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Living in Illinois where my democratic governor is corrupt, democratic Chicago is corrupt and so consequently, I have become a Republican. Going to college for my bachelor's in Accounting/Business Fluent in French/Spanish I have minority status: Hispanic-Republican he-he! I love style.

  • Can anyone interepret this mechanics Jargon? Help!?

    "Your scooter is ready. You had a drain valve for your carburetor fall out. We eliminated the valve so it is not possible for it to happen again." Does anyone know what this means, or what the problem with my scooter was?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Can I sue my aunt for a car she signed for that I've been paying?

    My Aunt was going to cosign my car but was told we'd get a better rate if she was the sole signer. Now, 2 yrs later of my using the car and paying every month, she wont sign over the title of the car to me. Can I sue her if I have proof of every check that I went in and paid for the car??? Please help?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How much is my Montblanc watch worth?

    It says 963g on the back and 3ATM water resistant on it. The face says Swiss made as well as the back. And it obviously says Mont Blanc. How can I find out if it's real or how to find out how much it's worth?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Should I ask a friend If he got my THANK YOU note?

    I wrote a friend a lengthy Thank You note on Facebook. But he hasnt acknowledged it or said anything. Should I ask him if he received it or would that be rude?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should I get this girl for a Christmas gift??? she's just a friend?

    I have a friend who is a girl. She's not a girlfriend but we're cool and we hang out together all the time. I think I should get her a christmas gift but I don't know what to get her. I know I shouldn't spend too much but what are some good IDEAS??????

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What gift should I give Her for Christmas??

    I have a friend who is a girl. She's not a girlfriend but we're cool and we hang out together all the time. I think I should get her a christmas gift but I don't know what to get her. I know I shouldn't spend too much but what are some good IDEAS??????

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Does Northern Illinois University Huskie Stadium sell Alcohol?

    I know some colleges aren't selling beer at thier stadiums. Does anyone know about Brigham Field cuz I'm going to a Football game there.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How to sneak Beer into a College Football Game?

    I'm going to a Northern Illinois University football game and want to know what is the likelihood of me being caught bringing alcohol in? Also what's the best way to do it?

    And does anybody know if all colleges will sell beer there? I've never been to a college game before.

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How to sneak Beer into a college Football Game?

    I'm going to a Northern Illinois University football game and want to know what is the likelihood of me being caught bringing alcohol in? Also what's the best way to do it?

    And does anybody know if all colleges will sell beer there? I've never been to a college game before.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How much should I drink during the Bears game?

    A friend of mine (he's 29) is married and has a 3 yr. old Daughter. He invited me (22) to watch the Bears game tomorrow w/ him. He knows I'm bad at drinking but invited me to watch the Bears game w/ him and told me he had a case of beer he wants to finish off.

    He then told me his wife would be gone all day but his 3yr old daughter will be there. I don't want to get wasted with his 3yr. old daughter there. But I'm bad at drinking and could probably finish off 12 in a 3 hr. game. What should I do?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How much should I drink during the Bears Game?

    A friend of mine (he's 29) is married and has a 3 yr. old Daughter. He invited me (22) to watch the Bears game tomorrow w/ him. He knows I'm bad at drinking but invited me to watch the Bears game w/ him and told me he had a case of beer he wants to finish off.

    He then told me his wife would be gone all day but his 3yr old daughter will be there. I don't want to get wasted with his 3yr. old daughter there. But I'm bad at drinking and could probably finish off 12 in a 3 hr. game. What should I do?

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Should I drink alot during the Football Game?

    A friend of mine (he's 29) is married and has a 3 yr. old Daughter. He invited me (22) to watch the Bears game tomorrow w/ him. He knows I'm bad at drinking but invited me to watch the Bears game w/ him and told me he had a case of beer he wants to finish off.

    He then told me his wife would be gone all day but his 3yr old daughter will be there. I don't want to get wasted with his 3yr. old daughter there. But I'm bad at drinking and could probably finish off 12 in a 3 hr. game. What should I do?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How to overthrow the Liberal Group at my College?!?

    At my college, there are 2 liberal groups, Amnesty International, and Peace and Justice. I joined Peace and Justice even though I'm a Republican just to make friends and cuz there are no Conservative groups to join.

    Anyway, now the group is in danger of falling apart (only 4 are in attendance) and the remaining people want me to take over as President, since our current prez has no vision at all for the group.

    When I become President though, I no longer want to follow the Liberal position and would like to force through a "change".

    1 What are some ways of doing this without alienating the group?

    2. What would be a cool name to rename ourselves? But sounds conservative

    3. 10 of my conservative friends are already planning on joining, should I just dump the other 4 liberals once they make me President?

    4. The School doesn't allow political parties to have groups, yet they unfairly allow these two which are completely liberal. How should I do all this without alienating the school?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • How to overthrow the Liberal club at my College?

    At my college, there are 2 liberal groups, Amnesty International, and Peace and Justice. I joined Peace and Justice even though I'm a Republican just to make friends and cuz there are no Conservative groups to join.

    Anyway, now the group is in danger of falling apart (only 4 are in attendance) and the remaining people want me to take over as President, since our current prez has no vision at all for the group.

    When I become President though, I no longer want to follow the Liberal position and would like to force through a "change".

    1 What are some ways of doing this without alienating the group?

    2. What would be a cool name to rename ourselves? But sounds conservative

    3. 10 of my conservative friends are already planning on joining, should I just dump the other 4 liberals once they make me President?

    4. The School doesn't allow political parties to have groups, yet they unfairly allow these two which are completely liberal. How should I do all this without alienating the school?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do you play tag football? How do I act cool when everyone is playing?

    My college group is having a "tag football" outing and I have no idea how to play it nor have I ever really played football. How do I act cool when everyone is playing? I want to join in so I don't look like a wimp but... I know the basics of football but never really played.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • We're going on a date. But she wants to end at 7PM?

    I asked this girl on a date and she said yes. We're going at 5p.m. but she wants to end at 7pm. Is that a sign she probably wants to cut and run early and really doesn't want to do much. But why would she say yes. I'm 21 and she's 20. We're going bowling and eating out.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How many beers in a Buffalo Wild WIngs tall draft?

    I drank a tall draft at Buffalo Wild Wings of Miller Lite and was wondering how many beers are in that. How many would I have to drink to get drunk? like reach .08 I'm Male 21 240lb.

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How many beers in a tall draft?

    I drank a tall draft at Buffalo Wild Wings of Miller Lite and was wondering how many beers are in that. How many would I have to drink to get drunk? like reach .08 I'm Male 21 240lb.

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What is a "people mover" in a marathon?

    I volunteered at the Chicago Bank of America Marathon and it says I'm a "People Mover". I'm supposed to assist marathoners thru the maze at the finish line. I don't get it though. Why is there a maze there? Does anybody know what this really means


    The CYR group has been selected to participate as "people movers" (getting finishers through the maze at the end of the race) and will be doing the second (the best) shift.

    1 AnswerRunning1 decade ago
  • Why are girls so critical of guys that are nervous on a date?

    What's the big deal about being nervous? Why is it such a turn off to girls?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago