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  • Kindle library loans?

    So I rented two library books on my kindle. I returned them early from Amazon and then deleted them from my Amazon library. On my bookshelf at the library they don't appear, but they still appear on my kindle and I can open them up and read them. This doesn't seem right. I'm wondering if they didn't get properly returned and I'm going to get an email saying they are late. This is the first time I've rented and Ebook.

    4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • When to apply for Financial aid?

    Sorry if this is s silly question. I'm going to school this semester after applying and recieving a full pellgrant. How often do you have to apply for financial aid. Yearly? If so, does that mean that I will not recieve any money for next semester and will have to wait until the next? Thanks for any answers. Just trying to make sense of all of this.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • Allergic reaction to bandaids?

    I had minor surgery at the beggining of the month. After the initial bandages came off, the doctor showed me how he wanted me to dress it for the next two weeks. After the first week putting bandaids on was almost intolerable because I had developed a horrible rash that was to the point of bleeding. I switched to medical tape and cotton balls. I'm now to the point where I don't have to dress it anymore, but I still have the aweful rash where the bandaids were. It's so itchy to the point where I couldn't sleep last night. If I scratch it though, it continues to itch even worse. Should I see a doc, or is there any kind of cream I can use to make the rash go away?

    4 AnswersAllergies8 years ago
  • Ugh...can anyone help with wet dog smell?

    I can not get my dog smelling good for the life of me. We don't know what breed he is (presumable some kind of lab mix) but he's got a long white coat. Bathing does nothing to rid him of the smell because he smells like wet dog if he's just towel dried after a bath. And the smell stays around. I've tried blow drying him with a regular hair dryer but it I can't get him completely dry and he still smells! Plus the dryer scares him and he just stands there and shakes. Is there anything I can do at home to avoid taking him to a groomer every time he needs a bath. I would love some tips!

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • My toddler's bed times have become a disaster?

    After waking up scared several times in a row I introduced a night light, and gave him a choice when putting him to bed to have it on or off. He now sees it as an excuse to get out of bed 5 times a night asking me to turn the light on, then off, then on and so on and so on. I'm about ready to throw it in the garbage, but then I think to myself what if he really gets scared? I think of telling him, "no, you are going to bed with it on, and that's it," but then I think, what if he has trouble falling asleep with it on. This may sound like a ridiculous question, but seriously, what would you do?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • How to move the potty into the bathroom?

    Just wondering if someone else has been in this position. My 28 month old is fully trained during the daytime. He still as an occasional accident, but I expect that. When I started training him about 3 weeks ago, I put his little potty in the living room with us so that it would be right there in case he needs to use it. Now I think it's about time to move it into the bathroom but I'm worried that it will upset his little routine. How should I go about doing this? Should I not worry about it and just leave the potty where it is? Our only bathroom us upstairs. If we have guests over should I just let them grin and bear it :) ?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • when did you start using a crib?

    Right now my two week old sleeps in his moses basket beside me at night and in it downstairs with my and my two year old during the day. I'm wondering when it would be a good idea to start putting him down in his crib with monitors. I wouldn't have a problem doing it now accept he often wakes and then falls back asleep when he is napping so I might be running up and down the stairs a lot. He also doesn't have any kind of sleep pattern yet. I'm starting to think the noise of us being downstairs is starting to bother him a little bit. I also don't want him to get too used to his moses basket and not want to lay in his crib. What to do?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Starting potty training with my two year old?

    My two year old son is showing most signs that he is ready for toilet training. We also have a two week old, so as soon as we think he is well adjusted (which he's already doing very well) we plan on introducing a potty. I've bought a potty seat and a book for us to read about going potty. Are there any things that you bought for potty training that you don't think you could have gone without (besides the obvious like training pants and such)?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • I need some quick answers?

    I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I've been in pain on and off since last night. Sometimes it is a constant dull cramping, and other times I'm having pains as bad as my worst contractions with my first pregnancy, except they are not consistent at all. Sometimes they last a couple of minutes, sometimes a couple of seconds, and they come and go irregularly. They'll go away for hours at a time and then come back. At my 36 week checkup I was not dilated at all. I was induced with my son so I never experienced this. Has anyone else had pains similar?? I'm so confused.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This may be a stupid question?

    A friend just gave me a very nice moses basket that she only used for a few months. There are two mattress pads in it. One is a little thicker and is covered in a water proof material, and the other is thinner, but a little softer, and covered in a breathable fabric. Which does the baby lie on top of and which goes on bottom?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • "Big brother" present?

    I have a two year old and am six weeks away from my due date with my second little boy. In trying to prepare my toddler for the home coming of his new brother, someone suggested that we get a present for him to give to him "from his little brother" for when he comes to see him in the hospital. I think it's a sweet idea and good, positive way to introduce him. I'm wondering though, what would be an appropriate gift to give? I think can't be just anything, but it also has to be something that he can enjoy, not just a silly keepsake item. Any suggestions??

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Toddler birthday toys?

    My son's second birthday is approaching and I'm really excited for him since this is the first birthday where he'll really be able to enjoy a party and presents. I've been thinking about what I'd like to get him, but I wanted to ask parents with children around his age what toys their kids really enjoy and seem to play with for a while. Some things I've already thought of are a tricycle (which he's been wanting forever) and nice toy tool set. He's just got so many toys now that he doesn't really play with. Or toys that we've bought him and he's outgrown quickly. Any input is great!!

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • To anyone who had a younger toddler when they had their second child?

    I am so excited to have my new baby and even though I'm only 34 weeks, it's all I can think about. I also have a 22 month old who I stay at home with. Everytime I think about when I have the baby, I get really excited but I feel like the thought is tainted with stress about how my son will be without me while I'm in the hospital. He is pretty attached to me and my husband and he stays with a baby sitter once a week, so I know that he is alright without us for a little while, but I can't help but think I'll be worried about him while I'm having the baby. I think the main concern is that I don't know what time of day I'll be having the baby, and no one else has ever put him to bed besides me (not even really my husband). Did anyone else go through these worries? Was everything ok while you were in the hospital?

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Taking a poll...if you went overdue with your first pregnancy?

    Did you also go overdue with your second? I went two weeks past my due date with my first and am wondering what will happen this time. My doctor mentioned the other day that sometimes history repeats itself...

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A good dish to bring to this potluck party?

    It's an easter party of about 30 people with children. I was going to make potato salad, but it's held outside at a park so I'm worried about that spoiling. What would be something good to bring that parents and small children would enjoy?

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • What would you make of this?

    My husband thinks my toddler may have a tick and it's upsetting me and I can't get it off of my mind. We were leaving the store and told my 22 month old that we were going to go home and watch daddy get a haircut. The entire way home he repeated the phrase "see daddy haircut" over and over no matter how many times we said "yes baby, we'll see in just a moment". It was about a 10 minute ride. I told my husband that to me it just sounds like he's being a normal toddler getting over excited and doesn't yet understand the concept of having to wait for something. A tick is something that is uncontrollable. He is a bright child and has never had any delays or health problems. He communicates well for his age as far as I know. He can communicate all of his needs to me and repeat almost any word I say to him (or at least try). When I ask him a question, he sometimes just repeats the question to me instead of answering yes or no. I'm not normally the type of parent to be overly concerned, but if he has a problem I want to address it not ignore it. What does this sound like to you? If he did have a tick is something that just has to go away on it's own? What would I do about it?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • At what point does your OBGYN...?

    start checking your cervix for dilation? I normally bring my two year old with me to doctors appt. but I don't really want to bring him when this starts happening. I'm only 32 weeks, so I wouldn't think quite yet?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Sharp pains down below?

    I'm 31 weeks along in my second pregnancy and sometimes lately when the baby moves a certain way I feel an extremely sharp stabbing pain. Normally it makes me jump up in the air. It almost feels as if he's about to kick a leg out of my hoo-ha (even though I know he's head down, lol). I remember feeling this with my first pregnancy, but I don't think I ever asked the doctor about it. Is it a normal occurrence, or has anyone else felt something similar?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How did you teach your toddler?

    To use a regular cup without a spout? My son will be 2 in a few months and I want to start teaching him. I picks it up and tries, but he pours it back to fast and it slops down his shirt. He then gets mad and frustrated because he's one of hose children who hate to be messy or wet. So what did you do? What kind of cups did you use?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My toddler drinks too much milk?!?

    He literally has a cup of milk in his hand all day long. I'd say he drinks 4-5 full cups a day. I know children his age are meant to drink only 18 ounces and I constantly worry about it. I don't like to give him juice as his stomach is pretty sensitive to it and it will give him runny diapers. I've tried to cut him down to only 2 or 3 cups a day by being firm and telling him we only have water but the crying is horrible. Despite the amount of milk he drinks he is still a good eater and his weight has always been great. Has anyone else been here? What would you do?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago