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  • Classic rock question *major long shot*?

    Ok I highly doubt I'll get an answer on this one but can anyone help me find this song?

    It's a classic rock song

    The chorus is higher pitched than the rest of the song and the only words I remember are "goodbye stranger" and something about mama

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What breeds do you see in her?

    This is just for fun, I don't really need to know but I thought it would be interesting. She's listed as french bulldog/chihuahua

    I see french bulldog, but when you see her in person there is NO chihuahua

    What do you all think? I'm adopting her, by the way

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can you interpret a dream for me please?

    Ok, so it's been three nights in a row and it's very freaky.

    Last night: My mom and I are in the car, and we pull into a dark parking garage. We walk a couple floors up, and suddenly there's a mall kiosk thing, still dark and creepy. We go in, and now it's a dark room. Grungy tile floor, dim lighting and what looks like a dentists chair. I'm in the chair and it's leaned back, there's a man and maybe one more person leaning over me. The man is in a white lab coat thing. He takes a scalpel and cuts four lines into my lips, two on top and two on the bottom about an inch long and going out from the corners. He takes pliers and starts stretching the cuts apart and taking bits of flesh out- it looks like pinkish colored wet cloth. There isn't any pain and I'm not scared at all during the procedure. I just find it a little weird. The top cuts are stitched back together with two little knots at the tops. The bottom ones are now lip piercings, as he slides in two thick silver rings and stitches them up again. Like snakebite piercings, but the rings dont curve through my mouth, it's all on the outside. They're also very uneven. My mom and I get in the car and go home. All the stitches dissapeared, I just have rings which I take out somehow as soon as I get home. I know I'll be putting them in again the next night though.

    While I'm in the chair, even though it's happening to me, I see it happen as though I'm standing next to myself.

    The night before last was the same thing, except with two thin black hoops.

    The night before that, I don't remember but I get the feeling it was the same thing.

    What could this mean, if anything? It really freaks me out..

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • How can I manage my anger better?

    First of all: I know no one on here is a professional or anything. I'm just asking.

    I'm not going into a whole history thing here, but I'll just say when I get angry it doesn't go well. I tend to hurt myself; either by punching walls or cutting. Otherwise I'll yell at anyone around me or just be so angry I can't even move.

    What are good ways I can manage my anger better? Due to some other stuff I know I should see a shrink or something but my mom is crazier than I am and refuses to believe anythig is wrong.

    Animals help a lot but I'm not allowed to adopt a dog yet since my sister already has two and I can't be running out to see the goats every ten minutes.

    I just want to be able to deal with this better..

    6 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Favorite french fry seasonings/dips?

    I love experimenting with french fry recipes, adding different seasonings and that sort of thing. Aside from plain old salt, my favorite is a mixture of sea salt, garlic salt, and black pepper. So I was wondering, what is your favorite french fry recipe/seasoning? And what is your favorite thing to dip them in? Thanks :)

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Are these good phones?

    I get my upgrade soon (yay) and I have a couple options to consider. I am looking at the:

    Samsung Brightside

    Pantech Hotshot

    Pantech Jest 2

    LG Extravert

    Do any of you have experience with these? Are they good, sturdy phones? I would like a good camera as well. Any information is appreciated!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Anyone using the new CL vaccine for their goats?

    I haven't vaccinated my goats before, but I have a CL positive doe now and I was going to vaccinate my others. Everybody I've talked to used the CL vaccine made for sheep with no side effects, and say it works well.

    I know they made a vaccine specifically for goats, but it is relatively new and I haven't been able to find anyone who's actually used it. Has anyone used it? Are there any side effects, and do you know how effective it is?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • What should I include in my presentation?

    I volunteer with a local shelter, and for an event we're doing I said I would make a presentation on pit bull and pit bull type dogs. I will include breed history, characteristics, the difference between an actual APBT and a pit type, that sort of thing. What else should I include? I want it to be informative on the breeds (I will have a short description of every breed considered a "bully") and help dissolve the negative stereotypes surrounding these dogs.

    Along with pictures, my dog Eli will be there as a living demonstration :)

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Would a border collie be a good fit for me?

    I am adopting a dog soon, and I completely fell in love with a border collie at the shelter. I am 15, but I have a lot of dog experience, such as; fostering over 40 dogs last year, training my other dog obedience, tricks, and basic agility, and training and handling a bloodhound for Deputy Dogs (with my sister), and a little bit of experience with Guiding Eyes for the Blind (we had a puppy for a week on three different occasions). I have access to some agility equipment, a near by dog park, and a near by fly ball club. I have a lot of land to run around on, and a fenced yard. Do you think this would be good for a border collie? I know it varies from dog to dog, but in general? I feel like it would be, but I'm just getting other opinions.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is this very bad for me? (Fine Yahoo, I'll use more characters!)?

    I don't sleep at all at night, bedtime is usually around four or five, sometimes not at all. I usually sleep until 10 or eleven. Sometimes I'll have an energy drink like an Amp or a Rockstar at night, which keeps me up even longer. Is this horribly bad for me? I've only been doing this since school ended, I will have to resume a normal schedule in September.

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • What tricks should I teach my dog?

    We have two dogs, a rescue mutt and a bloodhound were raising/training for the police. The bloodhound takes up a lot of time for training and everything, so we haven't been working with our other dog as much. Lately the hound has been off socializing and experiencing new places so I'm home alone with the other, and I though we would learn some tricks. He's got his basic obedience down pat (graduated at the top of his class!) and he knows shake, "sit pretty", roll over, and we're working on building a simple flyball course for them and we have lots of agility equipment which he's good with. What other tricks should I try? He's a very fast learner.

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What should I do with my hair?

    It's a little past my shoulders, wavy/curly and while it used to be dyed bright red it's been slowly working it's way back to brown. I'm thinking of going all blue in a couple months. My mom is taking me school shopping (ugh) soon and she said I may as well get a hair cut while I'm out. What do you think I should get? Just a trim, or something else? I always wind up getting layers or whatever, and it always makes my hair look poofy unless I spend forever on it which I hate.

    I'm re-asking since I forgot to say that I'm a girl last time and someone told me to put it in an afro -_-

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • What shall I do with my hair?

    It's a little past my shoulders, wavy/curly and while it used to be dyed bright red it's been slowly working it's way back to brown. I'm thinking of going all blue in a couple months. My mom is taking me school shopping (ugh) soon and she said I may as well get a hair cut while I'm out. What do you think I should get? Just a trim, or something else? I always wind up getting layers or whatever, and it always makes my hair look poofy unless I spend forever on it which I hate.

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • POLL: Which of these sounds good?

    Pizza fries- crispy french fries with garlic salt and mozzarella cheese on them, plus any pizza topping of your choice, with sauce to dip them in

    Cinnamon fries- french fries with cinnamon sugar on them, sort of a "dessert fry", maybe with whipped cream?

    Sweet potato fries with brown sugar and marshmallow

    Taco fries- fries with taco meat, lettuce, cheese, and any other taco toppings you chose (I've had them and it was awesome! fattening, but awesome)

    Please tell whether you'd at least try these, and if you have any suggestions of your own feel free to put them!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What are your favorite movies?

    My two favorite movies of all time are:

    -Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

    -The Men Who Stare At Goats

    What are yours?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What are some good things to write about in my blog?

    I started a blog a while ago, and though I can usually think of a good topic, right now I'm at a loss. What do you think some interesting/good topics are? And not like fashion or makeup.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Help me out here please?

    Ok, so it's 1:30 am, and I'm watching Terriers. Problem is, I'm hungry. What should I eat?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Not really sure how to put this...?

    I'm 15, 5'3" with tomato red hair but I think I'm going to let that turn back to brown, and blue eyes. The only makeup I wear is eyeliner and a little mascara, and most of my clothes are jeans and t-shirts. My only pairs of shoes are cowboy boots; for working, not style, and sneakers.

    Basically what I'm asking here is should I try to make more of an effort? I will never spend more than five minutes putting on makeup in the morning, but do you think I should try and branch out a little when it comes to clothes? I don't like current styles at all, I do NOT wear skirts or dresses, or even shorts for that matter. I know this whole question is a little vague, but if you were me, what would you change?

    BTW: I like band t shirts and ones with funny stuff on them, and I like skulls and cool designs, and I wear my hobo gloves a lot. Is there any way I can still wear what I like and not dress like a dude?

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How do I straighten my hair?

    Ok, I basically know how to straighten it. It just never works for me. I have medium length curly/wavy and frizzy hair, that is very very stubborn. Anytime I try to straighten it it takes me multiple passes over one piece of hair, and then it gets sort of stiff and ugly looking, yet still not straight, just flattened. Am I doing something wrong, or do I just have unstraightenable hair?

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Should I change schools?

    The school I currently go to is, basically, crap. The teachers know nothing and we go through about two principals a year. The rules are pretty ridiculous and the entire system is just messed up.

    I have been going there since kindergarten. I used to be a very very quiet person, I don't think I actually talked to anyone until about fourth grade. I still don't talk much, but everyone still thinks I'm the weird quiet kid, or they don't know who I am. The people who do know me have expectations of what I have to be like, pretty much. If I do anything differently at all, they will comment on it incessantly. It's not bullying, but I feel like I can't do anything without someone thinking it's weird. I can't even wear my hair differently without getting asked about it 50 times.

    All my friends are at this school, and I would miss them, but honestly they wouldn't miss me much. They all have a best friend, I'm just there for entertainment I think. I also know my way around very well, and whether they know me or not I know who everyone is, which can come in handy if anyone needs a favor from me (difficult to explain. basically I can run messages, information, or stuff from one person to another, and since no one knows who I am, no one gets in trouble)

    Case in point, I have an opportunity to go to a technical school instead. I think it would be a much better school experience for me, as well as being able to have a fresh start. I don't know if I will go though. Do you think I should go to the new school, or stay at my old one and try to "break out of my shell" so to speak?

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago