.

    In fact, I cannot determine what notion is my own. Is any thought even my own? All my thoughts are thoughts that are restricted and restrained. From the very first breath that I took I have been programmed to believe that this is good and that is bad.

    Am I free in anything that I do?

    11 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Knowledge is nothing without action?

    I'm looking for a quote by a philosopher that discusses how knowledge alone is of no significance, it is the action of that knowledge that is vital.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • If ignorance is bliss, why do I seek knowledge?

    I was watching a documentary on the tribulations of women living in Afghanistan and Yamen. I was greatly effected by what I saw and in my disbelief I could not stop researching the discrimination towards women in these countries.

    But why?

    I understand that 'knowledge is power'.

    But in this case, I am very much powerless. There is not much I can do other than sympathise for these women, miles away, from the comfort of my seat. If anything, such knowledge widens my eyes to the evil that exists. And yes, it does make me more aware of just how privileged I am.

    But my question is, why do I seek such knowledge? When really if I was ignorant of such wrong doing I would probably look to world more positively.

    11 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Which hand am I to choose?

    I'm standing in the darkness, I can see two hands.

    One is knowledge, the other is faith.

    If I choose knowledge I must come to terms with the coldest of facts.

    If I choose faith, while it may bring me hope I risk falling into a deeper darkness. For if it turns out my faith has led me wrong, not only will that fact alone bring me pain. But furthermore, the fact that I rejected logic when it was staring me in the face will only make me feel a fool.

    Which hand should I choose to fuel my motive to continue living?

    Note: I use the term 'knowledge' loosely. When I refer to knowledge I refer to undeniable statements that require NO faith. For instance, 'evil exists in our world'.

    19 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Should I give up my love of truth for happiness?

    I just watched a bit of the movie The Secret and it got me thinking.

    If I want something and in order to get that I begin to think positively, will i actually receive what i want? Or will I simply receive something and perceive it to be what I want?

    For instance if I want to buy a really good laptop, if i then buy a laptop and in the positive frame of thought that I am in, only see the positives and good within this laptop... Does that mean I can declare that this is in fact a good laptop?

    Does it matter that there may be a great amount of better laptops out there?

    If I want to lose weight, I lose 0.5kg and because I am positive I am thrilled by this news. I think wow my positive thinking has caused me to lose weight. In reality this may be a regular loss in fluids.


    These are terrible examples but what I am trying to get at is, in order to be happy and get all that we want in life must we ignore the 'truth'?

    If i only saw that there are better quality laptops and that a loss of 0.5kg was a regular occurrence, essentially i would not have received what i wanted. Must I accept a 'less accurate' 'reality'?

    Many great philosophers were often psychotic or suicidal and maybe within that lies my answer....

    21 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago